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ॺ ঘফনঘন঱঑লশষঅশমনধকসনশষবল঱শছনঋনষ ॶॶ ঊতদন४ঘলসদফ঍ঈॱ঍র঳঵লহনগনদস঵বষ়
 অথলসষবওগॵॺॱঅ঱শ঺ন঵নধ ॶॶ গনষষব঱পঙ঳ঊতদনত঱ধঘলসদফ঍ঈ
ॼ বঔফল঱নॵॸঔ঵লত঱ধঔ঵ল঑ত঻঑লধনযশ ॶॸ ঘফনঌলরনগদ঵নন঱ॱঅদদনশশব঱প঍ষঅযয
ॽ ঈ়঱তরবদ঍শযত঱ধॱ঒ল঑ল঵ন঒লষদফ ॶॹ ঙশব঱পষফনবঔফল঱ন৅শঅ঳঳ঐবথ঵ত঵়
ॽ ঘফন঒ন঺অॵॺআবল঱বদইফব঳উ঻঳যতব঱নধ ॶॺ ঋনষষব঱পও঱যব঱নॱঙ঱যলদমব঱পষফনছনথ
ॽ ঘফনকসতধঔব঻নযইতরন঵তॱॷ঻অরতঽব঱প ॶॻ ঎লব঱ব঱পতॹঋॳॸঋॳॷঋ঒নষ঺ল঵ম
ॵॴ বঔফল঱নॵॸত঱ধॵॸঔযসশ঑লধনযশ ॶॼ উরতবযগনষॱস঳ॱও঳ন঱ব঱পঝলস঵঍঱থল঻
ॵॴ ঍র঳঵লহনধঔন঵঩ল঵রত঱দনॱআনষষন঵উহন঵়ষফব঱পঃ ॷॴ ঔফল঱নইতযযশॱগষত়ব঱প঍঱ঘলসদফ
ॵॵ বঔফল঱নॵॸউরন঵পন঱দ়ইতযযব঱প ॷॸ ঘফনঘলসদফশদ঵নন঱ॱঅষঝলস঵ঊব঱পন঵ষব঳শ
ॵॵ উরন঵পন঱দ়॥ঌনতযষফ४গত঩নষ়ইলহন঵নধ ॷॺ ঘফনএন়থলত঵ধॱ঍঱঳সষব঱প४ইল঱ষ঵লয
ॷॼ ইল঱ষ঵লযইন঱ষ঵নॱকসবদমঅদদনশশ
ॵॶ ঊব঵শষগষন঳শ঺বষফঝলস঵বঔফল঱ন ॸॴ ঐলদমগদ঵নন঱ॱইসশষলরবশব঱প঍ষঅযয
ॵॸ আসষষল঱শ४ঔল঵ষশॱঅঙশন঵ঋসবধন
ॵॹ ঌলরনআসষষল঱বঔফল঱ন঑লধনযশ ॸॸ ঝলস঵বঔফল঱ন५শআসবযষॱব঱অ঳঳শ
ॵॺ ঋনষষব঱পগনষঙ঳ॱঊল঵ষফনॵশষঘবরন ॸॺ ঘফন঑তবযঅ঳঳ॱগন঱ধব঱প४খনদনবহব঱প
ॵॽ উ঵তশব঱পঝলস঵ইস঵঵ন঱ষবঔফল঱ন ॸॻ গন঱ধব঱পত঱ধগদফনধসযব঱পঝলস঵উরতবযশ
ॶॴ ঝলস঵অ঳঳যন঍ঈॱও঳ন঱ব঱পঙ঳অ঳঳যন ॸॽ অধধব঱পচ঍ঔগন঱ধন঵শষলঝলস঵঑তবযঅ঳঳
ॹॵ ঙ঱ধন঵শষত঱ধব঱পঝলস঵ঔ঵বহতদ়ঊনতষস঵নশ
ॹॶ ঘফনগত঩ত঵বঅ঳঳ॱঘফনছল঵যধছবধনছনথ
ॹॹ ঙশব঱পঘতথঋ঵লস঳শত঱ধঘতথগফত঵ব঱প
ॹॼ ঘফনখনরব঱ধন঵শঅ঳঳ॱঈল঱৅ষঊল঵পনষ
ॹॽ ঌল঺ষলই঵নতষনত঱ধঙশনখনরব঱ধন঵শ
ॺॴ ঘফন঑নশশতপনশঅ঳঳ॱঘন঻ষ४গ঑গ४঑ল঵ন
ॺॸ ঌল঺ষলঙ঱শন঱ষত঱ধউধবষগন঱ষ঑নশশতপনশ
ॺॺ ঙশব঱প঑নরলভবॱ঑তমব঱প঍ষঔন঵শল঱তয
ॺॼ ঘফন঒লষনশঅ঳঳ॱঊল঵ঝলস঵঎লষষব঱পশ
ॻॵ ঙশব঱পষফনঅদষবল঱ত঱ধগফত঵ন঑ন঱সশ


ॻॶ ঋঅ঑উঞও঒উ ॽॵ খনষ঵লআল঺যॳউ঳বদখতদনॷঈ

ॻॸ আবলগফলদমখনরতশষন঵নধ ॽॶ জইও঑ॶইলযযনদষবল঱
ॻॺ ঐব঩নবশগষ঵ত঱পনॶ ॽॸ ঑নধবনহতয঍঍ॾঘলষতযছত঵
ॻॻ ঙ঱রনরল঵় ॽॺ ইসষষফনখল঳নॾআঐঅগঘ
ॻॼ গষ঵ননষএত঵ষখতদব঱প ॽॻ ঑লমলমলজ
ॼॴ ঘফনঊব঵শষঘ঵নন ॽॼ অ঱লরতয়ছত঵ঽল঱নউত঵ষফ
ॼॵ ঍঩ঊলস঱ধॲॲॲ ॽॽ অ঱লষফন঵ছল঵যধॱॶॴষফ
ॼॶ ঘফনঙ঱঩ব঱বশফনধগ঺ত঱ ॵॴॴ ঋ঵ত঱ধঘফন঩ষঅসষলॾইফব঱তষল঺঱ছত঵শ
ॼॸ ঊঅখॾঐল঱নগতবযশ ॵॴॵ ঈ঵তপল঱५শঐতব঵ॷॴষফঅ঱঱বহন঵শত঵়
ॼॺ ঊললষথতযয঑ত঱তপন঵ॶॴॶॶ ॵॴॶ ঈবশদলউয়শবসরॱঘফনঊব঱তযইসষ
ॼॼ ঔস঳঳লঽ ॵॴॸ ঑ব঱বল঱খসশফॾখস঱঱ব঱পঋতরন
ॼॽ ঑ব঱নদ঵ত঩ষ ॵॴॺ ঐউঋওগষত঵ছতশॾঘইগ
ॽॴ ঘনষ঵বশ ॵॴॼ ঒ন঻ষ঍শশসন 5
The Ten Most Asked Questions
We Get About iOS 16
What’s iOS 16 all about? We answer ten of your
y most-asked
questions about the iPhone’s latest operating system.

Wha t is iOS 16, and w hy should

we be excited about it? tem that runs on Apple’s iPho
ne. It’s packed with great new
features and
ion of the ope ratin g sys App le ope rating system is always
iOS 16 is the latest vers e, and like all vers ions of iOS, it’s free too! A new , new Focus
improvements to functions
you already hav with increased functionality
plen ty to cele bra te. The re’s a great new lock screen in Ma ps, Live Text in
e’s multi-stop routing
an event, and with iOS 16 ther ssa ges you sent before they were ready,
em ails and me
features, the ability to recall

Tell me about
Library and more.
videos, iCloud Shared Photo

Apple identified a security flaw in iOS 15. the new

Is iOS 16 going to be safe to use? lock screen?
The lock screen has been completely
The security flaw is patched in the new operating system.
overhauled. You can add widgets to the
iOS 16 has been extensively tested, both internally and as a
lock screen, and change the font and
developers’ and public beta release. Apple is dedicated to
colour of the numbers used to show the
making its software secure and safe, and also to safeguard
time too. The new lock screen is
your privacy. A new feature, Safety Check, lets victims of abusive
multi-layered, so if you use a
relationships review and reset the access they’ve granted others to
photograph, you can have the time
make sure they’re not sharing information with someone they’d rather not. In
shown between the main photo object
fact, iOS is the most secure, private operating system on any mobile device.
and its background. It looks amazing.
Best of all, you can make multiple lock
screens and switch between them at

How do I install
will. You can even set a Focus for each
lock screen, so when you switch to it,
your chosen Focus is turned on too.

iOS 16?
iOS 16 is easy – and free – to install.
Open the Settings app, tap the General
option and then tap Software Update.
Your iPhone checks whether a new
version of iOS is available, and if there
is, invites you to download it. Follow the
on-screen instructions.

Questions About iOS 16

the new P h ot o S ha ring

What’s ut ?
feat ure I v
’ e hear d ab o hoto
w set up a p
for fam ilies . You can no m ily g ro up.
This one’s g
th e peo p le in your fa ne
shared with ble to everyo
album that’s ture , it’s instantly availa – ju st th e
ost a pic else in the g
When you p th e loop

Can you really rec

th em in
thing to keep
or events.
on holidays
equal rights
in the group ha
to pos t an d
ed it all an
pictures, an
d yo u ca n ev en
email in the Mail
se t yo
ur p
al ly
ne to
send a pho
yo u ta ke it.
to to
the album as e, an d
You certainly
can! If you se
feat ur nd an email an
an amazing made a mista
ke or forgot to d notice you’ve
use. add an attach
great fun to ten seconds in
which you can ment, you have
Undo Send bu recall it. You ju
tton at the foot st tap the
taken back to of the screen.
the compositio You’re then
correct your m n screen, whe
re you can

I use Maps as an in-car

before sendin
g it
again. It’s an
amazing featur

GPS. Has it changed?

which will save
a lot
of frustration.

The redesign of the Maps app

continues apace, with more
detail, cycling information, Look
Around and better 3D being
rolled out in more and more
territories. One of the best new
features in iOS 16 Maps is
I use Messages more than Mail these
Multistop Routing. When setting a
route, you can now add up to 15
stops along that route. Just the
days. Can I unsend a message too?
thing for long journeys where you Yes, but there are a few limitations. You can recall a message for
might want to factor in stops for up to two minutes after sending it, but unless the recipient also has
fuel, refreshments and more. an iPhone on iOS 16, an iPad on iPadOS 16 or a Mac on macOS
Ventura, it still gets through even though it disappears from your
screen. You can edit and resend a message for up to 15 minutes,
but again, unless your recipient has an up-to-date Apple device,

What else is new? Anything interesting?

they get the old message as well as the new one. It’s still a great
feature for when the
auto-correct causes
Plenty! The Live Text feature that lets you copy words and
problems just as you send
numbers from photographs can now be achieved with
your message, though.
videos too. Just pause the video, and tap the words on
the screen. Wallet IDs and Wallet Keys are rolling out in
more areas, and the
Dictation feature has
been improved, with the
keyboard now
appearing on the screen
while you speak, so you
can seamlessly switch
What do I need to run iOS 16?
between the two. And To install iOS 16, your iPhone must be an iPhone SE (2nd generation
that’s not all. Check our
or later), or an iPhone 8 or later. If you’re unsure which model your
tutorials for lots more tips
iPhone is, go to:
and features in iOS 16. 7
New iPhones
Apple’s brand new iPhone 14 series
is here, and they’re looking great.

The iPhone 14 Pro Better Screens

and Pro Max Once again, the Pro iPhones come in two sizes; the
regular model, with a 6.1-inch screen (measured corner

Apple’s flagship phones

to corner), and the larger Pro Max with a 6.7-inch display.
The screen makes significant advances over the
previous model. It has smaller borders and is brighter
To no one’s surprise, the iPhone 14 range includes an iPhone 14 Pro and than before, In fact, it has the highest outdoor peak
iPhone 14 Pro Max. These are Apple’s high-end models, top-of- brightness in a smartphone, of up to 2000 nits, which is
the-range models for top-of-the-range needs. As expected, there was a twice as bright as iPhone 13 Pro.
price increase over the launch prices of the iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max, But most significantly, it’s always on. Instead of
but this wasn’t as hefty as we thought it might be. So let’s take a look at turning off when the iPhone is idle, it merely dims, so you
the iPhone 14 Pro, and its larger stable mate, the iPhone 14 Pro Max. can still see the time and information like the new Lock
Screen widgets without picking up the phone or tapping
New Colours the display. This is made possible by some great new
power-efficient features. The screen refresh rate can go
iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max are made from surgical grade stainless as low as one hertz with a new low power mode, and
steel, and are available in four new colours, namely space black, silver, gold, and uses far less power when it does refresh. It works
a gorgeous deep purple design that looks far better than the more lilac model in intelligently too, with wallpaper photos dimming without
the non-Pro iPhone 14 range. losing the correct skin tones.

The always-on display dims when the iPhone is idle.

New iPhones

New Class of Camera

The new iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max’s camera is designed to deliver the best
results for any photographer, from the casual snapper to the most demanding
professional. They introduce a brand new class of camera to the iPhone – a 48MB
offering with a quad-pixel sensor. It’s the largest sensor yet, and is 65% larger than
the one on the iPhone 13 Pro/Max. It also offers up to two times’ improvement in
low light conditions. The Telephoto lens has an extra telephoto option. You can now
choose between 0.5x, 1x, 2x and 3x magnification.
The Ultra Wide camera has a larger sensor and more focus pixels, and is up to
three times better in low light conditions than its predecessor. It’s perfect for macro
photography, that is, focussing on subjects very close to the camera.
The flash has been redesigned with a new adaptive behaviour based on the
focal length of the photo. Its nine LEDs control the power and intensity of the light,
for perfectly lit pictures. It’s up to twice as bright as before too.
Fundamental to the pro camera system, A16 Bionic powers incredible
computational photography features. The CPU, GPU, Neural Engine, and image
signal processor seamlessly work together to support the new camera hardware
and perform up to four trillion operations per photo. It also makes possible the new
Action Mode, which when switched on, stabilises your video photography without
needing an extra device such as a gimbal.
Prices and
Release Date
The New A16 Bionic Chip
The iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max are
The new iPhone Pro range is again powered by an
available to preorder and go on
Apple Silicon system-on-a-chip, this time the new
sale on 16th September at the
A16 Bionic. With almost 16 billion transistors, two
following prices:
high-performance cores and four high-efficiency
cores, the new six-core CPU is up to 40% faster
iPhone 14 Pro
than the competition. It features an accelerated
128GB £1,099/$999/1.299 €
five-core GPU with 50% more memory bandwidth
The A16 Bionic chip was 256GB £1,209/$1099/1.429 €
for graphics-intensive games and apps, and its EXLOWZLWKSRZHUHƱFLHQF\ 512GB £1,429/$1299/1.689 €
new 16-core Neural Engine is capable of nearly 17 the new screen features
and photography in mind.
1TB £1,649/$1499/1.949 €
trillion operations per second.
iPhone 14 Pro Max
128GB £1,199/$1099/1.449,00 €

Dynamic Island
256GB £1,309/$1199/1.579,00 €
512GB £1,529/$1399/1.839,00 €
1TB £1,749/$1599/2.099,00 €

Those who listened to the rumour mill For example, when you get a phone call,
ahead of the iPhone 14 Pro/Pro Max’s the Dynamic Island expands to house the
launch expected the notch atop the screen notification about who’s calling, and also
to go in favour of a pill-shaped window a the accept and reject call buttons. When
little down from the top edge, but no one you use Face ID, it becomes
predicted what we got. The new iPhone’s square-shaped as it shows you the
Dynamic Island feature is arguably the most progress of your scan. It also shows when
innovative and exciting change to the user your iPhone is muted, charging or playing
interface we’ve seen in years. music, and shows upcoming directions
This window, of course, houses the when using the Maps. It’s great for ongoing
TrueDepth camera, which has been background activities too, like a countdown
re-engineered to fit into a 30% smaller timer. It can also house iOS 16’s Live
space. For the first time, the proximity Activities information too, such as the
sensor which powers Face ID is positioned current score in a sporting event or
behind the display. This allows the Dynamic keeping an eye on when your taxi will arrive.
Island window to do far more than house The animations associated with
the camera. Instead, it adapts dynamically Dynamic Island are fluid and intuitive, and
to show alerts, background activities, they’re available to third-party developers
notifications and current information too. to use with their own apps too. 9
The iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus
A new phone in five exciting colours
As expected, the Autumn refresh also brought us a regular iPhone 14 model with a
6.1-inch screen (measured corner to corner), but we also got an iPhone 14 Plus, a larger
model with a 6.7-inch screen. This is a first for the regular iPhone – previously, only the
iPhone’s Pro models came in regular and larger sizes. One thing we didn’t get is an
iPhone 14 mini. This is surprising considering the iPhone 12 and 13 series enjoyed a
smaller version, but perhaps they weren’t selling.
Whichever size of iPhone 14 you buy, it retains the ‘notch’ housing the TrueDepth
camera. No Dynamic Island here.


The iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus come in five different colours; midnight, blue, starlight, in regular 6.1-inch and a ‘Plus’ 6.7-inch models.
purple, and the fundraising (PRODUCT)RED, where some of the profits go to AIDS charities.

The regular-sized

The Build
iPhone 14 offers
all-day battery life,
and the iPhone 14
Plus goes even Both sizes of the iPhone 14 are made from technology that supports 1200 nits of peak
further, offering aerospace-grade aluminium. They have an HDR brightness, a 2,000,000:1 contrast
the best battery updated internal design for better thermal ratio, and Dolby Vision. And if you’re prone
life ever in an iPhone. performance. This prevents overheating to dropping your phone, you’ll be glad to
At the heart of the iPhone 14/14 during peak-needs use such as gaming, so learn the Ceramic Shield front cover —
Plus is the Apple Silicon A15 Bionic you can play for longer. The screens boast exclusive to iPhone and tougher than any
system-on-a-chip, which debuted last Super Retina XDR displays with OLED other smartphone glass — returns.
year with the iPhone 13 Pro models. It

Action Mode
has a five-core GPU that’s 18% faster
than the iPhone 13’s. Its six-core CPU
offers two high-performance and four
When recording video, Cinematic
high-efficiency cores, and it also
Mode is now available in 4K at 30 fps
boasts a 16-core neural engine for
and 4K at 24 fps. Dolby Vision HDR is
machine learning.
available too, exclusive to iPhone. But
Also worth noting is the A15
the best enhancement to video
Bionic’s custom Image Signal
recording is the new Action Mode.
Processor which powers some great
Toggled on and off with a tap, Action Mode is a stabilisation tool that adjusts to
features in the iPhone 14/14 Plus
significant shakes, motion, and vibrations while you record your video. Where you
camera system.
might expect footage to be shaky, it’s now silky smooth.

New iPhones

The iPhone 14/14 Plus Camera System Prices and

As expected, the regular iPhone 14 models have a
two-camera system that gives great photos across the Release Date
entire range of light. In bright light, colours come alive. In low
light, moody shadows dominate. The iPhone 14 goes on sale on
The new 12MP main lens has a larger image sensor 16th September and the iPhone
than before, and larger pixels at 1.9 microns. The aperture is 14 Plus on 7th October, at the
faster for better motion freezing when you take a still picture following prices:
of an object in motion, and it boasts a 49% improvement in
low-light photos compared to the iPhone 13’s camera. iPhone 14
The Ultra Wide camera offers a unique perspective 128GB £849/$799/999 €
for wider shots, and the improved True Tone flash is 256GB £959/$899/1.129 €
10% brighter and has better uniformity for more 512GB £1,179/$1,099/1.389 €
consistent lighting.
Around the front, the iPhone 14/14 Plus has a new iPhone 14 Plus
12MP TrueDepth camera with a faster aperture giving a 128GB £949/$899/1.149,00 €
38% improvement in low light imaging. For the first time, the 7UXH'HSWKFDPHUDRƬHUVDXWR 256GB £1,059/$999/1.279,00 €
front-facing camera has auto focus, allowing it to focus IRFXVVRLWFDQIRFXVRQPXOWLSOH 512GB £1,279/$1199/1.539,00 €
clearly at multiple distances. It can focus faster too, for objects at varying distances.
all-round better selfies.

