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Example: If you are applying to a job and use

Topic 1: Communication Principles and Ethics
your good communication skills, you could get
hired easily. And also, if you are fluent in the
language that you are speaking not only in
- is a very vital for survival and it is one thing in
Filipino, but laso in English.
life that we cannot avoid to do.
The way you greet your class and teacher
 does not only talk about the way
and participate in a recitation, that’s
you deliver your speech. But, the
way how you interact to others.
Communication comes from the Latin word
"communis" means common.
Importance of Communication:
To be common means to come together or to
Communication is integrated in all parts of
It means that we need to share something in
our lives:
common because communication is the
process of exchanging thoughts and ideas,
feelings, emotions from one person to another 1.) ACADEMICS

with the use of symbols. - Communication skills are tied to academic

Example of Symbols
1.) Regulatory signs
- even if it is signage we can easily identify
- Desired communication skills vary from on
the meaning.
career to another.
Example: No left turn
Being able to communicate varies to a
harmonious relationship within the
Verbal and Non-verbal Communication
If you know how to communicate with your
Verbal Communication
co- workers, you will have a good
- it includes the prends
companies welfare. Example: your co-
workers or relationship within the
Non-verbal Communication
- it includes
gestures 3.) PERSONAL

Why do we need to study communication? - The skills to talk with fluency and write

For us to understand ourselves as social being. with efficiency lead to a person's

And also, understand ourself as a person and achievement of his aspirations.

to gain professional competence.
- One cannot live alone, so being able to blind
with the community is a satisfying endeavor.
How can we gain professional competence?
This can only be done when a person can
We can gain professional competence if we
communicate his/her ideas with different
have a good communication skills.
people coming from different backgrounds in
the community. when you
communicate to a diverse in a multi-cultural, barriers that prevent the message from getting
diverse culture, and diverse people. across.
- To avoid the communication barrier, if you
Communication have the chance, just do it.
- is beyond simply putting words into thoughts
and motions.
- it is done effectively only when information Word
is transmitted without changing both the s
- are not the only that helps in the
content and context. communication process. Some actions like
using body language to convey something
Effective communication also plays a very crucial role in the
- is a key interpersonal skill and by learning communication process. Communication can
how you can improve your communication be anything through which one person
has many benefits. It sounds so simple: SAY interacts with others about anything.
WHAT YOU MEAN. Verbal Communication
- includes the use of language, sounds, and
- it is a form of transmitting messages using
word symbols in representing ideas and
objects which comes in two forms: Oral,
Written, and Visual.
- it includes the interaction from one
person to another.
Kapag galit ang isang tao (UPPER CASE at COMMUNICATION

Bakit nag-kakaroon ng misunderstanding/  Tone of voice

Communication barrier?  Use of descriptive words
Absence of face-to-face/physical interaction  Emphasis on certain phrases (LEAVE
Physical noise (natural phenomenon) me alone)
Physiological issue - an upset stomach  Volume of voice
Non-verbal Communication
Communication barriers - Includes body language and facia
-another aspect that need consideration in expression l

