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Read the Text then Choose the Correct Answers.

My sister’s name is Ratu Kadita and she is 23 years old and she works in an office. She’s tall
and has long, black, straight hair. She has green eyes. Ratu sometimes wears glasses and often reads
book in the library. When she doesn’t read, you can sometimes find her in the gym. She likes to
exercise two or three times a week. Because she likes to exercise, she is slim, strong and healthy. She
is also very funny person. She loves to talk with people and make them laugh, so she has lots of
friends. Ratu has a big, friendly smile and I think she is a beautiful person. Everyone loves her and of
course I am very happy that she is my elder sister!

My brother’s name is Mahadewa Kaisar and he is only ten years old. He’s an elementary
school student in grade five. He is younger and shorter than I am, but he says that he is the tallest
person in his class. Mahadewa has short, brownish black hair, freckles, big ears and a small mouth.
He wears glasses. Unfortunately, he doesn’t like to study very much. He thinks it’s better to watch TV
and play online games. His favorite game is called ”Mobile Legend”! He says that h wants to be an
airline pilot when he grows up and also a gamer. Sometimes, on weekends, his friends come over to
our home to play. Mahadewa is my brother, and I like him, but sometimes he’s a little lazy and a
little noisy!

1. Which of the following is true about the writer?

A. The writer’s name Is Ratu Kadita.
B. The writer has big brother.
C. The writer has little sister.
D. The writer likes to exercise two or three times a week.
E. The writer thinks her sister is a beautiful person.
2. The writer’s brother looks like …
A. wears glasses.
B. doesn’t like to study very much.
C. watching TV and play online games.
D. has short, brownish black hair, freckles, big ears and small mouth.
E. an elementary school student.
3. The following is the fact about Ratu Kadita.
A. Ratu is the eldest sister of the writer.
B. Ratu is the writer of the story.
C. Ratu always wears gray glasses.
D. Ratu dislikes to exercise
E. Ratu is the little sister of the writer.
4. Why is the writer very happy? She is very happy because ….
A. Everyone loves the writer.
B. Her sister loves everyone.
C. Ratu hasn’t lots of friends.
D. Her sister is beautiful.
E. She has the sister who is loved by everyone.
5. Which of the following statements that is not true based on the text?
A. Ratu Kadita is the writer’s sister.
B. The writer has elder sister and elder brother.
C. Ratu sometimes wears gray glasses.
D. Mahadewa is an elementary school student.
E. The writer’s brother doesn’t like to study very much.

The Maimun Palace has been crowned as the most beautiful building in Medan, North
Sumatera. Located in the area of Jl. Brigjen. Katamso. This magnificent palace was completed around
1888 and was a legacy from the Sultan of Deli, Ma’mun Al Rasyid. Yellow colour on this building is
typical Malay.

Unique architecture is the main attraction of the Maimun Palace. European influence is
evident in the hall or living room, windows, doors, and stairs in front of an inscription that reads
Latin letters, in Dutch. Meanwhile, a hall mark of Islam appeared on the roof of the curved Persian
style, which is often found in buildings in the Middle East region.

The interior of Maimun Palace is also interesting to see. Behind the walls are solid, there are
dozens of rooms spread over two floors. Splendor was shown on the throne, European crystal lamps,
chairs, tables and cabinets. Family photographs, old weapons, including prison space, also in this
palace. Although it is still storing objects of historical value, the Maimun Palace still allows tourists to
visit and enjoy the splendor as well as explore the past glory of the Deli Sultanate.

6. What is the passage about?

A. The historical building in Medan.
B. The unique architecture of the beautiful building in North Sumatra.
C. The Maimun Palace.
D. The magnificent palace built in 1888.
E. The beauty of Medan Palace.
7. What can we see in the Maimun Palace?
A. The Maimun Palace has been crowned as the most beautiful building in Medan.
B. The interior, the beauty, the luxury, the unique architecture of the palace.
C. The legacy from the Sultan of Deli.
D. Splendor of the Maimun Palace.
E. Storing objects of historical value of the Maimun Palace.
8. What is the main attraction of the Maimun Palace?
A. In the area of Jl. Brigjen Katamso.
B. The race in Medan.
C. The interior of the Maimun Palace
D. Unique architecture.
E. Yellow color on the building.
9. Splendor was shown on the throne, European crystal lamps, chairs, tables and cabinets.
(Paragraph 3)
The underlined word can be replaced by ….
A. threat
B. luxury
C. glitter
D. uniqueness
E. shimmer
10. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. The main attraction in the Maimun Palace.
B. The European influence in the Maimun Palace.
C. The unique architecture of the Maimun Palace.
D. The Islam style of the Maimun Palace.
E. The Maimun Palace as an imitation of buildings in the Middle East region.
11. Azkadina : Where is Bandung located?
Nafisa : It’s in mountainous area.
Azkadina : Alright. And what’s it like?
Nafisa : ….

