Namma Kalvi 12th Chemistry Reduced Syllabus Study Material em 220291

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SYLLABUS - 2020 - 2021


Mr.R.ABDUL SALEEM., M.Sc., M.Phil, B.Ed.,

Mr.R.Abdulsaleem, M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., P.G. Asst. Chemistry Teacher, Dept. of Chem., Ch-18
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UNIT No. 8 IONIC EQUILIBRIUM Question & Answers (As per Reduced Syllabus)

1. What are Lewis acids & bases? Give 2 examples for each.

Ans. (i) Electron pair acceptors are called as Lewis acid. (ii) Electron Pair donors are
called as Lewis base. Examples: Lewis acids BF3, & AlCl3, Lewis bases NH3 & H2O.

2. Discuss the Lowry – Bronsted concept of acids and bases.

Ans. (i) Lowry Bronsted acids - proton donors. (ii) Lowry bronsted bases - proton
acceptors. (iii) An acid1 after donating a proton become a base1 (conjugate base) (iv) A
base2 after accepting a proton become an acid2 (conjugate acid) (v) In general Lowry –
bronsted acid – base reaction is Acid1 + Base2 ↔ Acid2 + Base1 . Eg.Hcl + H2o ↔H3o+
+Cl-. (vi) In the above reaction Forward reaction HCl(Acid1), Cl- (Conjugate base)base1
Backward reaction H3o+ (Acid1) H2o is (conjugate base) base1. Now reaction is reversed
Forward reaction is H2o is Base2, H3o+ is acid2, in backward reaction Cl- is base2, and Hcl is
acid2. (vii) A conjugate acid – base pair differs by a proton. (viii) BF3 & AlCl3 that does not
donate protons are known to behave an acids.

3. Identify the conjugate acid base pair for the following reaction in aqueous solution.
(i) HS-(aq) + HF ↔ F-(aq) + H2S (aq) (ii) HPO42- + SO32- ↔ PO43- + HSO3- (iii)
NH4+ + CO32- ↔ NH3 + HCO3-

Ans. (i) Forward reaction: HF Acid1 + F- Base1 HS- Base2 H2S Acid2

Backward reaction: H2S Acid1 HS- base1, F- Base2, HF Acid2

(ii) Forward reaction : HPO42- Acid1 PO43- Base1, SO32- Base2 HSO3- Acid2

Backward reaction: HSO3- Acid1 SO32- Base1, PO43- Base2 HPO42- Acid2

(iii) Forward reaction: NH4+ Acid1 NH3 Base1 , CO32- Base2 HCO3- Acid2

Backward reaction: HCO3- Acid1 CO32- , NH3 Base2 NH4+Acid2

4. Account for the acidic nature of HCLO4. In terms of Bronsted – Lowry theory,
identify its conjugate base.

Ans. (i) HClO4 is one of the strongest acids known. (ii) As more number of oxygen atoms
are bonded in the oxyacid, the more the electrons will be pulled away from the O-H
bond. So the OH bond is weakened. (iii) Thus less energy is needed to break the OH
bond releasing H+ ion from HCLO4. (iv) Here HCLO4 is the strongest acid. (v) The acidic
nature of oxyacid’s of the same element increases with increase in oxidation number.

Mr.R.Abdulsaleem, M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., P.G. Asst. Chemistry Teacher, Dept. of Chem., Ch-18
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(vi) In HCLO4 chlorine is in its highest oxidation sate of +7. (vii) Hence, HCLO4 is the
strongest acid. (viii) The conjugate HCLO4 is ClO4- which is a weak base.

5. When aqueous ammonia is added to CUSO4 solution, the solution turns deep blue

due to the formation of tetramminecopper(II) complex. [ Cu(H2o)4]2+(aq) + 4NH3(aq)

↔ [Cu(NH3)4]2+(aq), among H2o & NH3. Which is stronger Lewis base?

Ans. (i) [ Cu(H2o)4] 2+ (aq) + 4NH3(aq) ↔ [ Cu(NH3)4]2+(aq) + 4H2o. (ii) If a better Lewis
base is available, a Lewis acid will react. (iii) In this reaction H2o is exchanged with NH3.
(Iv) The Lewis acid Cu2+ exchanges the Lewis base H2o with better Lewis base NH3 to
form [Cu(NH3)4]2+. (v) Hence NH3 is a stronger Lewis base then H2o in this reaction.

6. The concentration of hydroxide ion in a water sample is found to be 2.5 x 10 -6.

Identify the nature of the solution.

Ans. Given [OH-] = 2.5 x 10-6M

pOH = - log [OH-]

= -log [ 2.5 x 10-6]

= 6 – log 2.5 = 6 – 0.3979 = 5.6021

pH = 14 – pOH

pH = 14 – 5.6021 = 8.3979

pH = 8.3979 since the pH is > 7 , the solution is basic.

7. A lab assistant prepared a solution by adding a calculated quantity of Hcl gas at

25oC to get a sol8ution with [H3o+] = 4 x 10-5M. Is the solution neutral (or) acidic
(or) basic?

Ans. Given : [ H3o+] = 4 x 10-5M

PH = - log [H3o+]

= - log [ 4 x 10-5 ]

= 5 – log 4 = 5 – 0.6021 = 4.3979

pH = 4.3979 , since the pH is < 7, the solution is acidic.

8. Calculate the pH of 0.04 M HNO3.

Ans. Given : [H+] = 0.04 M

PH = - log (H+] = - log 0.04

Mr.R.Abdulsaleem, M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., P.G. Asst. Chemistry Teacher, Dept. of Chem., Ch-18
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= - log [ 4 x 10-2]

= 2 – log 4 = 2 - 0.6021 = 1.3979

PH = 1.3979.

9. Define Solubility product.

Ans. The Product of the molar concentration of the constituent ions, each raised to the
power of its stoichiometric co – efficient in a balanced equilibrium equation.

Xm Yn ↔ m X n+ + n Y m- ; Ksp = [ Xn+]m x [ Y m-]n .

10. Define Ionic product water. Give its value at room temperature.

Ans. The ionic product of concentration of hydrogen ion and hydroxyl ion of pure water
is known as ionic product of water. (Kw).

Kw = [ H3o+].[OH]- ; Kw = 1 x 10-7 x 1 x 10-7 ; Kw = 1 x 10-14; Kw = Ionic

Product of water. At room temperature, the value of Kw is 1 x 10-14 mol2 dm-6.

11. Explain Common Ion effect with an example.

Ans. (i) when the salt of the weak acid is added to the acid, the dissociation of acetic acid
decreases. This is known as common ion effect.

(ii) Example: When sodium acetate is added to acetic acid, the dissociation of acetic acid
decreases. Here CH3COO- is the common ion present.

12. Derive an expression for Ostwald’s dilution law.

Ans. Ostwald dilution law relates the dissociation constant of the weak acid (K a) with its
degree of dissociation (α ) and the concentration ( C )

α = No. of moles dissociated / Total no. of. Moles


Content CH3COOH CH3COO- H+

Initial no. of. moles 1 - -
No. of. Moles α - -
No. of. Moles 1 -α α α
Equilibrium C(1–α) Cα Cα

Mr.R.Abdulsaleem, M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., P.G. Asst. Chemistry Teacher, Dept. of Chem., Ch-18
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Ka = [ CH3COO- ].[OH-] / [ CH3COOH ] = Cα x Cα / C ( 1 –α ) = Cα2 / (1 – α )

When 1 >> α , the denominator can be neglected. Ka = Cα2 ; α = √𝐾a/𝑐 .

13.Define pH

Ans. The negative logarithm of base 10 of the molar concentration of the hydronium
ions present in the solution. pH = - log10 [ H3o+ ].

14. Calculate the pH of 1.5 x 10-3 M solution of Ba (OH)2.

Ans. Ba(OH)2 → Ba2+ + 2OH-

Concentration of hydroxide ion = 2{OH-} = 2 x 1.5 x 10-3M = 3 x 10-3M

pOH = - log [OH-] ; -log( 3 x 10-3 ) = 3 – log 3 = 3 – 0.4771 = 2.5529

pH = 14 – pOH

pH = 14 – 2.5229 = 11.4771

pH = 11.4771

15. 50 ml of 0.05M HNO3 is added to 50 ml of 0.025M KOH. Calculate the pH of the


Ans. V1M1 - V2M2 = V3 M3

(0.05 x 50) - (0.025 x 50) = 100 M3 ; 2.5 – 1.25 = 100M3 ; 1.25 = 100M3

M3 = 1.25 / 100 = 1.25 x log-2 ; 2 – log 1.25 = 2 – 0.0969 = 1.9031

pH = 1.9031.

16. The Ka value for HCN is 10-9. What is the pH of 0.04 M HCN solution?

Ans. HCN is a weak acid.

[ H+ ] = √ Ka x C = √4 x 10-1 x 10-9 = √4 x 10-10 = 2 x 10-5

pH = - log [ H+ ] = log 2 x 10-5 ; 5 – log 2 = 5 – 0.3010 = 4.6990

pH = 4.6990.

17. Solubility product of Ag2CrO4 is 1 x 10-12, What is the solubility of Ag2CrO4 in 0.01 M

AgNO3 solution?

Ans. Ag2CrO4 ↔ 2Ag+ + CrO42- ; AgNO3 (0.01M) → Ag+ (0.01M) + NO3- (0.01M)

Mr.R.Abdulsaleem, M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., P.G. Asst. Chemistry Teacher, Dept. of Chem., Ch-18
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Initial concentration of Ag+ ion = 2

Concentration of Ag= ion at equilibrium = 2S

Change in concentration of Ag+ ion after adding of AgNO3 2S + 0.01

[ Ag+ ] = 2S + 0.01 ; ( 2S << 0.01 ) ; [ Ag+ ] ≈ 0.01

[Ag+ ] = 0.01 = 1 x 10-2 ; [ Cro42-] = S ; Ksp = [Ag + ].[Cro42-] ; 1 x 10-12 = ( 1 x 10-2)2 x S

S = 1 x 10-12 / 1 x 10-4 = 1 x 10-8M

S = 1 x 10-8 M

18. A saturated solution, prepared by dissolving CaF 2 (s) in water, has [ Ca2+ ] = 3.3 x 10-4 M.
What is the Ksp of CaF2 ?

