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Journal of Optics

J. Opt. 20 (2018) 025802 (7pp)

3.05kW monolithic fiber laser oscillator with

simultaneous optimizations of stimulated
Raman scattering and transverse mode
Baolai Yang1,2,3 , Hanwei Zhang1,2,3, Chen Shi1,2,3, Rumao Tao1,2,3,
Rongtao Su1,2,3, Pengfei Ma1,2,3, Xiaolin Wang1,2,3,4, Pu Zhou1,2,3,
Xiaojun Xu1,2,3,4 and Qisheng Lu1,2,3
College of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology,
Changsha 410073, People’s Republic of China
Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of High Energy Laser Technology, Changsha 410073, People’s
Republic of China
Hunan Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center of High Power Fiber Laser, Changsha 410073,
People’s Republic of China

E-mail: and

Received 29 August 2017, revised 27 November 2017

Accepted for publication 1 December 2017
Published 8 January 2018

We report a high power monolithic ytterbium-doped fiber laser oscillator with an output power
of 3.05 kW, which is achieved by simultaneous optimizations of the stimulated Raman scattering
(SRS) and transverse mode instability (TMI). The optimizations of the SRS are designed and
utilized in the construction of the fiber laser oscillator, while the TMI threshold is optimized with
the study of the dependence of TMI threshold on the pump distribution. In the fiber laser
oscillator, the TMI threshold is enhanced by ∼30% when the counter-pump scheme is employed
instead of the co-pump scheme. By applying bidirectional-pump scheme and appropriately
distributing the pump power, the TMI threshold is further enhanced and the monolithic fiber
laser oscillator achieves an output power of 3.05 kW with near diffraction limited beam quality.
Keywords: fiber laser oscillator, ytterbium-doped fiber laser, transverse mode instability,
stimulated Raman scattering
(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction and the other is directly based on a single-stage monolithic

fiber laser oscillator. Compared with the MOPA structure, the
High power monolithic fiber lasers are widely adopted in the single-stage monolithic fiber laser oscillators enjoy the
applications of industrial manufacture and beam combination, advantages of simpler structure, fewer components and easier
for the advantages of high conversion efficiency, good beam operations. Benefitting from the improved manufacture
quality, compact structure, stability and robustness. In the last techniques of ytterbium-doped fiber (YDF), laser diodes
decade, the output powers of the ytterbium-doped monolithic (LDs) and fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs), the output power of
fiber lasers have increased remarkably [1–3]. Generally, a monolithic fiber laser oscillators have increased remarkably in
high power fiber laser can be achieved based on two struc- the past few years [4–10]. In 2012, Y Xiao et al reported a
tures, one is master oscillator power amplification (MOPA) monolithic fiber laser oscillator with an output power of
1 kW, which was pumped by 91x-nm high power wave-
Authors to whom any correspondence should be addressed. length-beam-combined diode-stack modules [4]. In 2014, H

2040-8978/18/025802+07$33.00 1 © 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK

