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Remember that car is as important as driver but good drivers are somewhat easier to find and to

train while car management is a very complex task

1st of all: stick to a reliable tool to calculate car parts wear for each race depending on the Clear
Track risk (known as CT) risk used.

How car part wear works?

Car part wear less as level increases from 1 to 6 and wear more from 7 to 9
level 7 part wear less than a level 5 but it's far more expensive

So how can pro/master/player have a level 9 cars? Do they have all level 9 car parts?

In master they have car parts between 6 and 7 and the surplus is given by CCP points gained by

Since higher CCP points you have more point you'll lose, they test almost before every race so
you'll figure out how parts wear management is a key side of the game

With CCP point you can do better in your series with less CT that implies less wear and then
more money saved

There is probably several opinion of this. Usually testing is good if you can afford it, but in some
point it comes pretty expensive (each test stint generates less CCP and they also decrease faster).

Here are quick figures on how many testing points you could target when you want to fight for
top positions in each class:

Class / testing CCP amount

Rookie -> 6
Ama -> 12
Pro -> 20
Master-> 30
Elite -> 40

Well, the more the better, but these values are like bare minimum to be kept for one to be
competitive (except rookie as well).

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