Ans. CaF2 ↔ Ca2+ + 2F-

[ F- ] = 2 [Ca2+ ] = 2 x 3.3 x 10-4 = 6.6 x 10-4M ; Ksp = [ Ca2+] [ F-]2 K sp = 3.3 x 10-4 x (6.6 x 10-4)2
= 1.44 x 10-10.

Ksp = 1.44 x 10-10.

19. Ksp of AgCl is 1.8 x 10-10. Calculate the molar solubility in 1 m AgNO3.

Ans. AgCl ↔ Ag + + Cl- ; AgNO3 → Ag+ + NO3-

Initial concentration of Ag+ ion = 1

Concentration of Ag+ ion at equilibrium = S

Change in concentration of Ag+ ion after adding of AgNO3 = S + 1

[ Ag+ ] = S + 1 ; ( S << 1 ) ; [ Ag+ ] ≅ 1; [ Ag+ ] + 1 ; [Cl-] = S Ksp = 1.8 x 10-10

Ksp = [ Ag+] [ Cl- ]; 1.8 x 10-10 = 1 x S ; S = 1.8 x 10-10 M.

20. A particular saturated solution of silver chromate has [Ag + ] = 5 x 10-5 and [ CrO42-
]= 4.4 x 10-4M. What is the value of Ksp for Ag2CrO4 ?

Ans. Ag2CrO4 ↔ 2Ag+ + CrO42-

[Ag+] = 5 x 10-5 M; [ CrO42-] = 4.4 x 10-4M ; Ksp = [Ag+] [ CrO42-] = ( 5 x 10-5)2.(4.4 x 10-4) =
1.1 x 10-12.

Ksp = 1.1 x 10-12.

21. Write the expression for the solubility product of Hg 2Cl2.

Ans. Hg2Cl2 ↔ Hg2 + 2Cl- ; Ksp = [Hg2 2+ ][ Cl-]2 = S (2S)2 = 4S3 Ksp = 4S3

Mr.R.Abdulsaleem, M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., P.G. Asst. Chemistry Teacher, Dept. of Chem., Ch-18
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22. Ksp of Ag2CrO4 is 1.1 x 10-12. What is the solubility of Ag2CrO4 in 0.1M K2CrO4.

Ans. Ag2CrO4 ↔ 2Ag+ + CrO42- ; K2CrO4 → 2K+ + Cro42-

Initial concentration of CrO42- ion = 1

Concentration of CrO42- ion at equilibrium = S

Change in concentration of CrO42- ion after addition of K2CrO4 S + 0.1

[Cro42-] = S + 0.1 ; ( S<< 0.1 ) ; {CrO42-} = 0.1

[ Ag+] = 2S {CrO42-] = 0.1 ; Ksp = 1.1 x 10-12.

Ksp = [ Ag+ ] [ CrO42-] ; 1.1 x 10-12 = (2S)2(0.1) ; 1.1 x 10-12 = 4S2 x 0.1.

S2 = 1.1 x 10-12 / 4 x 0.1 = 2.75 x 10-12; S = √ 2.75 x 10-12 = 1.658 x 10-6

S = 1.658 x 10-6 M

23. Will a precipitate be formed when 0.150 L of 0.1 M Pb(NO 3)2 and 0.100L of 0.2 M
Nacl are mixed ? Ksp (PbCl2) = 1.2 x 10-5.

Ans. The concentration of Pb2+ & Cl- in the mixture is different from the concentration of
individual solutions. The total volume 9 0.150 + 0.100 = 0.250L) changes on mixing.

Pb(NO3)2 ↔ Pb2+ 2NO3-

Number of moles of Pb2+ = molarity x volume of solution in litres = 0.1 x 0.15 = 0.015

Molarity of Pb2+ in the mixture = No. of. Moles / Volume

[ Pb2+ ]mix = 0.015 / 0.25 = 0.06M.

NaCl ↔ Na+ + Cl-

No. of moles Cl- = molarity x volume of solution in litres = 0.1 x 0.2 = 0.02

Molarity of Cl- in the mixture = no. of. Moles / volume; [ Cl- ] mix = 0.02 / 0,25 = 0.08M

Ionic product = [ Pb2+] [ Cl-] = ( 0.06) x ( 0.08)2 = 3.84 x 10-4

Solubility product = 1.2 x 10-5. Ionic product. Solubility product. PbCl2 is precipitated.

24. Ksp of Al(OH)3 is 1 x 10-15M . t what pH does 1.0 x 10-3 M Al3+ precipitate on the
addition of buffer of NH4 Cl and NH4OH solution ?

Ans. Al(OH)3 ↔ Al3+ + 3(OH)-

Ksp = [Al3+] [OH-] ; Al(OH)3 precipitates when [Al3+ ] [OH-] > ksp

Mr.R.Abdulsaleem, M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., P.G. Asst. Chemistry Teacher, Dept. of Chem., Ch-18
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[Al3+] [OH-] > 1 x 10-15 ; [OH-]3 > 1 x 10-12 ; [ OH-] > 1 x 10-4 ; [ OH-] = 1 x 10-4M

pOH = - log [ OH-] = - log ( 1 x 10-4)

= 4 – log 1 = 4Type equation here.

pH = 14 – pOH ; 14 -4 = 10 ; Al (OH)3 precipitate at a pH above 10.



1. Define and Cathode

Ans. Anode: The electrode at which the oxidation occurs is called anode. Cathode: The
electrode at which the reduction occurs is called the cathode.

2. Why conductivity of a solution does decreases on dilution of the solution.

Ans. Conductivity of a solution decreases on dilution because the no. of. Ions per unit
volume that carry the current in a solution decreases on dilution.

3. State Kohlrausch Law. How is it useful to determine the molar conductivity of weak
electrolyte at infinite dilution.

Ans. At infinite dilution, the limiting molar conductivity of an electrolyte is equal to the
sum of the limiting molar conductivities of its constituent ions. The molar conductance
of CH3COOH can be calculated using the experimentally determined molar conductivities
of strong electrolytes HCl, NaCl, & CH3COONa.

ꓥoCH3COONa = ꓥoNa+ + ꓥoCH3COO- …… (1)

ꓥoHCl = ꓥoH+ + ꓥoCl- ……. (2)

ꓥoNaCl = ꓥoNa+ + ꓥoCl- ……. (3)

Add Eq.(1) & (2) and Subtract Eq. (3).

( ꓥoCH3COONa ) + ( ꓥoHCl ) - ( ꓥo NaCl) = ꓥoH+ + ꓥoCH3COO- = ꓥoCH3COOH.

4. Describe the electrolysis of molten NaCl using inert electrode.

Ans. (i) The electrolytic cell consists of two iron electrodes dipped in molten sodium
chloride and they are connected to an external DC power supply. (ii) The electrode
which is attached to the negative end of the power supply is called he cathode. (iii0
Once the key is closed, the external DC power supply drives the electrons to the cathode
and at the same time pull the electrons from the anode.

Mr.R.Abdulsaleem, M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., P.G. Asst. Chemistry Teacher, Dept. of Chem., Ch-18
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Cell Reactions: Na+ ions are attracted towards cathode, where they combine with the
electrons and reduced to liquid sodium.

Cathode (reduction) : Na + (l) + e- → Na(l). Eo = -2.71V Similarly Cl- ions are attracted
towards anode where they lose their electrons and oxidized to chlorine gas.

Anode (Oxidation ): 2Cl- (l) → Cl2(g) + 2e- Eo = - 1.36V

The overall reaction is: 2Na + (l) + 2Cl- (l) → 2na (l) + Cl2(g) Eo = - 4.07V

The negative Eo value shows that the above reaction is a non- spontaneous one. Hence,
we have to supply a voltage greater than 4.07V to cause the electrolysis of molten NaCl.

5. State Faraday’s Laws of electrolysis.

Ans. First law : The mass of the substance (m) liberated at an electrode during
electrolysis is directly proportional to the quantity of charge (Q) passed through the cell.

m ∝ Q ; m = Z x I x t.

Second law : When the same quantity of charge is passed through the solution of
different electrolysis, the amount of substances liberated at the respective electrodes
are directly proportional to their electrochemical equivalents.

6. Why is anode in galvanic cell considered to be negative and cathode positive


Ans. At anode, oxidation occurs and electrons are liberated . Hence it is negative . At
cathode, reduction occurs and electrons are consumed. Hence it is positive.

7. The conductance of a 0.01M solution of a 1: 1 weak electrolyte at 298 k is 1.5 x 10-4

S cm-4. (i) molar conductivity of the solution. (ii) degree of dissociation and
dissociation constant of the weak electrolyte. Given that ꓥ+ cation = 248.2 S.cm2 mol-
1. o
ꓥ anion = 51.8 S cm2mol-1.

Ans. Given data: C = 0.01M ; K = 1.5 x 10-4 S cm-4 ;

ꓥocation = 248.2 S cm2.mol-1; ꓥoanion = 51.8 S cm2 mol-1.

(i) Molar conductivity : ꓥo ∞ = k (Sm-4) x 10-1 / C ( in M) mol-1 .m3 .

K = 1.5 x 10-4 S cm-1

ꓥo∞ = 1.5 x 10-2 x 10-1 / 0.01 S mol-1. m2 1 cm-1 = 102m-1

= 1.5 x 10 -2 S m2 mol-1 = 1.5 x 102.

(ii) Degree of dissociation : ∝ = ꓥo / ꓥo∞

Mr.R.Abdulsaleem, M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., P.G. Asst. Chemistry Teacher, Dept. of Chem., Ch-18
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ꓥo∞ = ꓥocation + ꓥoanion

= ( 248.2 + 51.8 ) S cm2 mol-1 = 300 S cm2 mol-1 = 300 x 10-1s m2 mol-1

∝ = 1.5 x 10-1 S m2 mol-1 / 300 x 10-1 S m2 mol-1 = 0.05.

