FA QCDD Exam Questions KIC by Treka

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Electrical QCDD Exam Questions (on 20-07-2023).

Prepared by E/ Mohamad Hussain.

1. A system component that accepts and displays signals from digital alarm communicator
transmitters (DACTs) sent over the public switched telephone network. (SIG-SSS)
Digital Alarm Communicator Receiver (DACR).

2. A system component at the protected premises to which initiating devices or groups of

devices are connected. The DACT seizes the connected telephone line, dials a preselected
number to connect to a DACR, and transmits signals indicating a status change of the
initiating device. (SIG-SSS)
Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter (DACT).

3. A system in which signals are transmitted from a digital alarm communicator transmitter
(DACT) located at the protected premises through the public-switched telephone network
to a digital alarm communicator receiver (DACR). (SIG-SSS)
Digital Alarm Communicator System (DACS).

4. A system component composed of two subcomponents: one that receives and decodes
radio signals, the other that annunciates the decoded data. These two subcomponents can
be coresident at the central station or separated by means of a data transmission channel.
Digital Alarm Radio Receiver (DARR).

5. system in which signals are transmitted from a digital alarm radio transmitter (DART)
located at a protected premises through a radio channel to a digital alarm radio receiver
Digital Alarm Radio System (DARS).

6. A system component that is connected to or an integral part of a digital alarm

communicator transmitter (DACT) that is used to provide an alternate radio transmission
Digital Alarm Radio Transmitter (DART).

7. A circuit or path connecting a subsidiary station(s) to a supervising station(s) over which

signals are carried.
Communications Channel.

8. A circuit or path connecting transmitters to supervising stations or subsidiary stations on

which signals are carried.
Transmission Channel.

9. A device designed to detect the presence of a fire signature and to initiate action.
classified as follows: Automatic Fire Extinguishing or Suppression System Operation
Detector, Fire–Gas Detector, Heat Detector, Other Fire Detectors, Radiant Energy–
Sensing Fire Detector, and Smoke Detector.
Automatic Fire Detector.

10. A device that contains multiple sensors that separately respond to physical stimulus such
as heat, smoke, or fire gases, or employs more than one sensor to sense the same
stimulus. A device capable of generating multiple alarm signals from any one of the
sensors employed in the design, independently or in combi- nation.
Multi-Sensor Detector.

11. A device that responds when the temperature rises at a rate exceeding a predetermined
value. (SIG-IDS)
Rate-of-Rise Detector.

12. A device that responds when the temperature of the air surrounding the device reaches a
predetermined level, regardless of the rate-of-temperature rise. (SIG-IDS).
Rate Compensation Detector.

13. Circuits, systems, and components are functioning as designed and no abnormal
condition exists. (SIG-FUN)
Normal Condition.

14. A publicly accessible alarm box that can also be operated by one or more remote
initiating devices or an auxiliary alarm system used to send an alarm to the
communications center. (SIG-PRS)
Master Alarm Box.

15. An enclosure, accessible to the public, housing a manually operated transmitter used to
send an alarm to the communications center.
Publicly Accessible Alarm Box.

16. Any alarm that occurs that is not the result of a potentially hazardous condition.
Unwanted Alarm.

17. Heat-sensing fire detectors Temperature Low/Normal.


18. A unit containing one or more indicator lamps, alphanumeric displays, or other equivalent
means in which each indication provides status information about a circuit, condition, or

19. One question for battery calculation.

(24* Quiescent Current + t in hours *alarm time) *1.2 as a safety factor ---- t stands
for emergency time, refer to code for exact time 5 minutes / 15 minutes…

20. Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems.

NFPA 110.

21. system owner or the owner’s designated representative shall be responsible for
inspection, testing, and maintenance of the system and for alterations or additions to this
The property or building.

22. Number of detector calculation in one room.

23. What does class 6 in EPSS stand for.

6 Hours.

24. …………… manually operated device used to initiate a fire alarm signal.
a. Primary Fire Alarm Box.
b. Manual Fire Alarm Box
c. Combination Fire Alarm and Guard's Tour Box.
d. Both B & C.

25. ………...Self-acting equipment for transferring the connected load from one power
source to another power source.
Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS).

26. …………...interacting Fire alarm system with other life safety system.
a. Alarm Signal. “ Not Sure”.
b. Supervisory Signal.
c. Trouble Signal.

27. ………………responsible to run all life safety system in case of shutdown of main
power source “ Something like that”.
a. Emergency System.
b. Standby System.
c. Power System.

28. …………. Ceilings that have a slope of less than or equal to 1 in 8.

Level Ceilings

29. A ceiling that has a slope of more than 1 in 8.

Sloping Ceiling.
30. ……… A band of frequencies of a width sufficient to allow its use for radio
Radio Channel.

31. An abnormal condition that poses an immediate threat to life, property, or mission.
Alarm Condition.

32. A device that contains multiple sensors that separately respond to physical stimulus such
as heat, smoke, or fire gases, or employs more than one sensor to sense the same
Multi-Criteria Detector.

33. A device that responds when its operating element becomes heated to a predetermined
Fixed-Temperature Detector.

34. device that detects the presence of a specified gas concentration. Gas detectors can be
either spot-type or line-type detectors.
Gas Detector.