analyzing the audience is identifying and trying

to overcome possible communication barriers Examples: signage that says do not block the
- anyone might experience one or all of driveway
these barriers at any given
circumstances, and that such barriers Two Categories of Non-Verbal
exist has to be recognized so that anyone Communication
Non-verbal messages produced by the
who is trying to communicate can adjust a) body Non-verbal messages produced by
and apply the proper tools and strategies b) the broad setting such as time, space
to remove those and silence
Downloaded by JANNA KATRINA DE TORRES (21-59725@g.batstate-u.edu.ph)
FUNSTIONS OF Visual Communication
COMMUNICATION - is the act of using photographs, art,
NON-VERBAL drawings, sketches, charts and graphs to
It is used to repeat the verbal message. convey information.
Example: Point in an object while saying it.
It is often used to accent a verbal message. Visual
Example: Verbal tone indicates the actual - which involves signs, symbols, pictures,
meaning of the words graphics, and emojis
It often complements the verbal message but -are often used as an aid during presentations
also may contradict. to provide helpful context alongside written
Example: A nod reinforces a positive message and/or verbal communication.
among Americans and Filipinos. A wink or a Because people have different learning styles,
frown may contradict a positive message. visual communication might be more helpful for
It regulates interaction some to consume ideas and information.
Example: Hand gestures may signal a
person to speak or not.
Vernacular words
It may substitute for the verbal message,
especially if it is blocked by noise or BRB
Example: Touch to mean comfort or
is a key element in effective
- communication.
A thumbs-up gesture indicating approval
- Is therefore one skill an effective
Written Communication communicator must have.
- is the act of writing, typing or - It is imperative that you find out who
printing symbols like letters and the audience is – who will actually
numbers to convey information. receive your ‘message’ – and what
- It is helpful because it provides a they need to know.
record of information for reference. e here does not only refer to the people listening
Writing - to you in a public speech. Rather, it
- is commonly used to share information refers to anyone who is expected to receive
through books, pamphlets, blogs, letters, the message you are sending.
memos and more. Knowing the audience, understanding their
Written level and how they need to receive the
- such as through journals, emails, blogs, information – also known as skills on
and text messages audience analysis – are extremely
Emails and important in “packaging” the message and
chats are a common form of written sending it across.
communication in the workplace. Only in doing so can you properly adjust all

Weakness: you don’t know the true intention the other

unless it put on a letter of request. Like you do elements of communication, such as your

not see the real reaction who wrote the letter. words or registers, your tone, and your
understanding. In order for that to
5 types of Audience happen, the following principles must
Behavioral - be observed.
Situational 1.) Clarity
Psychograph - know the purpose
ic - This pertains to both the message and the
Demographic purpose why the message has to be sent.
In Identifying your audience The message should be clear by using
1.) Who your audience is appropriate language and communication
2.) What they are thinking channels,
3.) How can you vast reach but equally important is that the reason for
them sending and receiving the message must be

Different Possible ways on how to understood by both sender and receiver.

