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1. What was Jesus doing when he met Simon and his friends?

Bible Text – Matthew 4:17

-Jesus asked Simon to get in the boat and help them to catch a bunch of fish

2. What were the fishermen doing? And what did that tell us about

the stage they were at in their fishing?

Bible Text – Luke 5:2

- Fishermen were just having their usual doings but they didn’t caught any fish but then Jesus came
they learn something which is faith and trust, the words or Jesus was just a mind opener not just for
the fishermen but also for us, that simply means that we should trust Jesus with all our efforts and he
will bless us.

3. What was the first step Jesus took in engaging Simon? What can

we learn from this?

Bible Text – Luke 5:3

-When Simon saw of what happened, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, Go away from me, lord, I am a
sinful man. For he and his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken.

4. What did Jesus ask Simon to do when He got on the boat?

What application can we draw?

Bible Text – Luke 5:3

-When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a

5. What was Simon doing while Jesus taught?

Bible Text – Luke 5:3

-Because they have been waiting all night and they’re bored of waiting without catching any fish, he
believe it is doubtful that they will succeed.
6. What did Jesus ask Simon to do after He had finished

preaching? What lesson can we learn from this?

Bible Text – Luke 5:4

-Jesus asked Simons’ to follow him and invite more people to share the words of God.

7. What does Simon’s response tell us about his thinking?

Bible Text – Luke 5:5

-Because they have been waiting all night and they’re bored of waiting without catching any fish, he
believe it is doubtful that they will succeed.

8. Despite Simon’s doubt, what was positive about his response to

Jesus? And what important lesson can we learn from this?

-He did not believe that they would catch anything because of his uncertainty. I also learned that we
should trust the lord because he is the only one who is aware of the happenings, and we should also
pay attention to what God says in his word.

9. What did Simon do when he saw the abundance of fish? What

lesson can we learn about discipleship from this?

Bible Text – Luke 5:7

-He and everyone with him were amazed at the number of fish they had caught.

10. At what point did Simon Peter fall down and exclaim that he

was a sinful man, and why?

Bible Text – Luke 5:8

-When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said “oh lord
please leave me I’m such a sinful man”. In this scene why
11. Before Jesus told Peter, Andrew, James and John to follow Him

fully, what did He prove?

Bible Text – Luke 5:9

-He proved that they got a bunch of fish.

12. When did Peter, Andrew, James and John forsake everything?

Bible Text – Luke 5:11

-They left everything behind when they lowered their boats to the land and followed Jesus.

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