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OC OPEN CITY International Summer School

Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura, Urbanistica, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni

Polo Territoriale di Piacenza


from ecological landscape to architectural design

August 29 - September 14th 2018

Piacenza Campus of Politecnico di Milano hosts the three-year Architecture Design Bachelor and
the Architecture International Master “Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design”.
The academic curriculum of the first three years aims at training designers with a specific
sensitivity to architectural issues while the two final years are devoted to sustainable projects and
to landscape design.
The creation of the International Summer School OC OPEN CITY is an important initiative, with a
strong international vocation, and it’s oriented to the design the “open spaces” in different scales of
intervention, from landscape transformation to regeneration of public areas and to specific
architectural components.
The school is open to students attending the 3rd year of Bachelor Degree Courses and to students
attending a Master in Architecture, Design, Engineering and Planning, as well as to PhD research
students in disciplines of architecture and urban planning.
The workshop aims at maintaining an open dialogue among the different design specialties needed
to face the problems arising from architectural, urban and environmental transformations,
becoming a discussion forum and a brainstorming workshop, where issues on the general
development perspectives of contemporary habitats can be discussed.
The wide consensus this initiative has received during the last 8 editions, both inside and outside
the academic scene, is the result not only of the scientific reputation of Politecnico di Milano but
also of the innovative format and the fascinating history of the host city.
Piacenza is the ideal venue for an initiative focused on complex design problems, both for the
quality of its landscape, artistic and monumental environment and for the wide range of case-
studies, as well as for its solid traditions in the building sector.
Located in the fascinating buildings and pavilions of the former slaughterhouse, the International
Summer School OC OPEN CITY hosts each year tens of students, tutors and professors coming
from different parts of the world, gathering to discuss issues of architectural, urban and
environmental design.
The School high scientific value is confirmed by its intense schedule of lectures and public
conferences with speakers of international renown in the field of architectural design.
OC OPEN CITY International Summer School
Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura, Urbanistica, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni
Polo Territoriale di Piacenza


School of Architecture Urban Planning and Construction Engineering
DAStU Department
Polo Territoriale di Piacenza

Guya Bertelli POLIMI
Carmen Andriani UNIGE
Sara Protasoni POLIMI
Carlos García Vázquez ETSAS

Pasquale Mei
Mario Morrica
Michele Roda

Ilaria La Corte – Roy Nash

Local support and web-site

Anna Solimando
OC OPEN CITY International Summer School
Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura, Urbanistica, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni
Polo Territoriale di Piacenza

Honour Committee

Ferruccio Resta Politecnico di Milano, Rector

Sergio Crotti Professor emeritus, Politecnico di Milano
Graziano Dragoni Politecnico di Milano, Director General
Gabriele Pasqui Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani, Director
Ilaria Valente Politecnico di Milano, SAUIC, Dean
Dario Zaninelli Politecnico di Milano, Vice Rector for Piacenza Campus
Giuseppe Baracchi Ordine degli Architetti di Piacenza, President
Patrizia Barbieri Comune di Piacenza, Mayor
Edoardo Favari Associazione Polipiacenza, President
Aldo Grasso Università Cattolica di Milano, Professor
Vittorio Gregotti Professor, architect, essayist

International Board
Marc Augé
Jordi Bellmunt Escola Tècnica Superiore d’Arquitectura de Barcelona
Gonçalo Byrne Politecnico di Milano (visiting professor)
Pierre Donadieu Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage de Versailles
Jordi Garces Escola Tècnica Superiore d’Arquitectura de Barcelona
Grafton Architects Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio
Joao Nunes Escola Tècnica Superiore d’Arquitectura de Barcelona
Graham Shane Columbia University, New York


Ordine degli Architetti e Ppc della Provincia di Piacenza

Comune di Piacenza - Provincia di Piacenza - Regione Emilia-Romagna
Confindustria Piacenza
Coldiretti Piacenza
Camera di Commercio di Piacenza
Fondazione di Piacenza e Vigevano


web site:

+39 0523 356779 - +39 0523 356789
Instagram: oc_open_city
OC OPEN CITY International Summer School
Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura, Urbanistica, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni
Polo Territoriale di Piacenza

