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RTO No: 91223

Student Project Portfolio

BSBMKG546 Develop Social Media Engagement

Student name:



Business this assessment is

based on:
Section 1: Prepare to develop social media strategy

Identify organisational and client requirements

Complete this section after the meeting.

Your role Social Media Manager for Green Cat Marketing

What is your role in your

The organisation/client The company has recently signed up a client, Grow Management
Consultants that offers leadership development services to
Provide a brief description of
corporate clients. The business has been very successful and has a
the organisation/client you are
large number of clients and ongoing work. However, its success is
planning a social media
based on the Principal Consultant’s networks and therefore most of
engagement strategy for.
the business comes through referrals.
Grow Management Consultants’ clients are corporate organisations
Provide a description of the who require leadership development services. They are based in
brand and products or multiple locations in Australia and are small, medium and large
services the organisation/client businesses. Grow Management Consultants engage mostly with
offers. the HR department or the person responsible for HR in terms of
initially organising services.

What would this The company wishes to ensure that more businesses know about
organisation/client like to the services it offers i.e., to increase brand awareness and increase
convey about their brand? sales. They would like their brand message to convey that they are
a company that can be trusted, offering high quality services

The marketing objectives  Increase brand awareness

Identify at least three  Generate leads and convert them to sales
marketing objectives
 Increase traffic to the website
according to the marketing

Social media presence Grow Management Consultants has active social media platforms
including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and
List the social media platforms
are the organisation currently
using to engage their They prefer to use LinkedIn
Which other platforms would
they prefer to use?

Target audience Their clients are professionals who use a multitude of devices
including mobiles, iPads and computers. Their preferred social
Describe the current/ideal

Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K

BSBMKG546 Develop social media engagement plans | 3
target audience by outlining media platforms are thought to be Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
their typical characteristics, They typically all have their own websites.
online habits, the devices,
They are really interested in the latest industry trends and how their
platforms, websites and
staff can be as effective as possible. They would like to engage with
applications they use, times
their target audience on the audience’s preferred social media
they are likely to use social
Therefore, their preferred content would include:

 Articles about leadership trends

 Photos/images to promote the brand and the services they


 Links to useful information

 Information about the services they offer

Grow Management Consultants think that most of their clients are

active on social media platforms on the way to work, way home
How have the audience from work and in the evenings and weekends. They are too busy
reacted to social media during the day for social media.
triggers and interventions in
the past?
In the past, Grow Management Consultants’ clients have shown an
interest in reading articles on LinkedIn but didn’t respond well to
hard sell strategies. The odd blog on LinkedIn have been well
received with clients positively reacting, making comments and
sharing a reaction such as a “like”. They’ve also posted questions
about Grow Management Consultants’ services.

Legislation, policies and Competition and Consumer Act 2010

Australian Consumer Law
List the key legislation, policies
Spam Act 2003
and procedures that need to
be followed when undertaking Privacy Act 1988
social media marketing Advertisements and Marketing Communications Code
Guidelines for Online Behavioural Advertising
ASB International Social Media Principles
ACMA Best Practice Guidelines for Social Media
Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) Social Media

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BSBMKG546 Develop social media engagement plans | 4
Market research To: Grow Management Consultant
Attach your research report From: Social Media Manager, Green Cat Marketing
and evidence of your email to
Subject: Research Report
the end of this Section.
Hope you are doing well. This email is regarding the market
research information about the Grow Management Consultant. I
have attached the document in this email. Please read it and
provide your feedback.
Thank You
Green Cat Marketing

Attach: Link to business website About page or corporate

brochure that summarises what the business does OR ☒
Simulation Pack if using case study

Research report ☒

Evidence of emails to relevant personnel ☒

Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K

BSBMKG546 Develop social media engagement plans | 5
Section 2: Implement a social media engagement plan

Social Media Engagement Plan Template

Content Platform Frequency Metrics

Facebook Number of followers and likes

Post a blog article Tuesday Post reach

6 pm Post engagement rate
06/06/2023 Click through rate

Post a picture/image LinkedIn

Followers growth rate

10/06/2023 – 10 am
LinkedIn engagement rate
Impressions and reach

Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K

BSBMKG546 Develop social media engagement plans | 6
Complete this section before presenting your plan for input and approval.

Risks Facebook risk: Spam and phishing: A malicious person could use the
photo to send spam or phishing emails to the company employees.
Describe any data security
concerns associated with the LinkedIn risk: Unsecure blog interface
platforms you are planning to
An example of potential brand damage that could occur as a result of
What are examples of brand
posting a blog article on LinkedIn is the risk of public backlash,
damage that may occur as a
especially if the post contains controversial content or opinions. This
result of the posts? Provide at
could lead to a negative public perception of the brand, damaging the
least one example.
company’s reputation. Furthermore, failure to abide by data protection
regulations or international laws may result in legal penalties for the
company or consultant.
Explain the steps you will take
to mitigate the risks. The mitigation steps that Grow Consultant should take are:

 The consultant should employ safety protocols and

safeguards, such as using a secure, encrypted connection and
ensuring that any sensitive data shared on the post is

 The consultant should also consult with data protection and

legal experts to ensure that all data being shared is secure,
and that no laws or regulations are being violated.