A. It’s near Subang.

B. It’s well-known for Gedung Sate.
C. It’s very nice and exciting city.
D. It’s famous for Isola Building.
E. It has beautiful view.
12. Manda : Ratu, ….
Ratu : Pleased to meet you.
Kaisar : Pleased to meet you too.
A. Kaisar is my friend.
B. Kaisar wants to meet you.
C. I’d like you to meet my friend Kaisar.
D. Don’t you know Kaisar is my friend?
E. Please introduce yourself to Kaisar.
13. Kaisar : Excuse me. Are you Mr. Seanu Mahadewa?
Seanu : …. And what’s your name?
Kaisar : I am Kaisar Jagatraya.
A. Alright.
B. No, I am not.
C. Of course you are.
D. I am not Seanu Mahadewa.
E. That’s right.
14. Setia : ….
Alam : Yes. We went to school together.
Setia : What’s her nationality?
Alam : Well, she was born in Singapore, but now she is Indonesian.
A. She must be your friend.
B. What’s the girl name?
C. Can you see Ratu Kadita?
D. Are you Ratu Kadita?
E. Do you know Ratu Kadita?
15. Which of the following statements that is not true about Bekasi city?
A. Bekasi is a deserted city.
B. Prices are expensive in Bekasi.
C. Bekasi offers so many well-paid job opportunities.
D. Bekasi is perfect place to find a job.
E. It is not difficult to go anywhere in Bekasi.

This is about my younger sister, Leenda. She is a high school student. She has always
imagined herself as a musician. She has told me about her dream many times. It has been her dream
since elementary school.

Who has inspired her to be a musician? A great singer named Whitney Houston has been her
favorite singer. Leenda has always listened to Whitney’s songs many times in a day. She loves the
song entitled “I have nothing” by Whitney Houston.

Leenda has also learned how to play a guitar for a year. She has made one Youtube
channel since 2017. She has covered many songs and uploaded in her channel. Many viewers have
written positive comments her covers.

Sometimes Leenda has music performances with her friends. Leenda and her friends
have just done a music performance this month. They are also great players. They have won five
music competitions this year. They all want to be great musicians.

16. Look at the following characteristics.

1) Creative
2) Determined
3) Hardworking
4) Lazy
5) Pessimistic
Which are Leenda’s characteristics based on the text?
A. (1), (2), (5)
B. (1), (2), (4)
C. (1),(3), (4)
D. (1), (2), (3)
E. (2), (3), (5)
17. Who is Whitney Houston?
A. She is Leenda’s sister favorite singer.
B. A great singer who has been Leenda’s favorite singer.
C. She is the writer of “I have nothing” song.
D. She is the guitar player.
E. She is the British singer.
18. The writer of the text above is ….
A. My younger sister.
B. Leenda.
C. Leenda’s elder sister.
D. Leenda’s younger sister.
E. Leenda’s little sister.
19. They all want to be great musicians. (Paragraph 4)
The opposite of the word great is ….
A. Good
B. Big
C. Expert
D. Little
E. smart

Biotechnology is the use of micro-organism to make things that people want. It involves
ways of making and preserving foods and making alcoholic drinks. Traditional applications of
biotechnology involves brewing/cooking beers, making wines, making bread, making
yoghurt, and making cheese.

Cheese making depends on the reactions of bacteria with milk changing the texture and
taste, and also preserving the milk. Cheese making is very successful in reserving milk, and
some cheeses can survive for years without decay. Around 900 different types of cheese are
made around the world, but the basis of the production method is the same for them all.

Just as in yoghurt making, you add a starter culture of bacteria to warm milk. The
difference is in the type of bacteria added. The bacteria in cheese making also convert
lactose to lactic acid, but they make much more lactic acid. As a result, the solid part (curds)
is much more solid than yogurt. Enzymes are also added to increase the separation of the
milk. These often come from the stomachs of calves or other young animals. When it has
completely curdled, you can separate the curds from the liquid whey (air dadih). Then you
can use the curds for cheese making. The whey is often used in other dishes.

The curds can be used fresh, and can be seasoned or flavoured. This is the basis of
ayib ( a fresh Ethiopian cheese ). Alternatively, you can cut and mix the curds with salt along with
other bacteria or even molds, before you press them and leave them to dry out. The bacteria and
moulds added at this stage of the process are very important. They affect the development of the
final flavor and texture of the cheese as it ripens – a process that may take months or years,
depending on the type of cheese being made. This is how the majority of cheese are made in
countries such as the UK and the USA.

20. What is the text about?

A. Biotechnology : Cheese Makers.
B. How to make cheese
C. Biotechnology : Cheese Making
D. The steps of making cheese
E. The stage of making cheese
21. What do cheese makers do to make cheese became curds?
A. The cheese makers make much more lactic acid.
B. Cheese making depends on the reactions of bacteria.
C. Cheese making is very successful in preserving milk.
D. They add many kind of bacteria.
E. They convert the lactose to lactic acid.
22. When should you add bacteria when you make cheese?
A. The curds can be used fresh and can be seasoned or flavoured.
B. Before you press curds and leave them to dry out.
C. Added the bacteria and moulds.
D. Before you taste the cheese.
E. After you press them and leave them to dry out.
23. How many types of cheese are made around the world?
A. 900 types
B. 9000 types
C. Around nine thousand types
D. Around nine hundred types
E. Around ninety types
24. She … down the television and a moment later we heard someone calling for help.
A. called
B. cleaned
C. gave
D. ran
E. turned
25. I … (visit) lots of interesting places last week. I (be) …with two friends of mine.
A. visited – were
B. visiting – was
C. visit – was
D. visited – was
E. visit – were
26. Where (spend/you) … your last school holiday?
A. Where did you spent your last school holiday?
B. Where you spent your last school holiday?
C. Where did you spend your last school holiday?
D. Where were you spend your last school holiday?
E. Where do you spend your last school holiday?
27. I banged on the door but the old lady (take) … a long time to answer.
A. taked
B. took
C. taking
D. takes
E. talked
28. One evening last week we (hear) a loud bang.
A. heard
B. heared
C. hearing
D. hears
E. hear

