Reviewer in Rizal

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Reviewer IN Rizal

Bachelor of Science in Social Work (Pangasinan State University)

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REVIEWER IN RIZAL  To compel Catholic students to read a

book which contains passages
contradicting their faith constitutes a
REPUBLIC ACT 1425 (RIZAL LAW) violation of a Philippine constitutional
- On April 3, 1956, Senator and provision (Art 3, Se.1 Par, 7)
 The novels do contain teachings
Chairmen of the Committee on
contrary to Catholic faith and so, the
Education, Jose P. Laurel filed Senate Church is opposed to the proposed
Bill No. 438 or the Rizal Bill. Thr bill compulsary reading in their entirety of
was originally authored by Senator such books in any school in the
Claro M. Recto. Philippine where Catholic students may
The bill aimed to make Rizal’s be affected.
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
a compulsary reading in all uniersities Notable Individuals Who Fought for the
and colleges. Approval of the Rizal Bill into a Law
 Senator Claro M. Recto
On April 19, 1956, Congressman  Senator Jose P. Laurel
 Cong. Jacobo Z. Gonzales, Emilio
Jacobo Z. Gonzales introduce House
Cortez, Marlo Bengzon, Joaquin R.
Bill 5561. Roces, and W. Rancap Lagumbay-
Members of the Lower House
 Groups such as Veteranos de la
Notavle Individual Who Tried to Block
Revolucion (Spirit of 1896), Alagad ni
the Passage of Rizal Bill
Rizal, Freemasons, and the Knights of
 Senator Decoroso Rosales- Brother of
Archbishop and later Cardinal Rosales
 Senator Mariano J. Cuenco- brother of
Intentions/ Reasons of Individuals who
Archbishop Cuenco
pushes the passing of the Rizal Bill
 Senator Francisco Soc Rodrigo- former
 There is a need for rededication to the
President of the Catholic Action
ideals of freedom and nationalism for
 Fr. Jesus Cavana- a Catholic priest
which our heroes lived and died.
from the order of the Congregation of
 There is a need to remember with
the Mission, commonly known as the
special fondness and devotion the lives
Vicentian Fathers. He wrote the
and works of our heroes who shaped
pastoral letter.
the national character.
 Cong. Ramon Durano, Jose Nuguid,
 The life, works and writings of Dr. Jose
Marciano Lim, Manuel Zosa, Lucas
Rizal particularly, his novels Noli Me
Paredes, Dodofredo Ramos, Miguel
Tangere and El Filibusterismo are
Cuenco, and Congresswomen Carmen
constant and insipiring source of
D. Consing and Tecla San Andres Ziga-
patriotism with which the minds of the
Member of the House
youth, especially during their formative
 Groups such as Catholic Action of the
and decisive years in school, should be
Philippines, the Congregation of the
Mission, the Knights of Columbus, the
 There is a need to develop moral
Catholic Teacher’s Guild.
character, personal discipline, civic
conscience and to teach the duties of
Intention/Reasons of Persons Who Tries
to Block the Approval of Rizal Bill
 The Noli Me Tangere and El
Congress passed the Rizal Bill and was
Filibusterismo are very damaging to the
signed into a law (Republic Act 1425) by
President Ramon Magsaysay on June 12,
 The novels were written when Dr. Jose
Rizal, estranged from Catholic faith
and religion and contradict many of the
Christian belief.

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Salient Points of the Rizal Law  CHED Memorandum Order 6 dated