 Additionally, the consultant should review the content prior to

posting it, to check for any potential legal issues or
controversial content that may cause damage to the brand.

Complete this section after the presentation of your plan.

Present the plan The plan was present by the Social Media Manager of Green Cat
Who did you present the plan
to? The input was:
What was the input you  accurate information
 explained with loud and clear voice
If not viewed in person by your
 Timely managed
assessor, attach proof of your
presentation to this section of
your portfolio (e.g., video
recording or slides).

Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K

BSBMKG546 Develop social media engagement plans | 7
Scheduling The scheduling tool I used was google calendar
Describe the scheduling tool
you used.
Attach evidence of your
scheduling at the end of this

Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K

BSBMKG546 Develop social media engagement plans | 8
Complete this Section after receiving questions, comments and reactions on your posts.

Engage with audience The blog article posted on Facebook on Tuesday, 06/06/2023 at 6
pm received 400 likes, 20 comments, 5 shares and 10 followers
Describe the post for which
clicked through to your client’s website. Only one person shared your
you received the most
post on their own page.
Attach evidence of your
responses (screenshots) to
the end of this Section.

Facebook Creator Studio: Facebook Creator Studio is a free tool that

allows you to manage your Facebook Page, including creating
Describe at least two tools automated responses.
that can be used to create
 To create an automated response, go to the Inbox tab in
automated responses on the Creator Studio and select Automatic Responses.
platforms you posted to?  Then, click Create and enter a name for your response. You
can choose to send the response on Messenger, Instagram,
or both.
List your information sources.  Next, add up to five keywords or phrases that will trigger the
Which tool did you select? response. When someone messages your Page using one of
these keywords or phrases, they will receive your automated
How will you use the tool?
ManyChat: ManyChat is a chatbot platform that allows you to create
automated responses for Facebook Messenger.
What was the instant reply/
 To create an automated response in ManyChat, go to the Bot
message/response you
Builder and select Create New Flow.
 Then, click Add Trigger and select User Messages.
 Next, enter the keywords or phrases that will trigger the
Attach evidence of the response. You can also choose to add conditions to the
implementation trigger, such as the time of day or the user's location.
(screenshots/video where you  Once you have created the trigger, you can add your
are using the tool) to the end response. You can include text, images, videos, and buttons
in your response.
of this section.
I selected Facebook Creator Studio

 To create an automated response, go to the Inbox tab in

Creator Studio and select Automatic Responses.
 Then, click Create and enter a name for your response. You
can choose to send the response on Messenger, Instagram,
or both.
 Next, add up to five keywords or phrases that will trigger the
response. When someone messages your Page using one of
these keywords or phrases, they will receive your automated

Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K

BSBMKG546 Develop social media engagement plans | 9
Metrics Expected Actual
How many actual likes,
Likes 300 400
comments, shares did your
post receive? Compare this to
Comment 10 20
the metrics you set in your
plan. How does it compare? Share 10 5
Describe the effectiveness of
your post based on the Click through 5 10
questions, comments and website
reactions you got.
Shared on page 5 1

Attach: Evidence of presentation (slides, video, etc.) ☒

Evidence of the scheduling (screenshots) ☒

Evidence of the using automation tool (screenshots/video) ☒

Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K

BSBMKG546 Develop social media engagement plans | 10
Section 3: Review social engagement effectiveness

Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K

BSBMKG546 Develop social media engagement plans | 11
Social media analytics I will use google analytics
The regular review can take place at any time 24/7 however the most
appropriate routine will be daily basis.
Which social media analytics
service will you use? Social Media Manager

When the regular review of the

analytics take place?
The person responsible for
reviewing performance?

Performance gaps The performance gap that was identified was the sharing of post. To
improve the effectiveness be active and consistent in responding to
Identify gaps in performance
comments and messages
against requirements

To react positively to changes in social media

How will you adjust the plan to
react positively to changes in  ask for feedback
the social media space?
 ask the followers for feedback or respond to their comments.


Email to relevant personnel ☒

To: CEO, Grow Management Consultant

From: Social Media Manager, Green Cat Marketing
Subject: Social media engagement effectiveness
Dear CEO
The attached report will provide you the overall effectiveness of social media engagement plan for the
Facebook bog post posted on 06/06/2023. The post received 400 likes, 20 comments, 5 shares and 10
followers clicked through to your client’s website. Only one person shared your post on their own page.
To improve the effectiveness we will be consistent and active in responding to the comments and
messages. All the information regarding the plan is provided in the document. Please have a look and
contact me if you need any further information.
Thank You

Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K

BSBMKG546 Develop social media engagement plans | 12
Social Media Manager
Green Cat Maketing

Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K

BSBMKG546 Develop social media engagement plans | 13

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