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Care in Fetal

Chapter 4
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

‘the state of complete physical,

mental and social well-being’

What is HEALTH?
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

There are 3 threats to a healthy life :

1. Unhealthy DIET
2. Taking DRUGS for non-medicinal purposes
3. The attack of DISEASE
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

• Diet is the food that a person normally eats on a regular

basis throughout the year.
• It may be a balanced diet
which is healthy, or an
unbalanced diet which is

What is a balanced diet and

why is it important?
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

• A balanced diet is one that provides sufficient intake of

the nutrients and energy needed to sustain the body and
ensure health and growth.
• Types of nutrient:
1. To provide energy –
carbohydrates and fats
2. To allow growth and
repair – proteins
3. To regulate the body’s metabolism – vitamins and
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

(Conception and development in the womb)
• Reduce sperm production
• Stop the menstrual cycle
• Slows down the growth of the fetus in pregnancy and
when the baby is born it is smaller than normal and less
able to resist the attack of diseases.
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

• A simple definition of a
DRUG is a substance that,
when taken into the body,
alters the way the body
• DRUGS are chemical
substances that change the
functions of the body,
especially the nervous system,
when they enter the body.
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

Three main types of drugs:

1. MEDICINAL DRUGS – to prevent, treat and cure
disease and to ease pain. Example: paracetamol,
amoxicillin, omeprazole, simetikon, etc.
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

Three main types of drugs:

2. NON-MEDICINAL DRUGS – affect the nervous
system and bring about the changes in the way brain
works which may alter a person’s behavior.
Example : pain killers, sleeping pills, codeine,
diazepam, aspirin, etc.
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

Three main types of drugs:

using for increase muscle growth or make their senses
more alert.
Example : steroid, erythropoletin, peptide hormones,
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

Taking DRUGS for Non-medicinal purposes

(Conception and development in the womb)
• Alcohol reduces the number of sperm produces in
• Smoking can make the ovaries work less efficiently.
• Smoking in pregnancy increases the risk of the baby
being born prematurely.
• Cannabis, cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy can make the
menstrual cycle become irregular or even stop.
• Slow down sperm production and cause some sperms to
develop abnormally.
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

Taking DRUGS for Non-medicinal purposes

(Conception and development in the womb)
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

Taking DRUGS for Non-medicinal purposes

(Conception and development in the womb)

Drug Effect on foetus

• Drinking even small amounts can cause nerve damage.
• Drinking large amounts can cause the head to be smaller
Alcohol and cause abnormal development of the eyes, nose and
• Foetal alcohol syndrome.
• Slows down growth – the organs may be smaller than
normal, the lungs may work less efficiently.
• Slows down growth.
• Makes it less able to fight disease.
Non-medicinal drugs
• The baby can become dependent on the drug the mother
was taking.
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

DRUGS can enter our body when…

Injected into a vein Apply externally onto
Swallowed (orally) Inhaled (sniffed in)
(intravenously) the skin
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

• A DISEASE is an abnormal
condition which affects the
health of the body and
prevents it from working
• The body can recover from
many diseases with treatment
but if the treatment fails, the
disease can be fatal.
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

How does disease occur?

• It occurs when the cells in
your body are damaged as a
result of infection, signs and
symptoms of an illness
• The infection occurs when
viruses, bacteria, or other
microbes enter our body and
begin to develop.
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

Bacteria Virus

• It is treated with antibiotics • Needs a host cell to reproduce.

• Examples: tuberculosis, tetanus, • It is prevented by vaccines.
pneumonia, etc. • Examples: influenza, chicken pox,

Fungi Protozoa

• Has spores that are carried through • It takes nutrients from the organism
the air that lives on or in a host.
• It s treated with anti-fungal cream • Examples: malaria, African sleeping
• Examples: athlete’s foot, ring worm, sickness, etc.
diaper rashes, allergies, eating
poisonous mushrooms, etc.
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

Disease are said to be

infectious or Disease are said to be
communicable if these non-infectious that are
*pathogens can be passed not caused by
from one person to *pathogens
Influenza, chickenpox, Bone fractures, depression,
malaria, syphilis, tetanus, etc. Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, etc.

*Pathogens : organisms that do so and cause disease.

Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

• Some pathogens and parasites are transmitted between
hosts by vectors.
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

Type of Disease
Diseases such as influenza, diarrhea, etc are described as
acute because their effects come on suddenly and affect
the body quickly.

If the diseases are more long-term (for months-years),
such as cancer, heart disease, etc are referred to as
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

Type of Disease
Diseases that is inherited genetically. It is passed on
from one generation to another through defective genes.
Example: high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, etc.

Nutrient-related diseases and conditions that cause
illness. Example: beriberi, scurvy, rickets, etc.
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

Type of Disease
It is the result of a continuous process based on
degenerative cell changes. Example: stroke, Parkinson’s
disease, etc.

It is transmitted from one individual to another by
infection. Example: malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS, etc.
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

• There are many diseases which affect human life.

1) Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) or Sexually
Transmitted Infections (STIs)
2) Malaria
4) Tuberculosis (TB)
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

1) STDs or STIs
• They are transmitted by sexual intercourse.
• Example : Chlamydia

• For female à causes a

build-up of scarring
that can block the
fallopian tube and
prevent fertilization.
• For male à causing
inflammation in the
tubes that carry sperm
from the testicles.
Chlamydia trachomatis
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

1) STDs or STIs
• They are transmitted by sexual intercourse.
• Example :

• For female à painful

or burning sensation
when urinating,
bleeding between
• For male à swelling or
redness at the opening
of the penis, feeling
painful in the testicles.

Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

1) STDs or STIs
• They are transmitted by sexual intercourse.
• Example :
• For female and male à
a skin rash that causes
small, reddish-brown
sores including sores
inside the mouth,
vagina/penis, or anus.
• Syphilitic sores also
increase the risk of
contracting HIV.

Treponema pallidum
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

2) Malaria
• Malaria is a life-
threatening disease
caused by parasites that
are transmitted to people
through the bites of
infected female
• It is called Anopheles.
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

• AIDS stands for Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome which is a
disease of the body’s immune
• It is caused by a virus named the
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
• It is spread mainly by sexual
intercourse with an infected person
or by drug users sharing unsterilized
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

4) Tuberculosis
• Tuberculosis is a disease
caused by a
microorganism belonging
to the bacteria group.
• It is spread by droplets
produced by coughing,
sneezing and spitting and
infects the lungs.
• It can spread to the brain,
kidneys and bones.
Health Contents DIET DRUGS DISEASE Summary

STDs or STIs
• Unborn baby à it can kill the fetus
• Female à PID (Pelvic Inflammatory or as it grows, slow down its
Disease) : the fallopian tubes are development so a smaller baby
THE ATTACK infected they become inflamed and than normal is born.
cause of infertility.
OF DISEASE • Male à the activity of the sperm is Tuberculosis

(Conception reduced so that they are less able

to swim to find an egg.
• Male à blocking the path of sperm
in males;
and • Unborn baby à it can cause • Female à causing infections in the
blindness, deafness, swollen liver,
development and skin sores in the baby •
oviducts and uterus in females;
Unborn baby à cause the death of
in the womb) AIDS
the fetus during pregnancy.

• Unborn baby à it will damage the
immune system of the baby. • Unborn baby à it will damage the
nervous system and produce
deafness and blindness. The heart
can also be damaged.

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