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Geoffrey Bawa, architect in Sri Lanka is the offices cif Edwards, Reid and Begg in
focus of this issue of MIMAR . Having come Colombo . He is now principal partner in
to the profession only when in his late 30's, the firm, in collaboration with Dr. K.
Bawa has built an astonishing number of Poologasundram. .
works, primarily in his home country but also Presented here is a representative selection
in the South Asia region. Although well- of Bawa's recent work, with two essays: one
known and highly respected by Sri Lankans, by a long-time friend and admirer of his build-
and a rather limited number of Westerns ings, English critic Sir James Richards; the
adepts (works were published occasionally in other by Ms. Shanti Jayawardene, a young
European andJapanesejc1urnals), he isfinal- Sri Lankan architect who wrote her thesis on
ly receiving the attention that his unique then returned to practise in his own country. Bawa at the Bartlett School, University of
architectural contributions so genuinely He felt his real calling after he purchased an London, where she now teaches. Their per-
deserve. A monograph in the series Mimar old rubber plantation on the coast south of sonal points of view are indeed a reflection of
Books (Concept Media, Singapore) appeared Colombo in 1950 and began to traniform the their own, very different cultural backgrounds
in early 1986 and its publication coincided landscape into a miraculous garden, and to and the perceptions of their particular gen-
with an exhibition at the R.I.B.A. Gallery in restore and extend the old house. S ubse- eration. Further reading on Bawa is cited in
London. quently, he returned to the u.K. to obtain the monograph study mentioned above.
Born in Ceylon in 1919, Bawafirst trained an architectural degree at the Architectural
as a barrister at Cambridge in England and Association School, whereupon he joined the - Editors

Text by J. M. Richards

G eoffrey Bawa is the kind

of architect of which
we need many more,
especially in the Third
World: one who is fully
aware and appreciative
vernacular after being introduced into Sri
Lanka by the Portuguese in the sixteenth
century. In his domestic work he has
often used the native cadjan thatch. On
the other hand he builds confidently in
reinforced concrete (seldom in steel,
considerable figure in his own right and
almost single-handed, through his
influence and example, he has endowed
contemporary architecture in his country
with standards of quality and sophistica-
tion that had not been seen there since the
of international developments and of which is too expensive to import) with official buildings of first the Dutch and
what modem technology has to offer, no sense of moving into a different then the British colonial regimes - and
but has such firm roots in his country's world. His personal style draws on old even these, except for a few of the Dutch,
traditions that he has no urge to build in traditions and new technology alike. were seldom of the very first quality.
ways alien to them such as have confused Although Bawa has travelled widely Apart from a small number of private
the architectural scene, and the judge- and learnt much from his travels, apart houses built by Western-educated
ment of those who influence taste, in from a handful of buildings in India architects, and apart from the early work,
most of the developing countries. Bawa's (which include one of his best) and in also mostly domestic, that he himself
Sri Lanka buildings could be nowhere South-East Asia, he has worked exclu- produced while he was in partnership
else, and one of his achievements is to sively in his native Sri Lanka, developing with the Danish architect Ulrik Plesner
have created a style related to the his skills in isolation. He has not therefore between 1958 and 1967, Bawa's is almost
surviving peasant vernacular but suited to been confused by the stylistic controver- the only contemporary architecture in Sri
the larger scale of contemporary building sies and the repeated self-examinations Lanka that combines respect for the local
programmes. For example he uses with that the profession elsewhere compels its landscape and traditions with the realistic
evident naturalness the half-round clay members to suffer. fulfilment of present-day needs. The
roofmg-tile that became part of the local Within Sri Lanka however he is a large-scale urban and commercial build-