I am so glad that today is over. So many things have gone wrong. For some reasons I didn’t
sleep a wink last night. I was very tired when Mom called me this morning. I fell asleep again until
Mom called me again. That snooze made me late.

I didn’t have time for breakfast. I was starving as I ran to catch the school bus. I just missed
it. Dad had to ride me to school. He was late for teaching at his school and he was furious with me.
He scolded me for being late.

I arrived at school on time. The teacher asked us to hand in our homework. My homework
was not in my bag. I had forgotten to put it in my bag the night before. I usually check my bag in the
morning. I did not do this because I was late. I had to do an extra assignment as a punishment.

After biology class, I didn’t tie my shoelace properly. I tripped over it and fell down the stairs.
I hurt my knee and had to have a bandage on it. What a terrible day. I hope that I have much better
one tomorrow.

29. What is the text about?

A. The writer’s bad day at school
B. An unfortunate experience for a young boy
C. The reason for an unhappy occurrence
D. The writer’s terrible day
E. The writer’s funny day
30. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To explain about something wrong
B. To inform about the writer’s activities
C. To entertain the readers with a funny story
D. To discuss about how to overcome the problem
E. To retell about the writer’s terrible day
31. What made everything go wrong?
A. He got up late in the morning
B. He came to school on time
C. His bag was left at home
D. He got a punishment from his teacher
E. His father was late to ride him
32. Which of the following statement is not true according to the text?
A. The writer didn’t sleep a wink at that night
B. He didn’t hand his homework
C. He had breakfast before leaving for school
D. He fell down the stairs
E. His father rode him to school
33. What consequence did the writer get for not submitting the homework?
a. He had to do an extra assignment.
b. The teacher scolded him.
c. Everything went wrong for him.
d. He snoozed in the classroom.
e. His parents were furious with him.

In the middle of a bright day, I had an appointment with my friend for lunch. I drove along the main
road at a reasonable speed.

About fifty meters before the crossroads, a pedestrian who was walking on the pavement suddenly
ran across the road in front of my car. I was so surprised that I brake as hard as I could. I really
panicked and I had to swerve to avoid the pedestrian. I crashed into a car which was parked by the
side of the road.

Fortunately, the pedestrian was not injured, but I had a bad cut on my face because my head hit the
wind screen. I did not wear my seat belt.

Then, an ambulance arrived and took me to the hospital where I had to have five stiches and rested
for a few hours. There was a lot of damage to my car; the wind screen was broken and the bodywork
was badly damaged. Later, I was interviewed by the police at the hospital.

34. What is the text about?

A. A car accident
B. A panic driver
C. The writer and a pedestrian
D. An abandoned appointment
E. Sundries on the road
35. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?
A. Where the accident happened
B. When the accident occurred
C. How the accident happened
D. Why the accident happened
E. Who were involved in the accident
36. While the writer was driving, suddenly____.
A. A pedestrian hit his car
B. A pedestrian ran into his car
C. A pedestrian greeted him
D. A pedestrian ran across the road
E. A pedestrian crossed the road
37. From the text we can conclude that____.
A. The pedestrian was careless
B. The writer broke traffic rules
C. The writer drove his/her car fast
D. The witness helped the victim
E. The writer helped the injured pedestrian
38. What can we infer about the writer’s car?
A. It was taken to the police station
B. It was badly damaged
C. It was sold after the accident
D. It had five stitches
E. It could not be repaired
39. How to Make a Pancake.
1. Then, put 250 ml of milk in the bowl.
2. Next, break the 2 eggs into the bowl. Mix it with a spoon
3. First, put the flour in the bowl.
4. Finally, your pancake is ready to be served.
5. Heat up the pan and put the butter. Then put the mix in the pan.
6. Let the pancake mix cook about 5 minutes. Flip pancake over when the top is brown.
The good arrangement of the procedure above is ….

A. 4 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 2 - 3
B. 3 – 2 -1 – 5 – 6 – 4 .
C. 3 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 6 – 4.
D. 3 – 2 – 1 – 6 – 5 – 4.
E. 3 – 1 – 2 - 6 – 5 – 4 .
40. 8 X 9 = 72
How to say the Mathematic question above correctly?
A. Eight is divided by nine is seventy two
B. Eight added by nine is seventy two.
C. Eight subtracted by nine is seventy two.
D. Nine times eight is seventy two.
E. Eight times nine is seventy two.

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