Health and safety is a keen interest at Apple, bandwidth is so limited, a voice
and both the regular and Pro models of the connection is impossible. If the service
iPhone 14 boast some great new features you need accepts text messages, you’re
that might just save your life. put in touch directly. If not, Apple has set
With Crash Detection, your new iPhone up a series of relay centres that can take
can tell if you’ve been in a car crash and alert your messages and read them to the
the emergency services automatically. It emergency service. This satellite
achieves this using a combination of old and connectivity can also be used to share
new components and some nifty software. your location using the Find My app.
Emergency SOS can get help to you Emergency SOS via Satellite is included
even in remote locations with no Wi-Fi or with all iPhone 14 models free for two years.
cellular coverage. Your iPhone 14 contacts The service launches in November 2022, in
the emergency services using an overhead the USA and Canada only, but it will spread The iPhone 14 can tell if you’ve been in a
communication satellite. Because to other territories over time. FDUFUDVKDQGDXWRPDWLFDOO\FRQWDFWWKH
emergency services.

How Emergency SOS Works

Make sure you’re outdoors, You’re questioned about the Keep the phone pointed
and launch Emergency SOS. emergency. Do so, using one at the satellite, and the You can use satellite connectivity to share
Tap Report Emergency. of the on-screen buttons. Messages app opens. your location with the Find My app. | 11
First Steps with Your iPhone

First Steps
with Your
Here we show you the iPhone’s
basics, such as the various buttons
and ports on your iPhone, setting up
the iPhone out of the box, setting up
your Internet connection and email
accounts, using the virtual keyboard,
touchscreen gestures, Control
Centre, the lock screen and more. 13
First Steps with Your iPhone

The latest iPhones have a very similar control layout. They all have Face ID,
whether it’s in a notch or the iPhone 14 Pro’s new Dynamic Island, they all
have a side button, volume controls and a Lightning port. And, of course,
they all have an excellent Retina display. Sizes may vary, but whatever phone
you have, the screen is amazing. Let’s take a look at your iPhone’s controls.

What’s at the front

The very latest Pro-level iPhones,
the 12MP TrueDepth camera,
infrared projector and proximity
sensor are housed in a pill-shaped
space called Dynamic Island. This
island can also carry information
gleaned from apps, show incoming
messages and more. Previous
generations of iPhone have a notch
instead of the Dynamic Island.
ize. ndin
ax s epe

To unlock your iPhone, enter a

password or confirm a purchase,
s/M s, d

just hold it up so it can see your

Plu inche

face. Face ID does its work, with no

or t r 6.7

further input needed.

ular s o
reg che

The iPhone’s Side Button is here.

he 1 in

On some iPhones, this button is

ht t s 6.

located on the top instead of on the

oug ure

side. It’s a multi-function button that

u b eas

can summon Siri, launch Face ID,

r yo n m

access Apple Pay and more.

the ree
whe e sc
on iPhon

On the base of your iPhone is the

Lightning Connector/audio EarPods

connection port, and also the


built-in microphone and stereo


speakers. Older iPhones might have

a 3.5mm earphones port here.

14 |

Home Button iPhones Models

The older iPhone models still share many of the same
side-button locations and functions

The rear-facing camera, flash and mic. The specs

of the camera, including the number of lenses,
depends on the model.

The front-facing camera for selfies and FaceTime

video conversations. Obviously, this camera
doesn’t support Face ID.

The Home button. Press it to get back to the

Home screen, and place your finger on it to use
the Touch ID fingerprint reader.

Rear and side features

The latest Pro-level iPhones have a
three-lens camera system; a regular
camera, a wide angle lens and a telephoto
lens. The non-Pro iPhone 14 has a two-lens
camera system, and some earlier iPhones
have a single camera lens.

The iPhone’s camera system has a built-in

iPhone 14 Pro: 6.33 inches (160.7 mm), iPhone 14: 5.81 inches (147.5 mm)

flash, which also doubles as a torch; just

open the Control Centre and tap the Torch
icon to light it up.

Also found in the rear camera of recent

iPhones is the LiDAR scanner, which
measures how long it takes light to reflect
back from objects.

This is the Ring silent switch. Click it to turn

Silent Mode on and off.

These are the volume buttons. The upper

one increases the volume and the lower
button lowers it. In Apple’s Camera and
many third-party photography apps, you can
also use the volume buttons to take a photo
instead of the on-screen shutter button.

Use an ejector tool to eject the SIM tray,

which is found here. This is where you
insert your nano SIM, supplied by your
mobile service supplier. Some very recent
iPhones dispense with a physical SIM in
favour of an eSIM, though this is limited to
the USA at the moment.

iPhone 14 Pro: 3.05 inches (77.6 mm), iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro: 0.31 inch (7.85 mm)
iPhone 14: 2.81 inches (71.5 mm) | 15
First Steps with Your iPhone

Getting Set Up
If you’re setting up your new iPhone straight out of the box, follow this guide
to set up all the core functions of your iPhone, from switching it on for the
own, with our help you’ll soon be up and running.

Inserting your Nano-SIM card

1 2 3
To activate your iPhone, you must Use a SIM eject tool like the one Place the SIM card in the tray
first insert the Nano-SIM card pictured here, or maybe a (there’s only one way it can go in)
provided by your mobile phone network straightened paper clip, and insert it into and slide the tray back in the slot. Push it
provider. An eSim card is non-removal the small hole next to the SIM slot. The tray in firmly so it snaps into place. Your iPhone
as detailed below. then pops out as shown. should recognise it.

eSIM explained
The dual sim functionality introduced with the 2018 iPhone models, enables users to access two sim cards in one iPhone. Unlike

the standard sim card, the eSIM card is built into the phone itself and is accessed via software, with your coverage purchased via
mobile networks. By using dual sims you can now access two mobile networks and numbers in one device.

16 |
Set Up Your iPhone

The initial set up of your iPhone

1 2 3
The opening screen shows `Hello’ in If you already have an iPhone or an Choose your network from the list,
different languages. Press the iPad running iOS 11 or later handy, then enter the password supplied
Home button or flick the screen up. Select you can set up your new iPhone by with (or printed on) your router. Tap Next,
your language, followed by the country, or bringing them together as shown to sign in then on the next screen, tap Continue after
region, in which you’re to use the phone. automatically. If not, tap Set Up Manually. reading about Data & Privacy.

4 5 6
The next step is setting up your Choose a six-figure passcode After setting your passcode, you
Face ID (or on older iPhones, Touch used to unlock your iPhone. can transfer data from your other
ID). If you wish to do this now, see the Alternatively, tap Passcode Options to phone (iPhone or Android) or a backup
tutorials later in this book for the relevant add a different type of code; or skip it if you wish. If this is your first iPhone,
step-by-step guides. altogether (not recommended). choose the last option. | 17
First Steps with Your iPhone

7 8 9
Enter your Apple ID. This is your If you have other recent Apple If you’ve previously had an iPhone,
email address and password. If you devices signed into the same Apple you set it up in the same way as
don’t have one, tap the link below the ID you just used, you’re sent a verification before. Tap Continue to do so, or
Password field and follow the tutorial on code. Read it off your other Apple device Customise Settings to decline. Next is info
Your Apple ID – How to Set it Up. and type it here. Agree to the T&Cs. about staying up to date; tap Continue.

10 11 12
Do you wish to enable Location Do you set up Apple Pay now, or You can now train Siri to recognise
Services; we suggest you should later in the Wallet app? If you your voice. Again, if you want to do
because, whilst this enables your iPhone decide to do it now, follow the on-screen it now, follow the on-screen instructions. If
to gather data about where you are, it is instructions. Naturally, if you don’t want to not, tap Set Up Later in Settings; you can
essential for apps like Find My and Maps. use it at all, you can ignore this feature. do it any time you like.

18 |
Set Up Your iPhone

13 14 15
You can now set up Screen Time, a The next two screens ask if you Decide whether to use Light Mode
feature that gives you a weekly want to share iPhone Analytics and or Dark Mode (this is another
report on how you use your iPhone. iCloud Analytics with Apple and its option you can change later, in Settings).
There’s a full tutorial on it later in this developers. It’s up to you, and you can You’re then welcomed to the iPhone and
book. Set it up now, or later as you wish. change your mind in Settings later. are ready to get started.

Erasing an iPhone
If you need to erase all previously used settings and data from your iPhone,
you need to reset it to factory conditions then set it up using this tutorial.

From the home screen, go to Settings Tap Continue, then enter your passcode.
> General. Tap Transfer or Reset iPhone Tap Erase iPhone, confirm it, and then
16 Zoomed, which shows larger text
Do you prefer to have your display
at the bottom. Now tap Erase All enter the Apple ID. You might need to
and controls, or Standard, for more on Content and Settings. You’re told what get these from the phone’s previous
the screen? Decide here; you can information will be safely deleted. owner. Your iPhone is then wiped.
change it later in Settings. | 19
First Steps with Your iPhone

Your Apple ID
If you don’t already have a working Apple ID, and you didn’t register one while
applications from the App Store, use FaceTime, buy music and movies from
Apple ID, you won’t come close to getting the most from your iPhone.

1 2 3
Open the Settings application from Tap Create Apple ID in the next Then, you’re asked whether you
your iPhone’s Home screen and window and, when instructed, want to use your current email
scroll to the top of the screen. Tap the enter your name in the fields provided. In address (if you have one) for your Apple
Sign in to your iPhone option right at the the next field, Date of Birth, set your ID. Or use a free iCloud email address,
top of the list, then in the pop-up window, date with the wheels, and then tap Next which comes with your Apple ID. Accept
tap ‘Don’t have an Apple ID or forgot it?’. to move on to the next step. the suggestion, or type your own.

iCloud email
Your Apple ID gives you a free iCloud email address. You can use this email address
on your iPhone and also on any other Internet devices you have, such as Macs, PCs
or tablets, and through a browser at Best of all, you keep your
iCloud address even if you change your Internet provider.

20 |
Your Apple ID

4 5 6
If you choose to use an iCloud Now you must choose your Apple needs your phone number
address, you’re asked to complete password. As stated on the so you can be contacted, via a
your email, which ends ‘’. If screen, it must be at least eight call or text message, to confirm your
you’re choosing a brand new iCloud characters long and include at least one identity. Use the number taken from your
address to use it may take a few tries before number, one upper case (capital) letter SIM card, or tap Use a different number,
you find one that isn’t already taken, but and one lower case letter. Make it to choose another number for them to
when you do, accept it by tapping Continue. something you can easily remember. phone or message. Tap Continue.

7 8 9
After tapping Next, you should Agree to the terms and conditions When the sign-in process is
enter the six-figure verification and your iPhone signs into iCloud completed, you’re shown your
code that’s just been sent to your device with your newly created Apple ID. When Apple ID screen. From here, you can tap
(or given to you in a call, if that was your it’s done, you must enter your iPhone’s the initials at the top of the screen to
preferred choice). When you enter the passcode, the one you use to unlock it add a photo, tap iTunes & App Store, to
last digit, you automatically proceed to on the lock screen, to complete the set up media and purchases, and set up
the next step. sign-in process. services like Family Sharing and iCloud. | 21
First Steps with Your iPhone

Face & Touch ID

iPhones with a top-to-bottom screen have Face ID. Most iPhones with a
Home button have Touch ID. You probably set up this service during the
initial setup, but here’s how to do it if you need help.

Setting up Face ID

1 2 3
Go to Settings > Face ID & Position your face within the frame Your face is now registered with
Passcode and enter your iPhone’s as instructed, then move your head Face ID. Tap Done to return to the
passcode to continue. Tap Set Up Face in a circle until the small lines around your Settings screen, where you can
ID or Set Up Alternative Appearance, or face are all green. Tap continue, then configure your iPhone’s Face ID feature
tap Reset Face ID to start afresh. repeat for a second scan. to your own personal requirements.

Setting up Touch ID

1 2 3
Go to Settings > Touch ID & Place a finger on the Home button When done, you return to the first
Passcode and enter your iPhone’s and follow the instructions, lifting screen, from where you can add
passcode when instructed. Tap the Add a and replacing your finger until the another fingerprint if you wish. You can
Fingerprint link to start registering one of fingerprint is filled. Then do the same also choose which iPhone features can be
your fingerprints with Touch ID. again with the edges of your fingertip. activated using your Touch ID.

22 |
Face & Touch ID

Using Face ID
Adding More
Faces or Fingers
To add a new face to your Face ID,
maybe so your partner or children
can use your phone, open the
Settings app and go to Face ID &
Passcode. When instructed, type
your passcode to proceed. On the
next screen, which offers all sorts of
customisation options for Face ID,
look for a link that says ‘Set Up an
Alternative Appearance’. Tap it, and
you’re invited to set up Face ID again,
just like you did when you set up your
own face in Face ID. Tap the Get
Started button and follow the tips for
setting up Face ID offered earlier.
You can have two registered faces
with Face ID.

Unlocking your iPhone Making Purchases

1 2
With Face ID, simply look at your Open the iTunes Store, App Store or
phone and the lock springs open, Books Store and choose something
as you can see here. You can do it in any you wish to purchase. When you’re asked
lighting conditions, even total darkness. to pay, double-click the Side button and
If you have Touch ID, you can unlock look at your iPhone. The purchase is made
your phone by pressing the Home button and a checkmark is displayed to show
with a finger registered for Touch ID. payment has been verified.

If you have a Touch ID iPhone, you

can add more fingers; either your
own, or someone else’s whom you
trust to open and use your phone. Go
to Settings > Touch ID & Passcode,
enter your passcode and on the next
screen, tap Add a Finger. Follow the
on-screen instructions to add your
finger – the process is exactly the
same as for the first finger you
registered. When you’re done, you
have two fingers registered with
Touch ID.

Giving Passwords Using Apple Pay

3 4
When logging on to a Make sure Apple Pay is turned on
password-protected website, such in Settings > Face ID/Touch ID &
as a forum or a store where you have an Passcode and that you’ve already set up
online account, tap the field where you Apple Pay. To make a purchase, double
have to give a name or password, and click the Side button or place your finger
you’re asked to use Face ID or Touch ID on the Home button. Hold your phone
as applicable. Do so to fill these fields. near the reader. 23
| 23
First Steps with Your iPhone

The Home Screen

The Home screen is at the heart of your iPhone. It’s through this screen
that you open apps, organise them into folders, edit and use Home screen
your app icons, and there’s an App Library which summarises your apps on
one single screen. Follow this guide to master your iPhone’s Home screen.

Home Screen Widgets

1 2 3
Widgets can sit on the Home screen. When you’ve chosen a size, tap A Smart Stack is a series of Widgets
To add one, tap and hold an empty Add Widget (bottom). You can drag that appear as a single Widget on
space until the icons start wobbling. Tap + and reposition it like an app icon. Tap a the Home screen. it’s at the top of the
(top-left) for a pop-up window, from where Widget on the Home screen to open its Widgets window. Drag it onto your Home
you can choose a Widget. They come in app. Tap and hold it for a pop-up menu screen to add it. To edit a Smart Stack, tap
three sizes, based on the size of an app that lets you edit the Widget. To remove a and hold it for a menu, then tap Edit Stack.
icon; 2x2, 2x4 and 4x4; Swipe the Widget Widget, tap and hold it and select Remove To remove a widget, tap its minus sign, or
left and right to see these sizes. Widget from the pop-up menu. tap Plus (top left) to add one.

24 |
iOS 16 Home Screen

The App Library

1 2 3
Scroll your Home screens all the The App Library sorts apps into Tap the Search field (top) for a list of
way to the right for the App Library. categories. You can hold a space your apps, which you can search. To
Tap one of the larger app icons inside an between apps and make them wobble, then hide pages on the Home Screen (not App
App Library folder to open that app. Tap a tap an X in the top-left corner of the app Library), hold a space between icons to
group of four small icons to open the icon to delete it, and drag apps out of the make them wobble. Tap the dots icon
folder. Tap somewhere other than an app folders too. Tap four small icons while (bottom), then uncheck any pages you wish
icon to get back to the App Library. wobbling to access that page; still wobbling. to hide or check them to show again.

Home Screen Folders

1 2 3
On this page, we have the iWork Find two apps you want in the folder Tap outside the folder to get back
and iLife apps and also iTunes U. and drag one of them onto the to the Home screen. To add more
Let’s make a folder. Tap and hold any app other. When a border appears around apps to the folder, Tap and hold until they
icon, then select Edit Home Screen from them, let go to form a new folder. Tap the wobble, then drag an app onto the folder.
the menu. You return to the Home screen, new folder to open it. It’s automatically To remove an app from the folder, open
but now the apps wobble and display a in given a name; change it if you wish. Just the folder, tap and hold until they wobble
the top left corner. tap on it and edit it using the keyboard. then drag the app off the folder. 25
| 25
First Steps with Your iPhone

Getting Online
The iPhone connects to the Internet automatically whenever you use the
App Store, Mail, iTunes Store, Safari, YouTube or any other app that requires
a 3G/4G/5G mobile network. In this guide, we show you how to set up both,

Joining a Wi-Fi network

1 2 3
To activate Wi-Fi go to Settings > If you’re at a public hotspot that has From now on, whenever you’re in
Wi-Fi and turn it on. The iPhone no security, you can just connect. If range of this Wi-Fi service the
searches for all networks in range. If at it’s password protected, which is far more iPhone automatically connects without
home, pick your home network and enter likely, you need to get the network name any prompting. If more than one is in
the security details, the password should and the passcode from whoever is range, the iPhone rejoins the last
be supplied with your router. providing the Wi-Fi service. network it joined.

You can follow these tips for joining a public Wi-Fi service as well as for your home network. Ask the service
provider for the Wi-Fi network’s details, such as its name and password. You log on automatically next time you
use this network but if the password has changed, you must enter the new one.

26 |
Internet Access


1 2 3
When the iPhone connects to the If you travel outside your usual You can monitor your mobile
Internet using the mobile data mobile network coverage, you can network data usage by going to
network, you will see the 3G, 4G, 5G, still use 3G, 4G or 5G. To do this, turn Data Settings > Mobile Data and then scrolling
EDGE or GPRS icon in the status bar at the Roaming on: Settings > Mobile Data > down to the Mobile Data section. The data
top-right corner of the screen. Mobile Data Options. Charges may apply. settings vary depending on the carrier.

You can share a Wi-Fi password from
your Apple device with another Apple
device that wants to join the same
network. Both devices must have
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth turned on, and
neither should be running a Personal
Hotspot. They need to be signed into
their respective Apple IDs, and have
the other person’s email address in
their Contacts app. They also must
be within Bluetooth range, and be
unlocked. When the new device tries
to connect to the network, a pop-up
invites the one that’s already on there
to share the password. Tap Share
Password to do so.

Wi-Fi Assist Signal Strength

Wi-Fi Assist switches to a mobile To check the strength of your current Wi-Fi
connection when Wi-Fi is unreliable. It’s connection, look at the Wi-Fi icon found in
found in Settings > Mobile Data, and is on the top right corner of the screen. The
by default. To avoid large bills, it doesn’t more bars that are solid, as opposed to
work when Data Roaming, and it won’t being greyed out, the stronger the
work with some video apps. iPhone’s Wi-Fi connection. 27
| 27
First Steps with Your iPhone

Email Set-Up
Your iPhone’s Mail app can send and receive emails from all of your email
accounts. It’s easy to set up and use with an iCloud, Gmail, Yahoo, AOL or
Outlook email address. If you want to add your Internet Service Provider’s
own email account, it is a little more complicated. Here we take you through
setting up each type of email account on your Apple smartphone.

Setting up accounts
For most of the popular web-based email services such as Gmail and Yahoo, the iPhone automatically enters most of the
settings needed for you to access your account. We’ve put together these steps that cover each of the Internet’s key email
providers. Just follow this guide and you’ll soon be emailing from your iPhone.