ing of other architects is, with few Sri Lanka architecture. His frequent use
exceptions, as irrelevant culturally and ill- of the traditional roof-tile has already
conceived climatically as in most Third been noted., and in his Bentota Beach
World countries. Hotel, the first and perhaps still the
Bawa's contribution, when he began best of the series of large tourist hotels
to practise independently in the 1960s was through which, since the 1970s, he has
unusually positive, and soon grew more made such a strong impact on Sri Lanka
so, because he was more mature than (and the first of his buildings to attract
most architects so early in their careers. the attention of the outside world), he
Indeed many of his ideas and ideals were manipulates areas of tiled roofscape with
formed before he took up architecture notable success. Roofs like these, and his
professionally. As a young man he went stepped roofs at Piliyandala and the con-
to Cambridge but, in accordance with a sistent roofmg style of the buildings
family tradition, to study law. He quali- spread over hills and valleys at his newest
fied as a barrister and practised for some project, Ruhunu University near Matara
years in Sri Lanka, gradually realising in southern Sri Lanka, are all of course
however that the law was not where he related to vernacular roofing traditions;
wanted to spend his life. He decided to yet Bawa's one powerfully monumental
change to architecture of which he had building, his Parliamentary Complex
long been an amateur. He therefore outside Colombo, is dominated also by
returned to England and enrolled at the its vast two-pitch copper-covered roofs
Architectural Association school in which are almost all the visitor sees as
London, where he gained his diploma. he approaches the island site across the
He was then already nearly forty. To his causeway.
familiarity with the history and.traditions Another Bawa characteristic is the
of his own country was thus added a sense transparency of his buildings; there
of architectural values derived from years is always a sense - usually an actual
of study and travel elsewhere. glimpse - of what lies beyond the im-
The local vernacular, even if only in mediate facade, and this is related to
the form of peasant village houses, has Bawa's skill in the manipulation of in-
not only given Bawa a live architectural terior space, a quality dramatically ex-
tradition to build on (how well he can do emplified in his own house in Colombo.
so is illustrated by one of the best of his Vistas close and open out again, main-
early projects, the farm school at Han- taining a continuity of interest as the
wella), but has kept alive a tradition of eye comes to rest in tum on a stretch of
inherited craftsmanship which he has white walling, a change of texture, a
always done his best to foster. This has in- sculptured object; also on one planted
fluenced his very personal relationship garden after another on to which the
with the building process. Given experi- light and even the tropical rain stream
enced craftsmen who know their ma- downwards, for his interiors are seldom
terials, the furnishing to the builder of wholly under cover for long.
detailed drawings at every scale can be Bawa is an outstanding architect by
superfluous, and Bawa prefers when any standard. He appears to be guided
possible to take decisions and modify not by theories but by his eye, and by his
details on the site in the manner of the feeling for plants and for the landscape-
master builders of some centuries ago. including water, which in Sri Lanka is an
From this no doubt derives to some essential component of the landscape. His
extent the sensitive relationship he buildings in fact are themselves in the
always manages to establish between nature of landscapes, not only because
nature and architecture. His buildings they incorporate planting and water and
sit easily on the ground, and the trees subtly contrived changes of form and
which mingle with them have most level, but because incident follows
often been located by him on the spot incident after the manner of a well-
rather than indicated on a planting composed landscape which is never
plan. Bawa, in addition, has been for- without an element of surprise. Indeed
tunate that in the case of nearly all his they reflect the continually ~arying
major buildings he has been able him- texture of the Sri Lanka landscape itself.
self to select the site and thus exploit
his eye for landscape from the beginning. J.M. Richards is a British architect and historian
What are the other characteristics who was editor of Architectural Review maga-
ofBawa's work? One undoubtedly is his zinefrom 1937 to 1971. He has written many books,
emphasis on roofs, which because of the including the classic Introduction to Modern
climate have always been the essence of Architecture. He now lives in London.