The choice of Piacenza as seat of the International Summer School rises, among other things,
from the reading of its territory, an extraordinary case-study in terms of issues and topics related to
architectural design and construction of public spaces in contemporary cities.
Using as essential references the architectural and urban planning projects being developed and
drafted, the International Summer School is discussing some of the most significant urban themes
according to the significant problems of the transformation of the city.
The common denominator is the architectural design of open spaces, which can be seen as a
multidisciplinary practice, affecting several interconnected and closely related architectural scales:
from landscape architecture to planning; from the architectural design of public spaces to
architecture of connections; from the design of architectural components to the study of
contemporary aesthetic scenarios.
The attention to environmental and open space issues is part of a theoretical-operational debate,
focusing on the promotion of architectural, urban and territorial contexts in terms of sustainable
resources and environmental impacts, in order to reach high levels of consonance,
complementarity and integration among the architectural requirements and the distinctive
characters of the locations.
This is achieved through a trans-scalar procedure, simultaneously drawing attention both on the
whole and its individual components, enhancing their environmental value. This value also results
from considerations on the concept of landscape as the product of a specific human attitude
towards nature. The physical elements defining the environmental character necessarily interact
with the history of the built-up areas, where we can see how man has manipulated spaces, shapes
and environment in some specific contexts, drawing this proposal of architectural design, starting
from the relation between areas and material forces.
This consideration is even more actual referring it to areas experiencing radical changes over the
next decades and where the potential of the development is huge as huge are the criticalities in
terms of densely populated areas de-structuring.
In this sense Piacenza territory is an interesting research laboratory to study and to apply
operational models related to sustainable development, both in terms of the housing sector
(consisting of heterogeneous residential systems) and the design of the public places.
Therefore the International Summer School aims at becoming a privileged partner of stakeholders,
administrators and technicians as well as of the common population.
In fact, the workshop’s weeks become, with the active cooperation of the largest possible number
of operating institutes and associations on the territory, an extraordinary occasion for the whole city
to debate and discuss about its future. A debate not merely internal, but enriched by the creativity
and competence of young students and the experience of lecturers, teachers and professional
figures involved at different levels of competencies.
OC OPEN CITY International Summer School
Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura, Urbanistica, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni
Polo Territoriale di Piacenza

2018 Topic

Sharing spaces for the future city
The 2018 edition, in continuity with the themes dealt during the previous editions, focuses the
attention on the multiple and complementary forms of integration between landscape and society.
Sharing is proposed as a key word for the transformative processes of contemporary landscapes
and territories. Only a careful research for identities of places, where local communities can be
recognized and rediscovered, allows us to reach a quality that integrates spatiality with the sense
of sociality.
Along this background, the direction and the coordination of the workshop identifies some
paradigmatic places in the enlarged territory of the city of Piacenza, taken as an exemplary case-
studies of contemporary conditions.
Deeply, the landscapes the School is proposing to students as a basis for discussion and
comparison - complex and interdisciplinary - and as object of the design experimentation,
correspond with some abandoned military areas of the city that build an interacting and multi-scale
sequence along the axis of Via Emilia Pavese: Pontieri Laboratory, Pertite Barracks, Lusignani
Because of their location on the northern edge of the city and at the same time in contact with the
fluvial areas of the future Po River Park, the regeneration (physical-spatial, socio-economic,
technical-infrastructural) of these 3 urban places can be intended as an opportunity for a wide
rethinking and re-interpretation of the relationships among architecture-city-landscape in the
contemporary reality.
The design work for visions that joins spatiality and sociality is in many ways one of the most
stressed frontier of current disciplinary research at international level and will be addressed here
without limits of scale in a renewed and continually fluctuating relationships among the local and
the global scale, without a priori functional definitions.

The focused areas are intended as huge potential in terms of regeneration, reuse and recovery of
urban quality. They are strongly connected and they build interacting synergies with: dismantled
infrastructural areas, other military areas, under-utilized demersal areas, natural areas along the
banks of Po and Trebbia rivers, areas bordering on the consolidated residential zones, transition
bands between the built-up system and the agricultural plain.
Part of the intensive design experience will be the activation of one or more areas with a view
oriented to build a vision that responds to the proposed scenario. The project will be
communicated, in the mid-term and final critics, with the traditional tools of the discipline (drawings
and above all models, consistent with the training setting of the Campus of Piacenza of Politecnico
di Milano) but also by means of installations and of story-telling (mainly videos).
The complementary landscapes to which the Summer School will look at will then coincide, on the
one hand, with the architectural fact itself rooted in the local context, on the other hand, it’s strongly
integrated with urban and territorial dynamics (the city is the landscape and the landscape is the
city) characterized by the presence of watercourses and marginal agricultural areas next to the city
The problematic scenario proposed as a background arises from the integration of global scenarios
(to which European cities are called to respond to changes in social, economic and environmental
OC OPEN CITY International Summer School
Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura, Urbanistica, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni
Polo Territoriale di Piacenza