Setting up an iCloud email account

1 2 3
Tap the Settings icon and scroll If you have Two-Factor You’re then taken to this screen,
down. Tap the Mail option, then Authentication on, you must where you can select which of your
Accounts. From here tap Add Account authenticate now. Enter the verification iPhone’s apps use the iCloud. Slide the
then tap the iCloud link and enter your code or tap the link and follow the Mail link to the On position. Deactivate any
Apple ID and Password. If you don’t have instructions if you didn’t get one. If you’re applications you don’t want to sync with
an Apple ID, tap Create a New Apple ID asked whether you want to allow iCloud to iCloud (you can always reactivate them
instead and follow the instructions. Tap access your location and use Find My later), and then tap Save in the top right
Next to automatically verify your details. iPhone, we suggest you agree. corner to complete the setup.

28 |
Setting Up Email


1 2 3
Tap the Settings icon on your From this screen, tap on either the From this screen, you can select
iPhone’s Home screen. Scroll Gmail, Yahoo, AOL or Microsoft which features of your email
down and click on Mail, then Accounts, Hotmail link (the process is the same). On account you also wish to sync with your
then Add Account. This takes you to the this screen you need to enter your name, iPhone. When you have made your
list of email accounts that you can email address and your password for this selections, and are happy to continue, all
configure on your iPhone, such as iCloud account. Finally enter a description of the you have to do to complete the process is
or Google accounts. account. Click the Next link to continue. tap the Save link and you are ready to go.

Setting up other types of email account

1 2 3
Go to Settings > Mail > Accounts > You will have to visit the support Once you have obtained all the
Add Account once more. If you website of your email provider and required information from your email
wish to add a Microsoft Exchange seek out their help in setting up either a provider, you must then enter these details
account, tap the Exchange option on the POP or IMAP email account on your as requested. When complete, you are
screen shown above. If it’s a service iPhone. As these details are all different for ready to go; your iPhone contacts the
provided by your ISP (Internet Service each provider, we can, alas, only send you email server in question and downloads
Provider), tap Other at the bottom. in their direction for help. any emails you have for this account. 29
| 29
First Steps with Your iPhone

Phone Calls
available on your iPhone, one might be excused for forgetting it can also
make and receive telephone calls. In this next section we take you through
making and answering calls, and show you a few of the iPhone’s clever
phone-related features such as placing calls on hold and using voicemail.

Dialling a number from the keypad

1 2 3
Tap the Phone app icon and then If this number is important and is The call automatically connects
select the keypad link from the five likely to be used often, tap the Add when your contact answers the
options at the bottom of the screen. Number link found under the phone phone at their end. To end the call, tap
Enter the phone number by tapping the number at the top of the screen to add it the End Call button, the red one; you’re
on-screen digits; the number is shown as to your contacts list. If not, tap the green returned to the keypad screen and the
you enter it at the top of the screen. button to make the call. call is terminated.

If you’re ringing another Apple device, you can use the FaceTime app’s audio mode to make a call over the Internet
using Wi-Fi or 3G/4G/5G. There are no call costs, though mobile Internet costs might apply. See our tutorial on the
FaceTime app later on for more information on making FaceTime Audio and Video calls.

30 |
Phone Calls

Making a call from your contacts list

1 2 3
Tap the Phone icon and select Once you’ve found the contact When you’ve finished your
Contacts. Scroll up and down until you wish to call, simply tap their conversation, tap the End Call
you find the number you wish to dial. name to be taken to their contact page. button, the red one showing the
Alternatively, enter the name of your To dial them up, tap their phone number telephone receiver, to hang up; or wait
contact into the Search bar. to place your call. for your contact to do the same.

Answering a call

1 2 3
Incoming calls appear as a To answer the call, if your iPhone is To go hands-free for the duration
notification at the top of the screen; in sleep mode, move the slider to of this call, simply press the
you can accept or decline it. When you get a the far right to accept the call. If you Speaker button on the upper right. This
call you either see the name of the contact receive a call when you are using your switches the outgoing sound to the main
or the number displayed. If the number is iPhone, you can decline it by pressing the speakers, allowing you to talk without
withheld, the word “Blocked” appears. red button or accept via the green one. holding the phone. | 31
First Steps with Your iPhone

Placing a call on hold

1 2 3
During a call, you can place the Should a second caller ring when By selecting the Hold & Accept
caller on hold by pressing Mute, you’re on a call, you have an option, you place the original
pausing the conversation without actually option (the big red button) called caller on hold, allowing you to answer
hanging up the phone. To return to the Decline, which cuts off the second caller the second call before returning to the
call, tap Mute again. but lets them leave a voice message. first one by tapping swap.

Dialling a number from a secondary source

1 2 3
If you find a telephone number on a You’ll see a confirmation request. The call is placed, just as it would be
web page in Safari, the number is in Tap Call to ring the desired number if you’d typed it yourself or tapped a
a button. Tap on it to place the call. without having to use the number pad. number found in your Contacts app.

32 |
Phone Calls

Placing calls from a message or note Blocking

Nuisance callers are the bane of
every iPhone owner’s life. It seems
like hardly a day goes by when a call
centre rings up asking if you want to
change your energy supplier,
consider life insurance or sign up for
some service or another. Worse still
are fraudulent calls claiming to be
from your bank or the tax office,
when it’s really a criminal gang trying
to get you to part with your money.
Or maybe you’re getting menacing or
harassing calls from a stalker or an
ex-partner? Thankfully, in iOS, you
can block incoming phone numbers
quickly and easily.
To block a number that has
called your iPhone, in the Phone
app, tap Recents and then tap the ‘i’
next to the caller you wish to block.
Now tap Block this Caller, at the
bottom of the screen. The phone
number is added to your Blocked
1 2
If you have a message, email, note, You will now place the call in the
or document containing a phone same manner as you have done Contacts list, and can no longer
number, you can place a call to it by previously. Please note that you receive no contact you.
tapping the highlighted, underlined confirmation warning when you’re using To view and edit your Blocked
number then tapping Call. this method of calling. Contacts list, go to Settings >
Phone > Blocked Contacts. You see
a list of numbers you’ve blocked.

Setting up and using your voicemail Swipe a number left and tap
Unblock to remove it from this list.
If you want to call or send a
message to a number on your list,
tap the chevron to its right.

Another useful feature is sending

unknown callers, that is, phone
numbers that aren’t in your Contacts
app and with whom you haven’t
interacted in the past, directly to
your voicemail so you don’t have to
deal with them there and then. This
is a Settings option, so go to
Settings > Phone > Silence
Unknown Callers and turn it on. If
you find it doesn’t suit you, you can
always turn it off again.

1 2
To listen to your Voicemail To customise your message, tap
messages, tap the Phone app and the Voicemail button. If there’s a
click Voicemail at the bottom of the screen, Greeting link on the next screen, follow it.
then tap Call Voicemail. A call is made to If not, listen to your voice mails and follow
your voicemail service. the recorded instructions. 33
| 33
First Steps with Your iPhone

The Touchscreen
The iPhone’s touchscreen supports more than one touch, that is, you can
and movement. This allows for touchscreen gestures, which are achieved by
gesture and more. Here’s a guide to gestures and what they do.

How to use Touchscreen actions

Touch Touch and hold Drag

The iPhone has a capacitive touchscreen, Touch and hold is useful in a number of You can customise your iPhone’s Home
which means it’s sensitive to the tiny different situations. You touch and hold an screen. To drag items around the screen
electrical charges in our bodies. With this item on the screen by touching it and not and reorder them, hold an icon, and in the
type of screen, you only have to tap it, not lifting your finger until an action occurs. The pop-up menu, tap Rearrange Apps. You can
press down hard with your finger. To activate action in question depends on where then put your finger on an app icon and,
items on the screen such as applications you’re using the gesture. For example, if without lifting your finger, slide it across the
and settings icons, type letters and symbols you touch and hold a web link, you’re screen until you reach the required position.
using the on-screen keyboard or to press presented with a menu giving you the Lift your finger off the screen and the item
on-screen buttons, you simply (gently) touch chance to open it in Safari, add it to your drops into that location (if it’s free), moving
them with your finger. Reading List, copy it or share it. the other icons out of the way.

34 |
The Touchscreen

Swipe or scroll Double-tap Pinch to zoom

Many of the menus or web pages that you There are several places in apps where a In some applications (such as Maps,
can access on the iPhone require you to double-tap is used. Tapping twice quickly Safari, and Photos), you can zoom in
scroll. To swipe or slide, quickly move your on a web page, map or other screen will and out by placing two fingers on the
finger across the surface of the screen, zoom in for easier viewing. You can screen at once and pinching them
without pausing when you first touch it. For double-tap a section of a web page in together (to zoom out) or spreading
example, the main Photos app lets you the browser to zoom it to fit the width of them apart (to zoom in). This also works
slide the screen left to right to scroll through the screen. Double-tapping after pinching to zoom in and out in the Camera app.
your pics, and in some Calendar views you to zoom in some applications, such as Just use the gesture in the viewing area
can swipe quickly across the screen to the browser, reflows a column of text to fit when you’re ready to take a photo to
change the range of time visible. the width of the screen. give an optical zoom effect.

Swipe up for Home screen Swipe for the App Switcher Restart your iPhone
On previous iPhones, you could get to the Previously achieved with a double-tap on To restart a newer iPhone with no Home
Home screen by pressing the Home button. the Home button, to get to the App button, press and hold both the Side button
As newer iPhones don’t have a Home Switcher, swipe up from the bottom of the on the right and the Volume button on the left.
button, a new gesture is required. Simply screen and when your finger is halfway up, On older iPhones, press and hold the side or
swipe all the way up from the bottom of the hold it steady until the other apps arrive, top button. This screen appears, from where
screen and the Home page is revealed. as seen here. You can then lift your finger. you shut down your iPhone with the slider. 35
| 35
First Steps with Your iPhone

The Keyboard
importance to the touchscreen. If you familiarise yourself with the iPhone’s
virtual keyboard features, you can get so much more out of your Apple
smartphone. This guide teaches you how to use the virtual keyboard, and its
features such as voice input and additional languages.

1 2 3
Once you’ve opened the on-screen To add digits and punctuation, tap When you start to type a word, the
keyboard, you can enter text by the 123 key on the lower-left side of iPhone tries to complete it for you
simply tapping on the keys as you would the keyboard. A tap on the key above and displays its predictions in a bar above
on any similar typing device. It’s really brings up more symbols. To return to the keyboard. Tap one of the suggestions
easy and intuitive to use. letters, tap the ABC key. to finish the word.

Shift key options

Tap the Shift key to switch to capital letters for the next key press
only. Double-tap to lock it in caps mode, like a caps lock on a manual
typewriter. In caps mode, tap the Shift key once to return to normal
typing. The Shift key’s graphic changes depending on whether it’s in
regular, caps-next or caps-lock mode.

36 |
The Keyboard

4 5 6
When sending messages or This predictive text feature also Notice the Microphone icon on or
emails, predictive text learns your recognises if you are replying to a under the keyboard. This is the
choice of language and suggests the question that can be answered “Yes” or Voice Dictation key. Tap this and simply
correct word for the tone of what it is “No”. As before, simply tap to select the speak the text you wish to enter; it
you’re writing. Tap on the word to use it. answer that suits your reply. appears on-screen in real-time.

Swipe Keyboard

A new feature is the Swipe keyboard.

Instead of tapping each key
7 accessed by tapping and holding 8 download the Keyboard app from
Additional keyboards can be To add third-party keyboards,
individually, you can drag your finger
the Globe icon and selecting an option. the App Store. From Settings, go to: from letter to letter, without lifting it,
You can (de)activate predictive text from General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add until you get to the end of a word.
the Keyboard Settings link. New Keyboard and select the app. 37
| 37
First Steps with Your iPhone

Control Centre
To access the Control Centre, swipe down from the top right corner, or if you
have an older iPhone model, swipe up from the bottom of the screen. The
iOS 16 Control Centre has some great features, which we look at here.


Your iPhone’s volume
In this box, you can turn 6 control. Run your finger
1 on and off (clockwise, up and down the slider to
from top left) Airplane Mode, adjust the sound. Do a deep
Mobile Data, Bluetooth and press to open a bigger version
Wi-Fi. If you have 3D Touch, of the volume control slider.
deep press the main box for
more options.
1 2 To mirror your screen,
7 maybe to your Apple TV,
This box shows what tap here and select the target
2 you’re currently listening from the window.
to. Here we’re listening to the
radio, so we can play/pause
Tap here to use the LED
and skip forward or backward 8 on the back of your
ten seconds. Deep press for
3 4 5 6 iPhone as a torch. Deep
more options, including volume
press for a slider that lets you
control and external speakers.
adjust the light’s brightness.

Tap here to lock the

3 screen in its current 9
Tap here to open the
Clock app and go straight
orientation, so it doesn’t 7 to its Timer feature. Deep press
switch between landscape
for access to an instant timer.
and portrait mode when you
turn the iPhone. Tap it again
to switch off the screen Tap here to open the
orientation lock. 8 9 10 11 Calculator app. Tap and
hold to see, and if you wish,
copy, the result of the last
Tap here to access the
4 Screen Mirroring menu,
calculation you completed.
which shows a list of devices 12
to which you can mirror your Tap this to access the
iPhone’s screen. Tap one of 11 Camera app. Deep press
them and the iPhone screen it to access photography
is shown on that device. options within the Camera app,
such as selfies, video recording
and the Slo-Mo function.
This is the brightness
5 control. Run your finger
up and down it to raise or Tap here for the controls
lower the brightness, or deep 12 for your favourite HomeKit
press for a bigger version of gadgets. It’s a useful way to use
the slider and instant access Home controls without going
to Night Shift Mode. through the app.

38 |
Control Centre

Access local
Bluetooth & Wi-Fi

Deep press icons The music controls In Control Centre, tap and hold the
top left box to open the larger
If you tap and hold a Control Centre icon, Just like before, the music controls show you
window, then tap and hold the Wi-Fi
it usually gives access to further functions. the currently playing song. You can skip
or Bluetooth icon to switch between
For example, the Camera icon provides forwards and backwards or play/pause from
networks or BT devices. You can also
the window shown here, and gives you the Control Centre icon, but a long press
access their Settings screens from
instant access to selfies, video recording, gives access to more comprehensive
these windows.
and portrait photography. controls and also the album art.

Night Shift mode Airplane mode Customisation

Tap and hold the brightness slider to The iPhone’s Airplane Mode switches off Go to Settings > Control Centre and you
access a larger version, and also three its Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections, as can delete Control Centre icons you never
icons underneath. These are: (left to right) required by some airlines. It’s also useful use and add others, if you wish, using the
toggle between Light and Dark Mode, even if you’re not flying: for example, if ‘+’ and ‘-‘ icons. You can also reorder the
Night Shift (to reduce blue light) and your battery is low and you’re reading an controls by tapping and holding their
toggle True Tone screen. iBook, Airplane Mode can save power. three-line icons and dragging. 39
| 39
First Steps with Your iPhone

Lock Screen
The lock screen has had a major overhaul in iOS 16. It now has a huge range
time digits. Music controls now appear on the lock screen too. You can make
multiple lock screen designs and switch between them as you please, and

First steps with the lock screen

1 2 3
If your phone is unlocked, swipe the A pop-up window invites you to When you’ve chosen a wallpaper,
screen down to get to the lock choose a new wallpaper for your you can add widgets. Tap the ‘+
screen. Deep press anywhere on the new lock screen. Slide the circular icons at Add Widgets’ box for a pop-up window,
screen to get to the Collections screen, as the top to review the categories on offer. from which you can choose them. They
seen here. Swipe the screen left and press The rest of the screen shows samples; work a little like home screen widgets, but
the Plus icon to open a new lock screen. take a look to see what’s on offer. are available on the lock screen.

Choose and customise

When you’ve made several lock screens, you can choose
between them by deep-tapping the lock screen and
swiping left and right. To customise a screen you’ve
already designed, tap the Customise button underneath.

40 |
Lock Screen

The wallpaper options

1 2 3
There are three categories of photo Pinch and spread to fit the photo If you choose an Emoji wallpaper,
available at the top of the screen; how you want it on the screen. Tap you can add up to six emojis. Tap
Photos, People and Photo Shuffle. After the three-dots icon for a pop-up, from which them on the window. Swipe left and right
choosing a photo for your wallpaper, you you can set the Depth Effect, where parts for various patterns and designs made
can swipe it left and right to choose from of an object appear on top of the time, on from those emojis. Tap the three dots icon
the various filters on offer. or off. Tap Done when you’ve finished. to change the background colour.

4 5 6
Choose an Astronomy wallpaper The Weather wallpaper shows the When you’ve finished customising a
and swipe left and right for options weather at your current location, screen, tap Done and you’re invited
such as looking at the Earth, at your and the Colour option sets a single colour to set it as the Home screen as well (Set
location on the Earth, the Moon, a detail of for a lock screen. After setting a colour as Wallpaper Pair) or to set up the home
the Moon or the entire solar system. There with the picker and the slider, swipe left screen separately (Customise Home
are no specific customisation options. and right for variations on the theme. Screen). It’s entirely up to you. | 41
First Steps with Your iPhone

Setting up your Widgets

1 2 3
While customising a lock screen, To add a widget below the clock, tap The widgets at the top of the
you can change the widget above the ‘+ Add Widget’ box. You get a window are samples taken from the
the clock. Tap the date and day strip. You pop-up window showing the widgets on apps listed underneath. Tap them to add
can choose from a limited number of offer. They function like Today screen and them to the widgets window. When it’s
widgets here, gleaned from apps such as home screen widgets, in that they glean filled, you have to delete a widget to add a
Weather, Calendar, Fitness and more. and display information from apps. new one – you can’t start a second row.

4 5 6
Tap one of the apps listed lower You can, to a limited extent, drag On the lock screen, you can tap a
down the widgets window and widgets back and forth in the box widget to open its app, on the
choose an app. You can then choose the to reorder them. If you want to remove a ‘page’ from where the widget’s information
size of widget you wish to use, and its widget, tap the minus sign in its top-left is from. To change your widgets, tap and
contents, from those offered; swipe left and corner. Tap Done when you’ve chosen hold the lock screen, tap Customise at the
right to review them, and tap one to add it. your widgets. You can change them later. bottom then tap the widgets window.

42 |
Lock Screen

Customising the time

Deleting lock
On the screen where you can swipe
left and right to choose between a
lock screen you’ve already created,
if you come across one you no
longer need, swipe it upwards and
tap the dustbin icon at the foot of
the screen to delete it.

1 2
While customising your lock screen, Tap the globe in the top-left corner
you can tap the time to change the of the window to opt between
font and colour used for its numbers. You Arabic numerals (regular numbers), Arabic
get a pop-up window showing various Indic (used in some Asian countries) and
options for changing them. Tap a number Devanagari (used for Sanskrit, Hindi, and
style and a colour to do so. other Indian languages).

Focus mode

Live Activities
A feature that’s coming soon is Live
Activities, which is a new kind of
notification that lets you watch
something that updates in
real-time, such as a sports game, a
taxi driving to your location or a
food delivery.

1 2
Each lock screen you design can Scroll to the lock screen you want to
be linked to a different Focus link, and tap the Focus button at the
mode. You can (for example) design one foot of the screen. Choose one of your
with work-related widgets and link it to focuses, and then when you select the
your Work focus. Access the lock screen lock screen in question, you also turn on
customisation screen as shown. its linked Focus Mode. 43
| 43
Your iPhone’s Built-in Apps

Your iPhone’s
Built-in Apps
iOS 16 comes with a host of bundled
applications, for all sorts of tasks.
Safari is your web browser, Mail lets
you send and receive emails, Maps is
great for finding your way around
and more. In this section, we take a
look at the iPhone’s key apps,
covering their basic functions and
advanced features. 45
Your iPhone’s Built-in Apps

The Mail App

sent in error, have the app remind you about an email you want to deal with
later and schedule when an email is sent. Here’s how to do it.