Bawa: A Contribution to
Cultural Regeneration

Text by Shanti Jayawardene

G eoffrey Bawa was born

in 1919 and is probably
Sri Lanka's best known
living architect. He train-
ed as a lawyer at Cam-
bridge, and later as an
restricting their exploration only to the
purview of the conceptually barren, and
hermeneutically-sealed, category of the
'individual genius'.
The historical significance of Bawa's
work for Asia and Sri Lanka lies in its re-
architect at the Architectural Association flection of the economic, political and
in London. He returned to Sri Lanka in cultural climate of emerging nationalism
1957 and commenced his architectural and independence from colonial rule as it
practice with Edwards, Reid and Begg, a occurred in Asia during the fifties and
practice he now runs in partnership with an sixties. The formal architectural language
engineer. The architecture of Geoffrey expressed in his work sought inspiration
Bawa has kindled some interest in the West, in the traditional building forms and
if only to be judged by his 1983 nomina- techniques peculiar to the Sri Lankan and
tion for honorary membership of the Asian regions.
AlA, and the appearance of two feature The timing of this phenomenon is of
articles in the 1970 and 1983 issues of the particular importance on two counts.
AR book. He was awarded the gold Firstly, taking such a decision at profes-
medal of the Sri Lanka Institute of Archi- sional level implied a sharp ideological
tects in 1982 and the RIBA is to host an break with the then dominant modes of
exhibition of his work in 1986. Despite the 'International Style' which were
this budding overseas curiosity and the reaching a high point in neo-colonial
reasons for it (of which there are several) fluency best displayed perhaps in the
it would be true to say that the highest arrogant extravagance of Brasilia and
compliment which may be paid to his Chandigarh.
work lies in an exploration of its historical European technology, history and
contribution to the progress of Sri modern architecture - and not indi-
Lankan architecture and that of the Asian genous Asian architecture - informed
region. Any alternate framework em- the architectural education received by
ployed for assessing his work which does those of Bawa's generation who trained
not take primary account of this factor in Eu .'pe and returned to practise in a
may be accused of trivialising his con- nat" nal milieu, bringing with them the
tribution by stripping it of its historical . eology and technology of 'Modern
dimension. European and American Tropical Architecture' (MTA) as part of
writing on Bawa have so far failed to their European cultural baggage.
seriously assess the historical dimension in Secondly it may be recalled that
his work. This omission may of course be certain ideologues of the 'International
attributed to the popular character of Style' school were responsible for stream-
such writings or to an unfamiliarity with lining 'Colonial Tropical Architecture'
the subject. Whatever the case may be, if (CTA) by assembling for it a twentieth
we are to make any advance on the century modern stylistic disguise corres-
limited scope of such appraisals, it is im- ponding to the material needs of global
portant to maintain a methodological capitalism. Renowned exponents of the
self-consciousness that will guard against 'International Style', Gropius, May,
any reinforcement of those tendencies Corbusier, Fry and Drew among others,
which have mystified Bawa's work by ideologically legitimised and globally