equilibrium) and the local architectural transformations, which is necessary for the regeneration of
neglected areas. In this sense, the same concept of landscape is subject of a radical rethinking, as
a complex product of multiple, variable and dynamic events, which occurs each time either as a
result of a complexity of interfering glances or as an extreme synthesis of heterogeneous and
sometimes contradictory materials of the project. The landscape is the result to be achieved, and
not a priori model to be applied in the various conditions. In this perspective, the project is the
common construction of multiple disciplinary contributions, as a significant and expressive result of
this particular inter-scalar, multifunctional, multi-faceted architecture.
In line with these premises, the goal of the workshop will be the project of a landscape-city vision
that develops architecturally in the design of an integrated space sequence planned for different,
innovative and experimental functions (even in an optics of circular economy), able to reactivate
fragments of the city of Piacenza and its immediate around in a synergistic and transformative


OC last editions titles:

2010 Between the city and the river
2011 Living the street
2012 Landscape in sequence
2013 Nature in the city
2014 Architecture for a creative city
2015 Feeding (the) Landscape
2016 Landscape in Motion
2017 New Next Nature
OC OPEN CITY International Summer School
Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura, Urbanistica, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni
Polo Territoriale di Piacenza

The International Summer School program includes:

A daily workshop is applied to specific issues of architectural and landscape design on different
scales, aimed at the quality and sustainability of habitat transformation processes.
Students attending the workshop will be divided into 3 different work-groups, each one formed by
30/35 students, for a total amount of 120 participants, and supervised by 8 teachers and tutors.

A series of 10 architectural conferences held by designers and scholars of international renown,
with the presentation of projects and discussions on current design issues in parallel with the basic
communications held by in-house lecturers.
Lecturers: Michele Arnaboldi, Mario Cucinella Architects, Franco Farinelli, Jordi Garces, Joao
Gomes Da Silva, Michael Jakob, Jordi Garces, Manuel Gausa, Catherine Mosbach, Gianfranco
Neri, Camilo Rebelo, Mosè Ricci, Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar, Vladimir Sitta, Guillermo Vázquez
Consuegra, Patricia Viel, Gunther Vogt.


A series of parallel events and discussions managed by OC Summer School directors and POLIMI
visiting professors.


The OC Summer School team will visit, on Saturday September 1st, the “Freespace” exhibition
inside Biennale di Architettura di Venezia. Within the program Biennal Sessions, there will be a
discussion about design preliminary visions.

The Summer School has foreseen a mid-term and a final critical revisions, with the participation of
an International Commission. The work conducted in the design laboratory shall undergo progress
reviews with the attendance of national and international key figures in architectural culture and a
final results review conducted by an International Committee.

Mid-term Critic | Saturday September, 8th

Jury: Marco Bovati, Marco Bozzola, Antonella Contin, Emilia Corradi, Laura Daglio, Andrea Di
Franco, Marco Ghilotti, Andrea Gritti, Stefano Guidarini, Carlo Alberto Maggiore, Mario Mocchi,
Gianfranco Neri, Henrique Pessoa Pereira, Gaia Piccarolo, Matteo Poli, Gaia Redaelli, Marina
Tornatora, Pierantonio Val, Dario Vanetti, Stefan Vieths, Fabrizio Zanni

Final critic | Friday September, 14th

Jury: Marcella Aprile, Andreu Arriola, Giuseppe Baracchi, Dario Costi, Sergio Crotti, Adalberto Del
Bo, Herve Dubois, Carlotta Fontana, Mauro Galantino, Pierfranco Galliani, Nathalie Regnier
Kagan, Antonio Longo, Javier Lopez, Raffaele Marone, Pasquale Miano, Marcello Panzarella,
Quim Rosell, Andrea Sciascia, Victor Tenez Ybern, Marco Trisciuoglio, Ilaria Valente, Lluis Vives

At the end of the final critic, on Friday the 14th, at 9pm, it’s planned the final ceremony with
OC OPEN CITY International Summer School
Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura, Urbanistica, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni
Polo Territoriale di Piacenza

The international Summer School will take place from August 29th to September 14th, 2018.
Participation is open to students attending the 3rd year of Bachelor Degree Courses and to
students attending a Master in Architecture, Design, Engineering and Planning, as well as to PhD
research students in disciplines of architecture and urban planning. The program is restricted to a
maximum of 120 selected students.
Students have to submit their application form via the website on the Registration page
The application must be accompanied by a scientific curriculum and a letter of motivation
(maximum 2 A4 pages).

