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The Problem

Young children and humans are naturally curious about the world around them.

The thirst for knowledge is insatiable, pushing us to seek new experiences and challenges and

try novel things with utmost enthusiasm (Saltman, 2012). Due to its capacity to engage and

stimulate children, science education in the early years has been recognized for its potential to

improve many aspects of their cognitive and social development, including promoting the

development of scientific thinking and science skills and encouraging positive attitudes toward

science. This natural curiosity is what drives them to explore and investigate. It is the reason

they learn anything at all. As educators, we should be taking advantage of their inquisitive

nature and using it to nurture their enthusiasm for scientific discovery. Children start learning

science when they realize they can discover the objects around them through their movements.

Science in the K–12 curriculum is inquiry-based and learner-centered. This will provide

them with many opportunities to develop. It encourages and teaches them to discover and

wonder about everything around them. There are numerous effects of teaching science in early

childhood, such as; it gives children an understanding of the world they live in, helps them

build self-esteem, and helps them see themselves as capable scientific learners; it fosters a

growth mindset in learners, which allows them to take risks and helps them understand that

their thinking may not always be correct; and finally, as a continuation of the growth mindset

skills learned through science. Hence, learners' curiosity can be sparked by science, and

integrating science across the curriculum works because learners are engaged in their learning,

they use what they already know to construct new understandings, they can use different

strategies, approaches, and learning styles, and they learn in a social context.

As mentioned above, science in the curriculum works and is effective in the teaching

and learning process. However, in the Philippines, there are many constraints facing science
education in Philippine schools, such as a shortage of qualified science teachers and teachers

not employing various teaching methods. Teachers do not use instructional materials to extend

children’s knowledge and bring about effective classroom learning because they lack the

knowledge on how to use the instructional materials appropriately. That is why it is essential

for children to engage in science at a young age because it paves the way for children to have

a more positive attitude toward science. Furthermore, it often involves children telling the

teacher what they want to learn; teachers may avoid implementing science-related activities

since it seems counter to traditional instructor-led play. By incorporating an inquiry-based

approach to lessons, children can gain the ability to form patterns and theories and build

knowledge (McClure, 2016). As a result of insufficient knowledge by some of these teachers,

they prefer not to use instructional materials in the classroom setting. Thus, the paucity of

material resources is a factor that contributes to ineffective teaching, and learners' interest in

science is directly linked to the quality of teaching as well as learning interactions provided by

their science teachers.

Therefore, currently, Philippine science education advocates the implementation of

inquiry-based teaching and learning. This is intended to pique learners’ engagement in their

science activities and exercises and drive them to learn about science and science.

On the other hand, Inquiry-based learning is a model developed by Richard Suchman

in 1962 for providing the processes of researching and explaining the facts. Inquiry-based

learning is based on cognitive psychology, constructivist learning theory, and best practices in

instruction (Gholam, 2019). It is a learning approach that focuses on learners' involvement in

the hunt for their learning. It is a learning model that is student-centered and in pursuit of a

question or a problem. In fact, this method encourages learners to develop their self-confidence

and freely explore, concentrating on the inquiry rather than the fear of being "wrong" by forcing

them to identify solutions based on their own knowledge and experience. This leads to better

engagement among learners throughout a class period, provides a greater grasp and
understanding of the content knowledge, and creates an environment conducive to active

learning. Through IBL, learners experience academic engagement that gives the feeling of

relevance and choice that delves them to value their work and matters learned (Buchanan


The 5E Instructional Model (Bybee & Landes, 1990) is based upon cognitive

psychology, constructivist-learning theory, and best practices in science teaching. The cycle

consists of cognitive stages of learning that comprise engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and

evaluate. Science teachers and curriculum developers may integrate or apply the model at

several levels. Each phase of the 5E Instructional Learning Cycle, as it has been modified from

Bybee, is now described. The 5E Model is an effective way to design inquiry-based science

lessons that enhance student learning. It enables teachers to design a unique educational

experience for learners. Learners that participate actively in class and are taught using

instructional models like the 5E Model have a stronger foundation in knowledge. The

constructivist theory of learning, which contends that people derive information and meaning

from experiences, forms the foundation of the 5E Model. Learners can reconcile new

information with prior concepts by comprehending and reflecting on activities. Using the 5E

Model will help the researchers design meaningful, purposeful lessons for the learners. The

researchers appreciate being sure that they are connecting to previous knowledge (engage),

giving learners meaningful, hand-on activities (explore), and being sure to assess specific skills

that the researchers want the learners to learn (evaluate). By following the 5E Model, the

researchers will be able to assess the learners’ knowledge before the exploration activity starts

so that their evaluations will be appropriate for their academic ability level. The 5E model,

which the researchers will employ in conducting the study, is one of the inquiry-based learning

models that offers a framework for learners to make personal connections between scientific

concepts and their own experiences and generalize their knowledge.

Instructional materials play an essential role in the teaching-learning process. It is a tool

that can help teachers and students in the learning process and make learning more effective.