disseminated the rationalisation charac- lationships which led to the building of
teristic of monopoly capital, while the Brasilia and Chandigarh and, on a less
multinationals controlling the inter- triumphant scale, the work of Cubitt,
national building industry disseminated May, Fry and Drew in Asia, Africa and
the means for its organisation and pro- South America, not to mention the
duction; a process manifested in the built MTA that was and still is profusely
form around the 1930s when the Turkish produced by most Third World archi-
and Brazilian governments promoted tects.
modern architecture as part of national In order to understand the totality of
policy. ClAM, itself found exclusively what Bawa's work has tried to reject and
by Europeans in 1928, made the combat there is one more aspect of the
deliberate imperial mistake of equating above process which requires discussion.
the 'international' with 'Europe', an The European drive to standardise and
understandable mistake, perhaps, when it rationalise the building industry, and its
is realised that a part of its function was desire to capture overseas markets and
precisely nothing short of the ideological spheres of control promoted pseudo-
production of 'Modern Tropical Archi- scientific research into 'tropical' building
tecture' and its global export to the materials and design techniques under-
colonies and neo-colonies. ClAM taken by the new breed of technocrats in
members saw rationalisation and stan- architecture working for state institu-
dardisation as generating the most effi- tions like the colonial liaison office of the
cient methods of industrial production. Building Research Station established in
This was believed to act directly on 1948 and by private multi-nationals Pil-
working methods both in architecture kington, Taylor Woodrow, Wimpeys,
and the building industry. The linking of Crittall who (to name but a few) mass
methods in modern architecture with the produced 'tropical building components'
interests of the building industry and the and systems and the new 'tropical ex-
export of this comprehensive package to perts'. This new scientific posture
the neo-colonies was the process which adopted by the old guard British co-
determined and regulated the transfor- lonialists was, however, short lived, due
mation of CTA to MT A. If the export to their being rapidly out-manouevred
of industrialised building was not the by the more sophisticated developments
direct and immediate concern of ClAM, of their American social science counter-
the export of its rational ideology surely parts.
was. American social science jargon dis-
The only basic difference between placed the anachronistic misnomer
CTA of the nineteenth century and 'tropical architecture' with a new range
MT A of the twentieth century appears of terminology. By the late sixties had
to be that one was created by Europeans emerged the now familiar 'regional
for Europeans in the colonies and the specialists', the 'planners', the 'geo-
other was created by Europeans for graphers', the 'climatologists', the
"natives" of the neo-colonies. Both were 'housing specialists' , etc., typifying the
alien implants validated by the superior atomisation and specialist division of
power of the imposing authority; in one labour marking the metamorphosis of
instance obvious and in the other insi- 'Colonial Tropical Architecture' into its
dious. But in essence both systems ruth- almost unrecognisable modern format.
lessly functioned upon the· false assump- All the obvious discrepancies and co-
tion that the indigenous architecture of lonial associations of the early term were
the subject or newly independent people absorbed, refmed and reformulated by
was (in classic orientalist prose) 'deca- the new brand of social science scholar-
dent', 'moribund' and happily, of course, ship. 'Tropical architecture' born as an
devoid of a living history. imperial tool, denied by defmition the
MTA was exported to the neo- dynamism and vitality of indigenous
colonies through a system of unequal architecture in the 'Tropics' (to be read as
global connections which were to in the Colonies) . Today it is a tool of the
characterise the post Second World War 'international expert' and the pseudo-
economic, political and cultural dialogue scientist who happily disgorge the masses
between the Third World and the rest. of facts, figures, statistics, tables, cata-
European cultural ideology dominated logues and trivia comprising the sterile
local schools of architecture while trans- knowledge systems which presumably
nationals organised the building industry will assist us in the production of more
via a wider network of economic con- 'efficient' buildings for the 'Tropics',
trol. Such were the obtaining power re- once more denying the fundamental im-

