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Group name: Earthly Garden


Income inequality, like fairness, is an important value in most societies. Irrespective of

ideology, culture, and religion, people care about inequality. Inequality can be a signal of lack
of income mobility and opportunity ― is reflection of persistent disadvantage for particular
segments of the society. We decided to do this because we were curious about the reason of
why is rising income inequality is a concern? High and sustained levels of inequality,
especially inequality of opportunity can entail large social costs. We also did it because how
inequality hampers poverty reduction.

pattern of growth favors the non-poor.


1) To analyse the cause of income inequality to black and white people

2) To analyse the consequences of income inequality to black and white people.

Key finding

- To analyse the cause of poverty by income inequality to black and white people

First, the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. Its economic fallout had a disproportionate toll on
black and many expect that it will widen the income in various areas, including wealth. The
pandemic-related economic crisis has been particularly devastating for Black. When the
shutdown unemployment levels skyrocketing in March and April, Black workers were much
more likely to be among the jobless than Whites, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics
(2016) data. This was true despite the fact that people of color make up a disproportionate
share of essential workers who had to remain on the job. Although the employment situation
has improved, income inequities between Black and White still exist.

Beside, Black underrepresentation in industries, occupations, and locations where

high-paying jobs are growing fastest is also bolstered by the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. The
tech sector, and tech occupations in other industries, were the most notable examples. While
they showed a remarkable increase in the number of top earners in the past decade, Black
workers have been severely underrepresented tech sector, and tech occupations.

As a conclusion,

-The consequences of poverty that cause by income inequality to black and white people.

First, education. Rising inequality has led to a widening gap in educational resources
and learning opportunities between high- and low-income households, as well as income-
induced residential and educational segregation. Thus, inequality threatens the promise of
public education to provide children with equal opportunities to live better than their parents.

Beside that, Black students are more likely to drop out or be expelled than White
students. From studies of socioeconomic status, discipline patterns are racialized, and
punishment rates in schools are even more racialized. Black and white students were
punished differently even for breaking the same school rules. For instances, Black people see
schools as host sites and feel repressed about being criminals in schools but teachers see them
as threatening behaviour, and punitive discipline alienates students from school, drops out,
and even gets involved in criminal activity.

As a conclusion,

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