Registration Deadlines:
Early-bird registration:
Application must be send by the web-site within June 20th, 2018
By June 30th, 2018 application’s approval will be notified by e-mail, by the school’s direction,
communicating modalities to pay the entry fee (€ 250,00).
By July 7th, 2018 registration has to be confirmed through a bank transfer
Late Registration:
Application must be send by the web-site within July 15th, 2018
By July 25th, 2018 application’s approval will be notified by e-mail, by the school’s direction,
communicating modalities to pay the entry fee (€ 280,00).
By July 31rd, 2018 registration has to be confirmed through a bank transfer
In order to complete the registration, the candidate will be asked to submit a proof of payment via
e-mail ( with a letter of acceptance.
The fee includes weekday evening meals, workshop’s and lectures’ attendance and workshop’s
materials (printing and plotting, CD, and some model materials) and visit to Biennale, on Sept the
1st (bus + entrance ticket to Biennale).
Room and board: on request of the participants, the organization can book accommodation in
hostels or B&B with a cost of € 20,00 per night (bed&breakfast).
The official language of the International Summer School is English.


For each participant, the OC International Summer School will release an official certificate of
attendance. For participants enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree and Master in Architecture from the
School of Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni of Politecnico di Milano, the 8 CFU
can be used as the internship credits required for graduation or as elective courses.
The workshop may have different credit values for other universities.
The projects and study models developed during the school may be shown in exhibitions and
collected into publications by Politecnico di Milano.


Campus Arata is equipped with a laboratory for the models, the goal of which is the production and
construction of plastics/models. The students enrolled to the International Summer School OC
OPEN CITY will have access to the rooms of the laboratory, located in the Padiglione Bacciocchi,
utilizing – along with the rules in force – spaces, tools and informatics equipment.
OC OPEN CITY International Summer School
Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura, Urbanistica, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni
Polo Territoriale di Piacenza

Wednesday 29 August 2018
10.00 am Reception Participants
2.00 pm Opening and welcome:
Dario Zaninelli, Sergio Crotti, Elena Baio, Paolo Garetti, Giuseppe Baracchi
3.00 pm Workshop presentation
8.30 pm Night Conference: Camilo Rebelo,
Thursday 30 August 2018
9.00 am Workshop
2.00 pm Workshop
8.30 pm Night Conference: Juan Manuel Palerm Salazar
Friday 31 August 2018
9.00 am Workshop
2.00 pm Workshop
8.30 pm Workshop
Saturday 1 September 2018 – Biennale Sessions - Venezia
11.00 am Freespace Discussion
3.00 pm visit to Biennale di Venezia

Monday 3 September 2018
9.00 am Workshop
2.00 pm Workshop
8.30 pm Night Conference: Patricia Viel, Joao Gomez Da Silva
Tuesday 4 September 2018
9.00 am Workshop
2.00 pm Workshop
8.30 pm Night conference: Michele Arnaboldi, Vladimir Sitta
Wednesday 5 September 2018
9.00 am Workshop
2.00 pm Workshop
8.30 pm Night Conference: Catherine Mosbach
Thursday 6 September 2018
9.00 am Workshop
11.00 am Morning Lecture: Franco Farinelli, Gianfranco Neri
2.00 pm Workshop
8.30 pm Night Conference: Mario Cucinella Architects
OC OPEN CITY International Summer School
Politecnico di Milano Scuola di Architettura, Urbanistica, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni
Polo Territoriale di Piacenza

Friday 7 September 2018

9.00 am Workshop
2.00 pm Workshop
8.30 pm Workshop
Saturday 8 September 2018
10.00 am 2nd mid-term critic
2.00 pm 2nd mid-term critic

Monday 10 September 2018
9.00 am Workshop
2.00 pm Workshop
8.30 pm Night Conference: Guillermo Vazquez Consuegra, Gunther Vogt
Tuesday 11 September 2018
10.00 am Workshop
2.00 pm Workshop
8.30 pm Night conference: Manuel Gausa, Jordi Garces
Wednesday 12 September 2018
9.00 am Workshop
2.00 pm Workshop
8.30 pm Night Conference: Michael Jakob, Mosè Ricci
Thursday 13 September 2018
9.00 am Workshop
2.00 pm Workshop
8.30 pm Workshop
Friday 14 September 2018
10.00 am Final critic
2.00 pm Final critic
9.00 pm Final ceremony:
Emilio Faroldi, Ilaria Valente, Graziano Dragoni, Edoardo Favari, Patrizia Barbieri
Aldo Grasso

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