J. Opt. 20 (2018) 025802 B Yang et al

Yu et al of our research group reported a 1.5 kW monolithic combiner is employed as the co-pump combiner, while the
fiber laser oscillator in a similar scheme employing high- (6+1)×1 signal/pump combiner acts as the counter-pump
power 915 nm LDs and a ytterbium-doped fiber (YDF) with combiner. The difference of the two TFB combiners is
20 μm core diameter [6]. The stimulated Raman scattering whether a signal port is contained in the fiber bundle. The
(SRS) effect was obviously observed at the operation of pump ports of the TFB combiners are multimode fiber with
1.5 kW and further power scaling was limited. For the core/cladding diameters of 220/242 μm, and the unoccupied
monolithic fiber laser oscillators constructed with 915 nm ports are angle cleaved to avoid facet reflection. Both the TFB
pump sources and 20 μm-core diameter YDF, the SRS combiners combine the pump light into the inner cladding of
became a main limitation for power scaling. the output fiber with a diameter of 400 μm and a numerical
Theoretically, the limitation of SRS can be mitigated by aperture (NA) of 0.46. The co-pump light is launched into the
increasing the gain fiber mode area or by decreasing the gain laser cavity through the high reflectivity fiber Bragg gratings
fiber length. Both techniques were explored for power scaling (HR FBG). The (6+1)×1 signal/pump combiner is
of the monolithic fiber laser oscillators during the past few incorporated in the laser cavity and the counter-pump light is
years. In 2016, researchers in Fujikura reported a specially directly launched into the ytterbium-doped fiber (YDF). The
designed gain fiber with a mode area of 400 μm2, which signal port of the (6+1)×1 signal/pump combiner is a
showed remarkable SRS suppression and single-mode double-cladding fiber with a core diameter/numerical aper-
operation. Based on the designed gain fiber and corresp- ture of 20 μm/0.065. The gain fiber is double-cladding YDF
onding FBGs, output powers of 2 kW and 3 kW were with 21 μm/0.065NA core and 400 μm/0.46NA inner clad-
respectively achieved in 2016 and 2017 with 915 nm pump ding. As the absorption coefficient of the YDF at 976 nm is
sources in bidirectional-pump configurations [9, 10]. Alter- ∼1.45 dB m−1, we adopt a length of ∼18 m YDF to ensure
natively, our group chose to mitigate the SRS by decreasing adequate absorption of the pump light. The gain fiber is coiled
gain fiber length, while maintaining the gain fiber core dia- in circles with a minimum diameter of ∼12 cm. In the
meter of ∼20 μm. Instead of 915 nm LDs, the commercial experiment, both the FBGs are inscribed on the double
high-power 976 nm LDs are utilized to enhance the pump cladding fiber with core/inner cladding diameter of 20/
absorption. However, the transverse mode instability (TMI) 400 μm and operate at the center wavelength of ∼1080 nm.
was observed in the 976 nm-pumped fiber laser oscillators The HR FBG provides a reflectivity of ∼99.9% with a 3 dB
and become a power scaling limitation [2, 7, 11]. By bandwidth of ∼3 nm, while the output coupler fiber Bragg
employing TMI mitigation techniques, we achieved an output gratings (OC FBG) has a reflectivity of ∼8.7% with a 3 dB
power of 2.5 kW in a bidirectional-pumped monolithic fiber bandwidth of ∼1 nm. After the OC FBG, about 6 m delivery
laser oscillator [8]. With the output power increasing, Raman fiber with core/inner cladding diameter of 25/400 μm is
stokes light was observed at the operation of 2.5 kW with utilized and an endcap is spliced to eliminate facet reflection.
intensity of ∼20 dB below the signal. For further power Three parts of cladding light strippers (CLS) are utilized to
scaling of the fiber laser oscillators, further mitigation of the fully dump residual pumping and signal light that propagates
SRS and TMI needs to be explored. in the inner cladding. All of the components in the experi-
In this paper, we report a high power monolithic fiber ment, including YDF, LDs, TFB combiners, FBGs and CLSs,
laser oscillator with an output power of 3.05 kW, which is are placed on a water-cooled heat sink to carry away the heat
achieved by simultaneously optimizing the SRS and TMI. accumulation. In the experiment, the performance of the
The optimizations of the SRS are designed and utilized in the output laser, including powers, optical spectra, temporal
construction of the fiber laser oscillator, while the TMI characteristics and beam quality, are measured and recorded.
threshold is optimized through the study of the dependence of The temporal characteristic of the output laser is measured by
TMI threshold on the pump power distribution. Experimental using a photodetector with a bandwidth of 150 MHz. The
results show the TMI threshold is enhanced by ∼30% when beam quality is measured by using a beam quality analyzer
the counter-pump scheme is employed instead of the co-pump (PRIMES).
scheme. By applying a bidirectional-pump scheme and opti- In the experiment, the occurrence of TMI is mainly
mizing pump power distribution, the TMI threshold is further verified with the evidence of temporal signals of the output
enhanced. With the optimizations of the SRS and TMI, the laser. When the fiber laser reaches the TMI threshold, laser
output laser power is scaled to 3.05 kW with near diffraction energy couples between the fundamental mode and the high-
limited beam quality. order modes. For monolithic fiber laser amplifiers and oscil-
lators with CLS, it is common that a rollover output power
will be observed, because the coupled high-order modes
2. Experimental setup experience a higher fiber bending loss, leak into the fiber
inner cladding and get stripped out by the CLS. Conse-
The architecture of the all-fiber laser oscillator is depicted in quently, a remarkable fluctuation can be observed in the
figure 1. The pump source is high-power wavelength-stabi- temporal signals [7, 8, 11–13]. It is an efficient and widely
lized 976 nm laser diodes. Each LD module provides a adopted method to verify the occurrence of TMI in monolithic
maximum pump power of ∼500 W. Two tapered fused fiber lasers. It should also be noted that we have a total of nine
bundle (TFB) combiners are adopted to constitute a bidirec- high-power LD modules in the experiment. The LD dis-
tional pumping configuration. The 7×1 TFB pump tribution depicted in figure 1 is a finally optimized distribution