Ka = ∝2C / 1 - ∝ = ( 0.05)2. (0,01) / 1 – 0.05 = 25 x 10-4 x 10-2 / 95 x 10-2

= 0.26 x 10-4 ; 2.6 x 10-5.

8. Which of 0.1 M Hcl & 0.1 M Kcl do your expect to have greater ꓥo∞ & why ?

Ans. 0.1 M Hcl have greater molar conductance when compared to 0.1 M Kcl.

(i) This is because H+ ion in aqueous solution being smaller size than K+ ion , H+ ion
have greater mobility than K + ion. (ii) When mobility of the ion increases,
conductivity of that ion also increases.
9. Arrange the following solutions in decreasing order of specific conductance. (i) 0.01
M Kcl (ii) 0.005 M Kcl (iii) 0.1 M Kcl (iv) 0.25 M Kcl (v) 0.5 M Kcl.

Ans. Specific conductance ∝ concentrations . when concentration decreases, specific

conductance also decreases. Therefore decreasing order of specific conductance 0.5 M
Kcl > 0.25 M Kcl > 0.1 M Kcl > 0.01 M kcl > 0.005 M Kcl.

10. Why AC current used instead of DC in measuring the electrolytic conductance?

Ans. (i) If we apply DC current trough the conductivity cell. It will lead to the electrolysis
of the solution taken in the cell. (ii) So, AC current is used for this measurements
prevent electrolysis.

11. 0.1 M Nacl solution is placed in two different cells having cell constant 0.5 & 0.25
cm-1 respectively. Which of the two will have greater value of specific conductance.

Ans. Specific conductance ꝃ = 1 / R . l / A therefore specific conductance ∝ cell

constant. When cell constant value increases then specific conductance also increases.
Therefore cell with cell constant value 0.5 cm-1 will have greater value of specific

12. A current of 1.608 A is passed through 250 ml of 0.5 M solution of copper sulphate
for 50 minutes. Calculate the strength of Cu2+ after electrolysis assuming volume to
be constant and the current efficiency is 100% .

Ans. Solution : I = 1.608 ; t = 50 min. 50 x 60 = 3000 s. V =250 ml; ⴄ = 100% ; C = 0.5 M

Calculate the no. of. Electricity passed through the CuSo4 solution.

Mr.R.Abdulsaleem, M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., P.G. Asst. Chemistry Teacher, Dept. of Chem., Ch-18
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Q = I x t ; Q = 1.608 x 3000 ; Q = 4824 C. therefore no. of. Faradays of electricity =

4824C / 96500 C = 0.05 F.

Electrolysis of CuSo4 ; Cu2+ (aq) + 2e- → Cu (s) this equation shows that 2F electricity will
deposit I mole of Cu2+ to 0.05F electricity will deposit 1 mole / 2F x 0.05F = 0.025 mol.

Initial no. of. Moles of Cu2+ in 250 ml of solution = 0.5 / 1000ml x 250 ml = 0.125 mol.

Therefore no. of. Moles of Cu2+ after electrolysis = 0.125 – 0.025 = 0.1 mol.

Therefore concentration of Cu2+ = 0.1 mol / 250 ml x 1000 ml = 0.4 M

13. Two metals M 1 & M 2 have reduction potential values of –xV and + yV
respectively. Which will liberate H2 & H2SO4?

Ans. Metals having higher oxidation potential will liberate H2 from H2SO4. Hence the
metal M 1 having +xV oxidation potential will liberate H2 from H2SO4.

14. The same amount of electricity was passed through two separate electrolytic cell
containing solutions of nickel nitrate and chromium nitrate respectively. If 2.935 g
of Ni was deposited in the first cell. The amount of cr deposited in the another cell?
Give molar mass of Nickel and chromium are 58.74 and 52 gm -1 respectively?

Ans, Ni2+(aq) + 2e- → Ni (s) ; Cr3+(aq) + 3e- → Cr (s)

The above reaction indicates 2F charge is required to deposit 58.7g of Nickel form nickel
nitrate and 3F charge is required to deposit 52g of chromium.

Given that 2.935g of nickel is deposited.

The amount of charge passed through the cell = 2F / 58.7g x 2.935g = 0.1F

Therefore if 0.1 F charge is passed through chromium nitrate the amount of chromium
deposited. 52g / 3F x 0.1F = 1.735g.

15. A copper electrode is dipped in 0.1m copper sulphate solution at 25 oC. Calculate
the electrode potential of copper. [ given EoCu2+| Cu = 0.34 V].

Ans. Solution: [ Cu2+] = 0.1 M ; EoCu2+ | Cu = 0.34V; E cell = ?

Cell reaction is; Cu2+(aq) + 2e- → 𝐶𝑢(𝑠)

Ecell = Eo – 0.0591 / n log [ Cu ] / [ Cu2+] ; 0.34 0.0591 / 2 log 1 / 0.1 ; 0.34 – 0.0296 =

16. Derive an expression for Nernst Equation.

Mr.R.Abdulsaleem, M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., P.G. Asst. Chemistry Teacher, Dept. of Chem., Ch-18
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Ans. Nernst equation is the one which relates the cell potential and the concentration of
the species involved in an electrochemical reaction.

Let us consider an electrochemical cell for which the overall redox reaction is

xA + yB ↔ lC + mD

reaction quotient Q = [C]l.[D]m / [ A ]x.[B]y ………………. (1)

we have already learn that ∆ G = ∆Go + RT lnQ ………… (2)

∆G = nFEcell; ∆Go = nFEocell …………… (3)

Substitute (1) & (3) in equation (2)

nFEcell = nFEocell + RT ln [ C]l.[ D ]m / [ A ]x [ B ]y ……… (4)

Divide the equation (4) by ( -nF )

Ecell = Eocell – RT / nF ln [ C ] l [ D ]m / [ A ]x [ B ]y …… (5)

Equation (5) is called Nernst equation.

Therefore R = 8.314 JK-1. Mol-1 ; T = 298 k ; 1F = 96,500 C .mol-1 ] substitute these values in
equation (5)

Ecell = Eocell – 0.0591 / n log [ C ]l[ D ]m / [ A ]x[ B ]y

17. Ionic conductance at infinite dilution of Al3+ & SO42- is 189 and 160 mho .cm2. equiv-
. Calculate the equivalent and molar conductance of the electrolyte Al 2( SO4)3 at
infinite dilution.

Ans. Equivalent conductance: ꓥ∞ Al2(SO4)3 = 1/3(ꓥ∞ ) Al3+ + ½(ꓥ∞)SO42-

= 189 / 3 + 160 / 2 = 63 + 80 =

= 143 mho.cm2(g.equiv-1).

Molar Conductance : (ꓥ oM) Al2(SO4)3 = 2 (ꓥom) Al3+ + 3 (ꓥom) SO42-

= (2 x 189 ) + ( 3 x 160 ) = 378 + 480

= 858 mho.cm2.mole-1.

Mr.R.Abdulsaleem, M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., P.G. Asst. Chemistry Teacher, Dept. of Chem., Ch-18
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1. Give two important characteristics of physisorption.

Ans. (i) It decreases with increase in temperature. (ii) It has multilayer of the adsorb ate
is formed on the adsorbent.

2. Differentiate between Physisorption & Chemisorption.

S.No. Chemical adsorption Physical adsorption

1 It is very slow It occurs immediately
2 It is very specific depends on nature of It is non – specific
adsorbent and adsorb ate.
3. Monolayer of the adsorbate is formed Multilayer of the adsorb ate is
formed on the adsorbent.
4. Heat of adsorption is high Heat of adsorption is low
5. It involves transfer of electrons between No transfer of electrons
adsorbent and adsorb ate.
6. When temperature is raised chemisorption Physisorption decreases with
first increases and then decreases increase in temperature.
7. Adsorption occurs at fixed sites called It occurs on all sides.
active centers. It depends on the surface

3. In case of chemisorption, why adsorption first increases and then decreases with

Ans. In chemisorption, adsorption first increases with rise in temperature due to the fast
that formation of activated complex requires certain energy. The decrease at high
temperature is due to desorption, as the kinetic energy of the adsorbate increases.

4. Which will be adsorbed more readily on the surface of charcoal and why? NH 3 or
CO2 ?

Ans. Gases with high critical temperature are adsorbed readily. Critical temperature of
ammonia is higher than critical temperature of carbon dioxide. Hence ammonia will be
adsorbed more readily on the surface of charcoal.

5. Heat of adsorption is greater for chemisorption than physisorption. Why?

Ans. In chemical adsorption gas molecules are held to the surface by formation of strong
chemical bonds and hence heat of adsorption is high. In physical adsorption, weak
physical forces such as vanderwaals force of attraction, dipole – dipole interaction etc.
exist between adsorbent and adsorbate and hence heat of adsorption is low.

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6. Peptizing agent is added to convert precipitate into colloidal solution. Explain with
an example.

Ans. Due to common ion effect, when peptizing or dispersing agent like Hcl is added to
AgCl precipitate, Cl- ion is adsorbed on the precipitate and it is converted into colloidal
solution. AgCl + Hcl → AgCl

7. What happens when a colloidal solution of Fe(OH) 3 & As2O3 are mixed?

Ans. When colloidal solutions with opposite charges are mixed mutual coagulation takes
place. It is due to migration of ions form the surface of the particles. When positively
charged Fe(OH)3 colloid is mixed with negativity charged As2O3 colloid mutual
coagulation takes place.

8. What is the difference between a solution & a gel ?

Ans. Solution is a colloidal solution of solid in liquid. Eg. Ink, paint. Gel is a colloidal
solution of liquid in solid Eg. Butter, cheese.