MAIL in Focus
This screen, in Mail, Tap More here for a
1 shows your Inbox. Tap 6 pop-up window giving
the Mailbox link to go back options to Reply to the email;
and choose another mailbox, 1 Forward it; Mark it as read,
such as Drafts, Sent, Junk or 2 unread, flagged or junk; get a
VIP emails. notification when receiving
replies to this email; and
Move it to another mailbox.
The Edit link puts an 4
empty circle to the left
of each email. You can tap
3 Tap here to flag your
these circles to add a tick, 7 email, that is, mark it for
and then action multiple later reference. If you swipe
emails at once. left on an email that’s already
been flagged, this icon then
reads ‘Unflag’.
These are your emails,
3 listed in the order they
arrived. Tap on one to open Tap here to delete an
and read it. Emails with blue 8 email, moving it to your
dots to their left have not yet Bin mailbox. If you do so by
been opened and read. Pull accident and want it back,
down on the screen to get tap the Mailboxes link, then
new mail. Bin. Drag the email to the left
again, then tap More and then
Tap here to search your 5 in the pop-up window, tap
4 emails. You can type a
Move so you can move it back
to your inbox.
name, a subject or something
from the body of an email,
6 7 8
and suggestions are offered Tap this icon to show
as you type. 9 only unread emails and
again to return to showing all
emails, read and unread.
Drag an email to the left
5 and you can tap one of
the revealed icons labelled Tap this icon to open a
More, Flag or Delete. Drag it 10 new blank email for you
further to delete it to fill in and send. Tap and
immediately. Drag it right hold it for a list of draft emails,
instead and you can mark the 9 10 which you’ve started to type
email as Read or Unread. then saved for later.

46 |
The Mail App

Sending and scheduling emails

1 2 3
Tap the pen-and-paper icon (bottom You can enter multiple email Type the email’s subject; tap the
right) for a new, blank email. Type addresses in the To field. Tap the Cc/ bell icon to turn notifications of
the recipient’s email address in the To Bcc field and you can copy even more replies on and off. Enter the content of
field. If you’ve previously corresponded people in. Addresses in the To and Cc the message. Tap the up-pointing Arrow
with them or they’re in your contacts, you (carbon copy) field are visible to all (top-right corner) to send. A progress
can type their name instead. Tap the Plus recipients, but those in the Bcc (blind bar shows it’s on its way and when it’s
on the right of the To field to choose carbon copy) field are withheld. The Reply gone, you get a sound effect. You can
someone from your Contacts app. All function doesn’t reply to bcc’d addresses. see the sent email in the Sent folder.

Replying to or forwarding an email

Open the email you want to reply Tap the Cc/Bcc field and you can
1 to. Click the Arrow icon (bottom
2 copy even more people in.
of the screen). A pop-up window Addresses in the To and Cc (carbon
appears, with a range of options; pull it copy) field are visible to all recipients of
To schedule the email to send on a
specific time and date, instead of up to see the full window. ‘Reply’ sends the email but those in the Bcc (blind
tapping the Send icon (the arrow), long your response to the sender alone. carbon copy) field are withheld. Type
press it for a bubble with sending options. ‘Reply All’ sends it to everyone who got the email’s subject and the content of
Tap Send Later... and tap a date to set the the original email. ‘Forward’ sends it to the message and you’re done. Tap the
email to send on a certain day, and the time a third party. up-pointing Arrow icon to send it.
to schedule a specific time for it to go. 47
| 47
Your iPhone’s Built-in Apps

Deleting emails in the Mail app

Mute thread

1 2
To delete an email swipe it left and Binned emails aren’t immediately
You can mute an email thread by
tap Delete, or swipe it further to the removed from your iPhone. Tap
opening the Reply menu, and tapping
left and delete it in one stroke. To delete Mailboxes (top left), then tap the Bin icon
Mute. Alternatively, from your inbox,
multiple emails, tap the Edit link (top to see emails you recently threw away. Tap
swipe the email left, tap More, and
right). Circles appear next to the emails. Edit (top right), select emails you want to
then tap Mute. To unmute, repeat
Tap those you want to delete, or tap move or delete then choose the Move or
these procedures and tap Unmute.
Select All in the top left to tick all the Delete link as appropriate. Note the Select
emails at once. Tap Bin. All link in the top left.

Sending attachments

In the body of your email, tap the

chevron (top right of keyboard) then
tap the ‘Aa’ icon for formatting
controls. Tap Default Font to change
1 2
Tap the chevron (top right of the If you’re sending documents, you’re
keyboard) for these icons. They are; taken to the Files app. Again, tap all the font used in your email. Other
Formatting, Attach Photo, Take & Attach those you want to send then tap ‘X’. You formatting options change the size
Photo, Scan & Attach Document, Scan and can delete attachments you’ve added to and colour of the text, justify it left,
Paste Live Text, Attach Document and an email before sending it; and add your right and centre, make it bold, italic,
Markup. Tap one. When sending a photo, a message above or below the attachment underlined and/or crossed out, make
window pops up showing what’s available. too. If someone sends you an email with a list or set an indent, or reduce/
Tap all those you wish to send. Tap the ‘X’ to an attachment, you can tap it to open it increase the quote level.
go back to the email. and then tap Share for a range of options.

48 |
The Mail App

Undo Send feature

Adding VIP
senders to Mail

Find an email from the person you

want to add to your VIP list, and
1 2
If you send an email by mistake, After tapping Undo Send, the email
open it. Tap the person’s name atop
you have ten seconds to recall it. is shown on the screen, just as it
the email, then on the next screen,
Simply tap ‘Undo Send’ at the foot of the was before you sent it. You can now edit
scroll up until you see the ‘Add to
email window. If the ‘Undo Send’ option its contents and send it again by tapping
VIP’ option. Tap it to add; it turns into
isn’t there, your ten seconds have expired the arrow, tap Cancel to delete it or
‘Remove from VIP’. To view and edit
and you can’t unsend it. long-tap the arrow to schedule it.
your VIP list, go to Mailboxes, and
tap the ‘i’ icon next to the VIP option.

Downloading new emails

Hide My Email

Before sending an email, you can

tap the From email address (yours)
to open the Cc and Bcc fields, then
again for this pop-up. If you have
more than one email account set up
in Mail, you can choose which
account to send it from, and if you
1 2
To manually refresh your inbox, pull You can set Mail to check for new
the screen down until you see the emails automatically. Go to Settings don’t want the recipient(s) to have
swirl (seen here at the top). This shows the > Mail > Accounts > Fetch New Data. Set your email address, tap Hide My
app is checking for emails. When it stops, mail accounts to Push to have new emails Email to create a random address
the check is complete with all your new sent straight to your phone, or Fetch to that forwards to your inbox.
emails downloaded to your iPhone. have Mail check at a set interval. 49
| 49
Your iPhone’s Built-in Apps

Coloured flags Using signatures

Go to Settings > Mail > Signature. By

You can use a range of colours to Email unsubscribe default, your signature reads, ‘Sent
flag your emails, which are synced from my iPhone’. Tap it and you can
If Mail sees that an email has been
across your devices. Open the email edit it to read whatever you like. If
produced by a mailing list, it automatically
in question, tap the arrow icon at the you have more than one email
adds an Unsubscribe link at the top of the
foot of the screen, tap Flag, and account, you can set separate
email. Tap this link if you want to remove
choose a colour. signatures for each.
yourself from that particular mailing list.

Mail markup
Block sender

If you get an email from someone you

want to block, tap their name at the
top of the email and from the screen
that pops up, tap Block this Contact
(for people) or Block Sender (for
mailing lists). Their email address is
added to your blocked list. In Settings
> Mail > Blocked Sender Options you
1 2
Open a new email and add the You can then use the tools to mark
can set what happens to them. In attachment you wish to annotate. If up the picture. Tap and hold a tool
Settings > Mail > Blocked you can add the keyboard isn’t up already, tap the body for customisation options, tap the colour
new numbers or addresses, or of the email, then the chevron in the top wheel to change colours and tap the
unblock by swiping left. right to bring up the tools. Tap Markup at arrows in the top left for undo-redo. The +
the end of the row. icon gives more tools.

50 |
The Mail App

The Remind Me feature

According to Apple, emails sent to
you may include hidden pixels that
give the email’s sender information
about you. Merely opening the email
allows information to be collected
by the sender, including your IP
address, how many times you
opened the email, whether you
forwarded it and more. This data can
be collated, and ultimately creates a
profile of your online behaviour and
might even identify your location.
The Mail Privacy Protection
feature stops this happening. When
it’s switched on, email senders,
1 2
If you get an email which you want A window appears where you can
including Apple, cannot glean this
to be reminded about so you can opt to be reminded in an hour,
information from your email
read or reply to it later, with the mail open tonight, tomorrow or later. Tap the Remind
activities. As Apple puts it, “When
tap the Reply icon (curly arrow). In the Me Later option to choose a date and
you receive an email in the Mail app,
option list that pops up, tap Remind Me. specific time. At the time of your choosing,
rather than downloading remote
Alternatively, in the mailbox slide it right and the email is moved to the top of your inbox
content when you open an email,
tap Remind Me. with a Remind Me label.
Mail Privacy Protection downloads
remote content in the background
by default regardless of how you
engage with the email. Apple does
not learn any information about the
content.” All remote content is
downloaded through proxy servers
too, so the sender can never see
your IP address.
To activate Mail Privacy
Protection, go to Settings > Mail >
Privacy Protection and switch it on.
If you subscribe to iCloud you
also get a feature called Hide My
Email, which isn’t available to those
who only have a free iCloud account.
With this feature, you can send an
email without the recipient ever
knowing your actual email address.
To use it, go to Settings > [Your
Name] > iCloud > Hide My Email. Tap
‘+ Create New Address’ and you can
get a unique email address that
forwards emails to your own email
inbox, but can be deleted at any
time. So, for example, if you want to
enter a competition without giving
Long press on email Searching emails your ‘real’ email address, use Hide
In your Mail app’s inbox, tap and hold an Using the search field at the top of the My Email to create a new one, and if
email for a pop-up menu. Slide this menu screen, you can search your emails. You the organiser sends you endless
upwards to see all the options it offers, can search all mailboxes or just one. If spam, you can delete the spoof
which includes reply, forward, notify, mute, you look for a person, you can search for email address and get rid of them in
move, or delete it altogether. Tap Mark.. emails from, to, or mentioning that one go. Easy!
and you can flag it, mark it as read/ person. There are more features than
unread, or move it to junk. ever in the Mail app’s search. | 51
Your iPhone’s Built-in Apps

The Safari App

Safari is awesome for navigating the worldwide web, and in iOS 16, it gains
some great new features. You can give a tab group its own Start page or
share them with your friends, translate on-site text and more.

SAFARI in Focus
A web page can contain Tapping the curly arrow
1 words, pictures, videos, 5 here reloads the web page
icons and more. Tap a link on you’re currently looking at. It’s
a web page, such as the useful if it hasn’t loaded correctly
pictures here and icons atop or if it needs updating, such as a
the page, to go to a new page news or live sports page.
or open a menu. You can also 1
scroll the screen up and down
These chevrons let you
by dragging it up and down 6 move forwards and
with one finger.
backwards through your
browsing history. They only
This controls window appear when needed; if either
2 hides when not in use; or both are greyed, there’s
tap it to open again. Swipe the nothing to navigate forwards
window left and right to cycle and/or backwards to.
through open tabs. Tap it to
type a new URL or get to the
This is the Sharing icon.
Start page, and deep press it 7 Tap here for a range of
for more options.
options, including sending the
page by AirDrop, Messages,
Tap here for a pop-up Mail and more; saving to
3 window offering a long Bookmarks, Reading List or
list of options such as opening Favourites; searching on the
the site in a different app, page, and more.
turning Reader View on and
off, translate the website and
The open-book icon gives
Request Desktop Website. 8 quick and easy access to
your Bookmarks, your Reading
This is the URL (Uniform List and your browsing History.
4 Resource Locator; the
web address) of the page 2
A quick tap on this icon
you’re currently viewing. A 3 4 9 takes you to the Tabs
lock icon next to it means the
screen. The tabs you have
website is secure. Safari has
open in Safari are arranged as
verified its ownership with a
certificate, and any 6 thumbnails. There you can
close tabs by tapping the X in
information you enter on that 7 8 9 its corner, open a new tab and
website is encrypted. Long
more. Tap and hold it to give
press it for an options window
you a pop-up menu offering
such as copy the URL, paste
various useful options.
one in and more.

52 |
The Safari App

First steps with Safari

1 2 3
When you first open the Safari app, To search the web, type your search If you know the URL you want to
you see your Favourites page, which term here. Options are offered as visit, you can type it here directly. An
might be empty if you’ve never used Safari you type; tap one to search for that term auto-complete option is offered as you
before. Tap the window at the bottom of the immediately, or tap the arrow to its right to type. Instead of typing, you can tap the mic
screen to bring up the keyboard and the enter it into the field without searching yet. in the Search/URL field to speak the search
search/URL field as shown. When you’re done typing, tap Go. term or URL instead.

Using Bookmarks

1 2 3
To bookmark a website for later Here you can edit the title by which To access a bookmarked page,
use, tap the Sharing icon, scroll up the site is bookmarked, and tap and tap the book icon in the tools
the pop-up menu and tap the Add Favourites to choose a different folder to at the foot of the screen. Navigate to the
Bookmark option. You’re taken to a new save it to. When you’re done, tap Save (in site you want, and tap it. To delete a
screen, which is titled ‘Add Bookmark’. the top-right corner). bookmark, swipe it left and tap Delete. 53
| 53
Your iPhone’s Built-in Apps

History and Reading List

1 2 3
If you come across an interesting To open a Reading List site, tap the To access recently viewed sites, tap
site that you don’t have time to read Book icon, then tap the ‘glasses’ the Book icon, then tap the clock
right now, add it to your Reading List. Tap icon. Scroll to find the site, then tap it to icon as shown. Here, and also in
the Sharing icon, and scroll up to Add to open. Swipe a site left to remove it or save Bookmarks and Reading List, you can tap
Reading List; then tap it. it for offline reading. and hold a listed site to get a preview of it.

Safari Extensions
Rotate screen

Pages can be oriented landscape

or portrait by rotating the iPhone.
Most of the time, you’ll probably
use the regular portrait view, but if
the website is very text heavy, it
might be more comfortable to read
1 2
Extensions add functionality to your You’re taken to the Safari Extensions
it in landscape. In Landscape Mode, Safari app, including add blocking, section of the App Store. Find one
the tabs and tools appear at the top shopping and more. Open Settings > you like and add it. To turn off an
of the screen. Safari > Extensions. To install a new extension, go back to the screen from the
extension, tap More Extensions. previous step and tap the switch.

54 |
The Safari App

Tab Groups and Tab Group Sharing

Privacy Report
Safari works very hard on looking
after your privacy. For a report on
how the browser has recently taken
action to protect your privacy, tap
aA/jigsaw icon and scroll to Privacy
Report. Tap it and you get all sorts of
information on trackers that have
been prevented from profiling you
and a list of websites that have been
involved in tracking.

1 2 Return to
You can save a group of tabs, and The other way of making a Tab
then open or close them as a Group is, on the screen in the
group. To save all your open tabs as a
group, tap the tabs icon in the URL
previous step, tap New Empty Tab Group,
then name. When you wish to save a Old Layout
bubble at the foot of the screen, tap the website to this Tab Group, tap the tabs
If you dislike the new Safari layout,
word ‘Tabs’ in the middle of the controls icon, then deep press the thumbnail for
with the URL and toolbar at the
to open this menu and tap New Tab the site. Choose Move to Tab Group, then
bottom of the screen, open the
Group from X Tabs and give it a name. tap the name of the group to add it.
Settings app and tap the Safari
option. Scroll to the Tabs section,
showing two line drawings of an
iPhone, marked Tab Bar and Single
Tab. Tab Bar is selected by default,
but if you tap Single Tab, you return
Safari to its old layout.

If you’re using a password that has
been compromised by a data breach,
that is, it has turned up when a website
was hacked, Safari warns you and
3 4
To open a group of tabs, tap the Each Tab Group can have its own
tabs icon in the controls at the foot Start page if you wish. Tap the advises you to change it. Your saved
of the screen, then tap the description in Tabs icon, then the Plus sign on the left to passwords are regularly checked
the bottom-middle. Tap one of your Tab open a new Start page for that group. against a list of breached passwords,
Groups to open every tab in that group. Scroll down and tap Edit to customise it. and the whole process is secure and
To go back to the tabs you had open You can also long tap a tab group and private. Even Apple doesn’t see your
before opening your Tab Group, repeat select Share to share the entire tab group password information.
and tap ‘X Tabs’ further up the menu. via messages. 55
| 55
Your iPhone’s Built-in Apps

Searching for and Copying Text AutoFill

1 2
You can search a web page for text. Tap the chevrons next to the Search Go to Settings > Safari > AutoFill > My Info,
Tap the Sharing icon in the controls, field to cycle through the instances and select your own Contacts card from
and tap Find on Page. Enter the word or where the word or phrase appears. To the list. From now on, when filling in a web
phrase you wish to look for on the open copy selected text, highlight it and if a form, the AutoFill option is available; tap it
web page. To the right of the Search field, bubble menu doesn’t appear, tap it. You and fill in the form from your Contacts card.
you’re shown how many instances of the can then tap Copy to copy it to your You can save credit cards too, but not the
word or term are found on the page. clipboard, ready to paste elsewhere. security number on the reverse.

Translate web pages & in-picture text Private Browsing

Private Browsing leaves no trace of

where you’ve been in your history. To
1 website into your native language, 2 you can even translate words found
To translate a foreign-language Harnessing the power of Live Text,
switch between regular and private
tap the aA/Jigsaw icon and select in a photograph or illustration. Highlight modes, tap the Tabs icon, then tap the
Translate Website... On the next screen, the text in question, then tap it for an Tabs chevron at the foot of the screen.
you’re shown a list of languages you can options bubble. Navigate the options using You can switch between modes using
translate it into. Choose one, or tap the chevrons at either end of the bubble, the menu that pops up.
Preferred Languages... to add more. then tap Translate.

56 |
The Safari App

Reader view Edit passwords

Safari settings
Here are some other things you can
change in Settings > Safari.
Page Zoom: Set your browser to be
zoomed in or out of a website.
Request Desktop Site: Switch it on and
Safari always shows the desktop
version of a website, not the mobile one.
Reader: Switch it on to automatically
use the Reader View on websites.
Camera/Microphone/Location: Do you
want websites to have access to these
things? By default they have to ask, but
you can change this to Deny or Allow.
Language: You can switch to another
language for Safari if you wish.
Downloads: Set where documents and
data downloaded in Safari is saved. By
default, it’s your Downloads folder in
In Reader View, a website is cut back to the When you register with a website, Safari your iCloud Drive.
bare minimum, so you can read or print it suggests a strong password. If it doesn’t
Search Engine: By default, Safari uses
without distractions. Not all sites support fit the site’s requirements, you can edit it.
Google as a search engine. This setting
Reader View. To switch to it (if available), Tap the password field, and in the
lets you change this to DuckDuck Go,
tap the aA/Jigsaw icon and choose Show pop-up, tap Other Options... at the
Yahoo or Bing and more.
Reader. To switch back to normal viewing, bottom. Choose ‘Edit Strong Password’
tap the icon again (it’s now black) and from the window that appears, and Block Pop-Ups: Find the Block
select Hide Reader. customise it to the site’s requirements. Pop-Ups setting and tap the switch to
turn off those irritating pop-ups that

Play a video Add to

appear over websites.

Home Screen

Some websites offer videos that can be You can add a website to your Home Block All Cookies: Sites can no longer
played within the website itself, instead of screen, so it appears as an icon. When leave cookies on your phone.
sending you to a video hosting site like you tap that icon, the website opens in
Clear History and Website Data: Tap
YouTube. Tap the Play icon to watch the Safari. To save a website to your Home
this link and you can wipe your website
video. Tap the video and the controls are Screen, tap the Sharing icon and then
history, cookies and other browsing
shown. Typical controls include pause/ select Add to Home Screen. You’re then
data; for the sake of your privacy.
play, scrub through the video and open in allowed to edit the name of the page if
full screen mode. you wish. Tap Add to add it. 57
| 57
Your iPhone’s Built-in Apps

The Reminders App


Numbers on the right of
Use the Search field to 6 each list represent the
1 search your reminders. amount of outstanding
Titles, notes, people, locations reminders that are contained in
and more are searched. it. When you mark one as
done, it’s removed.
Tap this link and you can
2 edit your lists; delete them 1
You can now create a
with the minus sign, reorder by 7 reminder directly from the
dragging the Three-line icon up app’s front page, instead of
and down and tap the ‘i’ icon to having to open a list first. Just
rename a list, change its colour tap to create a new one and
and choose a new icon. assign it to a list.