portance of the scientific appraisal of the one hand while depriving local forms
traditional building systems, a process of official patronage on the other, and as
which has to begin with the people who a corollary the active suppression of in-
produce those systems and cannot ever digenous building traditions which re-
really get off the ground under foreign sulted in the deskilling of craftsmen and
auspices, however well meaning they a poverty of knowledge.
may be. Though Bawa was not the first Sri
For various historical reasons, Bawa's Lankan architect to adopt revivalist
work escaped the more overtly mutilat- trends in his work, he was the first to
ing and crippling impact of this architec- sustain such a course in the building world.
tural neo-colonialism. Though, of His work is seminal not only on
course, a complete escape is not possible account of his according indigenous ar-
as defmed by the limits of global capital- chitecture its rightful place in national
ism, at least in his buildings one perceives culture, but also on account of his assess-
a protracted exploration and interpreta- ment of Sri Lankan architectural history.
tlOn of indigenous building traditions in He either consciously or unconsciously
a contemporary context deriving, per- jettisoned the inhibitory weight and
haps, not so much from a scientific retrograde orientalist taxonomy of Sri
appraisal of those traditions, but more Lankan architectural history by choosing
from a personal visual apprehension of to view the continuities and discontinui-
their aesthetic and technical content. Sri ties in the tradition as part of a wider
Lankan building practices of the 1950s historical continuum. He drew inspira-
operated non-uniformly in several tiers tion from building in all historical
of which only one deployed the services periods, classical and colonial, and did not
of the 'architect'. The profession, as such, hesitate to draw upon those living tradi-
was formally constituted in 1957 with the tions of the recent past, which the orien-
inception of the Ceylon Institute of Ar- talists disparagingly describe as 'decay-
chitects. ing', 'domestic' and 'popular', posited
Peasants who constituted 85% of the against some superior classical period
population continued to build as they had lodged in the distant past thereby justify-
always done in popular indigenous ing the colonial mission of'civilising' and
modes, while the bulk of state building 'modernising' the subject peoples.
was carried out by engineers and a few Despite all that has been said, Bawa's
architects. Bawa's clientele was thus cir- work may yet be accused of being 'revi-
cumscribed to less than 5% of the popu- valist' and 'eclectic', an accusation which
lation and comprised the urban upper is perhaps not so easily dismissed on the
middle classes. His architecture, it may grounds that his appreciation of tradi-
therefore be deduced, took little or no tional building was not sufficiently
account of the building needs of the re- sustained or scientific and may, there-
maining 95% of the Sri Lankan people. fore, prove to be oflimited value for the
What is critical in his work is not its future. Above all the most severe reserva-
indigenous content per se, which in its tions regarding his work rest in the
popular form represents the building awareness that he chose the urban middle
mode of the majority. Its significance lies classes as his chief client at a historical
in the act of raising both the formal and juncture in which rural planning and re-
the popular indigenous traditions from settlement, urbanisation and mass shelter
the degraded status assigned to them in are the most urgent of human concerns,
the colonial era, and in the creation from as indeed they are of national policy.
them of a formal architectural language However one may choose to assess
which could once more receive national this neglect, it should not deter us from
patronage. Regarding this venture, it acknowledging his singular contribution
should be remarked that though the odds to the broader processes of national
in architectural ideology were weighted cultural regeneration in Sri Lanka; nor
against him, the collective strength of the should it hinder our perception and ex-
anti-imperialist struggle made his early plication of the potential future trends
breakthrough historically possible in Sri incipient in his work.
Lanka, even though MTA was favoured
Shanti Jayawardene is a Sri Lankan architect who
by the State and gaining in popularity
obtained a Master's degree from the Bartlett School
with the urban middle classes. It is today of Architecture in London, where she now teaches.
no secret that the architectural impover- Her thesis dealt with Geoffrey Bawa's work in the
ishment apparent in the colonies was due historical context of Sri Lanka, and contains much
to the colonial policy of favouring Euro- valuable material on the colonial and immediate
pean building forms and techniques on post-colonial building situation as well.

The Garden, Lunuganga
Project Data

Lunuganga Estate, House and Garden

Site: 25 acres on Dedduwa Lake, Sri Lanka
Client: The architect
Date: Begun in 1920 and ongoing

The site of this idyllic retreat is a former

rubber plantation, with an existing
house, purchased in 1949 - before
Geoffrey Bawa had actually decided to
become an architect. It may even have
been the catalyst that determined him to
return to England and to take a degree in
design. Located on a backwater of the
Bentota river, south of Colombo, the
garden and the house have been a con-
stant focus of the architect's energies:
making incremental additions to the
abode, often with materials recovered
from demolished old structures; shaping
and reshaping the garden as the spirit
moved him through cutting of the wildly
luxurious vegetation and selective plant-
ing. The garden is for all intents and pur-
poses an extension of the rooms of the
dwelling, containing objects, tiny pa-
vilions, pavements and vantage points for
observing a succession of spaces in con-
tinual transformation.

Entrance steps and colannaded portico. Photograph:

Hasan- Uddin Khan.

Drawings and photographs courtesy of the architect Portion of the garden in proximity to the lagoon: promenades, paddies and terracing North and West of
unless where otherwise indicated. the house.

Top: Looking northward across the watergate. Photograph: Milroy Perera.
Above: Mask of a Hindu Pan in the Lunuganga garden.
Right: South facade of the house with main entrance.
Photographs: Brian Taylor.


Sectional elevation of the house and its recent extensions.

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Plan of the pavilion, hen house, and adjacent landscaping, in 1983.

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Above: Guest room , a recent extension to the old

house. Photograph: Brian Taylor.
Right: Interior oj guest room.
Right, below: Interior oj pavilion, part oj the new
Photographs: Hasan-Uddin Khan .

