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9/16/23, 2:57 PM Basic biology 3


Basic biology 3
20 Questions

1. What level of organization is larger than tissues?

A Organism B Cell

C Organ D Molecule

2. Homeostasis is when an organism maintains a steady

A Internal Temperature B pH (acidity level)

C Blood Sugar Level D All Other Choices

3. What level of organization comes next? Cells, tissues, organs, organ system, organism,

A Population B Community

C Ecosystem D Biosphere

4. All organisms are made of

A Cells B Organs

C Electrons D Neutrons

5. Organs work together to make

A Tissues B Organisms

C Cells D Organ Systems

6. The universal genetic code for all living organisms is

7. The smallest level of biological organization is
C Molecules D mtDNA
A Atom B Molecule 1/4
9/16/23, 2:57 PM Basic biology 3
7. The smallest level of biological organization is
C Molecules D mtDNA
A Atom B Molecule

C Cell D Tissue

8. What is botany?

A Study of wildlife B Study of algae

C Study of fungi D Study of plants

9. This process produces gametes.

A photosynthesis B meiosis

C fermentation D mitosis

10. This process produces somatic cells.

A fermentation B mitosis

C photosynthesis D meiosis

11. A virus's genetic material is surrounded by

A DNA B a tail fiber

C nothing D a protein capsid

12. What does a virus have on the inside?

A DNA, but never RNA B neither DNA or RNA

C DNA or RNA D RNA but never DNA

13. Can a virus be good?

A Naw, son... B maybe

Only when it kills my enemies yes, when a scientist uses it for gene
14. The organism that a virus enters and uses is called a

A brujeria B parasite 2/4
9/16/23, 2:57 PM Basic biology 3
14. The organism that a virus enters and uses is called a

A brujeria B parasite

C host D guest

15. A virus invades and reproduces inside a living...

A animal B bacteria

C DNA D cell

16. Where did the coronavirus start?

A India B China

C USA D Thailand

17. Colds and Flu are caused by___________________.

A viruses B bacteria

18. Which type of cells have DNA?

A Both B Eukaryote

C Prokaryote

19. This cell is a(n)

A prokaryote B eukaryote

20. PROKARYOTIC cells do NOT have

A DNA B ribosomes

C membrane bound organelles D cell membrane

1. c 2. d 3. a 4. a

5. d 6. a 7. a 8. d
Answer Key
9. b 10. b 11. d 12. c 3/4
9/16/23, 2:57 PM Basic biology 3

1. c 2. d 3. a 4. a

5. d 6. a 7. a 8. d
Answer Key
9. b 10. b 11. d 12. c

13. d 14. c 15. d 16. b

17. a 18. a 19. a 20. c 4/4

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