With the use of instructional materials, instruction is improved, learning is enriched and

becomes more meaningful. Prior research results showed that the use of instructional materials

provides a positive effect on students’ academic achievement. Adebule & Ayoola (2015) stated

that a significant difference existed between the performance of students taught with and

without instructional materials. The research results of Olayinka (2016) also concluded that the

students taught with instructional materials obtained excellent achievement scores compared

to those taught without any materials. This explains that the use of instructional materials in

learning has significantly affected students' performance.

The desire for effective teaching and the problems outlined regarding the teaching of

science are why the researchers want to conduct this study. The research aims to determine the

validity of an inquiry-based learning kit anchored in the 5E learning model according to science

experts who are teacher evaluations and to determine its effectiveness when applied. Overall,

science in early childhood is about providing experiences that can stimulate young children's

curiosity and motivate them to become interested in their environment. That is why using

instructional materials in science improves learners' performance, as it is also considered very

important in the learning process. On the other hand, inquiry-based science teaching,

specifically using 5E learning, could improve learning in science and aid teachers in delivering

science lessons. In addition, the researchers will develop an inquiry-based learning kit in

Science 3 anchored in the 5E Learning Model for teaching Sources of Sound with the learning

competency "describe the sources of sound in everyday life" (S3FE-IIIg-h4).

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to develop and validate an inquiry-based learning kit in Science 3

anchored on the 5E learning model for the learning competency “describe the sources of sound”

(S3FE-IIIg-h4) of the K-12 Science curriculum through the research and development process.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following research questions:

1. What is the assessment of the pool of evaluators on the inquiry-based learning kit in

Science 3 anchored on the 5E learning model?

2. What are the pretest and post-test scores for the exposure to an inquiry-based learning

kit in Science 3 anchored on the 5E learning model?

3. Is there a significant difference between the pretest and post-test scores of the inquiry-

based learning kit in Science 3 anchored on the 5E learning model?

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this research focuses on developing and validating an inquiry-based

learning kit in Science 3 anchored on the 5E Learning Model. The development of the materials

is organized according to three stages: the planning phase, the development phase, and the

validation phase. There were two stages to the planning phase. First is the review of the Science

curriculum guide and the definition and characteristics of the inquiry-based learning kit.

Second is the preparation of aligned instructional material design (AIMD). The development

stage entails using the aligned instructional material design to develop an inquiry-based

learning kit in science 3. Lastly, the validation phase involved content validation of the inquiry-

based learning kit by expert science teachers, field testing of the inquiry-based learning kit in

Science 3 anchored on the 5E Learning Model, and finalization of the inquiry-based learning

Significance of the study

The researchers believe that the result of this study is important and useful for the


Pre-service and in-service teachers. The developed and validated inquiry-based

learning kit hopes to support pre-service and in-service teachers in teaching Sources of Sound

on the learning competency, “describe the sources of sound” (S3FE-IIIg-h4).

Future Researchers. They are also important beneficiaries of this study since it will be

a basis for them in connection to their studies. It provides additional information and

knowledge as to a different perspective on how parents make this learning more stimulating.

Learners. The result of the study directly benefits the learners since they are involved

in the learning. They become one of the most important beneficiaries if the parents can

appropriately and responsibly fulfill their engagement and duties in the learning process. The

greater the involvement of the parents, the more the performance and learning of the learners

will be enhanced and developed. The developed and validated inquiry-based learning kit is

expected to improve learners' Science performance, particularly on the learning competency,

“describe the sources of sound” (S3FE-IIIg-h4).

Instructional material developers. The developed and validated inquiry-based learning

kit aims to support instructional material developers by giving insights into creating material

relevant to the topic in Science 3 Sources of Sound.

Operational Definition of Terms

The terminologies used in this study operationalize to make it easier to grasp their


Inquiry-based learning. It is the approach used in delivering the lesson using the

inquiry-based learning kit in Science 3 anchored in 5E Learning Model.

Inquiry-based learning kit. The learning material developed in this study is anchored

on the principles and models of an inquiry-based learning kit. It was based on the learning

competency of K to 12 and designed in Science 3 anchored in the 5E Learning Model.

Sources of Sound. The chosen topic in this study is aligned with the K 12 curriculum

guide in Science.

Assumptions of the Study

The researchers will use the following assumptions as a guide:

1. In the content validation of the inquiry-based learning kit, the expert evaluators will do

their best to assess the qualities of the learning material.

2. The teacher-implementers will do their best in delivering the lessons using the inquiry-

based learning kit in Science 3 anchored on the 5E Learning Model. Also, the learners

will do their best in answering the pretest and post-test.

Hypotheses of the Study

It is hypothesized in this study that;

There is no significant difference between the pretest and post-test scores of the Grade 3

learners on the Inquiry-based learning kit in Science 3 anchored on the 5E learning model.
Chapter II


Theoretical Framework

This chapter presents the different research and other literature that have a significant

bearing on the variables included in the research and help conceptualize the study. It focuses

on several aspects that will help develop this study.

Theoretical Framework

The framework of this research is primarily anchored on the Social Constructivism Theory

of Ley Vygotsky, Jean Piaget’s theory of constructivism, Jerome Bruner’s theory of constructivism,

and John Dewey’s Cognitive Constructivism.