Ruhunu University, Matara
Project Data A new campus for 4000-5000 students points with benches) interspersed among
was conceived by the architect and is now the classrooms, laboratories, and offices.
Science Faculties, Staff residences, Ruhunu partially completed on a magnificent site The structural system utilised in the
University overlooking the sea. Buildings for the university's construction is reinforced
Site: Matara, Sri Lanka
Arts and Science Faculties, a library, an concrete, with the traditional materials
Client: Ruhunu University
Date: 1984 (Phase I completed)
open-air theatre, a social centre arid resi- of wood and clay tiles for the roofs - and
Architect: Edwards, Reid & Begg, Geoffrey Bawa, dences occupy three hills that rise 120 feet certain fmishes. Careful planning and the
principal designer from sea level and the valleys in between, successful resolution of structural details
Contractor: Ballast Nedan affording superb views onto the land- permitted the integration of buildings
Number of students: Approximately 4,000 scape. Much attention has been devoted with a difficult natural topography while
to creating agreeable, outdoor, protected preserving the qualities of both site and
spaces (e.g. covered galleries, meeting architectural conception.

Right: Partial view of the faculty buildings.

Below: Exterior view of Chemistry buildings.
Far right: Close-up view of the faculty buildings.
Far right, below: Covered walkway linking the
faculty buildings.
Photographs: Hasan-Uddin Khan.

Section of the university.

Above: Typical corridor with outdoor seating.

Photograph: Hasan-Uddin Khan.
Left: Physics building. Photograph: Brian Taylor.

Right, above: Water tank pavilion. Photograph:
Brian Taylor.
Far right: Typical roof under construction.
Right: Detail of roof tiling.
Photographs: Hasan-Uddin Khan.

St. Bridget's Montessori School,
Project Data This early educational building by and create intimate spaces within the
Geoffrey Bawa reflects a turning point overall volume; wall murals by Barbara
St. Bridget's Montessori School, Colombo in Lira development as an architect. Sansoni originally decorated the school.
Date: 1964 Although of reinforced concrete, it never- Mother Good COilllcil of the local Catholic
Client: St. Bridget's Catholic Convent theless has greater affmities with traditional church, the client for this building, was
Architect: Edwards, Reid & Begg, Geoffrey Bawa,
buildings in Sri Lanka than other pre- an especially influential and encouraging
vious works by Bawa: it is essentially patron of Mr Bawa's at this moment in
open"on both the ground and first floors, his career. The dialogue was fruitful, as
which are protected by a large over- this and other institutional structures for
hanging roof; three-foot-high cupboards the church reveal.
and balustrades ensure safety from falling

Sections Elevation.

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First floor plan.

Ground floor plan.

Right: Detail view of a comer of a building.

Far right: Interior Staircase.
Photographs: Geoffrey Bawa.

Parliament, Kotte, Colombo
Project Data The old parliament building in down- law-makers and numerous observers in
town Colombo was grossly inadequate the galleries around it, forms the central
New Parliamentary Complex, Sri Jayawar- when a new government came to power focus of the composition; a strong sym-
denepura in 1977. Plans were initiated for a new metry is developed by the lower pavilions
Site: 12 acres at Kotte, near Colombo
capital complex in the suburbs of the city, which flank the assembly on either side,
Client: Government of Sri Lanka
at Kotte, an important city in the pre- one of which has an open-air hall on the
Architect: Edwards, Reid & Begg, Geoffrey Bawa,
architect-in-charge colonial era. Marshes were drained and ground level for receiving foreign digni-
Date: 1980 designed an artificial island created to receive the taries. Traditional craft techniques were
1982 completed new buildings, for which Geoffrey Bawa involved in the intricate timberwork of
Contractor: Mitsui Construction Uapan) obtained the design commission. Achieve- the roofs and exterior galleries, for ex-
ment of the whole complex took the ample, but the basic structure is reinforced
extremely short time of roughly 3 years concrete with a coating of crushed stone
from conception to inauguration. A par- mixed with epoxy for outer surfaces.
liament chamber, which can seat 200

Top: View of the complex".

Lift: Water steps and bell.
Above: Interior of one of the lateral pavilions.
Photographs: Brian Taylor.

