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Name of Group Members:

1. Talambayan, Jomar M.
2. Torres, Vanessa
3. Velasco, Keiden Draco
4. Velasco, Neil Patrick
5. Veridiano, Crich Joved
6. Violanta, Joanha

Fill out the table with the needed information on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Use the
website of the United Nations as your reference.

Sustainable Goals Problems Actions/ Response

1. End Poverty in all its Covid-19 pandemic reverse the The United Nations has released
forms everywhere efforts made by the UN to reduce a Framework for the Immediate
poverty globally. Socioeconomic Response to
COVID-19, which calls for a
massive increase of international
assistance and political
commitment to ensure that
people everywhere have access
to basic services and social

The UN COVID-19 Response and

Recovery Fund is designed to
help low- and middle-income
countries, as well as
disadvantaged people, who are
disproportionately affected by
the pandemic's socioeconomic
effects. Women leaders gathered
by UN Deputy Secretary-General
Amina Mohammed have asked
for full funding of the UN
Response and Recovery Fund and
support for the UN roadmap for
social and economic recovery.
2. Zero Hunger 135 million people suffer from To combat these dangers, the
hunger due to man-made Food and Agriculture
conflicts, climate change, Organization recommends that
economic downturns, and countries:
To meet the acute dietary needs
of their most vulnerable people,
Boost social assistance programs.
Maintain the global food trade,
Maintain the domestic supply
chain's momentum, and
Aid smallholder farmers in
increasing their food production.
3. Ensure healthy lives and COVID-19 is a worldwide health The World Health Organization
promote well-being for emergency that has (WHO) has been at the forefront
all at all ages demonstrated the crucial of the international fight to
necessity for preparedness. combat COVID-19. The WHO and
COVID-19 is spreading human partners' Strategic Preparedness
agony, undermining the global and Response Plan lays out the
economy, and upending the lives public health steps that nations
of billions of people around the should take to prepare for and
world, unlike any prior global respond to COVID-19. The April
health disaster. 2020 Strategy Update provides
additional recommendations for
the public health response to
COVID-19 at the national and
subnational levels, as well as
highlighting the need for
coordinated international
cooperation to face the challenge
of COVID-19.

People and organizations who

want to help fight the pandemic
and support WHO and partners
can donate to the COVID-19
Solidarity Response Fund, which
supports WHO's efforts to track
and understand the virus's
spread, ensure patients receive
the care they need and frontline
workers receive essential
supplies and information, and
accelerate research and
development of a vaccine and
treatments for everyone who
needs them.
4. Quality Education When the COVID-19 pandemic In March 2020, UNESCO
spread across the globe in 2020, launched the COVID-19 Global
schools were shut in most Education Coalition, a multi-
countries to control the outbreak sector partnership between the
of the disease. By April 2020, UN family, civil society
close to 1.6 billion children and organizations, media and IT
youth were out of school. And partners to design and deploy
nearly 369 million children who innovative solutions. The
relied on school meals needed to coalition helps countries tackle
look to other sources for daily content and connectivity gaps,
nutrition. and facilitates inclusive learning
opportunities for children and
youth during this period of
sudden and unprecedented
educational disruption.

UNICEF worked with

governments and education
partners in 145 low- and middle-
income countries to develop
plans for a rapid, system-wide
response including alternative
learning programmes and mental
health support.
5. Gender Equality Women continue to be UN Women has developed a
underrepresented at all levels of rapid and targeted response to
political leadership, and 1 in 5 mitigate the impact of the
women and girls between the COVID-19 crisis on women and
ages of 15 and 49 report girls, with a focus on five
experiencing physical or sexual priorities: gender-based violence,
violence by an intimate partner including domestic violence;
within a 12-month period. In social protection and economic
addition, the coronavirus stimulus packages; people
outbreak exacerbates existing support and practise equal
inequalities for women and girls sharing of care work; women and
across every sphere – from girls lead and participate in
health and the economy, to planning, decision making and
security and social protection. coordination mechanisms; and
With lockdown measures in data collection mechanisms
place, many women are trapped include gender perspectives.
at home with their abusers,
struggling to access services that The COVID-19 pandemic offers
are suffering from cuts and an opportunity to redress long-
restrictions. standing inequalities in multiple
areas of women’s lives, and build
a more just and resilient world.
6. Clean Water and One third of the world's UNICEF is appealing for funding
Sanitation population lacks access to safe and support in order to provide
drinking water, two out of five basic water, sanitation and
people lack basic hand-washing hygiene facilities to girls and boys
facilities with soap and water, in remote areas, urban slums,
and more than 673 million and places where water is
people still practice open untreated or polluted.
To prevent the spread of COVID-
19, the International
Organization for Migration (IOM)
is working with partners to
provide WASH services that
include running water and
handwashing in informal
settlements. The organization is
also adjusting its services in
affected, at-risk, low-capacity
and fragile countries by providing
support for infection prevention
control in health facilities.
7. Affordable and Clean Lack of access to energy may The world is making progress
Energy hamper efforts to contain COVID- towards Goal 7, with
19 across many parts of the encouraging signs that energy is
world. Energy services are key to becoming more sustainable and
preventing disease and fighting widely available. Access to
pandemics. 789 million people – electricity in poorer countries has
predominantly in sub-Saharan begun to accelerate, energy
Africa – are living without access efficiency continues to improve,
to electricity. If hospitals and and renewable energy is making
local communities don't have impressive gains in the electricity
access to power, this could sector.
magnify the human catastrophe
and significantly slow the global Nevertheless, more focused
recovery. attention is needed to improve
access to clean and safe cooking
fuels and technologies for 3
billion people, to expand the use
of renewable energy beyond the
electricity sector, and to increase
electrification in sub-Saharan