J. Opt. 20 (2018) 025802 B Yang et al

Figure 1. The experimental setup (LDs: laser diodes, YDF: ytterbium doped fiber, CLS: cladding light stripper, CO: collimator, PM: power
meter, HR: high reflector).

for power scaling. During the measurement of the TMI 3.1. TMI thresholds in respective co-pump and counter-pump
thresholds in the respective co-pump and counter-pump schemes
schemes, we shifted some LDs and employed the unoccupied
In the respective co-pump scheme and counter-pump scheme,
ports of the TFB combiners to provide adequate pump power.
To avoid confusion, the description of LD shifting is the output laser power and corresponding temporal signals are
neglected and only pump powers are provided in the co-pump measured and recorded at different pump power levels. The
and counter-pump schemes. During the process of optimizing standard deviations of the temporal signals are calculated and
pump distribution in the bidirectional-pump scheme, the utilized to quantify the stability of the temporal signals
distribution of the LDs will be described specifically in the [17–19], which serve as proof to verify the occurrence of
corresponding section. TMI. The dependence of the output power and temporal
Compared with the previously reported 2.5 kW mono- signal standard deviations on the pump power are shown in
lithic fiber laser oscillator [8], we made several optimizations figure 2. In the co-pump scheme, the output power of the laser
to mitigate the SRS effect. The reflectivity of OC FBG is oscillator increases with the pump power almost linearly until
slightly decreased from 10% to 8.7%, in order to reduce the the rollover power of 1.45 kW, as shown in figure 2(a).
energy density in the laser cavity. The minimum coiling Around the rollover output power, the standard deviations of
diameter of the gain fiber is increased from ∼10 cm to the temporal signals increase remarkably. While in the
∼12 cm, which mitigates the mode area reduction caused by counter-pump scheme, the output power of the laser oscillator
the fiber coiling [14]. The length of the gain fiber is also is scaled to a maximum power of 1.93 kW. Further increasing
reduced by ∼1 m. Besides, the operating wavelength is the pump power leads to a decrease in the output power along
shifted from ∼1070 nm to ∼1080 nm. The Raman stokes with a notable instability in the temporal signal. Judging from
light of ∼1070 nm is around ∼1120 nm, while the Raman the evidence of the rollover output power and the remarkable
stokes light of ∼1080 nm is around ∼1130 nm. It is known increase of the temporal stability, the TMI thresholds of the
that the total gain of the Raman stokes light is composed of monolithic fiber laser oscillator are confirmed to be ∼1.45 kW
the Raman gain and the Yb gain in the gain fiber [15, 16]. The and ∼1.93 kW in respective co-pump and counter-pump
laser at ∼1130 nm acquires less Yb gain in the gain fiber than scheme. Compared with the reported TMI threshold of
the laser at ∼1120 nm, which helps to reduce the intensity of ∼1.6 kW in [8], the TMI threshold of this fiber laser oscillator
Raman stokes light. In addition, the bend loss is larger for in co-pump scheme is lower, but the amount of threshold
longer wavelengths, which also helps to suppress the Raman decline is minor. From the measured TMI thresholds of the
stokes light at 1130 nm. The effect of these optimizations will fiber laser oscillator in co-pump and counter-pump schemes,
be shown in the next section. we can also find that the TMI threshold is enhanced by ∼30%
when the counter-pump scheme is employed instead of the
co-pump scheme. In the previous studies on the TMI in fiber
amplifiers, it has been reported that counter-pump scheme can
3. Experimental results and discussion enhance the TMI threshold through the gain saturation effect
[20–23]. The gain saturation effect may also play an impor-
The optimizations to mitigate the SRS, such as the signal tant role in enhancing the TMI thresholds of the fiber laser
wavelength shifting and the increase of the gain fiber coiling oscillator.
diameter, also have a negative influence on the TMI threshold It is also quite an interesting phenomenon that the
[11]. It is necessary to confirm whether the TMI threshold of modulation frequencies of the temporal signal fluctuation
the monolithic fiber laser oscillator is seriously affected. around the TMI threshold are distinctly different in the co-
Therefore, we firstly investigate the TMI thresholds of the pump and counter-pump schemes, as shown in figure 3. In the
monolithic fiber laser oscillator in different pump co-pump scheme, the modulation frequencies of the temporal
distributions. signal around the TMI threshold are at ∼220 Hz and

J. Opt. 20 (2018) 025802 B Yang et al

Figure 2. Output power and standard deviation of the temporal signals at different pump powers (a) in the co-pump scheme and (b) in the
counter-pump scheme.