Constructivism is very much a theory about knowledge and learning although, often, is

misinterpreted as a theory of teaching, leading to a vast range of ideas about what constitutes

Constructivist practice in the classroom. We often hear Constructivism mentioned with jargon

such as ‘student-centered’, ‘problem-based’, ‘real-world’, yet what we forget is,

Constructivism does not constitute what we teach, but how we learn. To be truly Constructivist

in their teaching, educators must connect theory to practice and sadly, this is often where they

fail. Based on the work of Dewey, Piaget, Vygotsky, Bruner, Gardner and many others,

Constructivism constitutes the idea that knowledge is constructed through the active

participation and development of the learner (Twomey Fosnot, 2005, p.33).

Ley Vygotsky’s Theory of Social Constructivism

Constructivist theory’s view are active participants of any learning encounter rather

than viewing them as passive (Vygotsky, 1978). More Knowledgeable Other (MKO) and the

Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) are the main principles of Vygotsky's theory. MKO

represents a person who understands concepts better than the others in the same group and thus,
used his or her better ability to enable others to learn. On the other hand, ZPD refers to the

variation in what a child can achieve independently and that which he/she can achieve with a

skilled person’s guidance. According to Nhase, Z., Okeke, C.I.O. & Ugwuanyi, C.S (2021).

From these arguments, it could be surmised that Vygotsky’s key principles are aligned with

the Constructivist Theory principles which speak to how learning should take place, how

knowledge should be developed or constructed, and how experiences and social interactions

play a role in learning. It is through these discussed views and principles of pedagogy that

Vygotsky’s theories are regarded as constructivist theories. For this reason, socio-cultural

theory, as a theory of learning, underpinned this study. Hence, the importance of taking into

consideration’ socio- cultural backgrounds and culturally responsive pedagogies have been

emphasized (Mavuru & Ramnarain, 2017; Mhakure & Otulaja, 2017).

Hence, the theory of constructivism of Jerome Bruner, Jean Piaget’s theory of

constructivism, and John Dewey’s Cognitive Constructivism are interconnected with the aim

of this research study which is to provide inquiry-based learning kit for Science, particularly in

the learning competency describe the different uses of Sound in everyday life which will let

learners learn through hands-on experiments or by experience.

Jean Piaget’s Theory of Constructivism

Also, Jean Piaget's theory of constructivism indicates that humans create knowledge

through interaction between their experiences and ideas. His view of constructivism is due to

his belief that learners are at the center of the knowledge creation and acquisition process. The

following are the principles of constructivism:

Knowledge is constructed. Learners learn by the pieces and fix them together in their

own way. Their previous knowledge, experiences, beliefs, and insights are all foundations for

their process of learning.

Learning is an active process. Learning is a dynamic process rather than a passive

process. Learners are expected to learn or construct knowledge through active engagement and

interaction with the world, particularly in real-world problem-solving.

Knowledge is socially constructed. Learning is a social activity- it is something that

both the teacher and the learners do together, in interaction with one another, rather than an

abstract concept.

All knowledge is personal. This means that learners have their own unique ways of

perceiving things based on their own existing knowledge and values. That is why the same

teaching or activity may result in different learning by each learmer, as their subjective

interpretations differ. Learning exists in mind. The theory of constructivism also says that

knowledge can only exist within the human mind. As learners think about each new experience,

they will continually update their mental models to reflect on new ideas and construct their

own interpretation of reality.

John Dewey’s Theory of Cognitive Constructivism

In the modern era, these historical threads of inquiry found a home in the work of John

Dewey in the early part of the 20th century. As one of the key leaders of the progressive

movement in education, Dewey, who had worked as a science teacher, encouraged K–12

teachers to use inquiry as the primary teaching strategy in their science classrooms. Modeled

on the scientific method, the particular process of inquiry Dewey (1910) advocated involved

“sensing perplexing situations, clarifying the problem, formulating a tentative hypothesis,

testing the hypothesis, revising with rigorous tests, and acting on the solution” (Barrow, 2006,

p. 266). Dewey was critical of transmission-based pedagogies that emphasized acquiring facts

at the expense of fostering modes of thinking and attitudes of the mind related to the ways

scientific knowledge is created.

As Dewey’s thinking on education evolved, he broadened the scope of topics and

subjects in which to engage learners with inquiry. Dewey (1938) encouraged learners to
formulate problems related to their own experiences and augment their emerging

understandings with their personal knowledge. Dewey believed that the teacher should not

simply stand in front of the class and transmit information to be passively absorbed by learners.

Instead, learners must be actively involved in the learning process and given a degree of control

over what they are learning. The teacher's role should be that of facilitator and guide. It is

important to emphasize that this process did not involve anything-goes, free-for-all exploration;

it was to be guided by empirical approaches to knowledge creation.

From a curricular perspective, Dewey, like Socrates, believed that active inquiry should

be used not only to gain knowledge and particular dispositions, but also to learn how to live.

Dewey (1944) felt that the purpose of education was to help learners realize their full potential,

to strengthen democracy, and to promote the common good. Inspiring Education contains

similar language of ethical citizenship; learning not only prepares the young to make their way

as individuals in the world, but it also helps them to become advocates for positive social

change. Much of the higher purpose and democratic spirit of Dewey’s vision for education

animates Alberta Education’s vision for education towards 2030.