conduct the Audience Analysis 2.)Conciseness

1.) Direct Observation - avoid vague words, trivial details, and
2.) Interview/Survey multiple meanings.
3.) Focus Group Discussion - it is more formal - The message should be as brief as may be
than open Forum. required depending on one’s purpose,
May moderator, summarizer especially in most modern contexts in the
You are required to share something business and academic fields where time is of
4.) Existing Data the essence. It should be devoid of trivial details
that would hinder communication.
Different kinds of Focus Group Discussion 3.) Completeness
a.) Dual Moderator (the one needs to - All necessary information is present
ensure the execution of the discussion and - Despite its conciseness, the message
the other one must guarantee that all will be should still be complete and accurate.
questioned) Whenever necessary, background
b.) Two-way (separate groups like one group information should be given to provide better
will conduct their study, while the other group context; facts and observations may also be
will observe the discussion) helpful.,
c.) Mini (4- 5 members) (you will restrict Example: you conducted an interview
the number of members. Actually, the real 4.)Organization
number of people in a focus group –you should synchronize (it should be
10 members) Effective systematic, step by step)
communication –Effective communication is usually planned
- in order to ensure the systematic flow of
EFFECTIVE ideas and transition from one point to another.
requires a certain level of connection There are instances, however, when
between and among people, allowing a communication is impromptu, but this
series of exchanges of thoughts and should not be an excuse for an organized
emotions, eventually leading to mutual presentation of ideas.
Example: your experiences
They are the one who is detailed
- oriented and they are enthusiastic.
When they are enthusiastic, they are
- you should be sensitive to needs of your
also caring.
audience. you should be sensible to your
3 Diplomats
audience .- People oriented which they are
- The sender of the message should be
sensitive to the needs and interests of the
appreciate the ideas of others
receiver. In case of face-to-face
-You because
communication, the speaker must always be
when you collab, you share ideas
conscious of the reaction of the listener and
4. Explorers
adjust his/her communication strategy
-They are action oriented
-Since they prefer spontaneous interaction,
6.) Flexibility (kunwari ay sa ifugao. Kailangan
they are also considerate. They are
may alternatives ka para maintindihan na
considerate because they met a lot of
sinasabi mo)
- Different people have different
so they can easily adjust.
communication styles, and consequently,
different expectations. Effective
communicators know how to adapt to the
varying needs and expectations of their
audience, and modify the message or the
way the message is sent to avoid
misunderstanding or misinterpretation.
Ethical Communicators
1.) Respect of their audience High Assertive Level/Assertiveness
2.) Consider consequences of their Level Tend to tell or instruct others on what to
communication 3.) Respect the truth - do and sometimes how to do it
4.) Use the information properly
Low Assertive Level/Assertiveness
5.) Do not falsify information
Level it is usually tend to be on the receiving
6.) Respect the rights of others to information
- end they offer us for guidance,
- instruction, or direction
Topic 2: Communication Styles in Various High Expressive
Multicultural Contexts Level they show their real feelings thru the
- tone of your voice, facial expression
1 Analysts Less Expressive
They are to the point
.- direct Level
you tend to hide your feelings. You do not
They only focus on the
- objectiv type -put effort or feeling to showcase your
communication style
e of feelings.
They are and
- detach innovative (creative The combination of these levels result to the
2 Sentinels ) basic communication styles:
Spirited = High Expressiveness + High Assertiveness - they avoid conflicts
Considerate = High Expressiveness + Low Assertiveness - they prefer what is
Direct = Low Expressiveness + High Assertiveness comfortable - over emphasize
Systematic = Low Expressiveness + Low Assertiveness feelings
1. Recognize that other people’s opinions
Tips for People with a about a topic are separate from their opinions
1.Spirited Communication Style – here you about you.
should be certain. Any request that you 2. Realize that not everyone is comfortable
make is clear and that you conclude the discussing personal topics with colleagues.
reason for such request. 3. Allow others to open personal matters
(High Expressiveness + High Assertiveness) before asking questions of that nature.
Strength 3.Tips for People with a Direct
- good story teller Communication Style – you should
- active thinker recognize that brainstorming can be effective
- enthusiastic to because it is not a waste of time.
others And also, you should take time to show your
appreciation for others contribution.
spot - sometimes they are poor listener
(Low Expressiveness + High Assertiveness)
- doesn’t hear details
- they are exaggerated
TIPS: - clear speakers
1. Respect decisions and agenda that have - good decision
been agreed upon, as well as time limits maker
during meetings or any communicative spot -
situation. - poor listener
2. Try to limit your sharing of personal - they are overlook
anecdotes that details
may take the discussion off-topic. 1. Make an effort to listen carefully to others.
3. Make sure you are allowing others to Avoid interruption.
contribute their ideas and suggestions – and 2. Allow time for ‘chatting’ at the beginning of
that you are genuinely listening to them. a meeting.
2.Tips for People with a Considerate 3. Recognize that others may also feel the need
Communication Style – you should respect to express themselves.
your own opinion as you respect others.
Also, you need to realize that you don’t need 4.Tips for People with a Systematic
to be friends with everyone. You should treat Communication Style – you should politely
others and be treated professionally. ask questions about themselves if you want
(High Expressiveness + Low Assertiveness) to build a report. And also, if you need to
Strength ask for more time to know or analyze
- relationship discussion, you should explain the benefit of
builder - attentive that questions.
listener Example: Defense of research paper like dapat
- approachable binabasa mo yung research paper.
Downloaded by JANNA KATRINA DE TORRES (21-59725@g.batstate-u.edu.ph)
(Low Expressiveness + Low
Assertiveness) uninterrupted, and restrained to specific
Strength rules.
- precise -Interruptions are not allowed because the
communicator - good listener is not allowed to give feedback.
spot -
listener Example: government documents, research
they can’t make decision paper, SONA of the president, and
- they are perceive as announcements
dull/boring 2.Casual (Two Way Process) -
1. Recognize that for good working
These registers are used when communicating
relationships, consideration for others’ feelings
with friends, close acquintances, colleagues,
is important.
and family
2. Learn to ask qualifying questions that will
help you get the information you need.
-Interruptions are allowed because it is the
3. Make sure you understand the background
participation of both the speaker and
of the discussion or scope of the conversation
so no time is
Example: These are use in birthday parties or
different family gatherings or event. Uses “uy”,
Intimate (Private
3 Talks)
Communication style
Are reserved for special occasions, usually
refers to the choices people make and - between only two people and often in
the strategies or tools they use in the private.
process of communication. Examples: 2 high school best friends, when you
- A style may sometimes depend on the are speaking to your partner like love
demands of the communicative situation, 4 Frozen (Fixed Speech)
as well as on the needs and .It refers to historic language that is intended
requirements of the target recipients of -
to remain unchanged.
the information.
Language Register -Most formal style among the 5
- It is characterized by the way a speaker Examples: Philippine Constitution, Holy Bible,
uses language differently in different Pledge of Allegiance, Panatang Maka-bayan
social circumstances. 5.Consultative (Two Way Process but the
- This is determined by such factors as listener will only give feedback after the
social atmosphere, purpose of speaker)
communication, audience, and the -It is used in conversations when people are

