DLL English-5 Q3 W6

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School: Grade Level: V

GRADES 1 to 12
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and
Time: Quarter: 3rd QUARTER Week 6


A.Content Standards The learner listens critically to different text types; expresses ideas logically in oral and written forms; and demonstrates interest in
reading to meet various needs.
B.Performance Standards The learner listens critically to news reports and other radio broadcasts and expresses ideas accurately in oral and in written forms;
demonstrates confidence in the use of the language to meet everyday needs; and reads independently and gets relevant information
from various text types.
C.Learning Make a stand. EN5OL-IIh-4
A.References K to 12 MELC 2020 K to 12 MELC 2020 K to 12 MELC 2020 K to 12 MELC 2020
2.Learners’s Materials pages SLM WEEK 2 SLM WEEK 2
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional materials from learning
resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource Picture, chart Printed Charts, POWERPOINT Printed materials,
materials,newspaper worksheets
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Identify whether the How to make a stand in Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson.
presenting the new lesson statements are your statement?
fact/opinion.Write your
answer in your paper.

1. There are active

volcanoes under the sea.
2.Men make major
decisions in the family.
3. The Philippines is an
4. Women want girls for
their first-born child.
5. A dolphin is always

B.Presenting Examples/ instances of Read the 12 statements Choose from the Is it a fact or opinion? Continuation of the
the new lesson shown in the table. options and tell why Game topic.
Under each statement, you are choosing
write ‘A’ if you agree or them. Prepare a two word
‘D’ if you disagree. cards with “FACT” or “
1.singing OPINION”and post it in
a place where the
children fall in line for
their answers.

Instruct the pupils to

listen attentively on the
Questions to ponder: Or information you will be
1. What is your stand reading in every item.
about these statements? dancing They are to make
2. What makes you sense if it is Fact or
decide to agree and Opinion.Let them give 5
disagree? seconds to think for
their final answer and
have to wait for the GO
Signal before moving.

2. stay at home They will go to FACT if

their answer is fact and
OPINION if their
answer is opinion.
Go out and shop

C.Discussing new concepts and Making a stand means defending on what you In making a stand you can use the following clue
practicing new skills #1 agree or disagree on a certain topic. In every words below…
stand or position, there should be a support to it.
You may use the following phrases to express
your stand:
I am absolutely convinced that…
In my opinion…
I am sure that. . .
In my view…
I strongly believe that…
From my point of view…
I have no doubt that…
From my perspective…
D.Discussing new concepts and Example 1: Here are some of the examples:
practicing new skills #2 • I strongly believe that wearing facemask helps
save people because it limits the spread of Statement 1: President Rodrigo R. Duterte: No
coronavirus. Vaccine, No Face to Face Classes

Stand: I strongly believe that wearing facemask Agree: I agree with President Rodrigo R.
helps save people. Duterte because the most important thing is for
Support: because it limits the spread of everybody to be safe.
Disagree: I disagree with President Rodrigo R.
Example 2: Duterte because modular is difficult for there are
• In my opinion, the government must not allow no teachers around to teach and assist.
kids to be outdoors because they are vulnerable
to the virus. Statement 2: Homework is important in school

Stand: In my opinion, the government must not Agree: I agree that homework is important in
allow kids to be outdoors school because it helps the learner to study
more and to understand the lesson well.
Support: because they are vulnerable to the virus
Disagree: I disagree that homework is important
in school because homework can hinder the
students to have quality time with the family at
E.Developing Mastery Give your stand on the Below are familiar Draw a happy face Make your stand
following issues shown in posters we often see about the following
the illustrations below. in public places. if you agree and a statements. Write
Write your answer on the Choose one picture check (√) if you agree
blank provided on each and make a stand sad face if you and cross (x) if you
number. about the information disagree about the disagree. Write it in
it gives. Answer the following statements. your notebook.
questions in two or Write it in your _____ 1. Television is
three sentences. notebook. an effective tool for
_____ 1. Books are _____ 2. Books are
better than computers. better than
_____ 2. Computers computers.
should replace _____ 3. Online
teachers. games are better than
_____ 3. Mobile the Katutubong Laro.
phones should be _____ 4. Sports and
allowed in school. games are important
_____ 4. Online compared to studies.
learning is the best _____ 5. Homework
means of learning should not be allowed
nowadays. anymore in school.
_____ 5. School
uniforms are not