Figure 3. The time domain signals and their Fourier spectra at the TMI thresholds (a) in the co-pump scheme and (b) in the counter-pump

∼410 Hz, while, in the counter-pump scheme, the modulation index perturbations in the simulation of the fiber laser oscil-
frequencies of the temporal signal around the TMI threshold lators [26]. More studies are required before an exact expla-
are at ∼2 kHz and ∼4 kHz. In the experiment, only the pump nation can be provided.
scheme was altered and all of the other conditions remained
unchanged. This phenomenon is probably caused by the
3.2. Optimization of the pump distribution in the bidirectional-
change of the pump distributions, but the exact physical
pump scheme
mechanism of the phenomenon is uncertain for now. More-
over, there was no similar phenomenon reported in the pre- For further scaling the output power of the monolithic fiber
vious studies of TMI in the fiber lasers, to the best of our laser oscillator, the performance of the bidirectional-pumped
knowledge. Most reports of TMI with description of the fiber laser oscillator is investigated. In consideration of the
modulation frequencies were observed in the single-pass fiber recorded TMI thresholds in the co-pump and counter-pump
amplifiers [13, 17, 18, 24, 25]. For studies of TMI in the fiber schemes, the co-pump and counter-pump powers have to be
laser oscillators, the reports are rare, and there is no suitable controlled below 2 kW and 2.75 kW, respectively. Therefore,
theoretical model that can simulate the modal coupling the ratios of the co-pump and counter-pump power are not
dynamics in the fiber laser oscillators. The exact physical evenly distributed. Among a total of nine LDs, three LDs are
mechanism under the phenomenon is uncertain for now, and distributed as the co-pumps, and six LDs are distributed as the
we will make an effort in the following work. A theoretical counter-pumps. The output power dependence on the total
model, which is utilized to simulate the TMI in double-pass pump power in bidirectional pump scheme is shown in
fiber laser amplifiers, might be taken as reference in dealing figure 4(a). When the respective co-pump and counter-pump
with the interactions of bidirectional signals and thermo-optic powers are ∼1.55 kW and ∼2.6 kW, a rollover output power

J. Opt. 20 (2018) 025802 B Yang et al

Figure 4. (a) Output power and standard deviation of the temporal signals at different pump powers in the bidirectional pump scheme. (b) The
time domain signal and its Fourier spectra at the operation of ∼2.88 kW.

Figure 5. (a) Output power and standard deviation of the temporal signals at different pump powers in the bidirectional pump scheme. (b) The
time domain signal and its Fourier spectra at the operation of 3.05 kW.

is observed with a maximum of ∼2.88 kW. As shown in temporal signals are measured at different pump levels, and
figure 4(a), the standard deviations of the temporal signals the standard deviations of the temporal signals are shown in
increase remarkably around the rollover output power. figure 5(a). No remarkable increase of the standard deviations
Figure 4(b) gives the time domain signal and the corresp- is observed in the power scaling process. At the output power
onding Fourier spectrum at the operation of ∼2.88 kW. It is of 3.05 kW, the time domain signal and the Fourier spectrum
certain that TMI is observed at this power level. In con- are depicted in figure 5(b). The time domain signal is quite
sideration of the kHz-level modulation frequency of the stable, and no frequency peak is observed in the Fourier
temporal fluctuation around the threshold, it seems the spectrum. It can be verified that the TMI does not occur at this
occurrence of TMI is mainly attributed to the counter-pump power level. We also measured the beam quality of the output
power. To effectively utilize all the pump power, the dis- laser. The inset in figure 5(a) is the beam profile of the output
tribution of the LDs needs to be optimized. laser at 3.05 kW and the M2 factor is measured to be ∼1.3. It
In order to avoid the occurrence of TMI and further scale is confirmed that near diffraction-limited beam quality is
the output power, we shifted one LD from the counter-pump obtained. Further power scaling of the laser oscillator is
direction to the co-pump direction. The exact optimized LD limited by the available pump power.
distributions are shown in figure 1. After the optimization, the In the optimized bidirectional pump distribution, the
output power dependence on the total bidirectional pump optical spectra of the output laser at different power levels are
power is shown in figure 5(a). A maximum output power of shown in figure 6. Since three parts of cladding light strippers
3.05 kW is achieved with respective co-pump and counter- are utilized, no pump light is observed in the spectra. The
pump powers of ∼1.85 kW and ∼2.5 kW. The slope effi- spectral bandwidth of the output laser increase with the output
ciency of the monolithic fiber laser oscillator is ∼73%. The powers. At the operation of 3.05 kW, the 3 dB bandwidth is

J. Opt. 20 (2018) 025802 B Yang et al

61505260) and National Key Research and Development

Program of Ministry of Science and Technology of China
(Grant No. 2016YFB0402204).


Baolai Yang


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