general context of the discourse. speaking with someone who has specialized
knowledge or is offering advice.
Examples: Doctors, Engineer. A conversation
1.Formal (One Way Process)
between a doctor and patient
- These registers are used in professional,
academic, or legal settings where
-is often respectful, such as the use of
communication is expected to be
honorifics or courtesy titles.
chapyer 3

The Text or Message

Message is the information conveyed in the communication process. It comprises verbal
and/or nonverbal content, which may be spoken, written or manual (for sign language).

In this lesson, message refers to any recorded message such as writing, audio recording,
audio and video recording that is physically independent of its sender or receiver

MEDIUM includes such broad categories as speech and writing or print and
broadcasting, or relate
to specific technical forms with the mass media (radio, television, newspapers,
magazines, photographs, films and records).
In order to produce quality text, you need to consider the following:
 Text type
 Purpose
 Audience
These factors have implications for structure, language, and presentation.

refers to how the information is organized. You may use text genres (kinds of

based on its development): texts using logical order such as exposition – ex:
Texts using chronological or time order:
 Narration
 Process
Texts using spatial or space order:

 description

Language is the means by which the information is expressed verbally and/or nonverbally.
Ideas may be conveyed using any of the five language registers : very formaal, formal,
neutral, Informal, or very informal.

The formality of vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics needed are dictated by the register

you are to use. Presentation covers the layout, format, length, oral delivery (voice, body

language, timing) and any other conventions, such as spelling and referencing.


Semiotics is concerned with “everything that can be taken as a sign.”
It involves the study not only of what we refer to as “signs” in everyday speech, but of

which stands for something else; in a sense, signs take the form of words, images,
gestures, and objects.
Signs consist of signifiers (sounds and images) and signifieds (concepts). The sign is the
whole that results from the association of the signifier with the signified.
The relationship between the signifier and the signified is referred to as signification.
For example, if you hear the sounds represented by the letters “b-o-y” or a picture of a boy
(the signifier), you think of a concept “male child” (the signified)
Together, the sounds of the word (or the picture) and the concept created by the sounds
form a sign.

Semiosis, a term borrowed from Charles Sanders Peirce, is the process by which a
culture produces signs and/or assigns meaning to signs.
Semiotics can be understood as the “mental concept it represents, which is common to all
members of the same culture, who share the same language.”
Semiotics, therefore refers to a kind of social interaction among individuals who try to
make sense out of the different interpretation possibilities of the sign.
Language, as a sign, creates misunderstanding when used by second language users.
Errors are often seen in translation.
Ex: “Come Alive with the Pepsi Generation”
was literally translated in Germany as “Rise from the grave with Pepsi.
In China, it was translated as “Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the grave.”