 Courses on the life, works and writings February 15, 1996- CHED ordered all
of Jose Rizal, particularly novel Noli colleges and universities to offer Rizal
Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, course as a separate three-unit course
shall be included in the curricula of all fully immediately.
schools, colleges and universities,
public and private. “Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
 It shall be obligatory on all schools, must be read by all Filipinos. They must be
colleges and universities to keep their taken to heart, for in their pages we see
libraries an adequate number of copies ourselves as in a mirror; our defects as well
of the original and unexpurgated as our strength, our virtues as well as our
edition of the Noli Me Tangere and El vices. Only then would we become
Filibusterismo, as well as of Rizal’s conscious as a people, and so learn to
other works and biography. prepare ourselves for painful sacrifices that
 It authorized and directed the Board of ultimately lead to self-reliance, self- respect
National Education to work for the and freedom”
translation of Noli Me Tangere and El - Jose P. Laurel
Filibusterismo as well as other writings
of Dr. Jose Rizal, into English, Tagalog, RIZAL IN THE CONTEXT OF THE
and other principal dialects and theor 19TH CENTURY PHILIPPINES
printing in cheap or popular editions
and their circulation. Characteristics of the 19th Century
 The Board shall promulgate rules and  The era of Challenges and responses
regulations providing for the exemption  The period of major changes that affect
of students for reasons of religious man and society
belief stated in a sworn written  Age of Enlightenment
statement, from the requirement of the
provision contained in the second part Political Context
of section 1; but not from taking the The Struggle of Nations for Nationalism
course provided for in the first part of
the said paragraph. The French Revolution
The Importance of Studying Rizal  Liberte
 The subject provides insights into how  Egalite
to deal with current problems.  Fraternite
 It helps us understand better ourselves
as Filipinos The American Civil War (1861- 1865)
 It teaches nationalism and patriotism
 It provides various essential life lessons Conservatism Vs Liberalism
 It helps in developing logical and In Spain, there was a split among
critical thinking the intellectuals into two irreconcilable
 Rizal can serve as a worthwhile model camps, the Conservatives and the Liberals,
and inspiration to every Filipino neither of which advantage adequate
 The subject is rich source of practical solutions to end all strives
entertaining narratives A seaweed battle between
Absolutism and Liberalism occurred in
Important Issuances Relative to the Spain. This was period of confusion and
Implementation of Rizal Law instability.
 Approval of R.A 1425 on June 12,
1956 Appointment of Governor General
 Presidential Memorandum Order 247 Carlos Maria De La Torre
dated December 26, 1994- President In July of 1869, while Rizal was studying in
Ramos directed the DECS and CHED a school in Binan, Laguna, for the first time,
to immediately and fully implement a public rallly was held in Manila, publicly
R.A 1425. announced by Governador General De La

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Torre. This won the favors of liberal- The Cavite Mutiny- On January 20, 1872,
minded Filipino intellectuals. approximately 250 Filipino soldiers and
Civil Liberties for Filipinos; workers rose in revolt at an arsenal in
Governor General De La Torre abolished Cavite. Eleven Spaniards were killed during
censorship of the press and encouraged open the mutiny, but an immediate assault led by
discussion on the problems of the country. government forces put an end to the
He declared the freedom of speech and uprising after three days.
press in the Philippines An oft-cited reason for the mutiny
He protected the Filipino priests was a decree released by Governor-
from disrespect against Spanish Friars, and General Rafael Izquirdo. The decree
at one point, he even rebuked erring friars in ordered that the arsenal workers would no
such practice. He also pushed for the longer be exempt from the tribute and polo,
Filipinization of Guardia Civil as part of his a privilege they had enjoyed in the past.
liberal reforms. Official accounts, however, argued that the
revolt was part of a larger movement with
Frailocracy- the friars are very powerful the aim of overthrowing the Spanish
during the Spanish period due to the policy government and asserting independence.
of the unity of the church and the state. The
friars practically rule the country. They can Izquirdo hates friars
dictate the Governor General on decision
making. There were times where archbishop Economic Context
ruled as governor general. Archbishop
Francisco dela Cuesta (1761-1721) and Industrialization- This generally applied to
Archbishop Manuel Rojo (1761-1762) and the extraordinary transformation in the
Bishop Guande Arrechedarreia and Obispo method of production, transformation, and
Manuel (1745- 1750), Lino de Espiritu communication.
(1759- 1761). In the municipalities were the
highest leader is the elected Filipino. A Encomienda to Hacienda System
Gobernadorcillo(lowest position), act as The encomienda was not a land grant, it
puppet to the Spaniard friar who dictates was a more of an administrative unit to
what he is suppose to exercise in his extract tribute
The hacienda were large estates that were
Religious Orders in the Philippines used for raising livestock and agricultural
 Augustinians- 1565 production
 Discalced Franciscans- 1578
 Jesuits- 1581 Reasons Spanish hacenderos failed to
 Dominicans- 1578 develop their lands
 Augustinians Recollects- 1606  The Spanish administrators to return to
Spain after having served in the
Secularization idea/movement- pagtuturn country
over ng mga kuro paruko  The market for livestock products,
which haciendas offered remained
Regular Clergy- Priest who belong to relatively small until the latter part of
religious orders (Missionaries) Spanish colonial period
 The Galleon Trade that was based in
Secular Clergy- Priest who do not belong Manila offered bigger economic
to religious orders and are engaged in rewards and attracted more Spaniards.
pastoral work(Not Missionary) Because the Spanish hacienderos
locked the interest and inclination to
Vow of Celibacy- Regular and Secular develop their lands, the religious order
Vow of Loyalty- Regular and Secular soon took over the task.
Vow of Poverty- Regular