Jerome Bruner’s Theory of Constructivism

Bruner’s Constructivist Theory provides the essential rationale that supports the use of

the lesson study process as a potential method for improving teacher professional knowledge

and development especially in developing inquiry skills. The primary theoretical principle of

social constructivism asserts that social nature of knowledge and the belief that knowledge is

constructed through social interaction and is a shared experience (Gergen, 1995; Vygotsky,

1978). Thus, social constructivism emphasizes that knowledge is constructed in response to

social interactions, through social negotiation, discourse, reflection, and explanation. This

principle supports the idea that teachers should be engaged in activities that requires interaction

and communication with learners and teachers. During the lesson study process, professional

collaboration occurs as pre-service teachers experience working together in groups to study

their practice through the implementation of a research lesson. Inquiry skills are specifically

questioning skills, communication skills and performance level will also be developed through

collaborative critiquing and brainstorming. Another principle of social constructivism states

that knowledge

Related Studies

Numerous research findings have shown that with the use of Inquiry-based learning kit

increased their critical thinking skills, have higher levels of motivation and engagement and

more retention on the content presented. It also resulted to better development of ' scientific

ability compared to traditional method of teaching.

Employing inquiry-based science teaching could contribute ' motivation regardless of

the different learning styles they possess in learning science. It was also revealed that Inquiry-

based learning kitignificantly increases the ' science process skills and attitudes.

On the teachers' hindsight on Inquiry-based learning kit in science, the findings showed

that there are several constraints in the implementation of Inquiry-based learning kit in

classrooms namely time management, curriculum, ' prior knowledge, motivation, physical

classroom size, limited resources, good search engine as well as authentic and effective


It is also believed that being taught using inquiry-based method scored significantly

higher, and there was a significant improvement in their achievement test and appropriate

training for the teacher is required for better implementation of Inquiry-based learning kit in

the classroom have been suggested.

In the context of holistic development, Inquiry-based learning kit develops not only the

intellectual abilities but also their emotions, skills, and confidence.

Furthermore, inquiry-based instruction is seen to be effective in the development of ' prior

knowledge and reading abilities and significantly associated to conceptual development and
developing activity set supported by guided activities anchored with the inquiry-based learning

kit approach has significant effects in developing learner’s critical thinking skills in the science


Even though teachers have a positive belief towards inquiry-based learning kit, they are

less inclined to implement inquiry-based learning kit in their lessons by claiming that the

implementation of inquiry-based learning kit is faced with a lot of difficulties (Ramnarain &

Hlatswayo, 2018). Kang and Keinonen (2018) revealed that the inquiry-based learning kit

approach has a strong positive relationship with learners’ achievement and interest in science

subjects. Kotuľáková (2019) found that teachers can provide a stimulating environment for

learning science using an inquiry-based approach to enable the learners to have basic

knowledge which they individually construct. According to Suárez et al. (2018), an inquiry-

based approach to teaching and learning is an effective approach for fostering ' curiosity and

motivation in science. McGrath and Hughes (2018) indicated that the use of an inquiry-based

approach enhanced the acquisition of basic science concepts by learners with learning

disabilities. Teachers’ effective use of inquiry-based activities leads to high frequencies of

experiencing inquiry like science activities (Chi et al., 2018).

On Inquiry Learning Teaching

Inquiry may be referred to as a technique that encourages learners to discover or construct

information by themselves instead of having teachers directly reveal the information (Uno,

1999). The implementation of inquiry has had a place in science classrooms for less than a

century. Before 1900, most educators viewed science as a body of facts that learners were to

learn through memorization and direct instruction. However, by the 1950’s and 60’s, an

inquiry-based rationale became more and more visible (National Research Council [NRC],

2000). Recently, Project 2061: Science for All Americans (Rutherford & Alhgren, 1990) and

The Standards (NRC, 1996) argue that inquiry needs to be a central strategy of all science

curricula. The Standards emphasize the inclusion of inquiry-based lessons in the science
classroom as part of the process by which new knowledge is acquired. Specifically, The

Standards describe the inquiry process as follows: Inquiry is a multifaceted activity that

involves making observations; posing questions; examining books and other sources of

information to see what is already known; planning investigations; reviewing what is already

known in light of experimental evidence; using tools to gather, analyze, and interpret data;

proposing answers, explanations, and predictions; and communicating the results. (p. 23)

On Inquiry Learning Methods

Inquiry Learning Methods The selection strategies and appropriate learning methods

will enhance learners’ creativity in learning. The existence of the method is very important in

education, where the presence of methods to facilitate the achievement of the desired

objectives. Thus, a teacher has absolute method of transferring knowledge to their learners.

According to Sumiati (2009), teaching method emphasizes the learning process actively in

efforts to acquire the capability of learning outcomes. Using appropriate teaching methods is

aimed at solving the problems that arise in the learning process. One of the methods suggested

in the curriculum in 2013 is an inquiry model, this method is best used in the learning process.

This model directs to find the problem and then being able to solve the problems found

scientifically. Inquiry method refers to constructivism theory, learning is an active process in

which construct new ideas or concepts based on previous experience and knowledge. Barlow

(1985) stated that the use of intellectual inquiry is a process of acquiring knowledge with

learners in how to find and organize the concepts and principles into an order of importance

according to the student. Kardi (2003) defined inquiry is a learning model that is designed to

teach learners how to examine issues and questions based on facts. Inquiry model emphasizes

the process of seeking and finding, the role of learners in this model is to seek and find their

own solutions in a subject matter while the teacher as facilitator and mentor learners to learn.