9. Why are lyophilic colloidal solutions are more stable than lyophobic colloidal

Ans. (i) In lyophilic colloidal solutions definite attractive force exists between dispersion
medium and dispersed phase. Eg. Solution of starch,.

(ii) In lypphobic colloidal solutions no attractive force exist between the dispersed
phase and dispersion medium eg. Solution of gold, silver
(iii) Hence, lyophilic colloidal solutions are more stable than lyophobic colloidal
10. What are the factors which influence the adsorption of a gas on a solid?

Ans. The factors which influence the adsorption of a gas on a solid are:

(i) Nature of adsorbent (ii) nature of adsorbate (iii) pressure (Iv) concentration at a
given temperature and (v) temperature.
11. Give three uses of emulsions.

Ans. (i) Food stuffs like milk, butter, etc., are present in colloidal form (ii) The cleansing
action of soap is due to the formation emulsion of soap molecules with dirt and grease.
(iii)Latex is the emulsion of natural rubber with negative particles. By heating rubber
with sulphur, vulcanized rubbers are produced for tyres , tubes etc.

12. Why is desorption important for a substance to act as good catalyst?

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Ans. To create free surface on the catalyst for more reactants to adsorb and react, the
products already formed on the surface of the catalyst should be desorbed. Hence,
desorption is important for a substance to act as a

Desorption is important for a substance to act as a good catalyst.

13.Comment on the statement: Colloid is not a substance but it is a state of substance.

Ans. (i) Any substance can be converted into colloid by reducing its particles size
between 1nm & 200nm. (ii) Hence, we can say that colloid is not a substance but it is a
state of the substance, which is dependent on the size of the particle. (iii) A colloidal
state is intermediate between a true solution and suspension.

13. Write a note on electro osmosis.

Ans. (i) A solution is electrically neutral . Hence the medium carries an equal but
opposite charge to that of dispersed particles.

(ii) When solution particles are prevented from moving under the influence of
electric field, the medium moves in a direction opposite to that of the solution
(iii) The movement of dispersion medium under the influence of electric potential is
called electro osmosis.
(iv) Draw diagram. (Refer your Textbook)
14. Write a note on catalytic poison.

Ans. Certain a substance when added to a catalyzed reaction either decreases or

completely destroys the activity of a catalyst and they are often known as catalytic
poisons. 2SO2(g) + O2(g) + Pt/ As2O3 → 2 SO3(g); Pt act as catalyst ; As2O3 act as
catalytic poison.

15. Explain intermediate compound formation theory of catalyst with an example.

Ans. (i) A catalyst acts by providing a new path with low energy of activation.

(ii) In homogeneous catalyzed reactions a catalyst may combine with one or more
reactant to form intermediate which reacts with other reactant or decompose to
give product and catalyst is regenerated.
(iii) Consider the reactions: A + B → AB -------- (1)

A + C → AC ………… (2)

AC + B → AB + C (catalyst ) ….. (3)

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Activation energies for the reactions (2) & (3) are lowered compared to that of (1) .
hence, the formation and decomposition of the intermediate accelerate the rate of the

Example : H2 + ½ O2 Cu/ H2o ………. (1)

2Cu + ½ O2 ---- Cu2o (intermediate) …… (2)

Cu2o + H2 → H2o + 2Cu (catalyst) ….. (3)

This theory describes (i) the specificity of a catalyst and (ii) the increase in the rate of the
reaction with increase in concentration of a catalyst.

16. What is the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyst.


S.No. Homogeneous catalysis Heterogeneous catalysis

1 In a homogeneous catalyzed reaction, the In a heterogeneous catalysis he
reactants, products and catalyst are catalyst is present in a different
present in the same phase phase i.e. it is not present in the
same phase as that of reactants or
products. It is also referred as
contact catalysis.
2 2 SO2(g) + O2(g) --NO(g)--- 2 SO3(g). In 2 SO2(g) + O2(g) --- Pt (s) --- 2 SO3(g)
this reaction all the reactants catalyst and In this reaction the catalyst Pt is in
the product are in gaseous phase. solid phase, whereas the reactant
and product are in gaseous phase.

17. Describe the adsorption theory of catalysis.

Ans. It can also be called as contact catalysis. According to this theory, the reactants are
absorbed on the catalyst surface to form an activated complex, which subsequently
decomposed and gives the product. The various steps involved in a heterogeneous
catalyzed reactions are given as follows:

(i) Reactant molecules diffuse from the bulk to the catalyst surface.
(ii) The reactant molecules are adsorbed on the surface of catalyst.
(iii) The adsorbed reactant molecules are activated form activated complex which is
decomposed to form the products.
(iv) The product molecules are desorbed .
(v) The products diffuse away from the surface of the catalyst.

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1. Draw the major product formed when 1 – ethoxyprop-1-ene is heated with one
equivalent of HI.

Ans. CH3-CH=CH-O-C2H5 + HI → CH3-CH=CH-OH + C2 H 5 I

[1 – hydroxyl prop-1-ene] [ ethyl iodide ]

2. Suggest suitable reagent to prepare secondary alcohol with identical group Grignard

Ans. CH3-CO-CH3 + CH3MgBr → CH3-CH(O)-CH3 H+/ H2o → CH3CH(OH)CH3 +


3.What is the major product obtained when two moles of ethyl magnesium bromide is
treated with methyl benzoate followed by acid hydrolysis.

Ans. C6H5COCH3 + C2H5MgBr → C6H5COOC2H5 –CH3(MgBr) + H+/H2o →C6H5COOC2H5 +


C6H5COC2H5 + C2H5MgBr → C6H5C(C2H5)2OMgBr + H2o / H+ → C6H5C(C2H5)2OH + Mg (Br)(OH)

3– phenyl pentane – 3-ol

4.Predict the major product, when 2 – methyl but-2-ene is converted into an alcohol in
each of the following methods. (i) Acid catalyzed hydration (ii) Hydroboration (iii)
Hydroxylation using Bayer’s reagent.

Ans. (i) Acid Catalyzed hydration:

CH3-CH=C(CH3)2 + H2O di. H2SO4 → CH3-CH2-C-(OH)-(CH3)2

ethyl dimethyl carbinol.

(Addition takes place according to markownikoff’s rule)


6CH3-CH-C-(CH3)2 + (BH3)2 ---- 2(CH3-CH-CH(CH3)2)3B + H2O2 / OH- → 6 CH3-CH(OH)-CH-

(CH3)2 ( 3 – methyl butane-2-ol

(Addition takes place according to antimarkownikof’s rule) no carbocation intermediate is


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(III)Hydroxylation using Baeyer’s reagent:

CH3-CH-C-(CH3)2 + H2o + [ O ] cold alk. Kmno4→ CH3-CH(OH)-C-(CH3)2OH

2 methyl butane -2,-3,diol

5.Arrange the following in the increasing order of their boiling point and give a reason for
your ordering: (i) Butan – 2-ol, Butan-1-ol, 2-methylpropan-2-ol (ii) Propan – 1-ol, Propan
– 1,2,3 – triol, Propan – 1,3, - diol, propan – 2-ol.

Ans. (i) 2-methylpropan-2-ol : Tertiary butyl alcohol having more branches, so it has less
surface area and less vanderwaals forces so boiling point is very low.

Butan – 2- ol : Butan – 2-ol is having one branch, so it has less surface area and less
vanderwaals force. So it has low boiling point than butan-1-ol.

Butan-1-ol: Butan-1-ol is having no branching more surface area. So it has high boiling

2-methylpropan-2-ol < Butan -2-0l < Butan – 1-ol.

(ii)Propan-1-ol, propan-1,2,3,-triol propan-1,3-diol, propan-2-ol.

Propan-1,2,3 –triol (Glycerol) : Contains 3 – OH groups, so, hydrogen bond is strong,

So it has high boiling point.

Propan-1,3,-diol: Contains 2 – OH groups, so hydrogen bond is strong but less

compared to glycerol.

Propan-2-ol: Its having one branch so it has less surface area and less vanderwaal’s
force less boiling point than propan-1-ol.

Propan-2-ol < propan-1-ol < propan- 1,3 – diol < Propan-1,2,3,triol.

6.Can we use nucleophile such as NH3, CH3O- for the nucelophilic substitution of alcohols.

Ans. Both NH3, CH3O- pickup a proton from the alcohol and thus gives NH 4+ ion and CH3OH.
This considerably reduces the nucleophilic tendency of NH 3, CH3O- towards alcohol.

7. Is it possible to oxidise t-butyl alcohol using acidified dichromate to form a carbonyl


Ans. No, t-buty alcohol are stable to oxidation under normal conditions. But at elevated
temperature, cleavage of C – C bond takes place to give a mixture of carboxylic acid with
lesser number of carbon atoms.

(CH3 )3C-OH H+ / K2Cr2O7 → (CH3)2C=CH2 3(O) → (CH3)2CO + (O) → CH3COOH.

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8. What happens when 1 – phenyl ethanol is treated with acidified KMno4.

Ans. C6H5CH-CH3(OH) + acidified Kmno4 + (O) → C6H5COCH3

(secondary alcohol on oxidation gives ketone) [Acetophenone]

C6H5COCH3 + acid. KMno4 + (O) → C6H5COOH + HCOOH

[benzoic acid]

9. how is phenol prepared from (a) Chloro benzene (b) isopropyl benzene

Ans. (a) Dow’s Process: When chlorobenzene is hydrolyzed with 6 – 8% of sodium

hydroxide at 300 bar. And 633K in a closed vessel sodium peroxide is formed which on
treatment with dilute Hcl gives phenol.

C6H5Cl + 2 NaOH 633K / 300 bar → C6H5ONa + Hcl → C6H5OH + Nacl

[Chlorobenzene] [Sodium phenoxide] [Phenol]

10.Explain Kolbe’s reaction.

Ans. Sodium phenoxide prepared from phenol by adding NaOH and it is heated with CO 2
at 400K and 4-7 bar pressure sodium salicylate is formed then it reacts with dil.Hcl salicylic
acid is formed.

