IT1-2101 NadirovBekzhan ZhenissulyAldiyar Lab1

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Human-Computer Interaction

1. Nadirov Bekzhan and Zhenissuly Aldiyar

2. Moneywise is a mobile application designed to help users acquire and

improve financial literacy. The main goal of the application is to provide
educational materials and tools for managing personal finances, helping
users make the right financial decisions.

3. Find 3 or more similar applications and conduct a comparative analysis.

1. Money Pro: Personal Finance: Calendar, Today view, Bills due


2. Spending Tracker: analysis of expenses

3. Things 3: Budget rollover, analysis of expenses and incomes

4. Describe benefits of your application.

A financial management mobile app can provide a variety of functionality that will
help users manage their finances effectively. Here is a list of the main functions
that can be implemented in such an application:

1. Accounting for expenses and income:

1.1 Entering data on income and expenses, including categories and dates.
1.2 Automatic import of transaction data from bank accounts and credit cards.
2. Goals and savings:
2.1 Set financial goals (eg vacation, car purchase) and track progress.
2.2 Recommendations for savings and investments.
3.Loans and debts:
3.1 Tracking debt on loans and borrowings.
3.2 Calculation of payments and notifications about deadlines.
Human-Computer Interaction

4.Notifications and Reminders:

4.1 Reminders about bills, due dates, and meeting financial goals.
4.2 Push notifications about financial transactions.

5. Investments and portfolio:

5.1 Monitoring the investment portfolio and changes in financial markets.
5.2 Information on current stock prices and indices.
6. Investments and portfolio:
6.1 Monitoring the investment portfolio and changes in financial markets.
6.2 Information on current stock prices and indices.
7. Charitable contributions and donations:
Allow users to set a charitable donation budget and automatically transfer funds to
selected charities.
8. Automatic investment of change:
Provide an option to automatically invest change from purchases to help users
accumulate additional funds.
9. Managing subscriptions and recurring payments:
Create functionality to track and optimize monthly subscriptions and recurring
payments while offering savings tips.

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