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What to Focus on

By hand, write the following to become familiar.

workbook. You should write enough to feel confident that you have answered all the

1. The "purpose" of the GUIDING PRINCIPAL text

A guiding principle is a suggestion which directs an organization in any situation,

regardless of the changes made to its goals, tactics, business line, or organizational

The principles of a guiding principle are timeless and universal.

Help businesses implement service management

Adapt ITIL guidance according to their specific needs and situations.

Support the efforts of all organizations to continuously develop at all levels.

No problem using a variety frameworks and methodologies, such as Agile, DevOps

COBIT, Lean, etc.

2. Learn the "ALL/EACH", a guideline principle (TEXT).

Focus on Value

All the actions of the company should be directly or indirectly related to the value they
provide for themselves, their clients and other stakeholders.

Value can be expressed in many ways, including revenue, customer loyalty and lower
costs. It may also take the form of expansion potential, increased productivity, lower
costs or an opportunity to enter new markets.

Prioritizing value is important both in normal operations and during projects of

improvement. Value should be emphasized at every stage of the improvement process.

Understanding how users interact with services is important.

Encourage your employees to value their work.

Begin where you are

Don't start from scratch before evaluating the current resources that can be used.

Implement proper measurement techniques to understand the current status.

Do not focus on growth and duplication, but rather learning and improvement. Use risk
management skills when reusing or continuing the same actions. Examine critically the
current services, methods and initiatives.

Sometimes, nothing can even be recycled.

Iteratively progress with feedback

Divide your tasks into smaller, easier to complete ones that you will be able to finish
on time.

A feedback loop occurs when some of the output from an activity is used to create new

Feedback can reveal dangers and potential problems.

Take action. Feedback is essential, as change is constant. Quick doesn't mean


Promote collaboration and visibility

Included is preferable to excluded

If businesses do not share information, they will face many issues

Avoiding hidden goals and making the work and its results public will encourage
innovative ideas, enthusiasm and substantive opinions.

Collaboration doesn't mean unanimity, because you can’t please everyone. Success
depends on selecting the right approach and message to reach each audience.

Only visible data can be used to make decisions

Get input from different parties

Encourage transparent decision making process

Think holistically and work with

Consider the bigger picture when evaluating situations

Services are provided by integrating and coordinating services for internal and
external users.

Transparency of the entire conversion process from desire to results

Determine the complexity of systems

Search for patterns between the system elements and their

requirements. Collaboration is key.
Automating the process can give you a complete view of your organization.

Keep things simple and practical

Work processes can be streamlined to improve efficiency

Do not complicate the application with too many features.

Take the fewest possible steps to complete any task.

In order to create concepts that are feasible and add value, it is important to apply
outcome-based thinking.

In many cases, attempting to deal with every possible exception will result in an
unnecessary amount of complexity.

Value for money is guaranteed

Do less, but better

Respect the time of those involved

* Easy to understand and more likely to be adopted

Automate and optimise

Optimisation is the process of making something as valuable and efficient as possible.

Before an activity can be automated efficiently, it must be optimized.

Automation requiring minimal human interaction.

Before automating, simplify and/or optimize * Define metrics * Apply the other
principles to this principle

3. What is SERVICE VALUE CHAIN? (TEXT). What is "PLAN?" (TEXT).

 Plan 2. Plan 3. Improve 3. Design and transition 4. Obtain/build 6. Deliver and


Page 41 Slide 82

Plan - Purpose

The plan value chain activity aims to ensure that all employees in the organization
have a common understanding of all four dimensions, the current situation and the
improvement direction.

The goal of the Improve Value Chain activity is to continuously improve products,
services, and practices in all value chain activities as well as the four dimensions of
Service Management.

Engage with a Purpose

The engage value chain was created to provide a comprehensive understanding of

stakeholder needs, transparency, engagement and ongoing, as well as excellent
connections with all parties.

Transitions & Design - Objective

Design and value chain activities aim to ensure that products and services meet
stakeholder expectations in terms of quality, cost and time-to-market.

Build/Obtain - Purpose

The goal of the obtain/build value-chain activity is to ensure that service components
will be readily available at any time and adhere to standards.

Deliver and Support - Objective

The goal of the value chain activity, provide and support is to ensure that services are
provided in accordance with guidelines and expectations from stakeholders.

4. Know the 4 Dimensions, what is the "Information & Technology Dimension"?


Pg27 slide 55

Organisations and People

Each employee should know how their contribution to the value generation for the
company and its stakeholders, including clients, is.

Dissolving organizational silos can be achieved by promoting a mindset that is value-

creation centric.

Complexity is increasing in organizations.

The roles, responsibilities, authority systems, and communication in an organization

should be clearly defined to support its overall strategy.

Information and Technology

Includes the technologies, data and expertise required for managing services.

The SVS also includes the relationships between the different components.
Considerations include:

What information is collected by services?

* What is the required level of expertise and background knowledge to deliver and
supervise services?

How will information and knowledge assets managed, stored and disposed?

Partners and Suppliers

Those who are heavily involved in the creation, deployment, support and/or
enhancement of services

Handle all contracts and agreements between a company and its suppliers or partners.

Relationships within an organization can vary in their integration and formality.

How you use partners and suppliers is influenced by the following factors:

* Strategic focus, Corporate culture,

*Resource scarcity and Cost Issues

* Subject matter expertise

* External limitations - political, social, government, etc.

Demand Patterns

Value streams and processes

The value-creation strategy explains what the organization does, how it is organized
and how it creates value.