C6H5OH + NaOH → C6H5ONa + Co2 400k / 4-7 bar → C6H5(OH)COONa H+/H2o →


11.Write the chemical equation for Williamson synthesis of 2 – ethoxy-2-methyl pentane

starting from ethanol and 2-methyl pentan-2-ol.

Ans. In Williamson synthesis an alkyl halide reacts with an alkoxide ion, also it is an SN 2
reaction. In this reaction, alkyl halide should be primary having the less steric hindrance. If
you prepare ether from alkyl halide and tert- alcohol, it undergoes SN1 mechanism.

C2H5OH + HBr → C2H5Br + H2o

CH3-CH2-CH2-C-(CH3)2-OH + NaOH → CH3-CH2-CH2-C-(CH3)2-ONa + H2o

CH3-CH2-CH2-C(CH3)2-ONa + C2H5Br → CH3-CH2-CH2-C-(CH3)2-O-C2H5 + NaBr

2-ethoxy-2-methyl pentane.

12.Write the structure of the aldehyde, carboxylic acid and ester that yield 4-methyl pent-


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(i) Aldehyde: CH3-CH(CH3)-CH=CH-CHO - 4-methyl pent-2en-1-al.

(ii) Acid: CH3-CH(CH3)-CH=CH-COOH - 4 methyl pent-2en-1-oic acid.
(iii) Ester : CH3-CH(CH3)-CH=CH-COOCH3 - 4- methyl pent-2-enoate

13. What is metamerism? Give the structure and IUPAC name of metamers of 2-
methoxy propane.

Ans. It is isomerism in which molecules with same molecular formula same functional
group differing only in the nature of the alkyl group attached to oxygen atom.

CH3-O-CH2-CH2-CH3 CH3-CH2-O-CH2-CH3 CH3-O-CH(CH3)2

[ 1-methoxy propane] [ ethoxyethane] [ 2-methoxy propane]

14.How are the following conversions effected. (a) Benzyl chloride to benzyl alcohol
(b) Benzyl alcohol to benzoic acid.

Ans. (a) Benzyl chloride to benzyl alcohol:

Benzyl chloride is treated with Sodiumhydroxide C6H5CH2Cl + NaOH ---- C6H5CH2OH +


(b) Benzyl alcohol to benzoic acid.

Oxidation with Potassium dichromate or alkaline potassium permanganate , benzyl

alcohol is first oxidized to benzaldehyde which undergoes further oxidation to benzoic
acid. C6CH2OH + K2Cr2O7/H+ ------ C6H5CHO + (O) ------ C6H5COOH.

15. Complete the following reactions; (a)CH3-CH2-OH+PBr3 ---- A + aq. NaOH—B + Na –

C (b) C6H5OH + Zn dust ------ A + CH3Cl/anhyd. AlCl3 ---- B + acid.KMno4 ------ C (iii)
Anisole + t-butyl chloride / AlCl3 ----- A + Cl2/ Fecl3 ---- B + HBr ------ C.

Ans. (a) 3CH3CH2OH + PBr3→ 3 CH3CH2Br (A) + H3PO3

CH3CH2Br (A) + aq. NaOH → CH3CH2OH (B) + NaBr

2CH3CH2OH + Na → 2 CH3CH2ONa ( C ) + H2

A – Ethyl Bromide ; B – Ethanol ; C – Sodium ethoxide.

(b) C6H5OH + Zn dust → C6H6 (A) + ZnO

C6H6 (A) + CH3Cl / anhyd. AlCl3 → C6H5CH3 (B) + acid. KMnO4 → C6H5COOH ( C)

A - Benzene ; B – Toluene ; C – Benzoic acid.

(iv) C6H5OCH3 = ( CH3)3C-Cl → C6H4OCH3 –C (Cl)-(CH3)3

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O – CH3is O, P directing group due to steric reason P – isomer is formed.

C6H4OCH3C (Cl) (CH3)3 since – O-CH3is O, P directing Cl+ enters into O – Position.

C6H4OCH3Cl (CH3)3 + HBr→ C6H4(Cl)(OH) + CH3Br.

[ 4 – tertiary butyl 2 – Chloro phenol)

16. (i) Complete the following reactions: (i) C6H5OH + C6H5COCl / OH- ------- A Nitration
----- B (ii) C6H5CHCH(OH)CH (CH3)2 + Con.H2so4 ------ ?

Ans. (i) C6H5OH + C6H5COCl + OH- → C6H5OOCC6H5 + Hcl

C6H5COC6H5 + Con. HNO3 / Con. H2SO4 → C6H5 (NO2)COOH5C6

[Phenyl benzoate] [ 4-nitrophenyl benzoate]

NO2 will enter the ring that is attached to oxygen atom as – CO-C6H5 is activating
group. It will not enter the ring attached to the carbonyl group as –O-CO-C6H5 is
deactivating group –O-CO-C6H5 is ortho, para directing group. Due to steric hindrance
Para isomer is only formed.

(ii) C6H5-CH2-CH(OH)-CH(CH3)2 + Con. H2SO4 ------- C6H5-CH2-CH=C(CH3)2.

Product based on Saytzeff’s rule during intra molecular dehydration, if there is a

possibility to form a C=C at different locations, the preferred location is the one that
gives the more highly substituted alkene i.e. stable alkene.

17.Phenol is distilled with Zn dust followed by friedel-crafts alkylation with propyl

chloride to give a Compound B, B on oxidation give Compound C . Identify A, B & C .

Ans. C6H5OH + Zn → C6H6 + CH3-CH2-CH2-Cl / anhyd. AlCl3 → C6H5-CH-(CH3)2 +

KMno4/H+ + (O) → C6H5COOH.

n-propyl carbonium ion formed rearranges to give isopropyl carbonium ion. Since it is
more stable. The electrophile is CH3- +CH – CH3 isopropyl carbonium is (more stable)

18.What will be the product ( X & A ) for the following reaction.

Acetyl chloride + CH3MgBr + H3O+ → X + acidified / K2Cr2O7 → A ?

Ans. CH3COCl + CH3MgBr → (CH3)2-C – OMgBr (Cl) + H3o+ → (CH3)2CO (X) + acidified /
K2Cr2O7 → CH3COOH (A) (acetic acid)

19.How will you convert acetylene into n-butyl alcohol.

Ans. CH ≡ CH + H2SO4 / HgSO4→ [ CH2= CH-OH] → CH3CHO

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2 CH3CHO + NaOH → CH3-CH-(OH)-CH2-CHO → CH3-CH = CH-CHO + H2 / Ni / H2 →

CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-OH ( n- butyl alcohol)

20. Predict the product A, B, X & Y in the following sequence of reaction.

Butan – 2- ol + SOCl2 → A + Mg / ether → B + X → Y

Butan – 2 – ol + Cu / 573 k → X

Ans. CH3-CH(OH)-CH2-CH3 + SOCl2 →CH3-CH(Cl)-CH2-CH3 (A) + Mg/ether →CH3-


CH3-CH(OH)-CH2-CH3 + Cu/573K → CH3-CO-CH2-CH3 (X)

CH3-CH(MgCl)-CH2-CH3 (B) + CH3-CO-CH2-CH3 (X) → CH3-CH-CH2-CH3 + H 2O / H +

- CH3 C-( OMgBr)-CH2-CH3


CH3- C –(OH)-CH2-CH3 + Mg (Br)(OH).

A = 2 chlorobutane

X = 2 – butanone

B = sec. butyl magnesium chloride.

Y = 3,4, dimethyl – 3 – hexanol.


1. How is propanoic acid prepared from (a) an alcohol (b) an alkyl halide ( c) an

Ans. (a) From an alcohol: Primary alcohols can be oxidized to carboxylic acid with
oxidizing agents Such KMno4( in acidic or alkaline medium).K2Cr2O7 (in acid medium)

CH3-CH2-CH2-OH + H+ / K2Cr2O7 + (O) → CH3-CH2-COOH

[ Propane – 1-ol ] [ Propanoic acid ]

(b) From an alkyl halide :

CH3-CH2-CH2-Br + KOH (aqueous) → CH3-CH2-CH2-OH + (O) →CH3-CH2-COOH

[ Bromo propane ] [ propan – 1-ol ] [ propanoic acid]

(c ) from an alkene :

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CH3-CH=CH2 + B2H6 + H2O2/ OH → CH3-CH2-CH2-OH + (O) → CH3-CH2-COOH

[ propene ] [ Propan-1-ol] [ propanoic acid ]

2.A compound (A) with molecular formula C2H3N on acid hydrolysis gives (B) which
reacts with thionyl chloride to give compound ( C ) Benzene reacts with compound ( C
0 in presence of anhydrous AlCl3 to give compound ( D ). Compound (D) on reduction
with Zn-Hg . / Con. Hcl give ( E) Identify (A), (B), (C),(D) & ( E ). Write equations.

Ans. Compound (A) with molecular formula C2H3N methyl cyanide ( CH3CN )

CH3CN (A) + H + / H2o → CH3COOH (B) + SOCl2 → CH3COCl (C ) + SO2 + HCl

C6H6 ( C ) Benzene + CH3COCl + anhyd. AlCl3 → C6H5COCH3 ( D ) + Hcl

C6H5COCH3 ( D ) + 4 [H] + Zn-Hg / Con.Hcl → C6H5CH2CH3 ( E )

A = CH3CN ; Methyl cyanide ; B = CH3COOH ; Acetic acid ; C = CH3COCl ; Acetyl

chloride. D = C6H5COCH3 acetophenone; E = C6H5CH2CH3 ; ethyl benzene.