1. What is the poster

2. Do you agree with
the opinion being
3. Present your stand
on the information
given by the poster.
Give facts or evidence
to support your stand.
F.Finding Practical application of Directions: Read each Directions: Read each Directions: Read each Bookmark Campaign
concepts and skills in daily living statement. Write your statement. Write your statement. Write your Take a stand against
opinion or justification on opinion or justification opinion or justification COVID-19! Create
a separate sheet if you on a separate sheet if on a separate sheet if your own stand on
agree or disagree on you agree or disagree you agree or disagree how to prevent the
these matters. on these matters. on these matters. spread of COVID-19.
Use your message to
1. Children below 18 1. Modular learning is 1. Anti-COVID-19 help make the world a
years old are not allowed to be continued this vaccine should be safe place again for
to go outdoors in areas school year as the mandatory to all everyone. Design two
under modified general learning modality. school-aged children. different bookmarks
quarantine. using your message
and original art work.
Refer to the scoring
rubric below.

Anti-COVID-19 vaccine
should be mandatory to
all school-aged

G.Making generalization and In making a stand, one important skill is

abstraction about the lesson listening for facts or opinion.Sometimes, we
may consider some facts we hear as
opinion.Some opinion we hear may sound
interestingly like facts.How can we tell which
is which?

H.Evaluating learning Choose one issue Choose the Look for a partner, may Give your stand. Write
presented below. Make a appropriate idea that it be your (sister, the word “I agree” if
stand regarding the supports the stand on brother, mother, or you agree with the
chosen issue and write it each topic. father), give your own statement and “I
on the space provided. stand orally about the disagree” if you
1. Topic: Bringing of following statements. In disagree.
1. Cellphones and cellphone in school your notebook draw
gadgets are useful to all Stand: Bringing of thumbs up sign if __________1.
kinds of learners. cellphone in school is you agree and thumbs Wearing of School ID
2. September should be good is not needed.
the opening of school because__________. down sign if you __________2. Stay at
year. Evidence/Support: disagree. home to be safe
3. COVID-19 vaccination a. it will distract against coronavirus.
must be voluntary. learners in focusing _____ 1. Animals __________3. Using
4. Filipinos are kind and classes should not be kept in Facebook can turn
hospitable. b. it can help in cages. into an addiction.
5. Children must contacting parents _____ 2. Some online __________4. No
continue learning at during emergencies games will result to bullying in school.
home. c. cellphones might children’s misbehavior. __________5. Only
get lost in school _____ 3. Smart phones elder brother/sister
d. it gets learners to have made our life will do the work at
be addicted to it easier. home.
_____ 4. Boys should
2. Topic: Bringing of do heavy works than
cellphone in school girls in school.
Stand: Bringing of _____ 5. Participation
cellphone is not good in extra-curricular
because activities is important in
_________________ school.
What might be the
support of this stand?
a. it can motivate
learners to go to
b. it can help during
emergency cases
c. it can help in doing
research for
d. it can serve as a
distraction during
3. Topic: Playing
physical games
Stand: I like playing
physical games
a. it develops strength
and could lead to a
healthier body
b. it can make us tired
c. it’ll just trigger
d. it will make you
ignorant of what is the
new trend in online
4. Topic: Playing
online games
Stand: I like online
a. it develops my
creative thinking
b. it makes me spend
more money
c. it keeps me hooked
to it
d. it develops Mañana
5. Topic: Children
staying at home
during COVID19
Stand: It is good for
children to just stay at
home so that
a. they can be
protected from getting
COVID-19 virus
b. they’ll get bored
c. they cannot play
d. they cannot
continue learning
I.additional activities for application Give your stand about
or remediation “Having Face to Face
I agree with
____. I disagree with

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