In general inquiry is a process that varies and includes the activities of observing, formulating

relevant questions, evaluating the book and other sources of information critically, plan
investigation or investigation, reviewing what is already known, carry out experiments or

experiments by using a tool to obtain data, analyze and interpret the data, and make predictions

and communicating the results (Ibrahim, 2007). Based on some above-mentioned

understanding, inquiry model is a method used in the learning process so that learners have the

ability to ask questions, examine, or investigate something. which involves all the student's

ability to search and investigate in a systematic, critical, logical, analytical, so that they can

formulate their own Sagala (2006) stated that there is five steps to be taken in carrying out the

inquiry model such as: (1) the formulation of the problem being solved by learners, (2) set a

temporary answer (hypothesis), (3) learners seeking information, data facts needed to answer

the problem, (4) draw conclusions or generalizations of the answer, and (5) the conclusions or

generalizations apply in new situations.

Meanwhile, according to Sajaya (2006), it is: (1) orientation, (2) formulating the problem, (3)

proposed a hypothesis, (4) collecting data, (5) test the hypothesis, (6) formulate conclusions.

Sund and Trowbridge (1973) suggests three kinds of methods of inquiry as follows: 1) Guided

Inquiry where the acquire in accordance with the required guidelines. The guidelines are

usually in the form of questions that guide. This approach is used primarily for learners who

have not experienced learning by inquiry method; 2) free inquiry in which do their own

research like a scientist. At this teaching, should be able to identify and formulate a range of

issues to be studied; 3) Modified free inquiry; on this inquiry the teacher gives the problem and

then the learners were asked to solve these problems through observation, exploration, and

research procedures.

The 5 E’s of Inquiry-based learning

The 5Es are an instructional model encompassing the phases Engage, Explore, Explain,

Elaborate, and Evaluate, steps which educators have traditionally taught learners to move

through in phases.
The 5E Inquiry-Based Instructional Model is based upon cognitive psychology,

constructivist theory to learning, and best practices in STEM instruction (Bybee and Landes

1990). The 5E learning cycle leads learners through five phases: Engage, Explore, Explain,

Elaborate, and Evaluate. The 5E Instructional Model brings coherence to different teaching

strategies, provides connections among educational activities, and helps science teachers make

decisions about learner interactions (BSCS 2019). Compared to traditional teaching models,

the 5E learning cycle results in greater benefits concerning learners’ ability for scientific

inquiry (Bybee 2009).


In this first phase of the 5E Learning Cycle, the teacher gauges student prior knowledge and/or

identifies possible misconceptions (Duran and Duran 2004). This student-centered phase

should create a desire to learn more about the forthcoming topic. According to Duran and Duran

(2004), the engagement phase is not intended for the teacher to lecture, define terms, or provide



The third stage in the instructional model is more teacher-directed and guided by the learners’

experience in the previous phase (Duran and Duran 2004). Learners explain their understanding

of concepts and the teacher corrects learners’ misconceptions (Bybee 2009). During this phase

the teacher may provide formal definitions, notes, and labels (Duran and Duran 2004).


In the elaboration phase learners are encouraged to apply their new understanding of concepts,

while reinforcing new skills (Duran and Duran, 2004). According to Duran and Duran (2004),

“Learners may conduct additional investigations, develop products, share information and

ideas, or apply their knowledge and skills to other disciplines” (p. 53). This stage in the learning

cycle presents opportunities for the teacher to integrate science with other content areas (Duran

and Duran 2004).


According to Bybee (2009), “The evaluation phase encourages learners to assess their

understanding and abilities and provides opportunities for teachers to evaluate student progress

toward achieving the educational objectives” (p. 5). Formative and summative assessment are

appropriate in this phase. Duran and Duran (2004) provide a list of non-traditional forms of

assessment that are appropriate for evaluating learners’ understanding and performance:

portfolios, performance-based assessment, concept maps, physical models, and journal logs.

According to Williams (2019):

A focus on content at the expense of process in STEM education (and all education,

really) will inhibit student learning because the important learning occurs through the activities

of the process. When the learning of content is necessary so it can be applied, through an

activity to a situation, such content is perceived as relevant. It so will be learnt more effectively

and efficiently. (p. 3)

The 5E Instructional Model serves as a flexible learning cycle that assists curriculum

developers, classroom teachers, and school librarians with creating STEM lessons that illustrate

constructivist, reform-based, best teaching practices.

Conceptual Framework

The research paradigm illustrated below will guide the researchers in the conduct of the


With prior knowledge, learners can create connections with their new knowledge. The

researchers will use a Pedagogical approach that facilitates the development of learners'

problem-solving, creative thinking, and critical thinking skills, which are essential in daily life.

Input Process Output

Learning Planning Phase Developed and
Competency of Validated
Grade 3 K-12 Inquiry-Based
Science Learning Kits
Curriculum in Science 3
anchored on the
5E Learning
Inquiry-based Model
learning approach

5E Learning Phase


Figure 1.1 Paradigm of the Study

Figure 1.1 shows the research paradigm of the study. It features developing and validating

inquiry-based learning kit in Science The paradigm further elucidates the vital process of the

study, namely: input, process, and output. The inquiry-based learning kit will be developed and

validated through the input and process.