35. A fire detector that detects either abnormally high temperature or rate-of-temperature
rise, or both.
Heat Detector.

36. A device in which detection is continuous along a path. Typical examples are rate-of-rise
pneumatic tubing detectors, projected beam smoke detectors, and heat-sensitive cable.
Line-Type Detector.

37. A device that detects radiant energy, such as ultraviolet, visible, or infrared, that is
emitted as a product of combustion reaction and obeys the laws of optics.
Radiant Energy–Sensing Fire Detector.

38. device in which the detecting element is concentrated at a particular location. Typical
examples are bimetallic detectors, fusible alloy detectors, certain pneumatic rate-of-rise
detectors, certain smoke detectors, and thermoelectric detectors
Spot-Type Detector.

39. the principal attended or unattended room or area where the status of the detection, alarm
communications, control systems, and other emergency systems is displayed and from
which the system(s) can be manually controlled.
Fire Command Center
40. An ini a ng device in which the sensing element is designed to be destroyed in the process of
opera on.
a. Non restorable Device.
d. Spot-Type Detector.

41. A detector that consists of a piping or tubing distribution network that runs from the
detector to the area(s) to be protected. An aspiration fan in the detector housing draws air
from the protected area back to the detector through air sampling ports, piping, or tubing.
At the detector, the air is analyzed for fire products.
Air Sampling–Type Detector.

42. Type of devices installed inside Batteries rooms to prevent an explosion

Hydrogen detector.

43. A type of photoelectric light obscuration smoke detector wherein the beam spans the
protected area.
Projected Beam–Type Detector.

44. ………. The secondary power supply for Fire Alarm shall have sufficient capacity to
operate the system under quiescent load (system operating in a nonalarm condition) for a
minimum of
a. 6 hours.
b. 10 hours.
c. 16 hours.
d. 24 hours.

45. Conductor rating used for Fire pump motor shall be withstand with ……… of rated
ampere of Motor.
a. 25%.
b. 50%.
c. 90%.
d. 125%. “Not Sure”.

46. Type of protection which recommended to be removed from Fire pump protection to
avoid any unnecessary tripping.

a. Overload protection. “Not Sure”.

b. Short Ct. protection.
c. Overcurrent protection.
d. Lightning protection
47. Type of protection which recommended in case of disconnect one of Fire pump
a. Overload protection.
b. Short Ct. protection.
c. Overcurrent protection.
d. Lightning protection “ Not Sure”.

48. To ensure that audible public mode signals are clearly heard, they shall have a sound level …….
Above the average ambient sound level or ….. above the maximum sound dura on of at least 60
a. 15/5 db.
b. 15/10.
c. 5/10.
d. 20/10.

49. Pathway Class Designations. Pathways shall be designated as Class A, Class B.

Question related to which one will keep operative in case of open ct. …. Class A.
Question related to which one will not keep operative in case of open ct. …. Class B.

50. Audible appliance for sleeping areas shall have a sound level of at least ………. Having dura on of
at least ………….. .
a. 75dba/ 30 seconds.
b. 75dba/ 60 seconds.
c. 55dba/ 60 seconds.
d. 65dba/ 90 seconds.

51. Distance between Heat detector and wall shall be ……. at least.

52. ……. In case of disconnection of one or more of Notification Appliance.

a. Fire Signal.
b. Trouble Signal.
c. Supervisory Signal.

53. Equipment shall be designed so that it is capable of performing its intended functions
under the following conditions:
At ambient temperatures of 32°F (0°C) and 120°F (49°C).

54. In case of Fire, One at least of the following choices shall act
a. Open egress doors.
b. C.D. Another non-related answers.

55. In case of Fire, One at least of the following choices shall act
a. Activate Pressurization system.
b. C.D. Another non-related answers.
56. What is the minimum number of spot-type detectors required for a room 210 ft. Long by
150 Ft. Wide and 10 ft Height, if the detectors are listed at 30 ft maximum distance
between detectors and 15 ft. maximum distance from a wall?
a. 40 Detectors.
b. 35 Detectors.
c. 50 Detectors.
d. 48 Detectors.
e. None of the above.

1. The class defines the minimum time, in hours, for which the EPSS is designed to operate
at its rated load without being refueled or recharged. Class X in hours, X no. of hours.

the type defines the maximum time, in seconds, that the EPSS will permit the load
terminals of the transfer switch to be without acceptable electrical power. “10 sec if
asking about required time “.

Table 4.1(b) Types of EPSSs

Designation Power Restoration
Type U Basically uninterruptible (UPS systems)
Type 10 10 sec
Type 60 60 sec
Type 120 120 sec
Type M Manual stationary or nonautomatic — no time limit

Level 1 systems shall be installed where failure of the equipment to perform could result
in loss of human life or serious injuries.
Level 2 systems shall be installed where failure of the EPSS to perform is less critical to
human life and safety.

2. Chapter 3 related to All Definitions “Most Important Chapter “.

Chapter 10 related to Fundamentals.
Chapter 12 related to Pathways.
Chapter 14 related to Inspection testing & Maintenance
Chapter 17 related to initiative devices.
Chapter 18 related to Notification Appliances.
NFPA version is 2013 edition.
Table 4.1 A & B in NFPA 110 related to Class / Type.

3. Reference copies of Code are only images, no search option or Bookmarks option.
Use contents reference, Index for searching the requirements.

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