Bawa Residence, Colombo
Project Data This truly remarkable dwelling is in con- because of the owner's particular tastes
stant evolution, having originally been and personality, but also due to the fact
The Architect's House, restructuring and not one, but four, adjacent houses. The that several units have been combined
rehabilitation. into one, the spaces must be experienced
architect was able to acquire them starting
Site: Bagatelle Road, Colombo
in 1958 and has unified them into a series sequentially; each possesses a unique
Acquisition of initial portion: 1958
Second acquisitions: 1968 of living spaces with numerous court- character and atmosphere.
yards, lightwells and views onto the out
of doors. Colurrms from ancient buildings Below, left: Entrance corridor with columns and
now demolished fmd their place among pool.
other artifacts which the architect has in- Below: Second floor library and sitting room .
corporated into his residence. Partly Photographs: Brian Taylor.

Longitudinal section.

Ground floor plan.

Peter White House, Mauritius
Project Data

House, Mauritius
Programme: Transformation oj an existing sugar
cane warehouse
Client: Mr. Peter White
Architect: Edwards, Reid & Begg, Geoffrey Bawa
Date: 1974

Originally, these two long, barrel-vaulted

spaces were built and used as warehouses
for sugar cane. They were purchased and
Mr Bawa was commissioned by the client
to transform them into a weekend house.
The programme involved only a bed-
room, a bathroom and a small kitchen,
while the rest of the space could be utilised
in a variety of ways. Outbuildings nearby
were converted into guest bedrooms.
The sketch drawings by the architect for
this project contain numerous annota-
tions as to potential arrangements for
spaces and their use, but the two basic
criteria expressed by the client were the
desire for quiet solitude and the possi- Above: Exterior view oj east jacade. Below: Interior view oj the vaulted dining room.
bility for inviting large groups of people. Photographs: Peter White .

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Annotated plans of the ground floor and mezzanine

bedroom, section through dining area with pool.

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Triton Hotel, Ahungalla
Project Data

Triton Hotel
Site: Ahungalla, Sri Lanka
Programme: 130 rooms (Phase I)
Date: 1982 completed
Architect: Edwards, Reid & Begg, Geoffrey Bawa,
Client: Aitken Spence

Located on the southwestern coast of

Sri Lanka, about 15 miles south ofBawa's
retreat at Lunuganga, this hotel was con-
ceived and constructed at the same time
as the Parliament Complex. The pro-
gramme was for 130 rooms, with a possi-
bility for future expansion to 200 rooms.
Whereas the new capital left little chance
to the architect to work in his customary
way, altering the building now and again
as it went up, the hotel did. He spent long
hours on the beautiful site before begin-
ning design, to imagine how best to
situate the hotel in the landscape while
safeguarding the latter's integrity. While
the rooms are placed off of corridors that
encircle interior courtyards, the large
public areas on the ground floor are
without walls, to a considerable degree. porch
Moreover, the light, fantasy-world at- lobby
C sWimming pool
mosphere of a recreational building d lounge
poo l bar
allowed Bawa to introduce elements health cl ub
coHee shop
which startle, intrigue or amuse the visi- bar
administrative offices
tor: for example, the ambiguities of restaurant
k kitchen
spatial relationships between the lobby,
~ gUi~rt/so o ms
the swimming pool and the ocean, where n poo l filtration plant
a lifeguards tower
they may seem contiguous but may not p supper club
q shopptng arcade
be in reality; and, the coconut palms r walkway
s staft quart ers
which grow out of a pool of water are t managers house
U '.later ta nk
features that provided the designer with v paVIlion
w ref lecting pool
enjoyment and the guests with a sense of x alT conditiOning plant
y tennrs courts
participation in an unusual landscape. I main entrance

Site plan with ground floor.

Left: View from the lobby towards coconut pool at the entrance. Photograph:
Brian Taylor.
Below: View from the first floor towards the pool and beach.
Bottom: From the lobby to the pool to the sea.
Photographs: Hasan-Uddin Khan.

Top: Lobby area around the pool.
Left: Dining room with painted ceiling.
Above: Wall mural by Laki Senanyake.
Photographs: Hasan-Uddin Khan.

Right, above: Interior courtyard with upstairs
passage way .
Right: Garden patio outsidet the groundfloor rooms.
Photographs: Hasan-Uddin Khan.


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