3.An alkene (A) on ozonolysis gives propanone and aldehyde ( B). When (B) is oxidized
( C ) is obtained. (C ) is treated with Br2/P gives (D) which on hydrolysis gives ( E ) .
When propanone is treated with HCN followed by hydrolysis gives €. Identify

Ans. CH3-C(CH3) = CH –(CH3)2 + Zn/H2o + O3 → (CH3)2CO + (CH3)2CH-CHO

(A) ( B )

(CH3)2CH-CHO + ( O ) → (CH3)2-C-COOH ( C ) + Br2/P (HVZ) →(CH3)2-C(Br)(COOH) (D)

+ H2o → (CH3)2-C-(OH)(COOH) ( E )

(CH3)2CO + HCN → (CH3)2-C-(OH)(CN) → (CH3)2-C-(OH)(COOH) ( E )

A = 2,4 – dimethyl pent-2-ene ; B = 2 – methyl propanal C =2 – methyl propanoic acid

D = 2 – bromo-2-methyl propanoic acid ; E = 2 – hydroxyl- 2- methyl propanoic acid.

4..How will you convert benzaldehyde into the following compounds? (a)
benzophenone (b) benzoic acid (c) ∝ - hydroxyl phenylacetic acid.

Ans. (a) benzaldehyde into benzophenone:

C6H5CHO + Cl2 → C6H5COCl + C6H6 / anhydr. AlCl3 →C6H5COC6H5

(b) Benzaldehyde into benzoic acid:

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C6H5CHO + H+ / K2Cr2O7 (O) → C6H5COOH

( c ) Benzaldehyde into ∝ hydroxyl phenylacetic acid.


5. what is the action of HCN on (a) propanone (b) 2,4dichlorobenzldehyde (c )ethanal.

Ans. (a) (CH3)2CO + HCN → (CH3)2-C-(CN)(OH) [ acetone cyanohydrin]

(b) C6H4Cl2 + HCN → C6H3-CH(CN)(OH)Cl2 [2,4-dichlorobenzaldehyde cyanohydrin]

( C) CH3-CHO + HCN → CH3-CH(OH)(CN) [ acetaldehyde cyanohydrin]

6.A carbonyl compound ‘A’ having molecular formula C5H10O forms crystalline
precipitate with sodium bisulphite and gives positive iodoform test. A does not reduce
fehlings solution. Identify ‘A’.

Ans. Compound 9A) having molecular formula C 5H10O is Pentan-2-one. It gives positive iodoform
test. But does not reduce fehling solution.
CH3-CH2-CH2-CO-CH3 + NaHSO3 → CH3-CH2-CH2-C-CH3(OH)(OSO2Na).

7.Write the structure of the major product of the aldol condensation of benzaldehyde
with acetone.

Ans. C6H5CHO + (CH3)2CO + NaOH → C6H5CH(OH)-CH2-CO-CH3.

8. How are the following conversions effected; (a)Propanal to butanone (b) He-3yne
into hexan-3-one ( c) phenylmethanal into benzoic acid (d) phenylmethanal into

Ans. (a) Propanal to butanone :

CH3-CH2-CHO + CH3MgBr →CH3-CH2-CH-CH3(OMgBr) + H+/H2o → CH3-CH2-CH-(OH)-CH3

+ Cu / 573K → CH3-CH2-CO-CH3

(b) Hex-3-yne into hexan-3-one :

CH3-CH2-C≡C-CH2-CH3 + HgSO4/H2SO4 + H2o → CH3-CH2-CO-CH2-CH2-CH3

( c) Phenyl methanol into benzoic acid:

C6H5CHO + H+/ K2Cr2O7 + (O) → C6H5COOH.

(d) Phenyl methanol into benzoin:

C6H5CHO + C6H5CHO + alc.KCN → C6H5-CH-(OH)-CO-C6H5.

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9.Oxidation of ketones involve c – c bond cleavage . Name the product is formed on

oxidizing 2,5 – dimethyl hexan- 3- one using strong oxidizing agent.

Ans. (CH3)2-CH-CH2-CO-CH-(CH3)2 + (O) → (CH3)2-CH-COOH + (CH)2-COOH

10. How will you prepare: (a) Lactic acid from ethanol. (b) Acetophenone from acetyl
chloride (c ) Ethane from sodium acetate. (d) Benzoic acid from toluene. ( e )Malachite
green from benzaldehyde (f) Cinnamic acid from benzaldehyde (g) Acetaldehyde from

Ans. (a) Lactic acid from ethanol:

CH3-CHO + HCN → CH3-CH-(OH)(CN) + H+/ H2o → CH3-CH-(OH)-COOH

(b) Acetophenone from acetyl chloride:

C6H6 + CH3COCl + anhyd. AlCl3 → C6H5COCH3 + Hcl

(c )Ethane from sodium acetate:

(CH3COONa)2 + Electrolysis → CH3-CH3 + 2 CO2 + 2Na

(d) Benzoic acid from Toluene:

C6H5CH3 + OH- / KMnO4 + (O) → C6H5COOH.

(e ) Malachite green from benzaldehyde:

C6H5CHO + (C6H4-N-(CH3)2) + Con. H2SO4 → C6H5-CH-(C6H4-N-(CH3)2)2 [Malachite


(f) Cinnamic acid from benzaldehyde :

C6H5CHO + (CH3CO)2O + CH3COONa → C6H5CH=CH-CO-O-CO-CH3 + H2o →


(g) Acetaldehyde from ethyne:

CH≡CH + H2o + HgSO4 / H2SO4 → CH3-CHO.

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UNIT NO.13. Organic nitrogen compounds Textbook question and answers (Reduced

1. Write down the possible isomers of the C4H9NO2, give their IUPAC Names.

Ans. (a) CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-NO2 1 – nitro butane.

(b) CH3-CH-(NO2)-CH2-CH3 2 – nitro butane

( C) (CH3)2-CH-CH2-NO2 2 – methyl 1 – nitro propane

(d) (CH3)3-C-NO2 2 – methyl 2 – nitro propane

( e)CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-O-N=O butyl nitrite.

2. There are two isomers with formula CH3NO2. How will you distinguish between

Ans. Isomers of CH3NO2: (i) CH3NO2 – is nitro methane (ii) CH2 = N→ O (OH) Methyl

S.No. Nitro form Aci – form

1. Less acidic More acidic
2. Dissolves in NaOH slowly Dissolves in NaOH instantly
3. Decolorizes Ferric chloride With Ferric chloride reddish brown color
4. Electrical conductivity is low Electrical conductivity is high

3.What happens when ? (a) 2 – nitro propane boiled with Hcl ( b) Nitrobenzene undergo
electrolytic reduction in strongly acidic medium. ( C ) oxidation of tert-butylamine with
KMNo4. (d) Oxidation of acetoneoxime with trifluoroperoxy acetic acid.

Ans. (a) 2-nitropropane boiled with Hcl:

(CH3)2-CH-NO2 + Boiled with Hcl → (CH3)2CO + N2o + H2o

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(b) Nitrobenzene undergo electrolytic reduction in strongly acidic medium:

C6H5NO2 + electrolytic reduction +𝟔[𝑯] → C6H5NH2 + 2H2o

C6H5NO2 + electrolytic reduction + 4[H] → C6H5NHOH + Rearrangement → C6H4NH2(OH)

(c )Oxidation of tert- butyl amine with KMnO4:

(CH3)3-C-NH2 + KMnO4 + 3(O) → (CH3)3-NO2 + H2o

(d) Oxidation of acetoneoxime with trifluoroperoxy acetic acid:

(CH3)2-CH = N-OH + CF3COOH / (O) → (CH3)2-CH-NO2 [ 2- nitro propane]

4 How will you convert nitrobenzene into (a) 1.3,5 – trinitro benzene. (b) o & p – nitro
phenol (c) m – nitro aniline (d) azoxy benzene ( e) hydrozo benzene (f) N – Phenyl
hydroxylamine. (g) aniline.

Ans. (a) 1,3,5 – trinitrobenzene:

C6H5NO2 + Con.HNO3 / Con.H2SO4 + Nitration 473K → C6H3 – (NO2)3 [ 1,3,5,trinitro

benzene, TNB ]

(b) o & p – nitro phenol:

C6H5NO2 + Fe/Hcl →C6H5NH2 + NaNO2/Hcl (273-278K) → C6H5N2Cl + H2o /283K →

C6H5OH + 20% HNO3/ 298K → C6H4(OH) (NO2) [o – nitro phenol] 30 – 40% yield +
C6H4(NO2) (OH) [ p nitro phenol ] 15% yield.

(c ) m – nitro aniline:

C6H5NO2 + Con.HNO3/Con.H2SO4 (273K) → C6H4(NO2)2 [m-dinitro benzene] + 3(NH4 )2Sx

→ C6H4NO2 (NH2) [m-nitro aniline] + 6NH3 + 2H2o + 3 Sx o

(d) Azoxybenzene 2 C6H5NO2 + Na3Aso3 / NaOH / Glucose / NaOH → C6H5-N=N – C6H5

( e ) Hydrozo Benzene: 2 C6H5NO2 + Zn /NaOH → C6H5N=N-C6H5 + 2[H] → C6H5NH-NH-

C6H5 [ Hydrazobenzene]

(f) N – phenyl hydroxylamine: C6H5NO2 + Zn / NH4Cl + 4[H] → C6H5NHOH


(g) Aniline: C6H5NO2 + Sn / Hcl + 6 [H] → C6H5NH2 [ Aniline ]

5.Identify compounds A,B and C in the following sequence of reactions.

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(i) C6H5NO2 + Fe / Hcl ---- A + HNO2 /273k ----- B + C6H5OH ------- C.

(ii)CH3-CH2-I + NaCN ----- A + OH-/partial hydrolysis ----- B + NaOH + Br2 ---- C

(iii)CH3NH2 + CH3Br ------ A + CH3COCl ------ B + B2H6 --------- C

(iv)C6H5NH2 + (CH3CO)2O/ Pyridine ------ A + HNO3/H2So4(288K) ------- B + H2o / H+ ----- C

Ans. (i) C6H5NO2 + Fe/Hcl → C6H5NH2(A) + HNO2/273k → C6H5N2Cl (B) + C6H5OH →

C6H5N=N-C6H5OH (C )

(ii)CH3-CH2-I + NaCN → CH3-CH2-CN (A) + Partial Hydrolysis/OH- → CH3-CH2-CO-NH2 (B)

+ NaOH / Br2 → CH3-CH2-NH2 ( C ).