Chapter III


This chapter describes and discusses how the researchers will gather the data and

information used in the study. This section presents the research design used in the study, the

subject of the study, the research instrument, the data gathering procedure, ethical

considerations, and the statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

In the conduct of the study, the researchers will guide by the Model illustrated in figure



 Review the Science Curriculum

Guide and the Inquiry-Based
Learning Kit definition and
 Preparation of aligned instructional
material design (AIMD) for Inquiry-
Based Learning Kit.
 This stage included gathering
resources for the development of an
inquiry-based learning kit.

 Construction of inquiry-based
 For the Content validation, three learning kit in Science 3 anchored in
elementary expert science 5E Learning Model.
teachers will utilize descriptive  This stage involved the construction
design. of an inquiry-based learning kit for
 Field testing one group pretest science 3 anchored in 5E Learning
post-test will utilize at ______ Model by strictly implementing the
aligned instructional material
 Finalization of Inquiry-Based
Learning Kit.
Figure 1.2 Research Paradigm

Research and development (R&D) are currently one of the most widely used research

types. It is an activity to develop an effective product for school use. R&D was used for

developing some innovation. This methodology integrates the research methods and

development techniques.

To create and verify educational materials, research and development will be applied

in the field of education. The steps of this methodology, which is frequently referred to as the

R&D cycle, include reviewing the research findings regarding the product to be developed,

designing the product considering these findings, testing it in the field where it will eventually

be used, and revising it to address any weak points that were found during the testing phase.

This cycle is continued in a more rigorous R&D program until field-test data shows that the

product achieves specified behavioral goals (Mulyana, 2016). The term's broadest definition

includes everything from fundamental scientific research carried out in academic institutions

and labs to product testing and refinement before commercial sale or usage (Hall, 2006).

The descriptive research methodology will be used to validate the inquiry-based

learning kit. Descriptive research is one of the three main types of research design. It is a

quantitative research method to characterize characteristics or functions and assess hypotheses.

A clear and correct research question/problem should be included in descriptive research

(Fluet, 2020). It utilizes to examine the variable's validity, especially the inquiry-based learning

kit. As a result, survey tools are employed to collect data. A one-group pretest-posttest design

uses during field testing. A one-group pretest-posttest design is a type of research design that

behavioral researchers frequently use to assess the effect of a treatment or intervention on a

given sample (Allen, 2020).

The Population of the study

In validating the inquiry-based learning kit, three expert science teachers who had

experience in developing instructional material in the field of Science will assess the

characteristics of the developed inquiry-based learning kit. On the other hand,, the whole

population (_) of the Grade 3 learners of ______, ______, Ilocos Sur will serve as the

respondents in the field testing in which the effectiveness of the inquiry-based learning kit in

Science 3 anchored on the 5E Learning Model.

Data Gathering Procedure

Planning Phase. This phase involved two stages.

Stage 1. Review of the Science curriculum guide and the definition and

characteristics of inquiry-based learning kit (5E). This stage included gathering resources for

the development of an inquiry-based learning kit. The components of the curriculum guide, as

well as the content standards, performance standards, and learning competencies, will be

evaluated. In addition, the researchers will define and characterize an inquiry-based learning

kit, focusing on the 5E learning model.

Stage 2. Preparation of aligned instructional material design (AIMD) for inquiry-

based learning kit. This stage includes determining the design and characteristics of the

inquiry-based learning kit. It must be highlighted that the following inquiry-based learning kit

concepts served as a guide:

a. Inquiry-based learning kit challenges learners’ thinking. By involving learners in

discovering scientifically oriented problems, where they learn to prioritize evidence,

assess explanations, and explain and defend their decisions, it is possible to develop

their science understanding. (Newman et al., 2004).

b. Inquiry-based learning kit promotes learners’ learning. Lee et al. (2004) it has been

stated that inquiry-based learning kit encourages a "variety of classroom strategies that

encourage learners to acquire knowledge via the facilitated and, increasingly, an

independent study of challenging questions and problems, which are often

unanswerable. Inquiry-based learning kit allows learners to acquire knowledge

comparable to that of professional scientists. (Keselman, 2003).

In addition to the principles mentioned above, considering the essential features of the

inquiry stage of 5E learning, the following instructional features of the inquiry-based

learning kit were designed:

a) Engage- In Engage- this first phase of the cycle, the teacher aims to assess students'

prior knowledge and/or identify possible misconceptions. This student-centered phase

should be a motivational period that can create a desire to learn more about the

upcoming topic.

b) Explore- This section aims to engage learners in hands-on experiments, particularly on

instructional material. These experiments are designed to help learners use their prior

knowledge to generate new ideas, explore possibilities, and conduct investigations.

c) Explain- This section consists of five questions related to the experiments related to

the instructional material. These questions are designed to help learners understand the

concept, particularly on instructional material.

d) Elaborate- This section presents activities related to instructional material. These are

additional activities designed to deepen the learners ' understanding and give learners

more information about instructional material.

e) Evaluate- This section presented two-tiered multiple-choice test items. These test items

are designed to assess the learners' knowledge on the central concept of the inquiry-

based learning kit.