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Inquillinos- a tenant who rented land from

the friars and subleased the land to the Different Movements in the 19th Century
sharecroppers  The Reformist- Spaniards
Kasama- an individual who rented the land  The Liberals- Anti-Friars, desire
from an inquillino and worked the land modernization
 The Anticlerical- anti-friars, against
End of Galleon Trade (1565-18150)- friars, pushing freedom of religion
Acapulo, Mexico to Manila, Philippines  The Modernizing- economic
(Indulti) Indulto de Comercio- Privilege  The Nationalist- focus on freedom
of provincial governors to engage in and
monopolize trade Philippine Educational System During
Spanish Time
(Falla) Forced Labor- Polo y servicio is  1855- The year Spain realized the need
the forced labor of 40 days of men ranging of establishing a system of public
from 16 to 60 years of age who were education for the indios
obligated to give personal services to - This was also the year the
community projects. One could be Governor General Crespo organized a
exempted from polo by paying the falla, a Commission and recommended remedial
daily fine off one a half real. measures to improve elementary education
 1859- Returned of the Jesuits in the
In 1884, labor was reduced to 15 days. The Philippines and take part in the
polo system was patterned after the Mexican envangelization to Mindanao
repartimento, selection for forced labor.  1861- The year Commission completed
its report and forwarded it to Spain
Taxation- To support the colony, several  1863- The year that the Educational
forms of taxes and monopolies were Decree of 1863 was issued
 The tithe is the payment of the 10% of Provisions of Educational Decree of 1863
an individuals annual income to the  Establishments of Teacher Training
government.The sanclorum is the tax School
being paid as support to the church.  Government supervises the public
The tribute(buwis) is the tax or rent school system
given to the landlord a resident is  Use of Spanish as medium instruction
under. It may be cash or kind, fixed at 8 in all schools
reals and later increased to 15 reals.  Establishment of one primary schools
for boys and girls in each major town.
Socio- Cultural Context
Peninsular- Pure-blooded Spaniard born in Absence of Academic Freedom- Most
the iberian peninsula (Spain) schools were not opened to the natives.
Insular- Pure-blooded Spaniard born in the - Students were not alllowed to express their
Philippines opinion
Mestizo- Born of mixed percentage
Spanish Mestizo- one parent is Racial Discrimination- Prior to educational
Spanish, the other one is native decree of 1863, the schools were not opened
Chinese Mestizo- one parent is to the natives
Chinese, the other one is native - Spaniards hesitated to consider the indios
Principalia- Wealthy pure-blooded native as educable as themselves
(supposedly descended from the kadatoan
class) Limited Curriculum- Education was
Indio- Pure-blooded native of the limited to the 3R’s, Readings,Writing and
Philippines Arithmetic.
Chino Infiel- Non-Catholic pure-blooded

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Philippine Colonial System in Rizal’s

 Characteristics of Spanish Rule
 Instability of colonial administration
 Corrupt Officials
 No representation in the Spanish Cortes
 Human Rights of Filipinos were denied
 No equality before the law
 Injustice/ Maladministration of Justice
 Racial Discrimination
 Frailocracy
 Forced Labor
 Friars Owning Haciendasa
 Guardia Civil



-Jose Rizal, Letter to

Blumentritt, written at Leipzig (August 22,

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