The Energy Progress Report

provides global dashboard to
register progress on energy
access, energy efficiency and
renewable energy. It assesses the
progress made by each country
on these three pillars and
provides a snapshot of how far
we are from achieving the 2030
Sustainable Development Goals
8. Decent Work and The COVID-19 pandemic has Sustained and inclusive economic
Economic Growth caused a historic recession with growth can drive progress, create
record levels of deprivation and decent jobs for all and improve
unemployment, creating an living standards.
unprecedented human crisis that
is hitting the poorest hardest. It COVID-19 has disrupted billions
calls for an extraordinary scale- of lives and endangered the
up of international support and global economy. The
political commitment to ensure International Monetary Fund
that people everywhere have (IMF) expects a global recession
access to essential services and as bad as or worse than in 2009.
social protection. As job losses escalate, the
International Labor Organization
estimates that nearly half of the
global workforce is at risk of
losing their livelihoods.

Even before the outbreak of

COVID-19, one in five countries –
home to billions of people living
in poverty – were likely to see
per capita incomes stagnate or
decline in 2020. Now, the
economic and financial shocks
associated with COVID-19—such
as disruptions to industrial
production, falling commodity
prices, financial market volatility,
and rising insecurity—are
derailing the already tepid
economic growth and
compounding heightened risks
from other factors.
9. Industry, Innovation, and Information and communication Inclusive and sustainable
Infrastructure technologies have been on the industrialization, together with
frontlines of the COVID-19 innovation and infrastructure,
response. The crisis has can unleash dynamic and
accelerated the digitalization of competitive economic forces that
many businesses and services. generate employment and
Once the acute phase of the income. The pandemic is hitting
crisis is over, governments will manufacturing industries hard
need investments in and causing disruptions in global
infrastructure more than ever. value chains and the supply of
The World Bank estimates that products. Innovation and
developing countries need to technological progress are key to
invest around 4.5 per cent of finding lasting solutions to both
GDP to achieve the Sustainable economic and environmental
Development Goals. challenges. Making infrastructure
resilient to disasters and climate
change will require an additional
$434 billion per year.
10. Reduced Inequalities COVID-19 has exacerbated The United Nations Secretary-
disparities by disproportionately General has called for solidarity
affecting the poorest and most with the world's poorest and
vulnerable people. It has brought most vulnerable people, who
attention to economic inequities require immediate assistance in
and shaky social safety nets, dealing with the biggest
which have left vulnerable economic and social catastrophe
groups bearing the brunt of the in centuries. "Now is the
crisis. Simultaneously, social, moment to keep our promise to
political, and economic leave no one behind," added the
disparities have exacerbated the Secretary-General.
pandemic's effects.
The United Nations has called for
a massive increase in
international aid and political
commitment, including funding
through the UN COVID-19
Response and Recovery Fund,
which aims to help low- and
middle-income countries and
vulnerable groups who are
disproportionately affected by
the pandemic's socio-economic
effects. To ensure that people
have access to essential and
social protection.
11. Sustainable Cities More than half of the world's The UN agency for housing and
population has lived in cities urban development, UN-Habitat,
since 2007, and that percentage is assisting national and local
is expected to climb to 60% by governments in preparing for,
2030. Rapid urbanization is preventing, responding to, and
leading to an increase in slum recovering from the COVID-19
dwellers, insufficient and pandemic.
overcrowded infrastructure and
services (such as trash collection, The UN Habitat COVID-19
water and sanitation systems, Response Plan aims to: Provide
roads and transportation), urban data, evidence-based
increased air pollution, and mapping, and knowledge for
unplanned urban sprawl. informed decision-making;
Support local governments and
community-driven solutions in
informal settlements; Mitigate
economic effect; and Begin

13. Climate Action Every country on every continent The United Nations Secretary-
is affected by climate change. It General has identified six
is wreaking havoc on national climate-friendly steps for states
economies and people. Weather to consider as they rebuild their
patterns are shifting, sea levels economies and societies:
are increasing, and extreme
weather is getting more often. Investments must speed the
Although travel limitations and decarbonization of all elements
economic slowdowns caused by of our economy during the green
the COVID-19 pandemic are transition.
expected to reduce greenhouse Green jobs and inclusive, long-
gas emissions by roughly 6% in term growth
2020, this improvement is only Green economy: Increasing the
temporary. Climate change is resilience of societies and people
unabated. Emissions are via a transition that is equitable
projected to return to higher and leaves no one behind.
levels after the global economy Invest in long-term solutions:
recovers from the pandemic. fossil fuel subsidies must be
phased out, and polluters must
be held accountable for their
Face all climatic threats
Cooperation is essential for every
country to succeed.

Governments all around the

world have spent a lot of time
and effort in recent years on
strategies to help their
inhabitants live in a safer and
more sustainable future.
Including these in recovery plans
now can help the world recover
more quickly from the current
14. Veridiano

15. Veridiano

16. Veridiano

17. Veridinao

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