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1. When considering air:

1 - air has mass.
2 - air is not compressible.
3 - air is able to flow or change its shape when subject to even small pressures.
4 - the viscosity of air is very high.
5 - moving air has kinetic energy.

The correct combination of all true statements is:

a. 1, 2, 3 and 5.
b. 2, 3 and 4.
c. 1 and 4.
d. 1, 3, and 5.

2. Why do the lower layers contain the greater proportion of the whole mass of the

a. Because air is very viscous.

b. Because air is compressible.
c. Because of greater levels of humidity at low altitude.
d. Because air has very little mass.

3. With increasing altitude, up to about 40 000 ft, the characteristics of air change:

1 - temperature decreases continuously with altitude.

2 - pressure falls steadily to an altitude of about 36 000 ft, where it then remains
3 - density decreases steadily with increasing altitude.
4 - pressure falls steadily with increasing altitude.

The combination of true statements is:

a. 3 and 4.
b. 1, 2 and 3.
c. 2 and 4.
d. 1 and 4.

4. When considering static pressure:

1 - in aviation, static pressure can be measured in hectopascals.

2 - the SI unit for static pressure is N/m2.
3 - static pressure is the product of the mass of air pressing down on the air
4 - referred to as static pressure because of the air’s stationary or static presence.
5 - the lower the altitude, the greater the static pressure.

The correct statements are:

a. 2, 4 and 5.
b. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
c. 1, 3 and 5.
d. 1 and 5.

2 Questions

5. When considering air density:

1 - density is measured in millibars.


2 - density increases with increasing altitude.

3 - if temperature increases, the density will increase.

4 - as altitude increases, density will decrease.

5 - temperature decreases with increasing altitude, and this will cause air density to

The combination of correct statements is:

a. 4 only.
b. 4 and 5.
c. 5 only.
d. 2, 3 and 5.

6. Air density is:

a. mass per unit volume.

b. proportional to temperature and inversely proportional to pressure.
c. independent of both temperature and pressure.
d. dependent only on decreasing pressure with increasing altitude.

7. When considering the ICAO International Standard Atmosphere and comparing it

with the actual atmosphere, which of the following statements is correct?

1 - Temperature, pressure and density are constantly changing in any given layer of
the actual atmosphere.
2 - A requirement exists for a hypothetical ’standard’ atmosphere.
3 - The values given in the International Standard Atmosphere exist at the same
altitudes in the actual atmosphere.
4- The International Standard Atmosphere was designed for the calibration of
pressure instruments and the comparison of aircraft performance calculations.

a. 1, 2 and 3.
b. 2, 3 and 4.
c. 1, 2, 3 and 4.
d. 1, 2 and 4.

8. When considering the ICAO International Standard Atmosphere, which of the

following statements is correct?

1 - The temperature lapse rate is assumed to be uniform at 2°C per 1000 ft (1.98°C)
up to a height of 11 000 ft.
2 - Sea level temperature is assumed to be 15°C.
3 - Sea level static pressure is assumed to be 1.225 kg/m3.
4 - Sea level density is assumed to be 1013.25 hPa.

a. 1, 2, 3 and 4.
b. No statements are correct.
c. 1, 3 and 4.
d. 2 only.

9. A moving mass of air possesses kinetic energy. An object placed in the path of
such a moving mass of air will be subject to which of the following?

a. Dynamic pressure.
b. Static pressure.

c. Static pressure and dynamic pressure.
d. Dynamic pressure minus static pressure.

10. Dynamic pressure is:

a. the total pressure at a point where a moving airflow is brought completely to

b. the amount by which the pressure rises at a point where a moving airflow is
brought completely to rest.
c. the pressure due to the mass of air pressing down on the air beneath.
d. the pressure change caused by heating when a moving airflow is brought
completely to rest.

11. Dynamic pressure is equal to:

a. density times speed squared.

b. half the density times the indicated airspeed squared.
c. half the true airspeed times the density squared.
d. half the density times the true airspeed squared.

12. A tube facing into an airflow will experience a pressure in the tube equal to:

a. static pressure.
b. dynamic pressure.
c. static pressure plus dynamic pressure.
d. the difference between total pressure and static pressure.

13. A static pressure vent must be positioned:

a. on a part of the aircraft structure where the airflow is undisturbed, in a

surface at right angles to the airflow direction.
b. on a part of the structure where the airflow is undisturbed, in a surface
parallel to the airflow direction.
c. at the stagnation point.
d. at the point on the surface where the airflow reaches the highest speed.

14. The inputs to an Airspeed Indicator are from:

a. a static source.
b. pitot pressure.
c. a pitot and a static source.
d. pitot, static and density.

15. The deflection of the pointer of the Airspeed Indicator is proportional to:

a. dynamic pressure.
b. static pressure.
c. the difference between static and dynamic pressure.
d. static pressure plus dynamic pressure.

2 Questions

16. Calibration of the Airspeed Indicator is based upon the density:

a. at the altitude at which the aircraft is flying.


b. at sea level ICAO International Standard Atmosphere temperature.

c. at sea level.

d. at sea level ICAO International Standard Atmosphere +15°C temperature.

17. When considering the relationship between different types of airspeed:

1 - True Airspeed (TAS) is read directly from the Airspeed Indicator.

2 - Equivalent Airspeed is Indicated Airspeed corrected for position error.
3 - Indicated Airspeed is not a speed at all, it is a pressure.
4 - True Airspeed is the speed of the aircraft through the air.

Which of the above statements are true?

a. 1 only.
b. 2 and 3.
c. 3 and 4.
d. 1 and 4.

18. When considering the relationship between different types of Airspeed:

1 - Calibrated Airspeed is Indicated Airspeed corrected for position error.

2 - Equivalent Airspeed is Indicated Airspeed corrected for position error &
3 - Position error, which causes false Indicated Airspeed readings, is due to
variations in the pressures sensed at the pitot and static ports.
4 - The Airspeed Indicator is calibrated to read True Airspeed when the ambient
density is that of the ICAO International Standard Atmosphere at sea level.

The combination of correct statements is:

a. none of the statements are correct.

b. 1, 2 and 4.
c. 2 and 3.
d. 1, 2, 3 and 4.

19. The speed of sound:

a. is dependent upon the True Airspeed and the Mach number of the aircraft.
b. is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature.
c. is proportional to the square root of the absolute temperature of the air.
d. is directly proportional to the True Airspeed of the aircraft.

20. Mach number is:

a. the aircraft True Airspeed divided by the local speed of sound.

b. the speed of sound in the ambient conditions in which the aircraft is flying.
c. the True Airspeed of the aircraft at which the relative airflow somewhere on
the aircraft first reaches the local speed of sound.
d. the Indicated Airspeed divided by the local speed of sound sea level.

21. An aircraft’s critical Mach number is:

a. the speed of the airflow when the aircraft first becomes supersonic.

b. the speed of the aircraft when the airflow somewhere reaches the speed of

c. the Indicated Airspeed when the aircraft first becomes supersonic.
d. the aircraft’s Mach number when airflow over it first reaches the local speed
of sound.


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