Smart lists. ‘Today’ is Tap here to create a new
3 reminders scheduled for 8 list, which appears in the
that day, ‘Scheduled’ shows all My Lists section of the
scheduled items, ‘All’ lists all Reminders home page. You
reminders, and ‘Flagged’ can move ‘individual
shows those to which you’ve reminders to another list.
added a flag. ‘Completed’
shows reminders you’ve
checked as done. 4 Pinned
These are your lists. They Reminder lists
can be called anything
you like. Tap one to open it 5
and see the individual
reminders you’ve added, mark
reminders you’ve done as
complete, and add new ones. 6

You can pin a Reminder list to

You can share a
5 Reminders list with
the top of the screen. Just
swipe the list you want to pin
someone else, as long as they
to the right, and tap the pin
have a Mac or iOS device. The
icon. It then appears as a
list then appears in their own
thumbnail along with the
Reminders app, and any edits
you make are also made on 7 8 smart reminders. To unpin,
long tap and select Unpin.
their list, and vice versa.

58 |
The Reminders App

Creating and using Reminders

1 2 3
To create a new list, on the home To add a reminder to a list, open it Tap the Add Image link near the
page tap Add List (bottom right). then tap New Reminder. Add a bottom of the Details screen (tap ‘i’)
Add a title (anything you like) and scroll name and, if you wish, tap the ‘i’ icon next and you can add a photo from your Photos
up to choose a colour and icon for it. You to it to add notes, a URL, or a flag, set a app, take a new one, or scan a document.
can make it a Smart List if you like – tap priority, Date and Time to schedule a This picture appears in your list,
Make into Smart List and set the filters. reminder and more. When you’ve carried associated with that particular reminder.
Tap Done when finished. out the task, tap the circle to its left. Tap to enlarge it.

User Tags
Tap the # icon above the keyboard
and type a word, and it becomes a
hashtag. These are used to help
organise your reminders. On the front
page, scroll up and there’s a section
called Tags. Tap one of your tags to
see all the reminders you’ve tagged
with that word.

4 5
From the Details screen you can If you open a Reminders list and tap
add Subtasks to a reminder, the three-dots icon, you can choose
breaking down the item of which you need Save as Template from the pop-up menu.
reminding into smaller tasks. In your You can then open templates from the
reminders list, they appear in a collapsible three-dots menu on the home page,
list under the reminder in question, and choose one to use and create a new list
can also be marked completed. based on it. 59
| 59
Your iPhone’s Built-in Apps

The Messages App

Messages is one of the most popular apps on your iPhone. You can use it
to send regular text messages, or free iMessages to others with an Apple
device; and also to send pictures, videos and audio messages.

Tap here to take you back When an outgoing
1 to the list of message 6 message has reached its
conversations. Tap one of them reader, it’s labelled ‘Delivered’.
to open, and if you wish, After it has been opened, this is
continue that conversation; 2 replaced by the date or, if more
such as the chat you see here. 1 3 recent, the time it was read.

This is the person you’re Tap the camera icon to

2 chatting to. The picture is 7 open the Camera app.
drawn from your Contacts app Take a new picture and add it
and is replaced by an initial if 4 to your message.
it’s not available. Tap this pic
for more options, including
This icon toggles between
sharing your location, making
5 8 the App Drawer, which is
a call or video call, send an
seen below, and the predictive
email and more.
text bar found over the
keyboard in a number of apps.

Tap the video camera 6
icon here for a pop-up
Type your message in this
menu, offering FaceTime Audio 9 field. When you’re ready
and FaceTime Video calls. Tap 7 8 to send, tap the blue arrow that
one to make that call.
9 10 appears at the right-hand side
of the text field when you’ve
Your outgoing messages typed something in here.
4 are on the right, incoming
ones on the left. Received
Tap the mic and speak a
messages are grey. Sent 10 message, and it’s
messages are blue if sent to
converted into text.
another Apple device using the
free iMessage service, and
green if they’re sent to If you want to send an
non-Apple devices as regular 11 emoji, such as a smiling
SMS messages. face or an object like the coffee
cup seen above, tap and hold
this key and then choose the
Messages can contain
5 attachments such as
emoji keyboard from the pop-up.
photos, videos or small
11 12
pictures called emojis, such Tap here to dictate your
as smiley faces or the coffee 12 message instead of typing
cup picture seen within the it. Your words are converted to
message here. text as you speak.

60 |
The Messages App

Sending a new message


The Messages app is very efficient

and user-friendly when it comes to
1 2
Tap the Pen and paper icon in the If the To field turns blue, it can be
dealing with photo attachments.
top right corner to open a new sent through iMessage (free). If it
To send a photo, tap the Photos
message. In the To field, type the mobile turns green, it’s sent as a regular text
App icon at the bottom of a Messages
number or email address of the person you message. If it turns red, the device you
conversation and you see a grid of
want to message. If that person is in your entered can’t receive a message. When
photographs from your Photos App.
Contacts app, type their name instead, or the other person is typing a reply, three
Tap as many as you like to select them.
use the + icon on the left. dots in a speech bubble appear.
You can now choose which order their
placed in your message. Just tap them

Voice and video messages

in your chosen order, and they’re
numbered instead of ticked. To
unselect a photograph, simply tap it a
second time and the number
disappears. When you’re ready, tap
Add in the top-right corner and the
photos are added to your outgoing
message. Here, you can scroll the
pictures left and right to review them.
Each has a cross in the top-right
corner – tap it to remove that
particular picture. You can then add
your text message in the comment
field. Press the up-pointing arrow to
send it, as always.
Attachments that are sent by or
received by you appear in your
Messages conversation as a stack.
Above this stack is a small icon
followed by the number of items in
that stack; and for received items, to
the right of the stack is an icon that
looks like the the Sharing icon upside
down. To flick through the items in
1 2
To send a voice message, tap the To send video messages, tap the
Audio icon in the App Drawer. The Camera icon to open the Camera your stack, tap the stack and swipe
keyboard turns into a mic. Tap it, record app, from where you can select Video and them left and right. Tap the icon and
your message and then tap again to stop. record your movie in the usual way. When number of items above the stack to
There’s now a wave form in the message you’re finished, tap Play to review it, see them all as a grid. Tap the
field. Tap the blue arrow to send the Retake to try again or the blue arrow to inverted Sharing icon to download
recording, or the ‘X’ on the left of it to add it to your message. The blue arrow the photos to your Photos app.
delete it without sending. sends it straight away. | 61
Your iPhone’s Built-in Apps

Group Messages

1 2 3
You can add multiple recipients to When looking at a group Tap People and then tap Add
start a group conversation, just by conversation, access unique controls Contact to add someone to the
typing more than one person’s name or by tapping the People icons at the top of the group. Use the location links to let everyone
number in the To field of a new message. screen. Tap Change Name and Photo under know where you are. Type a name of
When group messaging, the name of the the icons to rename the group, and give it a someone in the group to send the message
sender appears above each message so single picture. The ‘Leave this Conversation’ to that person alone. Long tap a message
you can see who said what. link removes you from the group. to reply directly to that specific message.

Using Memoji and Animoji (requires Face ID iPhone)

1 2 3
In Messages, open the App Drawer Hold the phone in front of you. Turn When you’ve finished, send it with
(tap the ‘A’ icon) and tap the your head, open and close your the blue arrow, play it with Replay or
Memoji icon. Slide left and right to cycle mouth, blink or stick out your tongue, and bin it with the red trash can. Recording
through your Memojis and Animojis, or the emoji’s animations do so too. To record and sending animojis is exclusive to
swipe the window up to view the full your animated message, tap the red iPhones with Face ID, but you can receive
range. Tap ‘+’ to create a new Memoji. circular button. Tap it again to stop. them on other Apple gear.

62 |
The Messages App

Pinned Messages Details Window

The App Drawer
Tap the ‘Apps’ icon to the left of the
Message field to toggle between
having the App Drawer and
Predictive Text Bar over the
keyboard. The functions of the
various icons in the App Drawer are
as follows.

Photos: Opens a window

showing pictures and videos
from your Photos app, which
you can add to your messages.

Store: Tap this to open the App

Store’s section on goodies for
your Messages app.

Audio: Record an audio clip

and send it as a message.

Fitness: Stickers and

To pin a conversation to the top of your Open a message and tap the icon pic at graphics relating to your
screen, tap and hold it to bring up this the top for the details screen. From here, Fitness app.
options window. Tap Pin, and the person you can initiate an audio or video call,
or group appears atop the Messages send an email, access that persons Music: Share something
screen. Up to nine can be pinned in this Contacts card (info), send or share your you’ve listened to using Apple
way. To unpin, tap and hold a pinned location and more. Scroll up for Music. If the recipient also
conversation and tap Unpin. attachments to and from that person. subscribes, they can play it
from your message.

Messages Profiles Shared with You Digital Touch: Draw and

sketch, then send your
creation as a picture or video
in a message.

Memoji: Opens your Memojis

and Animojis, so you can
record as an animated
character or drag one into
your message as a sticker.

Stickers: Drag a sticker into

your message to send it as
a picture.

Images : Choose from a range

of animated pictures, or GIFs,
to send with your message.

...And More
After these standard App
On the Messages screen, tap Edit If someone sends you a photo, video, Drawer icons, those you’ve
(top-left) for a pop-up. Tap Edit Name and web link, Apple TV link, Apple Music bought or are associated
Photo. Tap your initials to choose a photo track, News link or a Podcast using the with an app you’ve installed,
or a memoji, and set your display name. Messages app, that item is also listed in are shown.
You can then turn on Name and Photo its native app, eg. a news item is in the
Sharing, so this name and photo are News app. Look for the Shared with You
shared when messaging. section in the relevant apps. 63
| 63
Your iPhone’s Built-in Apps

What’s new in iOS 16 Messages?


1 2 3
To delete messages, open the To recover deleted messages, go To recover a conversation
conversation and long-tap on a to Settings > Messages and turn individually, long-tap and tap
message, and tap More in the options on Filter Unknown Senders. On the Recover. If you open a message that might
window that pops up. Tick bubbles are conversation list, tap Filters in the be spam, tap the Report Junk link that
shown next to the messages. Tick the top-left. Open Recently Deleted, tick appears under it, then tap Delete and
messages you want to delete, then tap anything you want to recover then tap Report Junk to alert Apple and your
the dustbin icon (bottom left). the Recover All option. network provider.

Unsend and Edit Sent Messages Mark Unread

To mark a message as unread, either

swipe the conversation to the right
and tap the speech bubble icon, or
1 2
You can recall a message up to You can edit a message for up to 15
two minutes after sending it. Simply minutes, but again, unless you sent it long-tap the conversation and in the
long-tap the message in question, then to an iOS 16 device the recipient can see options window that appears, select
tap Undo Send. It disappears from your both the old and the new one. Long-tap the the Mark as Unread option. A blue
screen, but unless you’re sending to an message, then select Edit, and make dot appears next to the message.
iOS 16 device, the recipient still has it. changes then tap the tick.

64 |
The Messages App

More great Messages features

Using emojis The hold bubble Rich links

Emojis, including smiley faces, can be Tap and hold on a message you’ve received When someone sends you a web link in a
found by tapping and holding the and a bubble appears above it. This bubble Messages conversation, you get a
keyboard’s Globe icon and selecting Emoji. offers a range of options. You can like or preview of the website, right there in the
Slide them right and left for more. An emoji unlike the message with a thumb icon, send message. All you have to do is tap the link
sent on its own is shown larger. a heart, a laugh or question mark and more. to go straight to the linked site in Safari.

Search features Scribble and draw

Pull down the Messages screen to see the Turn the iPhone into landscape orientation
Messages app’s search field. Tap it, and and on the virtual keyboard, tap the
you’re offered recent people, links, photos, ‘squiggle’ key in the bottom right. You get
and locations. Start to type, and these a pad on which you can make finger
suggestions are streamlined, and drawings or write scribbled messages. Tap
conversations are added. Done to put it in your message.

Business chat Dictation Apple Pay

Business Chat lets businesses connect with If you’re tired of typing, you can use the You can send money through Apple Pay
customers using Messages. You can chat to a keyboard’s microphone key to dictate your in Messages, assuming your iPhone is
salesperson or customer services, schedule message instead. Tap it, then speak what capable of using this feature. Tap the
an appointment or make purchases. Start a you want to say and it appears in the text Apple Pay icon and follow the instructions
Business Chat conversation from Safari, Maps, field. The more you use it, the more to send money. This feature is not yet
Spotlight and Siri. accurate the text-to-speech function gets. available in every territory. 65
| 65
Your iPhone’s Built-in Apps

Using Memoji
A Memoji is a cartoon representation of you, created on your iPhone. You
can design them to look like you and use them as both stickers and Animojis.
New emojis are added with iOS 16; look out for a troll, a battery low symbol, a
pouring glass, an empty jar, a person wearing a crown and more. As Memojis
need a TrueDepth camera, only iPhones with Face ID can use them.

How to make a new Memoji

1 2 3
Open the Messages app. Tap the Under a blank face you see a When you’re finished, tap Done.
Memoji icon in the app drawer slider. Using this slider, the colour Your Memoji is added to your
and scroll all the way to the right until options and diagrams, build your Memoji Animoji collection, from where it can be
you see the Plus icon. Tap it to start your any way you wish. Choose a hairstyle and used in the usual way, just as if it was a
Memoji. Note: if the Memoji icon isn’t colour, add glasses if you wear them, and regular Animoji. You can use it as a
there, your iPhone is likely too old and more. You can make as many Memojis as sticker, an animated emoji or in the
cannot use Memojis. you like so have fun and get creative. FaceTime app for video chat.

66 |
Using Memoji

How to use your new Memoji

1 2 3
Next to the Memoji, on the left, is an You record with a Memoji in exactly Record up to 30 seconds of
icon showing three dots. Tap it and the same way as you do with an speech, with the Memoji following
you can edit your Memoji, duplicate it so Animoji. First of all, select your Memoji and your expressions. When you’re done, tap
you can edit it while keeping the original or tap the red record button to the bottom the blue arrow to use the message or the
delete it if you no longer want it. right of the Memoji. bin to delete it.

4 5 6
You can use a Memoji (or indeed an Alternatively, tap and hold your Both the FaceTime app and the
Animoji) as a sticker too. Just Memoji and drag it onto your Messages camera feature have a
navigate to your Memoji, pull the required message. While it’s stuck to your finger, star-shaped icon (bottom left) that lets you
face and then tap it to add it to your you can resize and rotate it before add effects, including your Memojis, to
regular text message. attaching it to your message. your pics and videos. 67
| 67
Your iPhone’s Built-in Apps

The Notes App

Notes is great. Not only can you store your scribblings, you can also create
checklists and tables, add videos and pics, share notes with others and even
collaborate on a note. You can password-protect a note for privacy too.

NOTES in Focus
Tap this link to go back to A note can contain both
1 the folder containing the 5 text and attachments such
currently open note. As you as the photo seen here. A video
can see, that’s the iCloud
2 3 attachment can also be used
folder, which is synced across
1 and you can save a location
your Apple devices, including from the Maps app to a note.
your iPhone. You can then tap Tapping a location attachment
another folder on the Folders opens it in the Maps app.
screen to open it, and look at
the notes inside.
Highlight a list of items in
6 your note and then tap
At the top of a note, you this icon here to turn it into a
2 can see the date and handy checklist.
time when the note in question
was last edited. Drag the note 4 This icon gives you
down to get this information. 7 access to a range of
attachment-related options,
The sharing icon opens the namely Scan Documents, Take
3 sharing, collaboration Photo or Video, and Choose
options, and more. The three-dots Photo or Video from those
icon opens a window containing already stored on your iPhone.
a lot of options, including 5
searching within the note, moving
The Markup icon. Tap it to
it, pinning or locking, adding lines 8 open an art toolbar that
and grids and more.
lets you make simple sketches
and drawings on a note or its
Various typographic attachments. You can scribble
4 options are available. You or sketch on an existing note,
can underline, bold and italicise or on a blank one, as you wish.
text, turn it into a title or heading,
justify it right, left or centre,
Tap here to open a new,
make a list using numbers or 9 blank note for you to fill in
bullet points, and more.
6 7 8 9 and save.

68 |
The Notes App

Getting started with the Notes app

1 2 3
When you first open Notes, you Tap on the note and the keyboard Tap the chevron in the top left corner
see a list of previously saved appears. The first line you type for a list of the folders in which your
notes. If you haven’t made any yet, this appears as a header. The icons shown notes are stored. If you want to sync notes
list is, of course, empty. To create a new above the keyboard are: Add a Grid, via iCloud, they have to be in the iCloud
note, tap the pen-and-paper icon in the Format, Make a Checklist, Add an section. Tap the folder icon (bottom left) to
bottom right corner. Attachment and Markup respectively. create a new folder.

More features of the Notes app

1 2 3
Double-tap to select a word or The first icon in the tools above the Highlight some text then tap the ‘Aa’
triple-tap to highlight a paragraph keyboard sets up a table. You can icon for the formatting options. You
and drag the handles to select more or type in every cell and double-tap the can justify it right, left or centred, turn it into
less text if necessary. You bring up a three-dot icons for a pop-up menu to add a title or a heading, make it bold, italicised,
contextual menu offering formatting and or delete rows and columns. You can drag underlined or crossed out and more. Tap ‘x’
attachment options too. rows and columns after tapping this too. to go back to the note. 69
| 69
Your iPhone’s Built-in Apps

Quick Notes

Quick notes let you copy whatever

4 5
Highlight a list and tap the tick icon to The camera icon brings up a
turn make a checklist. Tap a circle to sub-menu about attachments. You you’re looking at in an app into a note.
tick it, and again to untick. Tap and hold an can add a photo or video from your To use it, in most iPhone apps, just find
item to drag it up and down. Tap and hold Photos app, scan a document and add it the Sharing icon, tap it and tap Add to
for a contextual menu, then tap Checklist to the note, take a new photo or video or Quick Note in the pop-up window. Add
and you can opt to tick/untick all, delete scan text using your iPhone’s camera, text if you want, then tap Save.
ticked items, or send them to the bottom. harnessing the power of Live Text.

To review your Quick Notes (which are

synced using iCloud), open the Notes
6 7
Tap the pen in a circle icon to add a Tap a photo or attachment in a note,
app and navigate to the Folders screen.
sketch to your note. It brings up then tap the pen icon in the
Tap Quick Notes. Tap a note to open it. If
drawing tools, which you use to draw and top-right and you can draw on the
you deep tap a note icon and you can
colour. Tap the circle on the right to attachment using the markup tools as
move it to a regular Notes folder.
change pen colour and opacity. Note the seen in the last step. Tap the Plus sign for
Undo and Redo tools above the sketch. extra annotation tools, as shown here.

70 |
The Notes App

The Action and Share menus

Tap on the three-dots icon found at the top of the screen for the action menu, or the Sharing icon for
the share menu. These guides show you what you see if you do so with a note open in the app.

The Action Menu

1 Scan: Tap here to scan a
document with your camera, and 5 Move Note: You can arrange
your notes in folders, and move an
add it to a note. 2 open note between them using this
1 3 option. You can also move a note out of
2 Pin: Pin a note to the top of the
notes list. If the note you have open
4 the Quick Notes section into one of your
regular folders.
is already pinned, this option turns into 5
6 Lines & Grids: Adds lines or a
Unpin, which does the opposite.
7 grid to the note, to make it easier to
3 Lock: Lock a note so it can only
be opened with a password. You
use the Markup feature for handwritten
notes or sketches. It’s only for Markup; if
can set a password yourself, or use your you type something onto the note, it
device passcode and/or Face ID/Touch ID. appears above or below the lines or grid.
If the note is already lock-protected, the
option here is to remove the lock.
7 Delete: This option removes a
note from your Notes app. If you

4 Find in Note: If you’ve a note delete something by mistake, go to the

with a lot of text, this is a useful Folders screen and tap Recently Deleted,
option that lets you search it for a open the note and tap the folder in the
particular word or phrase. You’re told bottom bar to move it. Deleted notes are kept
how many times that word or phrase for 30 days before being erased permanently.
appears in a note, and can use the
chevrons next to the search field to
cycle through them.

