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Primary 6

Chapter -19

Words to learn
1. Natural disasters
2. Property
3. Destruction
4. Involvement
5. Precautionary
6. Typhoons
7. Flinging
8. Estimate
9. Airborne
10. Evacuation shelter
11. Meteorological
12. Radar
13. Eruptions
14. Plate tectonics theory
15. Magma chamber
16. Dormant
17. Extinct volcano
18. Explosive
19. Pacific Ring of Fire
20. Seismograph
21. Seismometer
22. Tremors
23. Observatory
24. Goggles
25. Fault lines
26. Epicenter
27. Seismic waves
28. Magnitude
29. Richter scale
30. Approaching
31. Tsunamis
32. Shallower water
33. Triggering
34. Displacement
35. Broadcast
Highlighted sentences

• A typhoon is a strong spiral of wind that forms over warm water.

• The movement of plate create volcanoes.
• Volcanoes can form on land and in the ocean.
• An active volcano is one that erupted regularly in the past and will do so again in the future.
• A dormant volcano is one that is currently in active but may erupt again.
• An extinct volcano is one that scientist consider unlikely to erupt anymore.
• The instruments used to predict an eruption are seismograph and a seismometer.
• Earthquakes usually occur along fault lines.
• The epicenter of the earthquake is the place on the Earth’s surface directly above where the
earthquake originated from.
• The sudden movement of the Earth’s crust or surface creates seismic waves.
• The Richter scale, which is a standard scale used to compare earthquakes, gives the magnitude
of an earthquake.
• A tsunami is a series of extremely large waves.
• Tsunami occur when there is a large vertical displacement of water in a particular area in the sea.
1.What is a natural disaster?
A natural disaster is a result of a natural occurrence that affects the Earth’s surface and the surrounding
2. What is a man-made disaster?
A man-made disaster is a result of human error and accidents.
3. What are examples of natural disasters?
Examples of natural disaster are typhoons, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis.
4. How are typhoons dangerous ?
Typhoons are dangerous because they destroy the environment, damage property and cause loss of our
5. What precautions can we take from typhoons?
Some precautions to take include reinforcing glass windows with duct types, staying indoors or in
evacuation shelters until it is safe to go outdoors.
6. How are volcanic eruptions dangerous?
Volcanic eruptions are dangerous because they cause damage to the environment, property and kill
plants animals in the surrounding area.
7. What precautions can we take from volcanic eruptions?
Some precautions to take include being aware of the evacuation route, avoiding the path of lava flow
and wearing masks to prevent inhalation of gases released by the volcano.
8. How does a volcanic eruption occur?
A volcanic eruption occurs when pressure builds up in the ground and magma is forced up the vent of a
volcano and flows onto the surface as lava.
9. What are the three types of volcanoes?
The three types of volcanoes are active volcanoes, dormant volcanoes and extinct volcanoes.
10. What is a fault?
A fault is an area of stress in the earth where the different parts of the land are not moving in the same
11. How are tsunami dangerous?
Tsunamis are dangerous because powerful waves can destroy property and cause loss of lives along
coastal areas.
12. What precautions can we take from tsunami?
Some precautions to take include knowing the evacuation to higher ground and staying away from
coastal areas until the ‘all- clear’ signal has been given.

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