 A value stream is the series of steps an organization uses to create and

maintain its value.
 Offer items and services for a consumer of service.
 Value streams are the integrated value chains of organizations

All value streams should be identified and mapped by organizations.

* Review the current situation to identify any barriers in the workflow or non-value
added tasks. waste.

Wasteful activities must be eliminated to increase production.

* Opportunities to add value are available throughout the entire service value chain.
* Process – A group of connected or interconnected actions that transform inputs into

The order and interdependence of processes is defined by the processes.

Consider these important questions:

Consider the following:

* Which value streams are involved in the delivery of agreed-upon service outputs?

Who or what performs the required service actions?

5. Are you familiar with the "ALL/EACH", SERVICE VALUE CHAIN (6) ACTIVITIES



Pg 51, slide 102

The objective is to observe and record systematically services and components of

service, and to report on selected changes in state which are designated as "events".

Identify and prioritize infrastructure, services and business processes incidents

Determine the appropriate response to incidents or conditions that indicate possible

flaws or accidents.

7. Learn how to manage service configuration (TEXT).

It is important to have accurate, reliable information about the configuration of the

services and CIs supporting them available when needed.

This document includes information about how CIs work and their relationships.

Configuration items are any components that need to be managed in order to deliver
an IT service.

8. What is Problem Management Practice (TEXT).


 Problem Management - Purpose

 Manage workarounds and faults to reduce the frequency and impact accidents.
 Slide 114, page 57
 Each type of change or change model should have a change authority
 a change that has been well documented, understood and authorized
Emergency Change -An emergency change is a change that needs to be implemented
as quickly as possible in order to resolve a security or incident issue.

Use a change calendar to plan and avoid conflict.

9. How to Ensure Successful Continuous Improvement?


ITIL V4 Foundation - Which

of the following is a
recommended practice for
continual improvement?
What is the recommendation of a continual improvement?


 At least a small group should be dedicated to leading efforts for continuous

 All improvements should be managed in phases.
 Continuous improvement should not be mixed with other practices.
 Exclude external suppliers from improvement initiatives.


At least a small group should be dedicated to leading efforts for continuous



Everyone should be involved in some capacity, but there should also be a dedicated
team that works full-time on promoting the continuous improvement practice and
leading the efforts.

Why is INCIDENT CATEGORY important for Incident Management?
How can categorization help with incident management?


 This helps to direct the incident towards the appropriate support area.
 The priority of the incident is determined by the severity.
 Assuring that incidents are resolved within the agreed timescales with
 This determines the perception of a service provider.


This helps to direct the incident towards the appropriate support area.


Most complex incidents are escalated to the support team. Routing is usually based on
incident categories, which can help identify the right team.

Familiarize yourself with the "INCIDENT CONTRIBUTION TO SVC Activities"


Plan - Incident reports are an important input for planning tactical and strategic

Operational level

* Improve – Incident records provide a valuable input for improvement activities.

Prioritise incidents based on their frequency and severity.

Customers or users can see incidents. Communication is important.

Understand the issues, establish expectations, provide updates, and agree to that

The incident can now be closed.

* Design and Transition - Incidents can occur both in test environments as well as

During service release and deployment. These incidents are dealt with in a timely

In a controlled way

These incidents may occur when you are developing in a development

environment. These

The incidents are handled in a timely and controlled way.

* Deliver and Support - Incident Management makes a significant contributions to

support. This value chain activity involves resolving problems and incidents.

Plan : Incident reports play an important role in planning at the tactical and operational

Improve : Incident reports are a key component of improvement initiatives. They are
ranked according to the severity and frequency of incidents.

Engage : Incidents will be made visible to customers or users, and communication will
continue to take place to understand the issues and set expectations. Status updates
are also provided, as well as agreement on the resolution of the issue.

Transition and Design : Instances can occur not only in production scenarios but also
during testing, release and deployment. These incidents are dealt with promptly and in
a controlled way.

Obtain/Build Development environments can also experience incidents. These

incidents are handled in a timely, controlled manner.

Deliver Support: The incident management process is a significant contributor to the

support processes. This value chain activity includes the resolution of incidents as well
as problems.

No Paraphrase is required. Copy and paste plaintext***




* Protect the information required by the organisation

Conduct its business

Includes understanding and managing the risks to confidentiality

Integrity and accessibility of information

* Authentication and non-repudiation.

* This is done to protect the information that the organization needs to carry out its

Understand and control threats to confidentiality, integrity and availability of data

* Authentication and non-repudiation.

2.Familiarity with the organisation used for CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT

How can an organization improve its performance?

A. A.

B. Choose a few methods that are most appropriate for the type of improvement the
organization is responsible for

C. Develop the ability to use as many improvements methods as possible

D. Choose a single improvement method for the entire organization

B. Correct. The guidance explains that there are several methods for improvement
initiatives, and warns about using too many. It is stated in the guidance that "it is a
good thing to select and cultivate a few key techniques which are appropriate for the
types of improvements the organization usually handles". Refer 5.1.2

The guideline explains the many ways that improvement projects can be approached
and warns against using too many.

It's a good idea for the company to develop a few core strategy that is appropriate for
the type of improvement it typically handles.

3.Familiarize yourself with the SERVICE DESK PRACTICE and what is considered a

What is the recommendation for service desk practices?


The service desk should be able to understand the organization as a whole.


A good service desk should also have a practical understanding of your organization's
business processes and users.

Systems integrate data from different sources to give a comprehensive view of an


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