The Sharing Menu

4 Copy: Copy the contents of the
open note, so you can paste it

1 Pull-Down Menu: If you’re elsewhere. You can paste this pretty-much

planning to share a note you can tap anywhere where text can be written. Just
here to choose between offering to the thing if, for example, you want to paste
Collaborate on a note (so edits made by a note into the body of an email.
either of you are shared with the other
party), or Send Copy, whereby they get an
identical copy of your note, but edits made
5 Markup: You can arrange your
notes in folders, and move an open
afterwards are independent. note between them using this option. You
can also move a note out of the Quick Notes
2 Favourites: A row of contacts, section into one of your regular folders.
badged with a method of sending a 4
6 Print:
shared note. Tap one to send the note to that If you have a printer on
person, using the method offered. These 5 your wireless network, you can use
favourites are compiled automatically from 6 AirPrint to print out the open note. Tap
your previous interactions. here to do so.

3 Methods of Sending:
Choose one of these and tap it to
7 Third Party Apps: A lot of
third-party apps also have sharing
share the note using the app in question. options, the specifics of which depend on
You then add the contact details of the the app in question. These options are
person you wish to send it to. listed at the foot of the Sharing menu here. 71


72 73
BioShock 2 Remastered
Big Daddy is back and has never looked better.

lthough Apple has constantly pushed There’s no doubt that BioShock 2 is still great.
and developed the Mac’s ability to deliver The future-noir setting and the art style impress,
Feral Interactive
a gaming experience akin to their PC and the game offers everything you would expect
counterparts, when held in direct comparison, the from the franchise. A cinematic single-player mode,
£19.99, $19.99, 19.99 €
software differences are crushing to all those that numerous multiplayer modes and all the expected
have chosen the Microsoft gaming route. At the DLC. BioShock 2 retains everything fans would
FPS genre’s inception, PC gamers could immerse want, and for those readers, there will be no further
themselves in the depths of hell with Doom while motivation needed to hit the Buy button.
we Mac owners tried to convince ourselves that
Marathon was just as good. It wasn’t! The Mac has
never been considered a gamer's machine, yet over
the years the blurring of the internal specs and the
sheer horsepower of Apple’s machines has made
bigger, better games possible. Why haven’t we seen
a balance between big-name Mac and PC games?
Take, for example, Feral Interactive’s Mac release of
the fantastic 2016 game, BioShock 2 Remastered.
Mac gamers shouldn’t really be heralding the
positives of a re-issue, we should be sharing the
same soapbox as PC gamers moaning how broken
Cyberpunk 2077 is!

Who’s the daddy? BioShock’s Big Daddy is one of the most awesome FPS villains ever.

Save them or rob them? Watch out for the Little Sisters.

BioShock fandom aside, this is a polished port

of a dated but still enjoyable game that delivers
the expected thrills and lifespan those familiar with
the series would expect. Despite this, if you remove
the nostalgia by placing this game in the hands
of a first-time desktop gamer, BioShock 2 quickly
shows its increasing age; new coat of paint or not.
Worse still, when placed alongside contemporaries
on Windows-based hardware, for those taking
their first swim in the BioShock waters, the overall
feeling will be that sinking sensation of being
short-changed. How much longer will we have to
wait until games developers treat the Mac with the
respect it is so richly deserves? I for one am getting
very bored with dining off the scraps! JG 75
Life is Strange 2
The line between video games and movies is further blurred.

f you've played the original Life is Strange, The small-town setting of the original is scrapped
you'll be instantly at home with this sequel. in favour of a forced road trip as the brothers make
Feral Interactive
The game mechanic hasn't changed; it's still a their escape, and Max's ability to reverse time
narrative-driven graphic adventure with the story gives way to Daniel's telekinetic powers - moving
£32.45, $39,95, 39,95 €
interrupted – and guided – by regular multiple- objects with his mind. This comes in very useful
choice options. These choices define the path the as you make your way south and is frequently
storyline takes and directly affect how it plays out. essential as you tackle the puzzles and pitfalls that
Like the first game, it's episodic, with the story split abound in this well realised graphic adventure.
into five, self-contained chapters. However, this But one thing that stands out in the new game
Mac version bundles all five together; we don't have as well as being the key strength of the first, and
to keep waiting for the next one to be released, its prequel, Beyond the Storm, is the superb
as did console and PC gamers when it came out characterisation and settings; you really get to
on those formats. It features a protagonist with a know the Diaz brothers and become genuinely
supernatural ability too. invested in their fates. Set against the backdrop
But for all its similarities, there's plenty that's of the 2016 American election, it covers issues
new here too. The title no longer centres on such as racism and morality with sensitivity and
college girl Max(ine) Caulfield. Instead, you control intelligence and, though the overall storyline is
the brothers Sean and Daniel Diaz, as they deal more complex than the previous games, it loses
with a personal tragedy when their father is killed, none of its depth. IO
and they're forced to go on the run from the law.

+ Great characterisation
and plot
+ Easy to get into
+ Looks amazing
- We miss Max Caulfield
A beautifully realised
game wherein the twin
protagonists do more
than provide an avatar
for the player. Definitely

A game you can read or a novel you can play?

hat a lousy start to the day. You wake up Naturally, there are puzzles to solve. How do you
in a strange apartment, stark naked and get into the briefcase with the combination lock?
Plug In Digital
covered in blood with a wound to your How do you open the safe? What’s the significance
ribs and a dead body in the bathtub. You have no of the painting on the wall or the copy of Alice in
£5.99, $5.99, 6,99 €
idea where you are or how you got there. What are Wonderland with certain letters circled? And that’s
you to do? just the first chapter. Listen out for audio cues too,
Unmemory, the first game from a small team in like the TV in the next room, someone knocking
Barcelona, offers a great new take on the text and on the door or the telephone ringing. Because of
graphic adventure. There’s a lot of reading to do but the importance of these audio cues and the need
don’t let that put you off. The story is well written for spotting clues, the game is best played with
and engaging; and really draws you into the strange headphones on and a notebook in your hand but
world of the protagonist. Every few paragraphs, the the choice is yours.
text is interrupted by a graphic of something nearby. Maybe the puzzles are just a little contrived, in
You can frequently interact with these graphics, that they’re clearly deliberately set up to be solved
sometimes immediately, sometimes later in the rather than happened upon in the real world. As
story after another clue is revealed. Scroll back up a result, the game feels more like a digital escape
and try again. The game is arranged in eight bite- room than a real-life detective case. Not that this is
sized but substantial chapters, so you never have to a problem; it doesn’t make the game any less fun.
scroll too far to find the object you passed earlier but It’s exciting, original and a great way to spend a few
need now. hours on your tablet or smartphone. IO

+ Very original
+ Engaging plot
+ Exciting and fun
- Puzzles just a little
A great new take on the
adventure genre that will
appeal to those who like
their gaming cerebral.
An early puzzle involves finding the
Well written text is interrupted by interactive graphics. Can you find a clue? combination to a locked briefcase. RATING: 4/5 77
Street Kart Racing
Race at 80mph, just an inch above the asphalt.

his is more than just a racing game. It’s an Battle your opponents in week-long tournaments,
entire online community. Three years in the earning promotion or suffering relegation
Fat Cigar Productions Ltd
making, the multiplayer-focused Street Kart depending on your performance.
Racing lets you race with other kart drivers from To get the most from your kart you can set it up
$1.99, £1.99, 2.29 €,
60 different countries and keep up with the latest to suit your driving style, as well as optimising its
with IAP
goings-on in a very well populated Facebook group performance for twisty or straight tracks, wet or dry
dedicated to the game. Just the thing if you’re conditions and hot or cold weather. Apart from this
a competitive racer who likes going up against setup, the karts are identical; same engines, same
human beings rather than AI drivers. That’s not to equipment, same chances of winning. You won’t
say you can’t race computer-controlled opponents, get lapped by a mediocre driver who’s spent a real-
though. You build your career by racing them in world fortune on buying the best bits and pieces for
Cadet Karts. his vehicle, like you do in some games.
It’s not for the faint-hearted. Street Kart Racing That’s not to say there are no in-app purchases.
is a serious simulation game designed with the You can buy ‘Aces’, an in-game currency which can
help of professional kart racers to be as realistic also be won in tournaments or earned by watching
as possible. Don’t expect to drop bananas on the advertising videos. You can use it to unlock items
track or fling turtle shells at your opponents here. and generally speed up the game but they’re far
Instead, you’re in for no-assists, no-excuses real- from essential and can’t be used to give you an
time tournaments on recreations of genuine tracks. unfair advantage in races.

On the starting
grid. Ready,
steady, GO!

Race against opponents from all over the world.

In-game weather conditions are real-time,

based on the weather at the real-world course. If
it’s raining at Adria, for example, it’s also raining at
Adria in the game. Do you wait for the rain to stop
or set a time now in case the rain gets worse?
Regarding the game as its played, as long as
you use a recent tablet or smartphone the graphics
are pretty good but not on a par with Forza or Gran
Turismo. At this price, you wouldn’t expect them to
be. Where the game really shines is in the driving
physics. Pair up a decent joypad as a controller and
you really feel you’re in control of an 80mph kart;
and sitting just an inch above the track.
Our only real complaint is it’s impossible to use
the same account on more than one device, so you
can’t (for example) play at home on your tablet
and use your smartphone on the train. Apart from
that, the game’s a must-buy for fans of real-world
multiplayer racing. AH 79
The First Tree
Can you out-fox this curious walking sim?

he First Tree had an unusual inspiration. from the estranged son’s childhood. Dig them
Its developer, David Wehle, used it as a up for wistful commentary from the boy himself,
David Wehle
‘creative outlet’ to deal with his becoming now grown up and conversing with his wife as he
a father for the first time; and also losing his own recalls his early life with his father and how they
£4.99, $4.99, 5,49 €
dad. So naturally, family ties play a large part grew increasingly apart.
in this third-party exploration game. It centres Unfortunately, the game’s excellent
around two parallel stories; a fox (the playable atmosphere isn’t matched by the gameplay.
character) trying to find her missing family, and There’s simply too much traipsing around looking
through narration, a son reconnecting with his for something to do and not enough to engage
estranged father in Alaska. Along the way, you the player. There are no enemies to fight, no
uncover artefacts and stories from the son's life environment hazards, no puzzles to solve and no
as he becomes intertwined in the fox’s journey secrets to uncover (the digging sites are clearly
towards The First Tree. signposted). There’s a little platforming to be done
Graphics are simple but enchanting, giving a but it’s very basic and unimaginative.
real sense of being there when combined with the The First Tree is short (a couple of hours, a little
melancholy music. As you run through the snow- more if you want to grab every star) but that’s a
kissed plains of Alaska, a beautiful fern forest and blessing rather than a limitation. It has a lot of
more, you gather stars liberally scattered through heart and soul but not much gameplay and so is
each level. You must also keep an eye out for unfortunaltely boring. AH
patches of freshly dug earth that conceal items

Switch to Commentary Mode for

Dig, fox. You might find something regular observations from the author.
belonging to the boy.

+ Atmospheric
+ Good music
- Too little to do
- Clunky mechanics
Atmospheric aesthetics do
not make up for the lack of
gameplay. It just isn’t fun. Controls are a virtual joystick and
a jump button. They work well.

When is a game not a game?

hen attached to a game, the phrase for the next scene or tapping it for the next line of
‘interactive visual novel’ often rings alarm dialogue. There’s nothing that challenges your
Annapurna Interactive
bells. Too many titles of this ilk boast great dexterity or problem-solving skills. Aside from a
storylines but no gameplay. Unfortunately, this is all few multiple choice options at the very end, there’s
£4.99, $4.99, 5,49 €
too true here. nothing approaching a game here at all. I’m sure
If Found... gets off to a bad start. After a sequence the developers would argue this is a design feature
involving a space ship flying past Jupiter and finding rather than a design fault and that If Found... was
a black hole, there’s a barely-interactive trawl never meant to be a game; but it didn’t work for
through the diary of the protagonist, Kasio, covering me. There are much better executed examples of
the whole month of December. You just read an interactive fiction out there.
entry, wipe it away by dragging your finger over The storyline is engaging enough to keep you
the screen and then do the same on the next page, reading (‘playing’ would be an exaggeration) for
stopping just long enough to turn the volume down; the two or three hours it takes to get to the end
the background music at this point sounds like a bad but if you took the developers’ promise of ‘brand
feedback loop. new gameplay mechanics’ at face value, you’ll
While the aesthetics soon improve, with hand- be disappointed. It’s simply a character story and
drawn pictures and relaxingly soft music, the one that would be better realised as an illustrated
‘game’ itself doesn’t. It’s all just wiping the screen novella. DA

+ Passable storyline
+ Nice artwork
- No gameplay
- No replay value
An interactive story
that’s very light on the
‘interactive’. There’s better
out there.
You spend a lot of time wiping away one scene to reveal the next. 81
The Unfinished Swan
Can you paint a world to life?

emember the mazes in those old fashioned But why? You play Monroe, a ten-year-old
text adventures, where every location had orphan whose recently deceased mother painted a
Annapurna Interactive/
the same text? Remember how you found lot of pictures but rarely finished them. His favourite
Giant Sparrow
your way around by dropping objects to mark your painting was an unfinished swan. When the swan
way, so you could map the maze and find your way stepped out of the picture, Monroe follows its
£4.99, $4.99, 5,49 €
out? The Unfinished Swan starts a little like this but footprints into a surreal storybook kingdom.
with graphics. The first thing you see is a plain white It’s a colourless journey at first but you soon
screen. After experimenting with the controls for a find the swan has left yellow footprints. Where do
while, you find you can fling black paintballs which they lead? Along the way, you might find letters,
spatter over the 3D environment, highlighting picked out in red. These give you a piece of the
walls and openings. Soon you’re walking around storyline, so make sure you collect them. The
first-person shooter-style as more and more of your heart of the game is finding your way around using
surroundings are so marked. your paintballs but this involves some significant

The introduction of
shadows later in the game
makes it easier to find
your way around, but the
puzzles continue.

Find out more about the kingdom by gathering letters, through which the story unfolds.

puzzles too. How do you get onto the ledge which couple of hours to complete, which is about right
is too high for your jump button? Can you find for a quirky indie game such as this but if you
your way around the lake, which swallows thrown haven’t had your fill, there’s plenty of reason to
paintballs without showing your way? How do play it again. There are easter eggs to be found,
I get out of the watchtower? I seem to be going along with balloons that can be collected and
around in circles. Later in the game, shadows are used to buy in-game items.
introduced to solid objects, helping you find your The Unfinished Swan is a beautiful, laid-back
way, but the puzzles continue aplenty. experience. A gentle, yet challenging alternative to
The game as a whole won’t take more than a racers and blasters that won’t break the bank. AF

+ Very original
+ Perplexing puzzles
+ Beautiful aesthetics
- A little short?
Serene music, lovely
minimalistic visuals and
challenging gameplay
make this a great
for smartphone and
(especially) tablet gamers.
RATING: 5/5 83
FAR: Lone Sails
Embark on an epic journey to; where?

his sort of game could only happen in the What caused the apocalypse is only ever hinted at
digital delivery era. Can you imagine such and why you’re driving a beautifully realised land
Mixtvision Games
a quirky and unique title, that takes only yacht along the shattered coast of the old seafront
three or four hours to complete, appearing on a isn’t explained. Gamers are driven not by a plot and
tablet and iPhone: £3.99,
Nintendo cartridge? Or even a PlayStation CD? Yet a preferred outcome but by their own curiosity and
$3.99, 4.99 €
as an inexpensive digital download for computers, imagination.
Mac (Steam): £11.39,
consoles and mobile devices, it’s perfectly placed. And the game? You play a small girl wearing
$14.99, 14,99 €
FAR: Lone Sails is described as ‘a zombie-free a bright red coat and hat, presumably to make
post-apocalypse’ game. Civilisation has crumbled you stand out against backdrops of minimalistic
but there are no hordes of undead roaming the colours. The coat also billows out to arrest your
wastelands. Nor indeed hordes of anything else. descent, allowing you to fall any distance. As arcade
Aside from yourself, there are next to no life signs at adventures go, this one’s more ‘adventure’ than
all; just dried-up seas and the ruins of civilisation. ‘arcade’. It’s a side-scrolling, 2D affair realised with
some gorgeous hand-painted graphics. You can
walk right and left, jump and pick up/drop one
object at a time. Very quickly after the opening
scene you find the aforementioned land yacht and
climb aboard. When inside the interior is revealed
through a cut-away perspective but can you work
out how to get it moving?
As you journey through what’s left of the
lands, you must keep your vehicle running with
repairs, fuel and upgrades as you tackle a series of
environment-based puzzles that threaten to halt
your progress. And that’s all we’re telling you. The
rest is for you to find out.

The game starts with a burial. With your

companion gone, it’s time to move on.

When in your land yacht, the interior is

shown as a cut-away drawing.

One of the many
puzzles. How do you
get your vehicle over
this bridge?

As well as the desktop, tablet and smartphone,

FAR: Lone Sails is also available on the PC, PS4,
Xbox One and Switch but you can’t pick up on one
device and then continue on another. As it’s the
same game on each except for the control inputs,
there’s no advantage in having it on more than
one platform. Given the price difference between
the desktop and mobile version, we recommend
playing it on the tablet.
Perhaps the game’s greatest strength is it
tantalises for just the right amount of time. It’s
hard enough to give a sense of achievement when
you solve a puzzle but not so hard you feel stuck
and frustrated. That’s how an adventure game
should be. IO 85
Football Manager 2022
There is too much money in the beautiful game, and that’s just in-app purchases!

he football management simulation has SEGA’s Football Manager 2022 is far more than
been a huge part of the sport gaming genre a reality check, in a “I’m somehow even worse
since the early days of eight-bit computing; than your current gaffer” way. It’s a complete
for a really simple reason. Being an armchair immersion into the running of not simply a team
£39.99, 54.99 €
pundit, manager, player or anything really, just as but the entire club. The scope of the options
long as you can work on your sofa’s butt groove and the teams available is frankly stunning; and
at the same time, is the best job in the world. You the depth, though initially overwhelming, feels
answer to no one, you’re paid well in self-worth unparalleled. The processes behind the running
and, most importantly, you’re always right despite of the club are as expansive as they are detailed,
whatever you’re told to the contrary. from the development of the youth squad to
Obviously, as armchair football managers go, delivering a positive press conference to boost
I’m one of the best! Each week, I know better than club morale. The wealth of options is stunning,
the current gaffer of my beloved football team, spanning 50 nations and over 25,000 clubs, from
be it squad, formation, transfers or even the away first team to academy level.
kit. Under my leadership, we wouldn’t be facing This year’s annual tweaks and changes are
relegation we would be looking toward Europe capped with a usable and massively helpful tutorial
next season at the very least. Right? Wrong! option, a basic that has been lacking for a long time.

The crowd scene was obviously digitised before the COVID lockdown.

