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Coordination Meeting format 23-24

Lesson planning from: September 25, 2023___________to September 28, 2023

Subject: Literature___________
Class: Level III Term: 1st

Lesson # Topic Learning Objectives Learning Activities CW Home Resources

(including starter) Learning

3 Swearing in blood To improve their reading and Explanation & Discussion Related Complete the Novel, pictures
writing skills Questions given work.
4 Aunt Polly cries To create their own ideas in Explanation and Discussions Question & Read page 25-27 Novel
answers about the characters Answer

Overview of week’s planning:

_____________________ ______________________
Teacher’s Sign Head’s Sign
Coordination Meeting format 23-24
Lesson planning from: September 25, 2023___________to September 28, 2023
Subject: _Literature___________
Class: Level V Term:1st

Lesson # Topic Learning Objectives Learning Activities CW Home Resources

(including starter) Learning

3 Climbing Sneffels To explore the structure of the Discussions of the events Reading and To complete Novel, Pictures&
volcanic mountains in groups Explanation the assignments Google Search

3 The Shadow of Hurdles faced by people on the Places will be searched Reading & To read page Novel, pictures
Scartaris top of Sneffels through Atlas Discussions 25-28 -

Overview of week’s planning:

_____________________ ______________________

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