Learning Content Inquiry-Based Approach Primary

Competency topic Inquiry
Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate
Describe the Sound Let the Investigating Understanding Concept Multiple- How is
sources of Energy learners go how sound is what produces Application Choice sound
sound(S3FE-IIIg- outside produced. sound. a. Guitar/kazoo Test produced
h-4) quietly for making and travels?
5 minutes. Investigating b. Problem
Instruct how sound Understanding Solving
them to travels. sound travels.
write all
down the
they hear.

Finally, the aligned instructional material design (AIMD) was formulated This will

serve as a guide for the design and development of an inquiry-based learning kit. To facilitate

the teacher implementer, a lesson plan will be design; see appendix A for the lesson plan.

Development Phase. This phase involved one stage.

Stage 3. Construction of inquiry-based learning kit. This stage involved the

construction of an inquiry-based learning kit for science 3 anchored in 5E Learning Model by

strictly implementing the aligned instructional material designed.

The researchers will design and create the inquiry-based learning kit using disposed big

cans, rubber bands, balloons, and dried beans.

Validation Phase. This phase involved three stages.

Stage 4. Content validation of inquiry-based learning kit. Three evaluators

evaluated inquiry-based learning kit at this stage. Following the evaluation, the outcome will

be analysed, and comments will be consolidated. These will be utilized for inquiry-based

learning kit revision

Stage 5. Field testing of inquiry-based learning kit in Science 3 anchored in 5E

Learning model. In this stage, the researchers will conduct the following; 1) cooperating

teacher’s orientation on the use of inquiry-based learning kit, 2) administration of pretext to

the respondents, 3) implementation of the inquiry-based learning kit in Science 3 anchored in

5E Learning model by the cooperating teacher, 4) administration of post-tests by the

cooperating teacher.

Stage 6. Finalization of inquiry-based learning kit. After field testing, the inquiry-

based learning kit in Science 3 anchored in 5E learning model, necessary adjustments and

reviews will be made, and the final inquiry-based learning kit will produced.

The principles of inquiry-based learning

Below are the certain principles that govern inquiry-based learning kit that will be

utilized and basis in conducting this research and developing materials in Science 3

anchored in 5E Learning Model.

 Principle 1. Learners are in the center of the entire process, while instructors,

resources and technology are adequately organized to support them.

 Principle 2. All learning activities revolve around information-processing skills.

 Principle 3. Instructors facilitate the learning process, but also seek to learn more

about their learners and the process of inquiry-based learning kit.

 Principle 4. Emphasis should be placed on evaluating the development of

information-processing skills and conceptual understanding rather than on the

actual content of the field.

The 9 Principles of Developmentally Appropriate Practice

Below are the principles that govern the inquiry-based learning kit that will be utilized

and the basis for conducting this research and developing materials in Science 3 anchored

in 5E Learning Model.

1. Development and learning are dynamic processes that reflect the complex interplay

between a child’s biological characteristics and the environment, each shaping the other as

well as future patterns of growth.

2. All domains of child development—physical development, cognitive development,

social and emotional development, and linguistic development (including bilingual or

multilingual development), as well as approaches to learning—are important; each domain

both supports and is supported by the others.

3. Play promotes joyful learning that fosters self-regulation, language, cognitive and social

competencies as well as content knowledge across disciplines. Play is essential for all

children, birth through age 8.

4. Although general progressions of development and learning can be identified, variations

due to cultural contexts, experiences, and individual differences must also be considered.

5. Children are active learners from birth, constantly taking in and organizing information

to create meaning through their relationships, their interactions with their environment, and

their overall experiences.

6. Children’s motivation to learn is increased when their learning environment fosters their

sense of belonging, purpose, and agency. Curricula and teaching methods build on each

child’s assets by connecting their experiences in the school or learning environment to their

home and community settings.

7. Children learn in an integrated fashion that cuts across academic disciplines or subject

areas. Because the foundations of subject area knowledge are established in early

childhood, educators need subject-area knowledge, an understanding of the learning

progressions within each subject area, and pedagogical knowledge about teaching each

subject area’s content effectively.

8. Development and learning advance when children are challenged to achieve at a level

just beyond their current mastery and when they have many opportunities to reflect on and

practice newly acquired skills.

9. Used responsibly and intentionally, technology and interactive media can be valuable

tools for supporting children’s development and learning.

Developmentally Appropriate Practice on Materials and Equipment

1. Understanding how children develop and learn helps choose toys, resources, and

furnishings for early care and education settings (Bronson, 1995). The classroom's

materials and equipment are one of the most visible parts of early childhood


2. Developmentally appropriate materials and equipment entail that teachers use age

appropriateness as the baseline for selecting toys, supplies, furnishings, and

equipment, while keeping in mind individual children's unique needs (Dodge,


3. Teachers ensure DAP in children's curriculum implementation when the teacher

provides sufficient varieties and quantities of play and learning materials related to

each developmental domain to support the whole child's development.

4. Teachers of young children should recognize the uniqueness of children by valuing

the diversity of families, cultures and communities (Bank 2002). Culturally

appropriate play and learning environments for young children avoid the use of

materials and practices that show bias related to culture, ethnicity, gender, language

or religion.