Also, close to the top of the enhancement league is Sadly, a very unwelcome addition is the Analyse your team’s performance and
see if you can do better next Saturday.
the improved UI, removing a few of the click-through inclusion of DLC really early in the game! I hope this
bottlenecks that make a world of difference. The isn’t the shape of things to come, as ask anyone
in-match and post match stats are wonderfully over the age of 60 and they’ll gladly tell you “money
overwhelming, allowing you to plug holes in your has ruined the game.” SEGA, please listen.
game plan. Your backroom team feels more ‘real”’ Another weaker area, which is exasperating
in this instalment, offering useful feedback and considering the staggering depth of realism
not plucking random cliches from the archives. elsewhere, is the in-game player visuals and faces.
Alas, so do the player’s agents, thus making a good The animations are OK but the faces are so lacking
relationship between you both essential to landing in detail and basic human connection, only a
that big-name signing. Relationships make up such developer’s mother could love them.
a massive part of the team-building experience that Has SEGA done enough to collect your transfer
drives a team to glory. fee for the 2022 update of the Football Manager
SEGA has added a tone-of-voice option for you
to deliver your pre-match speech and interact with
individuals. I can only assume this really is football
series? Perhaps. It’s a significant step up in many
areas, though not essential if you’re still playing
the 2021 game and don’t want to shell out on the
at club level and it’s amazing. new one. JG
+ Stats and options deeper
than Man City’s pockets
+ The fantastic tutorials
help you master the
- Requires a huge
investment of time
- Match day replays are
A great trip to the
boardroom, training
ground and beyond of
your choice of the world’s
football teams.
RATING: 4/5 87
Yap! Yap! Yap! Pop!

hen you’re sick of blasting aliens, open the next one (there are 15 in total) and
dismembering enemy combatants and earn money to buy faster puppies. There’s three
Superstar Games
generally leaving a blood-soaked pathway to unlock. Features include bonus levels, a
in your mobile gaming wake, try Puppoz. It’s free skateboard to improve your speed and ‘mazes’,
Free (ad supported)
and it involves nothing more violent than dogs where you place your dog on one of four paths in
popping balloons. the hope it will find a treasure chest at the end.
The aim of the game is to use the on-screen Time limits are tight – expect a challenge.
virtual joystick to guide your puppy through Puppoz is cute; the kids will love it. It’s not a
a timed course, bursting balloons on the way. game you’ll be playing for months but as it’s free
Complete a level by popping every balloon to with no in-app purchases, it doesn’t have to be. AF

Guide your mutt using the on-screen virtual joystick.

+ Completely free
+ Cute
+ Good graphics and sound
- Limited lastability
A game that’s fun to play
and costs you nothing. Any
RATING: 3/5 Grab a skateboard for extra speed and a paw print for a bonus round.

Explore and populate your very own little world.
£6.99, $6.99, 6,49 €

uilding and world-creation games have always wide world to explore beyond the blocks. Jump into
had a uniquely addictive quality that other the Marketplace to learn new skills, share community
genres can’t quite replicate. Sim City first creations and get access to all-new and evolving
showed gamers it could be fun to build as well as downloads from other creators.
destroy, then the legendary Peter Molyneux came In many ways, Minecraft is the perfect mobile
along and took things a step further with the equally game. The pace is whatever you want it to be. You
legendary Populous. can dip in whenever you like and have a quick play
Minecraft has built up a dedicated following or spend more time roaming around re-modelling
on every platform possible, with its mix of puzzles, your creations and your world until your heart’s
survival and building. Yet it has never felt more content. With a vast community to delve into, the
at home, to this reviewer at least, then on the game constantly feels new and improved. As a
smartphone and tablet. The concept is – at first – detractor for the longest time, this latest generation
very simple. The game throws you into a randomly of Minecraft feels more rounded and expensive than
generated, geometric world made up of cuboid ever, without diluting what attracted millions to the
blocks. There are trees, rocks, grass and water but all game in the first place. In conclusion, give it another
are created from different kinds of blocks. Holding try! JG
your finger on a block for a few moments destroys
it, allowing you to sculpt the world to your liking.
You have access to a wide range of different types
of block which you can place anywhere to create
structures, the simplicity or complexity of which is
only limited by your imagination and creativity.
Minecraft features day and night cycles, a survival
mode and monsters; which all give it more of a
focus. It’s one thing to build a world, it’s another to
live in it. It’s not simply about building. It’s like having
a LEGO set in your pocket, that you can share with
your friends. This might sound boring but it’s actually
a lot of fun just trying to build the most impressive
and imaginative structures you can conceive and
then show them off. That’s just the start. There’s a

+ Huge variety of features
+ A vast world in and out of
+ No in-app purchases!
- Too much freedom for
During these uncertain
times this is a very
therapeutic way to pass the
time, even if this concept
hasn't previously turned
your head.

Minecraft pandas to your every need (ouch!) RATING: 5/5 89
Dull! A word one would never associate with the best puzzle game of all time?

or a long time, I ignored the advice: "The app versions of Tetris were being removed from
is best experienced via headphones." And that the App Store, there were high hopes that the
was silly of me. Audio hasn't played a huge next developer to pick up this golden goose of
role in my mobile gaming. Let me explain. The gaming would maintain the high standard of its
Free (IAP)
touchscreen of my tablet, or smartphone, activates predecessor. The simple fact is that Tetris is one
an invisible barrier between myself and my wife's of the most intense games ever to stand front
inane droning, aka telling me about her day. The and centre with EA's titles, with both the visuals
inclusion of sound would break the spell and alert and the sound reflecting this. These games were
her of my utter lack of interest and force me to pay Tetris at its most exciting and overblown and were
attention. Having the realisation that sound – via brilliant. Alas, this version takes the opposite route
headphones of course – plays such an important and attempts to rebrand Tetris as a chill-out game.
role in the immersion into my gaming has done The customisable (at a price) visuals are flat and
little to improve communication with my spouse. uninspired, even down to the trope of offering
Yet it's a small price to pay to experience mobile a Game Boy black-and-white version. As for the
games as they were intended. sonics and the soundtrack, they're more akin to a
Having stressed how audio can enhance a 4 am ambient set on an Ibiza beach, not a thrilling
game, I believe we have a first with the latest puzzle game. Ill-conceived feels generous. With
incarnation of the puzzle-classic Tetris to hit iOS. the audio off, the core gameplay still holds the
This game needs a start-up message stating, "The attention, but if that's the best compliment I can
game is best experienced with the volume off." think to offer a Tetris game, something has gone
After the announcement that EA's various very wrong. JG

+ It’s Tetris
- The art style doesn't
- The soundtrack is awful
- A massive step down in
Imagine the shark attack
scenes from Jaws overlaid
with the SpongeBob theme
music, not the classic
score. Distracting, right?

When is the NES classic Tecmo Bowl not the NES classic? New Star Games
When it’s Retro Bowl on the iOS. Free (IAP)

learly inspired by the much-loved Nintendo Entertainment
System’s Tecmo Bowl, UK-based developers New Star
Games’ Retro Bowl take on the NFL. - /0-)./* (*Ȅ.
staple of gaming. Much like soccer, with the development and
advancement of the hardware on which we play, the pick-up-
+ Solid gameplay and
and-play fun has been diluted by realism. This is certainly not the
case here. The casual style is a perfect fit for iOS.
Gameplay is split into two genres; Roster management + Great visuals and
features press duties and maintaining the egos and fitness of soundtrack
your players (try to keep them fit, as an injury lasts forever!) The
+ Bargain purchase price
second is based on the playing field.
Although featuring a full roster of teams, players and tactics, - The injuries system is far
the gameplay and the plays themselves are limited but always too harsh
fun. The retro style of the visuals are also a MVP (Most Valued
Player) in the appeal to this gamer and those who are familiar
A fun mix of management
with its NES inspiration. The free edition offers a pleasingly
sim and arcade-style
in-depth look at both the semi-manager mode and the core
gameplay that will appeal to
gameplay, which should provide you with enough motivation
the casual fan.
to invest a tiny amount to purchase the full unlimited version.
If you're looking for something new to add to your Sports app RATING: 5/5
collection, this should score a touchdown for most fans. JG

Good Job Games
Do you have what it takes to call yourself a touchscreen Free
Ninja Warrior? Err, sorry: an Epic 3D Racer?

s a film bore, I take huge joy in spotting onscreen references
to other flicks or catching the unofficial inspirations for those
'mockbusters' that litter the darker recesses of Netflix. Good Job
Games' Epic Race 3D doesn't look to the silver screen for its obvious and
COMPLETELY unlicensed inspiration. Instead, it turns to the TV.
Epic Race 3D takes its inspiration from Ninja Warrior, or American
Ninja Warrior, or Sasuke in Japan; a gameshow that pits contestants
against a huge and increasingly tough series of obstacle courses, with
more than a dash of parkour and insanity. In any of its guises and
locational re-brands, it’s brilliantly fun and unmissably entertaining.
The game follows the basics of the TV show, albeit in smaller, bite-sized
chunks of two or three obstacles per race. Each contest has the player
facing CPU-controlled opponents, with the loser eliminated, until
the last player is declared the winner. Repeat. Your rewards are new
obstacles, unlockable costumes and victory dances, which also appear
to take unlicensed inspiration from pop culture.
There isn't really much to do here. The single-touch gameplay
testifies to this, but what's here is great, and fans of the TV show will
undoubtedly find much to enjoy. Alas, the massively obtrusive adverts,
which are unleashed to stomp all over the goodwill the gameplay
inspires after each race, grate! JG 91
XCOM 2 Collection
The awesome tactical RPG blasts onto iOS devices.

ow. Just... wow. Not only has the back, and that’s where you come in. Piloting the
awesome turn-based tactical game Avenger, a captured supply barge kitted out as
Feral Interactive
XCOM 2 been released for the tablet and XCOM’s mobile base, you must take the fight back
smartphone, but it’s a hugely impressive port with to the aliens.
£23.99, $24.99, 27,99 €
very few concessions made for the transition, and a Experience with the original XCOM is useful,
huge amount of additional material included with but far from essential. Newcomers will have no
no further purchases required. Along with the main trouble picking up and playing XCOM 2. There’s
XCOM 2 game, The XCOM 2 Collection gives you four an excellent tutorial that gets you started, and the
DLC packs and the War of the Chosen expansion rest is picked up as you go. Veterans of the alien
pack. At the price, that’s a bargain. war will find this new release offers more of the
Set in 2035, 20 years after XCOM – Enemy same, with some great new additions such as the
Unknown and XCOM – Enemy Within, this sequel Chosen, three types of elite alien/human hybrid
assumes the humans lost the war. Aliens now enemies; and the Lost, unaligned zombie humans
rule the Earth through the puppet ADVENT who attack aliens and resistance fighters alike.
Administration, and most XCOM members Although XCOM 2 Collection can run on both
submitted to their rule. But not all. There’s an tablets and smartphones, as you’d expect, it’s best
underground resistance dedicated to fighting played on a tablet. The more powerful your tablet,

Fire from defensive cover, and make your shots count. Out-flank the aliens if you can.

Stay hidden as you move around the
map. Fighting from behind cover
the better, of course. With a modern tablet you instinctive. As you progress through the game, makes you harder to hit, and if an alien
can achieve 30fps and virtually no reduction in you get to direct research projects to create new can’t see you, he can’t shoot you.
graphical compromises, an excellent achievement weapons and tools. Your squad gain experience as
on a mobile device. they go too. Be sure to promote them when ready,
Of course, none of this would be worth a spent so they can improve their abilities and gain new
shell case if the game wasn’t fun to play, so you’ll ones. Then when you finish the game, you’ve lots of
be glad to know it is. Lots of fun. Its intense, turn- DLC and an expansion pack to download without
based action keeps you on the edge of your seat, paying anything.
the gripping storyline makes you want to find out With far too many mobile games seemingly geared
what comes next and new elements are introduced around encouraging you to make in-game purchases,
as you go, keeping you on your toes. The user it’s refreshing to see a company like Feral releasing
interface is perfect for a touch-screen tablet; don’t high-quality, pay-once titles like this. It’s an excellent
be fooled by how complex it looks. It soon becomes release, and a bargain at the price. IO

+ Great technical
+ Huge amount of material
+ Great value for money
- A little on the hard side
An awesome in-depth
strategic shooter that
really gets the brain
RATING: 5/5 93
Medieval IIǽ*/'-
Can you become the Middle Ages’ most feared warlord?

Feral Interactive
£12.99, $14.99, 14,99 €

eral Interactive’s Mac and Apple mobile unlocked by defeating them in the main campaign
conversions of SEGA’s Total War strategy games game, or by completing the campaign as one of the
have quite a following. Fans of the franchise have starting factions. As well as the campaign option,
long lauded Medieval II as one of the best, perhaps you can play quick battles, recreate historic conflicts
the best game in the series; and it’s now available on and fine-tune the presets in a custom battle, so
the iPad and iPhone as a universal app. We wouldn’t if you’re only keen on getting your hands dirty in
recommend playing it on a regular-sized iPhone, combat, there’s plenty to see and do. Conversely, if
though. It’s far too fiddly on the small screen. the campaign strategies are all that appeals to you,
Set in the Middle Ages, the action takes place battles can be auto-completed using the game’s AI.
across three continents – Europe, North Africa The iPad/iPhone version of the game offers
and the Middle East – as 17 playable factions vie everything included in the PC release, with the
for supremacy. Six factions are available at the exception of the multiplayer game. There are no
start; England, France, Venice, The Holy Roman plans to add this later, though the PC’s Kingdoms
Empire, Spain and The Moors. The other 11 must be DLC is coming to mobile devices soon.

Fleeing units are especially

vulnerable to cavalry charges.

The Campaign Map, where
you move your armies, recruit
troops, build cities and more.

Battle stations! way. Unfortunately you can’t switch to an overhead

The game’s battles are executed in real-time. view, which would be graphically less impressive
Instruct your troops where to move, who to attack but more practical at times.
and so on, and they do so, straight away. You It can be tricky to see who’s who on the
can speed up or slow down the action, so you’re battlefield, but that’s the fog of war. You must
not bogged down with boring marches, and also keep a keen eye on what’s going on, like any good
pause the game to give orders, which are executed general should. It’s also sometimes tricky to tap
when you restart. Success depends on using the thing you want, for example, tapping a city on
your units, such as cavalry, archers, spear men the Campaign Map when you have a captain in
and more, to their best advantage and exploiting front of it. You get used to this with time, though.
weaknesses in your AI opponent’s strategies and Total War: Medieval II is more expensive than
positions. most iPad/iPhone games, but in our opinion,
Away from the battlefield, on the Campaign it’s good that Feral is charging a fair price for
Map you build cities, raise armies, manage sieges the entire game as a one-off purchase, instead
and enter into battles. Here the game is turn- of working a lucrative but annoying pay-to-win
based; you move your armies one at a time, then system into it.
click an icon to end your turn. Only the areas you If you liked previous Total War games, you’ll love
occupy are shown in full; the rest of the map is this. If you’ve never played one but are interested in
fogged, becoming clear as you explore. doing so, now’s your chance. If you’ve played one
The user interface is excellent. Everything is before but hated it, Medieval II is unlikely to win you
at your fingertips. Like all good strategy games, it over. It’s a superb strategy game, but not for arcade-
can take some getting used to, but there’s a good orientated button-bashers. IO
tutorial mode available. It does a great job of
introducing you to the game’s workings, though
I did blanch a little at having to help William the
Conquerer defeat Harold at Hastings on the Battle
Map, then take London and Nottingham on the
+ Great presentation
Campaign Map.
+ Comfortable interface
+ In-depth action
Quick, march
The game engine performs really well. It’s super- - No multiplayer
speedy, and copes admirably when the battle
intensifies. You can zoom the camera in for a closer
A truly excellent game that
look or out for a wider field of view, scroll around
won’t appeal to everyone,
the battlefield to keep track of your units and
but is ideal for those who
raise, lower or rotate the viewpoint to get around
prefer a more cerebral title.
something that’s blocking your line of sight. This is
especially useful when the action moves into a town RATING: 5/5
or castle, where walls and structures often get in the 95
Cut The Rope: BLAST
How to ruin a franchise in one lazy step!

o you remember a little green monster who Where’s the Rope?
lived at the bottom of your iPhone’s screen? Cut the Rope was a genre favourite thanks to
He was just about the cutest little monster its finely balanced and highly addictive puzzle
ever. Om Nom was his name, and he was rather gameplay, which still keeps you going to the end.
Free (IAP)
hungry; famished, in fact, and if you didn’t feed It’s an ideal game to dip in and out of, and looking
him up pronto he might just waste away. You didn’t at the sales, many still do – me included. So the
want that on your conscience, right? I certainly announcement of a new match-three puzzle game
didn’t, and I wasn’t alone. spin-off was the source of some excitement. How
Om Nom and his Cut the Rope series went from could the classic gameplay style fuse with the sub-
strength to strength, not only on the App Store. genre made popular by Candy Crush Saga and its
Cartoons, toys and the usual merchandise turned many pretenders?
heads for a while until the series’ mainstream For those of you that have never played Candy
appeal waned, returning the series to its gaming Crush Saga, how’s the weather on Mars? Let me
origins. Fortunately, the game itself was brilliant! It bring you up to speed. This massively popular puzzle
was 250 levels of rope-swingy, physics-based puzzle game has you swapping sweets to make lines of
gameplay that kept you well entertained. three or more units, which then disappear. Match
The basic idea was to sweep your finger across four or five sweets for a special candy piece and beat
the screen to cut ropes (hence the title), and drop each level to move on to the next. Sounds simple,
suspended sweets into the hungry Om Nom’s doesn't it? It’s not! Candy Crush Saga is a massively
mouth. However there was more to it than that, entertaining game that appeals to all gamers not
with stars to collect which are required to open up matter of age or tastes. This app still personifies the
new worlds, of which there were four in total. Puzzle genre at its most annoying and addictive.
Now imagine the above, mixed with the
personality and gameplay mechanics of the Cut
the Rope. This is the gaming equivalent of mixing
chocolate and peanut butter! How could this not
be the best puzzle game ever? This union was
seemingly impossible to get wrong, but sadly,
developers SKYWALK have achieved the impossible.
Not only is their game a basic and frankly lazy rehash
A tragic misstep for a popular franchise.
of the Candy Crush clichés with nothing new to
speak of, they’ve implemented absolutely nothing

Verdict// that made Cut the Rope successful or original. This is

shuffleware at its worst, and makes me wish I could
award this insult to Om Nom fans no stars at all! . JG
+ Om Nom’s there
- Nothing original
- Nothing interesting
- Nothing to do with Cut the
This is Cut the Rope in
name only. Underneath
the veneer of a successful
franchise lies an
imagination-free match-
three game.

The return of an unsung classic.

emember Mokoko, the awesome Mac unlock during the game. Complete the Story Mode to
game that drew its inspiration from arcade unlock Arcade Mode.
classics such as Volfied, Qix and Gals Panic?
Remember how you patrolled the perimeter of
£7.19, $9.99, 8.19 €
the gaming area, nibbling away at the central, Girls, girls, girls...
silhouetted area until you’d captured a given Another feature that’s retained from the original title
percentage of the screen? Remember how the is the optional adult patch that removes the clothes
enemies would maraud around, causing you to die if of the girls you reveal and rescue during the game.
they touched or shot your trail while you pressed on This time it’s free too. The gameplay is identical
into enemy territory? If you completed the game but to its predecessor, but if you’ve been reading this
would welcome more of the same, developer NAISU magazine for a while, you know that’s no bad thing.
has released a sequel; Mokoko X. Mokoko was, and is, great fun to play and this
The new game offers 32 levels in total, comprised reimagining is just as entertaining.
of 24 levels with unique bosses and minions, and If you’re a fan of old-school Qix-style games,
eight mega-levels where you fight three bosses from this one’s definitely worth a look. It’s excellent
the previous levels at the same time. There are eight value for the price. If you played the original and
different anime-influenced girls to rescue, Japanese are now bored of it, though, there’s nothing much
and English voice-overs and various power-ups to new here. AF

+ Lots of game for your
+ Colourful and attractive
+ Fun to play
- A little derivative?
It makes no real advances
on the original Mokoko
game, but like its
predecessor, it’s a great
Capture territory to reveal the girl underneath it. Claim it all to rescue her. RATING: 4/5 97
Anomaly Warzone
A Tower Defence game that sets the genre on its head!

he tower defence game is a staple of the App during actual gameplay which adds a frantic level
Store. The real-time weapons placement of excitement to the battles. The inclusion of a basic
11bit studios s.a
and short gameplay bursts seem perfect for resource-gathering mechanic adds another level of
a portable touchscreen device. While we’re big fans complexity. You must plot a course to capture items
£3.49, $3.99, 3,99 €
of this genre, we’ve found ourselves getting a little that are used to upgrade your forces.
tired of the predictable gameplay. The setting and The game has three modes of play, with an
plot may change, but the concept of defending engaging Story Mode and two Squad Assault
your base using various static weapons from waves Modes. The visuals and sound are fantastic, and
of approaching enemies has remained the same. the whole thing is wrapped up in an impressive
However, just as fatigue appeared to have set in, presentation shell. The only real downer is the lack
Anomaly Warzone Earth has blasted onto iOS and of a multiplayer mode, but even without it Anomaly
iPadOS and flipped the tower defence genre on its Warzone Earth is a highly recommended game. JG
head. This time you take control of the attacking
craft as they battle through the landscape, avoiding
or destroying the enemy’s defences.

