Module 3 Unit 2 Translation Skills

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Regarde ce que je mange!

2 Translation English to French MODULE 3

A Look at this sentence in English and the French translation. What can you say about it?

You can eat some vegetarian dishes at the little restaurant in town. I love it!

‘It’ replaces ‘the

As restaurant is Remember to make
Use the correct part The partitive restaurant’. Usually, the
masculine adjectives agree with
of pouvoir for on article ‘some’ direct object pronoun is
singular, ‘at the’ the noun they
(meaning you/ depends on the le for masculine singular
becomes au. describe. Also, most
people in general) noun that follows nouns, but because it
What are the adjectives go after the
followed by the it. Choose from goes before a verb
other ways to noun, but some
infinitive of ‘to eat’. du, de la, de l’ or beginning with a vowel,
say ‘at the’? common ones go
des. it changes here to l’.

Translation: On peut manger des plats végétariens au petit restaurant en ville. Je l’adore!

B Try this sentence and think about what you need to look out for when translating it into

She is looking for some bananas. She wants a kilo of them.

The present tense is Which partitive article is Use en to translate ‘of them’,
used to talk about what needed here: du, de la, which goes in front of the verb. En
is happening. de l’ or des? also means ‘some’ and ‘of it’.

Translation: Elle cherche des bananes. Elle en veut un kilo.

C Translate these sentences. Parts of the first three have been translated to help you.

1 My dad prepares the cakes: he normally makes ten of them.

Which direct object pronoun should
you use and where does it go?
Mon père prépare les gâteaux: normalement, il en fait dix.______________________

When choosing how to say ‘some’,
2 I bought some chocolate. I eat some every evening. firstly work out what sort of noun
‘chocolate’ is in French. How will
J’ai acheté du chocolat. _J’ en mange tous le soirs_________________________
the word for ‘some’ affect the
____________________________________________. spelling of the French for ‘I’?

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Regarde ce que je mange!

2 Translation English to French MODULE 3

3 What a hat – I really like it!

How will the French for ‘like’ affect
your choice of direct object
Quel chapeau, _Je vraiment l’aime_____________________________________
pronoun here?

4 They are decorating the pretty Christmas tree. Is any agreement necessary here
and where does this adjective go?
Which tense do you use here?

Ils decorent le joli sapin de Noël__________________________________________________________


D Translate this longer sentence.

The old woman is choosing some delicious apples at the grocer’s.

_La vielle femme choisit des délicieuses pommes à l'épicier ____________________________________


E Translate the passage below into French. Change the word order
here, and say ‘festival of
the cherry’.
In May, it’s the cherry festival at Céret which produces nearly 4000
tons of them. You can buy regional products at the big market and in
the evening you dance in the streets. What a party, I love it!
Should you use qui or que?

Don’t forget to add the Quel agrees with the noun it is

Think carefully about word order,
correct word for ‘some’ with. The French for ‘party’ is
such as the position of adjectives and
here. feminine.

En Mai, il est le fête du cerise à Céret qui en produit près de 4000 tonnes. Tu peux acheter des products
regionals au grandé marche et le soir tu peux danser dans les rues. Quelle fête, je l’aime!_____________




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