Mass media refers to the type of communication that uses technology to simultaneously
reach a wide audience.
A text is when it combines two or more of the five semiotic system.
multimodal ,
Linguistic or textual system
comprising aspects, such as vocabulary, generic structure, and
the grammar of oral and written language.
2. Visual system, consisting of aspects, such as color, vectors, and viewpoint in still and moving
3. Audio system, with aspects, such as volume, pitch, and rhythm of music and sound effect.
4. Gestural system, including aspects, such as movement, speed, and stillness in facial
expression and body language.
5. Spatial system, covering aspects, such as proximity, direction, position of layout, and
organization of objects in space.

Examples of multimodal texts which be delivered via different media or technologies: 1.

Picture book, in which the textual and visual elements are arranged on individual pages that
contribute to an overall set of bound pages
2. Web page, in which elements, such as sound effects, oral language, written language, music,
and still or moving images are combined.
3.Live ballet performance, in which gesture, music, and space are the main elements.
Creation and Production of Multimodal Texts

Multimodal texts are not synonymous with digital.

The medium for creating multimodal texts can be any of the following:
 Paper (books, comics, posters)
 Digital (slide presentations, e-books, blogs, e-posters,web pages, social media, animation
film, and video games)
 Live - performance or and event
 Transmedia – story is narrated by means of combination of media platforms (books,
comics, magazine, film, web series, and video games)

Transmedia means a merging of media forms such as digital or narrative but with multiple
platforms as part of narrative.
Glee is an example of a transmedia narrative in which the audience follows the characters
and situations across media.

Creating an educational multimodal material starts with gathering material through copying or
cutting and pasting.
To suit your purpose, you need “patchworking.”
Patchworking is the process of exploiting certain threads in the materials you have gathered
from various sources and stitch these together.
Plagiarism is the act of stealing and passing off as your own the ideas, words, or any other
intellectual property produced by another person.

Principles of Documentation

Different disciplines require different documentation styles. Some examples for

referencing sources are:
❖ Psychological Association or APA, which emphasizes the author and the date
of a piece of work;
❖ Chicago, which is widely used for history and economics;
❖ Vancouver, which is used in medical and scientific papers; and
❖ Modern Language Association, which is most often applied by the arts and

Preparing multimodal texts in a classroom provides for new practices of reading, producing, and
disseminating texts. This means you need to apply literacy practices such as using
computers and other technical devices.
A quality multimodal composition requires new literacy design skills and knowledge.
For example, producing animation entails complex-meaning design process. It requires
combination of “modes” such as image, movement, sound, spatial design, gesture, and language.
Hence, the process is said to be “cross-disciplinary.”

English is a truly global language, and linguists argue there are 100s of different English
varieties around the world. The two most well-known varieties are arguably British English
and Standard American English.

What Is Code Switching? Code switching is when a speaker alternates between

two or more languages (or dialects or varieties of language) in one conversation.
In 1985, Kachru created his three circles of English model, which highlights the usage and status
of English worldwide. The model comprises three concentric circles: the inner circle, the outer
circle, and the expanding circle.
World Englishes And English As International Language

In the present era of high technology, the issue on culture and use of English has become
more complicated than what it seems because of the emergence of the now recognized
“World Englishes.” These varieties of English are used by three identified “concentric circles”
of societies.

the Inner Circle covers the native English-speaking countries such as:
England, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand

The Outer Circle comprises the former colonies such as:

India, Malaysia, Africa, Singapore, Nigeria, Philippines, Pakistan, Bangladesh

The Expanding Circle consists of countries such as:

China, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Korea, Germany, Taiwan, Turkey, Egypt, Israel

Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to

Images help us learn, grab attention, explain tough concepts, and inspire.

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