(iii)CH3NH2 + CH3Br → (CH3)2-NH (A) + CH3COCl → (CH3)2NCOCH3 (B) + B2H6 →

(CH3)2NCH(OH)-CH3 (C )

(iv)C6H5NH2 + (CH3CO)2O / pyridine → C6H5NHCOCH3(A) + HNO3/H2SO4.(288K) →

C6H5NH-(NO2)COCH3 ( B) + H+/H2o → C6H5(NO2)NH2 ( C ).

6. Write short notes on the following: (a) Hofmann’s bromide reaction (b) Gabriel
Phthalimide synthesis (c ) Schotten Baumann reaction. (d) Carbylamines reaction ( e )
mustard oil reaction (f) Diazotization.

Ans. (a) R-CO-NH2 + Br2/KOH → R-NH2 + K2CO3 + KBr + H2O.

(b) Gabriel phthalamide synthesis: Refer Textbook Volume-II Page No.209.

( c) SchottenBaumann reaction:

C6H5NH2 + C6H5COCl / Pyridine → C6H5-NH-CO-C6H5 + Hcl

(d) Carbylamines reaction:

C2H5-NH2 + CHCl3 + 3KOH → C2H5NC + 3KCl + 3H2O

( e) Mustard oil reaction: CH3-NH2 + CS2 → CH3-NH-CS2H + HgCl2 →CH3NCS + HgS +2Hcl.

(f) Diazotization : C6H5-NH2 + NaNO2 + 2Hcl → C6H5N2+Cl- + Nacl + 2H2O

7. How will you distinguish between primary secondary and tertiary aliphatic amines.

S.No. Reagents 1o amine 2o amine 3o amine

1 Nitrous acid Forms alcohols Form N- Forms salt
2 Chloroform& KOH Forms carbylamines No reaction No reaction
3 Acetyl chloride Forms alkyl N - Forms N, N- No reaction
isothiocyanate dialkylacetamide

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4 CS2 & HgCl2 Forms alkyl No reaction No reaction

5 Alkyl halide With 3 moles of With 2 moles of With 1 mole of
alkyl halides alkyl halides alkyl halide
Quartenary quaternary quaternary
ammonium salts is ammonium salts ammonium
formed is formed. salt is formed.
8. Account for the following: (a) Aniline does not undergo friedel –crafts reaction. (b)pKb
of aniline is more than that of methylamine. ( c )Gabriel phthalimide synthesis is preferred
for synthesizing primary amines. ( d) Ethylamine is soluble in water whereas aniline is not.
( e)Amines are more basic than amides. (f) although amino group is ortho, para directing
group in aromatic electrophilic substitution reactions aniline on nitration gives a
substantial amount of m – nitro aniline.

Ans. (a) Aniline is a Lewis base. It donates its lone pair of electron on N atom to AlCl3 and
forms salt. Which becomes strongly deactivating for electrophilic substitution reaction?

C6H5NH2 + AlCl3 →C6H5NH2 = AlCl3-

So aniline does not undergo friedel craft’s reaction.

(b) (i) In aniline the lone pair of electron on the N-atom is delocalized over the benzene
ring due to resonance. (ii) In methylamine + 1 effect of Methyl increases the electron
density on the N – atom. Therefore aniline is a weaker base than methyl amine and
hence its pKb value is more than that of methylamine.

( c) Refer Volume-II Textbook Page no.209.

(d) When ethylamine is added to water forms intermolecular H – bonds with water.
Aniline does not form H- bond due to the presence of a large hydrophobic –C6H5 group.

( e ) Amines are more basic than amides because in amines the lone pair of electrons is
on nitrogen are available for protonation whereas in amides the electron pair on
nitrogen is involved in resonance with C = O group. R-CO-NH2 ↔ R-CO- -NH2 (amide
resonance structure)

(f) In strong acid medium aniline is protonated to form anilinium ion which is m-
directing and hence m – nitro aniline is formed.

C6H5NH2 + Con. HNO3 / Con. H2SO4 → Ortho-nitro aniline (2%) + para –nitro
aniline(51%) + meta nitro aniline. (47%)

9. Arrange the following: (a) In increasing order of solubility in water, C6H5NH2, (C2H5)NH,
C2H5NH2. (ii) In Increasing order of basic strength. (a) aniline, p – toluidine & p –
nitroaniline. (b) C6H5NH2, C6H5NHCH3, p-ClC6H4NH2. (iii) In decreasing order of basic

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strength in gas phase (a)C2H5NH2, (C2H5)2NH, (C2H5)3 N & NH3. (iv) In increasing order of
boiling point. (a) C6H5OH, (CH3)2NH. C2H5NH2. (v) In decreasing order of the pKb values (a)
C2H5NH2, C6H5NHCH3, (C2H5)2NH & CH3NH2. (vii) decreasing order of basic strength: (a)
CH3CH2NH2, C6H5(NO2)-NH2, C6H5NH2, CH3-NH2 (vi) Increasing order of basic strength (a)
C6H5NH2, C6H5N(CH3)2, (C2H5)2NH & CH3NH2.

Ans. (a) C6H5NH2 < (C2H5)2NH < C2H5NH2

Solubility increases in the order in which molecular mass decreases.

(ii)(a) p – nitro aniline < aniline < p – toluidine.

The electron donating groups increases the basic strength of amines, electron
withdrawing groups the basic strength of amines.

(b) p – Cl-C6H4NH2 < C6H5NH2 < C6H5NHCH3.

Increase in basic strength is due to delocalization of lone pair of electrons on the N

atom over the benzene ring.

(iii)(a) (C2H5)3N > (C2H5)2NH > C2H5NH2 > NH3

In gas phase, basic strength mainly depends on the + I effect of alkyl groups.

(iv)(a) (CH3)2NH < C2H5NH2 < C6H5OH

Amines from weaker H – bonding than phenol. Secondary amines can form one H –
bond due to NH group, whereas Primary amines form 2 H – bonds due to NH2 group.

(v) C6H5NHCH3 > C2H5NH2 > CH3NH2 > (C2H5)2NH

(vi) C6H5NH2 < C6H5N(CH3)2 < CH3NH2 < (C2H5)2NH.
(vii) CH3NH2 > CH3CH2NH2 > C6H5NH2 > C6H4NH2(NO2).
10. How will you prepare propane – 1- amine from (a) butane nitrile (b) propanamide
(c )1 – nitro propane.

Ans. (a) CH3-CH2-CH2-CN + H+ / H2o → CH3-CH2-CH2-CONH2 + Br2/KOH →CH3-CH2-CH2-

NH2 [ propane-1-amine.

(b) CH3-CH2CONH2 + LiAlH4/ H2o → CH3-CH2-CH2-NH2[ propane -1-amine]

( C ) CH3-CH2-CH2-NO2 + Fe/Hcl + 6[H] → CH3-CH2-CH2-NH2

11. Identify A, B & C CH3-NO2 + LiAlH4 → A + 2CH3-CH2-Br → B + H2SO4 → C

Ans. CH3NO2 + LiAlH4 →CH3-NH2 (A) + 2 CH3-CH2-Br → (CH3-CH2)2N-CH3 (B) + H2SO4 →

[ (CH3-CH2)2-NH-CH3]+ + HSO4- ( C )

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12. How will you convert diethyl amine into: (a) N,N diethyl acetamide (b)N-

Ans. (a) (C2H5)2NH + CH3COCl + Pyridine → (C2H5)2NCOCH3 + Hcl

(b) (C2H5)2NH + NaNO2/ Con.Hcl +HNO2 → (C2H5)2-N-N=O.

13. Identify A, B, & C

HO-CO-CH2-CH2-CH2-CO-OH + SOCl2 → A +NH3 → B → + LiAlH4 → C

Ans. CH2-COOH-CH2-CH2-COOH + SOCl2 → CH2COCl-CH2-CH2-COCl ( A ) + NH3 →

CH2CONH2 –CH2-CH2-CONH2 (B ) + LiAlH4 → NH2(CH2)5-NH2 (C ) 1,5, -diamimopentane

13. Identify A, B, C & D. Aniline + Benzaldehyde → A + Con.HNO3 (B) → C + D.

Ans. C6H5-NH2 + C6H5-CHO → C6H5N=CH-C6H5 (A ) + Con.HNO3/ H2O (B) →C6H5NH2 (C)

+ C6H5CHO ( D )

14. A dibromo derivative (A) on treatment with KCN followed by acid hydrolysis and
heating gives a monobasic acid (B) along with liberation of CO 2. (B) on heating with
liquid ammonia followed by treating with Br2/KOH gives ( C ) which on heating
NaNO2 and Hcl at low temperature followed by oxidation gives a monobasic acid
(D) having molecular mass 74. Identify A to D.

Ans. CH3-CH2-CH-(Br)2 ( A ) + KCN → CH3-CH2-CH(CN)2 + H3O+ → CH3-CH2-CH-

(COOH)2 + ∆ / - CO2 → CH3-CH2-CH2-COOH (B) + NH3 → CH3-CH2-CH2-CONH2 + Br2/
KOH → CH3-CH2-CH2-NH2 ( C ) + NaNO2/Hcl → CH3-CH2CH2-OH + (O) →CH3-CH2-
COOH ( D ).

A – 1,1,dibromo propane - CH3-CH2-CH(Br)2

B – Butanoic acid - CH3-CH2-CH2-COOH

C – 1 – amino propane - CH3-CH2-CH2-NH2

D - Propanoic acid. - CH3-CH2-COOH.

15. Identify A to E in the following sequence of reactions

C6H6 + CH3Cl / AlCl3 → A Con.HNO3/ Con.H2SO4 → B (major product) + Sn /Hcl → (C)

+ NaNO2/Hcl at 0oC → D + CUCN → E.