Role reversal
This role reversal is the key to the huge success
of the game. The conventions of the gameplay,
although refreshed, remain familiar. Plot your path
through the stage by consulting the map screen,
and choose your convoy of vehicles with great
care. As before, the wrong choice quickly ends your
game. Unlike its many predecessors, upgrades
and enhancements can be employed in real time

+ Refreshing gameplay
+ Deep strategies
+ Top aesthetics
- No multiplayer
A new look at an old
game style, and a very
successful one too. Highly
RATING: 4/5 Tower offence – instead of placing the towers, you play the attackers.

Keeping it (looking) real, 1990s style!

art game, part interactive movie, when the game its unique atmosphere and it still stands up
Another World was first released for the Amiga even in its original form.
it was more than just another game. It was a The usual control issues are present,
real interactive experience. Rather than falling into unfortunately, but they’re quickly dispatched by
£3.49, $3.99, 3,99 €
one of the established genres of the time, Another using a compatible controller, if you have one.
World was neither a puzzle game, a shoot-’em-up Developers still haven’t figured out a way to
nor a platformer, but it was all of these and more. perfectly recreate micro-switched joystick controls
Playing it now it’s easy to forget how using a touchscreen. This can make sections where
revolutionary it was at the time. The spookily precise positioning and timing are required harder
realistic sprite animation still looks very nice, but it than they ought to be, and you need plenty of do-
was gob-smacking in 1991. The game begins with a overs for this reason.
scientific experiment gone wrong, which transports If you didn’t experience Another World in its
the main character to a strange, dream-like world original format, it’s still a great little game but you
and so begins the adventure where you take on won’t understand quite how fantastic and ground-
challenge after challenge as you try to stay alive breaking it actually was. If you did have the pleasure
and figure out a way to get back home. You even of playing through it back in the day, you’ll relish the
make a friend along the way, and despite the lack opportunity to relive it in all its glory. The slightly
of dialogue, the game manages to conjure a real choppy controls only marginally mar this bona-fide
emotional connection between the two characters. all time classic. JG

Thirty Years On...

The mobile version comes with polished, enhanced
graphics, but with the option to switch back to
the original style. The enhanced version doesn’t
change the overall look, but adds some depth to
the backgrounds, which is a good thing. Although
the highly stylised nature of the visuals has much to
do with the limitations of the original hardware for
which it was designed, this is all part of what gives

+ Classic game
+ Excellent animation
+ Outstanding atmosphere
- Control issues
A genuine classic that
stands up very well
compared to modern
games. A welcome blast
from the past.
Switch between retro and HD graphics. RATING: 5/5 99
Grand Theft Auto:
Chinatown Wars
The most underrated handheld title of its generation finds its true home!

ajor franchises tend to have an instalment modified specifically for the iPhone/iPad screen,
that fans consider a misstep. A few (un) visually Chinatown Wars has never looked better
Rockstar Games
popular examples; Star Trek 5: The Final and more unique.
Frontier, Super Mario Sunshine, Tomb Raider: Angel
of Darkness, any Star Wars movies that don’t have
£4.49, $4.99, 4,99 €
Part 4, 5 or 6 in the subtitle... The list is endless Turn On, Tune In...
and, of course, 100% personal. But what about A nice feature added into this version is the ability
those games or movies that were largely ignored or to pick from five different radio stations combining
disdained despite being not bad at all? 100+ minutes of in-game music. Alternatively, you
With that in mind, let’s head back to Liberty can listen to your own music library from within
City, albeit in a way you’ve never seen before, or the game by using iTunes to create a playlist and,
again. Launching with very little fanfare in 2009, calling it “GTA”, then syncing your device to upload
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars was the first it. When it’s uploaded, start the game and select
original instalment in the monster franchise the Independence FM radio station to listen to
developed with the handheld market in mind. your own tunes.
Retaining the core of the current 3D console You control Huang Lee and start off with a
counterparts, it played out as action-adventure simple mission; deliver a sword to his Uncle Kenny
game set in an open world environment. as part of a Triad legacy for control. But it doesn’t
The visual presentation – due to hardware go well. It’s time to regain your honour and get
limitations of its host machine, the Nintendo DS revenge for what happened to you by using all
– opted for an isometric top-down camera over the usual methods found in the GTA titles. There’s
of a ground-level view behind the protagonist, some excellent gameplay tweaks I feel should’ve
reminiscent of the early 2D Grand Theft Auto titles. transferred to the main series, such as the ability to
This disappointed many at the time, and resulted remove those pesky wanted levels by destroying
in unjust criticism that has hampered this release the chasing police vehicles, not having to outrace
since. GTA: CTW provides a fantastic reproduction them or hit up a Pay and Spray! A differing
of the familiar gameplay style keeping within the mechanic for ‘borrowing’ a moving vehicle and a
confines of the original development platform. parked one is another nice inclusion.
With this mobile port, those limitations have If you haven't played this wrongly overlooked
been removed but by using some very clever instalment of the GTA franchise before, I would
touchscreen functions, including two custom suggest you try it on the iPhone instead of a retro
control settings depending on your preference, handheld. Chinatown Wars offers a unique view of
this port has taken an already stunning game and the popular series, perfectly bridging a gap between
made it even better. With enhanced graphics, its origins and its more contemporary releases. And

Verdict// lighting and explosion effects that have been is absolutely due for a rediscovery for all gamers. JG


+ New take on GTA
+ Interesting storyline
+ Good gameplay
+ Excellent radio options
A game that deserves to
be better regarded than it
actually is. Give it a go and
see if you agree.
RATING: 4/5 The top-down perspective is similar to that of the early PSX Grand Theft Auto games.

Welcome to a world of sword, sorcery and interactive video clips.

s a retro gamer I love the fact that Apple’s to aid you in your journey and it can get tricky and
mobile gear is creating a new platform frustrating as you try to figure out the right move
Dragon’s Lair LLC
for classic games, and Dragon’s Lair 30th and the perfect timing. The game really relies on
Anniversary (a subtitle which I will now ignore as it getting just the right timing so you might have the
£4.49, $4.99, 4,99 €
essentially screaming “YOU ARE SO OLD” in my face!) right move but at the wrong second; don’t give up
is one of the best to join this trend. In the arcades, the too quickly.
game used a laser disc at the core of its technology.
You had to press the joystick or the button at the
correct time to cause the disc to skip to the next Cartoon Capers
section. Press the wrong direction or take too long The repetitive scenes might start to get on your
and the disc skipped to one of the many comic-book nerves, and I know I got a little annoyed if I got stuck
death sequences. This version of the game is just on a section and had to replay the same scene over
like the original, but with all the crisp, hand-drawn and over again. The graphics are great and really
animated graphics preloaded on your device. appeal to children because it looks and feels just
As I wasn’t the son of a multi-millionaire or able to like playing a cartoon, though younger children
magic coins from thin air, I never mastered the brutally might get frustrated trying to figure out the game.
hard arcade game, so I was thankful this version I was a little disappointed with the sound, though,
comes with a tutorial to teach you the controls and as it got repetitive and boring but it was not enough
explain the different game versions. For those looking to detract too much from the game. In the end this
for a challenge, I recommend playing around with game plays like a point-and-click adventure on
the options first because the game starts you off with steroids as you have to know just what to click and
the move guide which tells you what moves to make you have only seconds to figure out the right move
using the on-screen D-pad and weapon controls (but before poor Dirk is dead meat.
you have to act quick to get the right timing, so leaving After many attempts to bring this classic game
the guide on might be good for kids). to the attention of a new generation, Dragon’s Lair
The way the game works is that you (Dirk) are on the iOS is the first truly successful conversion that
presented with situations as you try to make your takes all the charm, quality animation, humour and
way through the castle to save your beloved. You hair-pulling fun of the arcade original and puts it in
have the four directional arrows and your sword the palm of your hands. JG

+ Great looking
+ Tutorial included
- Weak sound
- Repetitive
A great conversion of the
coin-op, but it can be just
as frustrating as its arcade
inspiration at times.
Uncomplicated controls; just ‘up’, ‘down’, ‘left’, ‘right’ and ‘sword’. RATING: 3/5 101

Disco Elysium –
The Final Cut
You’re drunk, you’re hung over, and you’re – who am I again?

£34.99, $39.99, 39,99 €

ow, that was some night. Or at least you To begin with, you choose an ‘archetype’ for your
think it was. You’re dirty, (almost) naked booze-impaired detective. At your choice, he can
and your head is pounding, but you can’t be a Thinker, Sensitive or Physical being, each of
remember the drinking session that caused your which assigns the skill points with which you start
predicament. In fact, you can’t remember much of to different qualities your character possesses. As
anything at all. Who are you? What are you doing you progress through the game, you level up and
here? Why is there a dead body hanging from a tree are given more skill points to allocate as you see fit.
around the back of the flea-pit hostel you currently There’s also the option to create your own character
reside in? These are the questions you must answer as from scratch, though we wouldn’t recommend
you solve the murder, and also sort out your personal this on your first play-through. Starting with a new
issues as you go. personality and statistics for your character gives the
Disco Elysium is a fusion of point-and-click game replay value for when you’ve completed its 30+
adventuring and RPG-style character building. hours the first time.

Much of the game takes place in your

head, as you have multiple-choice
conversations with various sectors of
your brain. First sign of madness?

View to a Thrill...
The game is viewed from a 3D isometric view. You
move around by clicking your mouse or trackpad
on a piece of the floor, which your character
then walks to. you can also click nearby objects
and items of interest. Things with which you can
interact are identified by a white spot, and holding
the Tab button highlights everything you can
click on, whether for information or to pick up
and add to your inventory. If you hate adventures
where you have to constantly drag your pointer
over the screen searching for interactive items,
you’ve nothing to fear here. You can zoom in and
out of the action if you want a closer look or a
wider viewing area, but we wish you could also
push-scroll around the current location instead of
having to move the character to see what’s beyond
the screen area.
Being a detective story, much of the gameplay
involves multiple choice conversations, not only also what you’re wearing. A detective’s hat might Objects of interest are identified
by a white dot, and hold Tab to
with non-player characters but also within your make you smarter, for example, and a gang jacket highlight everything with which you
own head. There are 24 sections of your brain could make you more intimidating. Keep collecting can interact.
with which you can chat, communicating as if the clothes and change into something more
they were themselves third-party characters. appropriate if an important roll is coming.
Which parts of your brain have something to say
and what advice they give depends on the type
of character you chose and what skills you’ve
Other stats to keep an eye on are your health
and morale. If they reach zero, you’re in imminent
danger of dying or giving up respectively. You can
acquired since. It sounds bizarre, and it is, but it’s a pick up items that restore a few points of either;
+ A very original idea
fantastic and original gameplay mechanic the likes in that respect, the game’s more like an RPG. Just
of which we’ve never seen before. remember to save often and not rely on your Auto + Brilliantly atmospheric
Saves, as it’s entirely possible to die in this game.
+ Good replay value
Aesthetically, Disco Elysium is beyond reproach.
In the Balance It’s wonderfully atmospheric, and gives you a real - We wish you could push-
The game offers a good balance between adventure feeling of being there. The hand-painted graphics scroll
and RPG, though it leans more to the adventure are beautifully realised, and the voice-overs
side. The odd punch aside, there’s no combat (expanded for this Final Cut release) are almost
An excellent update for an
to speak of. There’s no bruising encounters with impeccable. As your character awakens from his
amazing adventure RPG. If
section bosses, and no tedious grinding out fights booze-induced slumber, you almost ache with him.
you missed Disco Elysium
with lesser foes to build your stats ready for the Even when you frustratingly die or have a meltdown
before, don’t make the
next big baddie. It has more variables than a long after you last saved, you feel compelled to give
same mistake again.
regular adventure, though. Some actions demand a it one more go. It’s exciting, atmospheric, intelligent
successful dice roll to determine success or failure, and above all, original. If you like your RPGs, don’t RATING: 5/5
with your target score influenced by your stats and miss this genuine gem of a game. IO 103
Minion Rush:
Running Game
The adorable Minions are back on the big screen, but is their
iOS licensing going to be despicable?

Free (IAP)

It looks great, but mind it doesn’t grate.

f you’re a fan of the Despicable Me/Minions Up to jump over obstacles, and swipe Down to slide
movies, and also enjoy endless runners, you’ll love under laser beams and such.
this. You play as one of the cute little minions from The game offers a few surprises that help
the movies, trying to become Employee of the Month distinguish Minion Rush from almost every other
by running as far as you possibly can. It’s not clear endless runner. For starters, the graphics are
what the purpose of the run is, but unlike every other fantastic! Secondly, the game doesn’t offer a
endless runner game, there is a storyline of sorts. straight, simple dash. Instead, the camera angle
Gameplay uses a three-lane system with swipes changes regularly, sometimes forcing you to adjust
in four directions. As your minion charges forward, to a side view of the track in order to succeed.
simply swipe Left or Right to dodge objects and Switching views is seamless and doesn’t interrupt
avoid falling employees, cliffs and more. You swipe your run whatsoever.

Slide it in!
There are also sliding segments in which you
control your minion by tilting your Apple device
from left to right, which is a nice change of pace.
There are even boss battles to contend with. Every
now and then, Gru’s rivals appear and launch
As endless runners go, this one’s top banana.
smaller robots at you, which you must tap quickly
to reflect them back at him. Additionally, there are
bananas scattered all over the place, which act
as the game’s main currency. There are several
types of power-ups that appear too, and each
one can be upgraded by spending Bananas. The
+ Great visuals & sonics
second type of currency is Tokens, which appear a
maximum of five times per day. + Who doesn’t love Minions
Just as in Temple Run, the key to success is
+ Nice gameplay variety
building up your multiplier, which is done by
performing Despicable Acts. These usually involve - Grinding vs In-App
running into or otherwise displacing your fellow Purchases
minions, but you can also earn this bonus by
wrecking things using your power-ups.
Even if you strip away the
You can unlock new bonuses, which actually
trademark visuals and
act like new characters, as each new bonus offers
excellent presentation and
you new abilities, skills and items. Some can be
you still have a way above
purchased using Bananas, but the majority of
average endless runner.
them require the rare Tokens, and a lot of them!
Top Bah-Nan-Ah!
You can speed up the process by buying Token
bundles via IAP, although grinding hard is where RATING: 4/5
you find yourself in most of the game. JG 105
LEGO Star Wars: TCS
Does anyone really care about the Star Wars movies or the LEGO games
anymore? Maybe a long time ago they did?

Warner Bros. Entertainment
Free (IAP)

long time ago, on a console far, far away a proton torpedo in a thermal exhaust port.
(probably in the attic?), the LEGO Star Wars LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (although
saga was unleashed. Despite having a bad it clearly isn’t complete as it misses the recent
feeling about it due to the child-friendly visuals, trilogy) couples the 2005 prequels with 2006’s
the comedic leanings of the cut scenes and the original trilogy. Both titles are remastered for the
general sense of this being a ‘kid’s game’, it proved iOS platforms, yet while both incarnations of the
to be absolutely fantastic. It reached across age games are superior to their predecessors in every
demographics by delivering an experience that way, somehow as a whole this package is less
was accessible enough for younger players but impressive than a duo of games almost as long in
challenging enough for the more mature gamer. the tooth as our editor.
Plus the seemingly endless self-referential nods to The game spans all six instalments. The
the fan base were whoop-inducingly brilliant. All cutesy LEGO style and humour still hooks, but the
bases were covered. gameplay formula which has remained somewhat
This was not only the Star Wars prequels in Lego unchanged not only over this franchise but the
form, but unlike their big-screen counterparts, it was series as whole just feels uninspiring, overly
fun and a pleasure to immerse yourself in. The games- familiar even bordering on dull. Once again the
buying public agreed, and the Traveler’s Tales/LEGO narrative is themed around the movies, with each
gaming franchise became a monster, pulling in such level covering the key plot points of the source
marquee names as Pirates of the Caribbean, Indiana material. On your first time around each episode
Jones, Harry Potter, Batman, Marvel, DC and Lord of is played in order, completing one to unlock the
the Rings. Yet was The Force as strong with this series next. Progression is, as always with the LEGO
as one would expect? franchise, based around completing objectives
such as item collection, block building, puzzle
solving and some basic combat.
Brick by Brick Once you've completed all the games, you can
With this rerelease for iOS, we’re back to the revisit each level randomly to seek out the secrets
franchise that launched a thousand polygon and hidden items which you might have missed
Help Leia escape in this epic bricks; LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Sadly, or simply weren't able to collect with your default
scene from  2 *+ . from even the briefest of plays, it’s very clear the characters and their abilities. While we are the first
bottom of the barrel is being scraped deeper than to complain when the tactic of back-tracking over

“Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.”

a worn path is employed to extend lifespan, the that these are first instalments in the series. The
second trip through is actually more fun, offering a gameplay, presentation and control have been
greater challenge. honed for this platform, but while we weren’t overly
During your first play-through you’re teased by impressed with this game, we did enjoy moments,
items that are just out of reach with your starting we can't ignore the creeping sensation that the
character, or tiny doors that beg to be opened LEGO games had hit a plateau, a long time ago.
if you were small enough to do so. There lies
the appeal of replaying each stage; by switching
appropriately among the full cast of characters Milking the Cash Cow
unlocked during your first run, no path is blocked, There’s no question these early Star Wars games
no secret cannot be uncovered. It would be a are some of the best of the LEGO series, but that
stretch to say the gameplay is reinvented for your series is simply stale. Therein lies the quandary that
second trip but the motivation is certainly enough gamers face, with not just this release but the series
to pay this game another visit. in general. How often can a franchise be rehashed,
re-worked and tweaked before what was once
clever and original becomes cliché? In our opinion
Taking Control the series has reached its zenith, and should
While a rehashing of the console game could have
been the easy path for the developers to take,
instead this version was built specifically for the iOS
probably be rebooted. We were left feeling that
without additional development and some much-
needed innovation this could be the last golden
platform. If features a fantastic control method which brick on the LEGO game pile before over-familiarity
+ Great visuals & sonics
uses both virtual sticks and screen taps, and is a causes its inevitable demise.
testament to how much effort has gone into making To sum up the experience of playing LEGO + Captures the Star Wars
this an exclusive iPad or iPhone game not a cheap Star Wars: The Complete Saga, the perfect word is feel
console port. While the control method is inventive, ‘contradiction’. The game is great and still entertains,
+ Nice gameplay variety
the core gameplay and graphics follow the expected it holds the interest and we played until everything
LEGO template and offer few surprises. had been unlocked and collected. Unfortunately, - Missing three movies!
The visual familiarity of both the LEGO and once the game was over, it was almost instantly
Star Wars franchises is in equal part a blessing forgotten amongst the blur of all the countless other
A package of two old and
and a curse. If you’re a fan of either, you need LEGO games we've played. Unfortunately these
tired games for a non-
no motivation beyond the title to download it. factors make for an experience that is forgettable and
budget price? Buy this, do
However, non-fans will find little motivation to even leaves you with the sense of how far the franchise
not. The developers didn’t
try the game. With the LEGO game franchise taking has fallen. Also, how can it be ‘The Complete Saga’
apparently try!
on every major movie series from Potter to Pirates when there are three (awful) movies and one game
over the past 17 years, it’s starting to look and feel completely missing? Come on, LEGO, do the magic RATING: 2/5
a very tired, even more so when one considers hand thing again. Please!. JG 107
Come back next issue for even more fantastic
guides from our team of experienced industry
insiders. We will be covering all the latest
software advancements, consumer tech and
expert tutorials that you can expect from us

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