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Tutorial 2

Movie Rental Scenario

A Film has attributes/columns: ID, Title, Description, release year, rental duraion, rental rate, length, replacement cost,
rating, special features and full text. ID is primary key.

A category has ID, Name, LastUpdate

A film could be in many categories. A categories include many films

A language has ID, Name, last Update. A film has only one language. Many films could have same language.

Actor has attributes/columns: ID, First Name, Last Name, Last Update. An Actor can act in many films. A film also has
many actors.

A film is stored in only an inventory, and an inventory includes many films. An inventory has attributes ID, last update.

A rental is stored in only one inventory. An inventory cover many rentals. A rentals has attributes/columns: ID, Rental
date, Return data

A customer has attributes: ID. First Name, last Name, Email, Active, Create Date, last Update. Address column. A
customer can has many rental. A rental is only rented by one customer.

A Payment has attributes: ID, Amount, payment Date. A Payment has only one rental and one customer. But one rental
can has many payments and one customer can has many payments.

A staff has attributes: Id, last name, first name, email, username, password. A staff can check many payment. A
payment only can be checked by one staff. A staff can check many rentals, but one rental only can be checked by one
An andress has attributes: ID, Address, Address 2, District, Post code, Phone. An address has many customer and
Staffs. One staff/cusomter only has one address

A city has attributes: ID, City, Last Update. A city has many addresses. But one address is only in one city.

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