Ans. C6H6 + CH3Cl/AlCl3 → C6H5CH3 (A) Conc. HNO3/Con.H2SO4 → C6H4CH3(NO2) (B) +

Sn/Hcl → C6H4CH3(NH2) ( C ) + NaNO2/Hcl 𝐚𝐭 𝟎oC → C6H4CH3N2Cl (D) + CuCN →
C6H4CH3(CN) ( E )

Mr.R.Abdulsaleem, M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., P.G. Asst. Chemistry Teacher, Dept. of Chem., Ch-18
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A – Toluene;

B – p-nitrotoluene

C – p –toluidine

D – p – methyl benzene diazonium chloride

E – 4 – methyl benzo nitrile.



1. Write the zwitter ion structure of alanine.

Ans. H3N+ - CH-(CH3)-COO-

2. Give any 3 difference between DNA & RNA.



1. It is mainly present in nucleus, It is mainly present in cytoplasm, nucleolus
mitochondria and chloroplast and ribosomes
2. It contains deoxyribose sugar It contains ribose sugar
3. Base pair A = T G ≡ C Base Pair A + U C ≡ G
4. Double stranded molecules Single stranded molecules
5. It’s lifetime is high It is short lived.
6. It is stable not hydrolyzed easily It is unstable and hydrolyzed easily by
by alkalis alkalis.
7. It can replicate itself. It cannot replicate itself. It is formed from

3. Write a short note on peptide bond.

Ans. The carboxyl group of the first amino acid reacts with the amino group of the
second amino acid to give an amide linkage between these amino acids. This amide
linkage it is called peptide bond. – CO –NH –

4. What are reducing and non- reducing sugars?

Ans. Reducing sugars: (i) These are carbohydrates which contain free aldehyde or
ketonic group. (ii) Reduces Fehling’s solution and tollen’s reagent. Eg. Glucose.

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Non-reducing sugar: (i) they do not have free aldehyde group (ii) they do not reduce
Tollen’s reagent & Fehling’s solution. Eg. Sucrose.

5. Classify the following into monosaccharaide, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides.

(a) Starch (b) fructose (c) sucrose (d) lactose ( e)maltose.

Ans. (a) starch – polysaccharides (b) Fructose – monosaccharaides ( c) Sucrose –

Oligosaccharides( disaccharides) (d) Lactose – oligosaccharides (disaccharides) (e
)Maltose – oligosaccharides

6. Write the structure of all possible dipeptides which can be obtained form glycine
and alanine.

Ans. They form two dipeptide namely glycylalanine & alanylglycine.

(a) H2N-CH2-CONH-CH(CH3)-COOH [ Glycylalanine]

(b) H2N-CH(CH3)-CONH-CH2-COOH [ alanylglycine]
7. What are different types of RNA which are found in cell.

Ans. RNA molecules are classified into 3 major types:

(i) Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) (ii) Messenger RNA (mRNA) (iii) Transfer RNA ( tRNA).
8. Is the following sugar, D-Sugar or l – sugar? CHO (CH-OH)3-CH2OH .

Ans. L- sugar.


UNIT NO.8: Ionic equilibrium:

1. Mention the Arrhenius concept of acid & base (refer V-II Textbook Page No.2)
2. What are the limitations of Arrhenius concepts? (Page,No.3)
3. Differentiate Lewis acids & Lewis Bases ( Page no.5)
4. How will you measure strength of an acid? ( page no. 6)
5. What are buffer solutions? Mention its Types ( page no. 15)
6. How will you calculate solubility product from molar solubility (page no.26)
7. Give a condition for a compound to be precipitated?
8. Derive the relationship between pH & pOH ( page No.9)
9. Explain the buffer action of solution. ( page no.16)
10. Derive Henderson hasselbalch equation (Page no.18)

UNIT NO.9. Electrochemistry:

1. What is conductivity cell? (page No.34)

2. State ohm’s law (page no. 34)
3. What is specific resistance? Mention its unit? (Page no.35)

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4. Define molar conductance. Give its unit.(page no.36)

5. Define equivalent conductance. (page no. 36)
6. What are the various factors affecting electrolytic conductance? (page no.38&39)
7. Calculate the molar conductance at infinite dilution of a weak electrolyte.(page
8. Calculate the degree of dissociation of weak electrolyte (page no. 42)
9. Calculate the sparingly soluble salts (page no. 43)
10. What is Standard hydrogen electrode? (SHE) (page no.48)
11. Define electrode potential & standard electrode potential ( page no. 49)
12. What are electrochemical series? (page no.62)
13. Define electrochemical equivalent. (page no.54).
14. Explain the relationship between free energy of the cell & its emf (page no.50)

UNIT NO.10. Surface Chemistry

1. What are the characteristics of adsorption? (page no.71)

2. What are the various factors affecting adsorption?(page no.72)
3. Write about freundlich adsorption isotherm (page no.74)
4. What are the characteristics of catalysis? (page no.78)
5. Define Promoter and catalytic poison with suitable examples ( page No.79)
6. Define auto catalyst.(page no.79)
7. Define negative catalyst (page no.79)
8. What are Active centers (page no.82)
9. What are lyophobic and lyophilic colloids? (page no.87)
10. Define peptisation ( page no. 89)
11. Define electro dialysis. (page no. 91)
12. What is Ultrafiltration? (page no.91)
13. What is Tyndall effect?(page. No.93)
14. What is Brownian movement. Mention its applications. ( page no.93)
15. Define Helmholtz double layer? (page no.94)
16. How can we determine the charge of the solution particles? (page no.94)
17. Write about electro osmosis (page no.95)
18. Define coagulation and mention its various methods. (page no.96)
19. Define gold number (Page no.96)
20. 20. How will you prepare colloid by dispersion methods? (
21. Explain the preparation of colloids by condensation methods? (

UNIT NO.11.Hydroxy Compounds & Ethers

1. How does ethane react with KMno4? (page no. 110)

2. How does methanol react with thionyl chloride? (page no.114)
3. How does primary alcohol react with alkyl halide? (page no. 113)

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4. How do tertiary alcohols react with alkyl halides? (page no.114)

5. Explain the dehydration of tertiary alcohol by E 1 mechanism? (page no.115)
6. Explain saytzeff’s rule (page no. 116)
7. Write short note on Swern oxidation. (page no. 117)
8. How does Primary, secondary, & tertiary alcohol react with Copper at
9. How is oxirane prepared by ethane, 1, 2,-diol? (Pg. no.119)
10. How will you Prepare 1,4,-dioxane? (
11. How is nitroglycerine prepared? (Pg. no. 121)
12. How will you prepare acrolein? (
13. Mention the uses of glycol? (Pg. no.122)
14. Write short notes on Dow’s process. (
15. How will you prepare Phenol from benzene? (
16. Write short note on Schotten Baumann reaction. (pg. no.127)
17. Write short note on Williamson ether synthesis. (
18. How does Phenol react with acidified Potassium dichromate? (Pg. no.128)
19. How will you prepare cyclohexanol from phenol? (Pg. no.128)
20. How will you prepare Picric acid? (pg. no.129)
21. How will you prepare 2, 4,6, tribromo phenol? (
22. Write short note on Reimmer-Tiemann reaction. (pg. no. 130)
23. Write short note on Phthalein reaction (pg. no.131)
24. Write short note on Coupling reaction (
25. Tabulate the differences between alcohol &Phenol (Pg. no.131)
26. How does ether react with HI? (Pg. no.131)
27. What is auto oxidation? (Pg. no.137)
28. Write short note on Friedel Craft’s reaction. (
29. Mention any 3 uses of ether? (
30. Explain Lucas test. (
31. Explain Victor Meyer’s test. (
32. How will you prepare diethyl ether? (

UNIT NO.12. Carbonyl & Carboxylic acids.

1. How will you prepare ethanol by ozonolysis? (

2. Write short note on Rosenmund Reduction. (
3. Write short note on Stephen’s reaction (
4. Write short note on Etard reaction. (
5. Write short note Gattermann-Koch reaction. (pg.No.151)
6. Write short note friedel craft’s acylation. (
7. How is benzaldehyde manufactured commercially?(
8. How will you prepare aldimine? (

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9. How will you prepare Urotropine? And mention its uses. (
10. Explain Popott’s rule (
11. Explain clemmensen reduction. (
12. Explain Wolf-kishner reduction. (
13. Write short note on halo form reaction. (
14. Write short note on Crossed aldol condensation.(
15. Explain Crossed cannizaro reaction. (pg. no.164)
16. Write short note on Perkin’s reaction. (
17. Write short note on knoevenagal reaction. (
18. Write short note on Schiff’s base. (
19. Write short note on esterification reaction. (
20. How does sodium salt react with soda lime? (Pg.no175)
21. Explain HVZ reaction. (
22. Explain the reducing nature of formic acid.(
23. Explain Aldol condensation reaction with mechanism.(
24. Explain cannizaro reaction with mechanism.(pg.163)
25. Test for aldehyde Write Tollen’s & Fehling’s Test only) (Pg.No.66)
26. How acetone does reacts with hydroxylamine, hydrazine & phenyl hydrazine.

UNIT NO.13. Organic Nitrogen compounds

1. Write short note on Tautomer’s (

2. How will you prepare Oil of mirbane?(
3. Write short note on Chloropicrin. (
4. Explain Hoffmann’s ammonolysis reaction. (
5. How will prepare Phenyl mustard oil? (
6. How does aniline react with Br2 ? (
7. Write Short note Sabatier –mailhe method. (
8. Explain the reaction of Nitrobenzene in acid, neutral, & alkaline medium

UNIT NO.14.Biomolecules

1. Outline the classification of carbohydrates giving example for each. (

2. Write about the structure of sucrose. (
3. Define isoelectric point. (
4. What is Zwitter ion? (
5. Elucidate the structure of glucose (
6. Explain the cyclic structure of glucose (
7. Elucidate the structure of fructose (
8. Explain the structure of lactose and maltose. (, 248).

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