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Eli zab eth G arre tt And erson S chool fo r Girl s


All n e w s l e t t e r s can be viewed on the school website

Founded 2005: Issue 21 Vol 6 Friday 21st July 2023

Dear families,

We have finally arrived at the end of the

I want to start by celebrating last week
which was our ‘identity week’. What a Well done to the year
wonderful demonstration of all that is
great about our unique school community.
11’s who have just
Students enjoyed the opportunity to show completed their as-
their identity throughout the week and we sessed bronze
ended with a talent show enjoyed by every
child. The joy and support for each other expedition. This has
was remarkable, with students taking been much awaited
such pleasure in sharing each other's after last year had to
success - well done all who participated.
be postponed and you
As it is the end of the year, I want to thank all did a fantastic job.
all the staff who are leaving us and to
wish them well in their future endeavours.
Thank you to: Karen Tumbridge School
Business Manager, Janette Goss SENDCo, We had so much fun with you at
Veronica Martins lunchtime supervisor,
Dean Osborne -Coulson Head of Art, Eilidh the campsite and as always you
MacDonald teacher of English, Emma were incredibly respectful of the
Wren TA, Sandra Valencia TA,Maria Men- countryside and we actually re-
dez TA, Naomi Ibe Pastoral Lead and
Hamida Bibi teacher of PE. ceived some compliments from
the locals about how polite our
On a personal note I know it has been an
extremely challenging couple of months,
girls are. Congratulations to
not just for myself, but for everyone con- everyone.
nected to the school due to the ongoing
incidents in the community. I want to
thank you for the support and care that
has been shown by you, the parents and
equally the students at the school who
have been remarkable in their response
and real desire to help. I have been deeply

Looking ahead, school will be returning

for all students on Wednesday 6th Sep-
tember and for our new Year 7 students on
Tuesday 5th September . We will return to
full uniform including blazers then so
please make sure you are organised ready
for a fabulous start to next year.

Finally, I wish you all a wonderful Summer We now have the new
break. Living in London means there are year 10’s training for the
so many opportunities for the students to
get involved with so do check out what is expedition next year.
happening and in particular the Sum-
merversity brochure in this edition of the

Wishing you all a peaceful and relaxing

This week the year 7 took part in a sustainable workshop focusing
on the production of versatile compostable biopolymers. The stu-
dents where able to learn about the eco-friendly and easily acces-
sible materials that can be used to not only create a new material,
but usable materials that could help reduce the use of non-
disposable single use plastics. SeaCo is a seaweed-based material
that can compost in 2 weeks in their home compost bin, allowing the
students to take home their creation and watch the sustainable
material vanish leaving no adverse effects on their environment.
Finally, the students where shown the various further experimen-
tations done with the current SeaCo material, in producing a UV
curable resin, currently being tested in SLA (resin 3D printers)

Last week, our Year 10 students embarked on an exciting work experience
journey, immersing themselves in a diverse range of workplaces and gain-
ing valuable insights into the world of work. Among them was Sofia Cee-
say, who had the privilege of interning at Dixonbaxi, a renowned global
brand agency. Sofia's experience was truly remarkable as she had the op-
portunity to participate in meetings alongside some of the most innovative
creators in the industry, overseeing the entire process from ideation to the
final product. Dixonbaxi, known for designing logos for
world-famous campaigns, welcomed Sofia with open
arms, treating her like a member of their own team. To top
it all off, they surprised her with a delightful Dixonbaxi
goody bag as a token of appreciation. Sofia's time at Dix-
onbaxi was undoubtedly inspiring and unforgettable.
A massive thank you for everyone's support in making yesterday's
sports day so successful. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes
to make this happen so thank you to the admin and catering teams!!
The feedback from the staff at Finsbury park was wonderful, he was so
impressed with our students' excellent behaviour and how we left the
track so tidy!

The results: the winners were.....

1st - Pegasus
2nd -Aquila
3rd- Orion
4th - Cygnus


Calling all parents.

As we approach the end of the year your child may well

have outgrown their uniform and we would love to be able
to recycle it in school for others to benefit from.

Wednesday 26th July will be a drop off day so any uniform

that you no longer need, and you are happy to donate,
please bring it into school. We will then organise every-
thing ready for a second date later in
the Summer for families to collect.

Thank you, Ms Beagley ORDER BEFORE 1ST AUGUST

Have your contact details changed recently? Or does your daughter have a medical condition we don ’t
know about? Please let the office staff know as soon as you can by using this link HERE
Thursday was non-uniform day, when some students
came to school in their beautiful national costumes. It
was wonderful to celebrate the diversity of culture in
the EGA community, and also raise money for Unicef.

For more information about the

summer holiday activities
click here

The quickest, most efficient way to report your

child's illness is to use the app Studybugs. If you
haven’t already, please get the free Studybugs
app, or register on the Studybugs website, and
use it to tell us whenever your child’s ill and
unable to attend school. Get the app or register
now, click here

Have your contact details changed recently? Or does your daughter have a medical condition we don ’t
know about? Please let the office staff know as soon as you can by using this link HERE
Following on from my letter sent earlier this year, I want to remind parents and stu-
dents about the changes which will be introduced in September

Students will be given their own mobile phone pouch on the first day of term
which they need to keep safe for the duration of their school life at EGA. They
will be able to take this home each day and will need to lock their phone in their
pouch before they enter the school premises. This makes the phone unavailable
for them to use during the school day

 When students arrive at school, they must have placed their phone in their
pouch. This will be checked by staff on the gates. Students will not be able to en-
ter the school site until this has been done

 Phone pouches will be double checked during morning tutor time every day

 Sensors at the gates will automatically unlock the pouch when they leave the
school site so it is immediately available to them once they have finished

If you do need to urgently contact your child during the day, this can be done by con-
tacting reception and they will be able to pass a message on or ask the pastoral
teams to support you.

I will be providing more detail over the Summer so look out for information included
with Ms Beagley’s information pack which gives details of all you need for a suc-
cessful start to the year

Ms Josiah
Deputy Headteacher

Have your contact details changed recently? Or does your daughter have a medical condition we don ’t
know about? Please let the office staff know as soon as you can by using this link HERE
Last Thursday Bruno, our new Chef, along with his team sup-
ported ‘Chefs In Schools’ five year anniversary event held at
EGA School.
The event was a great success and enjoyed by all.
Chefs in Schools' vision is to employ professional chefs to
improve the quality of school meals whilst educating and in-
spiring children about the benefits of cooking their own food
from scratch. EGA is proud to provide nutritious,
well balanced value-for-money meals to our students every
day in term.


Some tasty lunchtime delights from the

Thank you Bruno and team for the

lovely food that was supplied for our
Yr11 Graduation event

Have your contact details changed recently? Or does your daughter have a medical condition we don ’t
know about? Please let the office staff know as soon as you can by using this link HERE

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