5. Classrooms reflect cultural sensitivity and respect for diversity when they offer a

variety of play and learning materials that are anti-bias in nature (Derma – Sparks

& ABC Task Force, 1989

6. The teacher's role is to see that the materials and equipment selected are

developmentally appropriate for the intended audience and the function of the

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers will select a topic from the K–12 Grade 3 Science Learners' Material:

Sources of Sound. In addition, the researchers will use two parallel, validated 10-item multiple-

choice evaluations. In both the pre-and post-test, learners answer ten multiple-choice questions.

The following instruments will use in gathering the data necessary for the study.

a. Evaluation tool for Printed Materials. It is a 4-point scale checklist evaluation tool

used to evaluate the quality, presentation and organization, accuracy, and up-to-datedness of

information on the printed materials.

The following are the norms for interpretation will use in interpreting the validity of the

inquiry-based learning kit:

Ranges of Scores Descriptive Rating (DR)

3.01-4.00 Excellent (E)

2.01-3.00 Very satisfactory (VS)

1.01-2.00 Satisfactory (S)

0.00-1.00 Needs improvement (NI)

b. Pretest-Posttest. It consists of a 10-item multiple-choice test covering the learning

competency of Grade 3 Physics. Three Science teachers evaluate the said tests to ensure

Ranges of Scores Descriptive Rating (DR)

3.01-4.00 Very High (VH)

2.01-3.00 H (H)

1.01-2.00 Average (A)

0.00-1.00 Low (L)

To easily interpret the learners' scores during the pretest and post-test, the scores change

to percentage scores.

Further, the following norms for interpretation is used in describing the performance of the

learners in their achievement test:

Range Descriptive Interpretation

80.01-100.00 Excellent (E)

60.01- 80.00 Very Good (VG)

40.01- 60.00 Good (G)

20.01- 40.00 Fair (F)

00.00- 20.00 Poor (P)

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical tools were used in analyzing the data gathered in the study:

1. Mean, described the evaluation of the inquiry-based learning kit and the performance

of the learners;

2. t-Test described the significant difference between the performance of the learners

before and after the intervention;

3. frequency described whether the observations are high or low and also whether the

data are concentrated in one area or spread out across the entire scale;

4. Percentage described the performance of the learners during the pretest and post-test.
Ethical Consideration

Since this study utilized human participants, specific issues were addressed. The

consideration of these issues was necessary for ensuring the privacy as well as the security of

the participants. To prevent problems that could arise during the research process, the

researchers strictly observed the following:

Consent, confidentiality, and data protection is ensured wherein the names of learners

were not mentioned in any part of the research.

Proper document sourcing or referencing of materials is done to ensure and promote

copyright laws.

A communication letter is presented to the authority concerned, asking permission to

be part of the study.

The research instrument is subjected to validation, and the suggestions of the

validators were highly observed and integrated into the instrument.


Online Resources

[1] Formally, C. (2009, June 30). ERIC - EJ1136707 - Effects of Inquiry-based learning

kit on Learners’ Science Literacy Skills and Confidence, International Journal for the

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2009-Jul. Retrieved October 22, 2022, from

[2] Phase, Z. (2021, June 30). Using an inquiry-based approach to enhance grade 3 ’

basic science concepts development | Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences.

Retrieved October 22, 2022, from https://un-

[3] Simsek, P. (n.d.). The effects of inquiry-based learning kit on elementary learners’

conceptual understanding of matter, scientific process skills and science attitudes |

AVESÄ°S. Retrieved October 22, 2022, from



[4] Eti, I. (2020, November 30). ERIC - EJ1308152 - Developing Inquiry-Based Science

Activities in Early Childhood Education: An Action Research, International Journal

of Research in Education and Science, 2021. Retrieved October 22, 2022, from

[5] Simrek, P., & Filiz, K. (2009, October 9). The effects of inquiry-based learning kit on

elementary learners’ conceptual understanding of matter, scientific process skills and science

attitudes. Science Direct. Retrieved January 6, 2010,


[6] Danilo, R. (2019, November 1). Enhancing Elementary Learners’ Conceptual

Understanding on Matter through Sci-vestigative Pedagogical Strategy (SPS). ERIC -

Education Resources Information Center. Retrieved November 29, 2019,


[7] Nhase, Z., Okeke, C.I.O. & Ugwuanyi, C.S (2021). Using an inquiry-based approach

to enhance grade 3 ’ basic science concepts development. Cypriot Journal of

Educational Science. 16(3), 1065- 1072.

[8] Cabalang, E. M., & Cabalang, M. N. (2022, January 31). Inquiry-based learning kit

As A Strategy in Teaching Earth and Life Science Among Grade 11 . ResearchGate |

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Sources of Sound: An Inquiry-Based Learning Kit in Science Anchored on the 5E
Learning Model for Grade 3 Learners

A Research Proposal

Presented to

The Faculty of College of Teacher Education

University of Northern Philippines

Vigan City

In partial fulfillment

of the requirements in the subject

Research in Early Childhood Education

Danica N. Arconado

Maybelle S. Cabasug

Zharina Joy R. Corpuz

Laika Mae Camanga


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