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/ æ / - /e/ - /ei/
 Lips: Open, not rounded

 Tongue: Lowest of all the front vowels. Flat on the floor of the mouth. \

 Common spelling patterns for /æ/ - a (hat, apple, man, answer, …)

1. bad 7. sand 13. match 19. plan 25. handsome

/b æ d/ /s æ nd/ /m æ tʃ/ /pl æ n/ /ˈh æ n səm/

2. back 8. math 14. act 20. man 26. sandwich

/b æ k/ /m æ θ/ /æ kt/ /m æ n/ /ˈs æ n wɪtʃ/

3. tag 9. band 15. expand 21. catch 27. attitude

/t æ ɡ/ /b æ nd/ /ɪkˈ sp æ nd/ /k æ tʃ/ /ˈæ tɪ tjuː d/

4. cat 10. tank 16. rank 22. attach 28. example

/k æ t/ /t æ ŋk/ /r æ ŋk/ /əˈ t æ tʃ/ /ɪɡˈz æ m pl/

5. gas 11. answer 17. language 23. can 29. salad

/ɡ æ s/ /ˈæ n sər/ /ˈl æ ŋ ɡwɪdʒ/ /k æ n/ /ˈs æ ləd/

6. land 12. attract 18. animal 24. plant 30. attack

/l æ nd/ /əˈ tr æ kt/ /ˈæ nɪ ml/ /pl æ nt/ /əˈ t æ k/

1. This is the last chance to give me an accurate answer.

2. Danny had a sandwich and a salad in the cafeteria.

3. Nancy has a bad attitude in her Spanish class.

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1. gate 7. chase 13. nature 19. said 25. expensive

/ɡ eɪ t/ /tʃ eɪ s/ /ˈn eɪ tʃər/ /s e d/ /ˈh æ n səm/

2. late 8. data 14. pain 20. pen 26. sandwich

/l eɪ t/ /ˈd eɪ tə/ /p eɪ n/ /p e n/ /ˈs æ n wɪtʃ/

3. cake 9. behave 15. maintain 21. catch 27. attitude

/k eɪ k/ /bɪˈh eɪ v/ /meɪnˈteɪn/ /k æ tʃ/ /ˈæ tɪ tjuː d/

4. date 10. flavour 22. 28. example

/d eɪ t/ /ˈfl eɪ vər/ /r æ ŋk/ /əˈ t æ tʃ/ /ɪɡˈz æ m pl/

5. take 11. rain 17. game 23. gem 29. salad

/t eɪ k/ /r eɪ n/ /ˈl æ ŋ ɡwɪdʒ/ /k æ n/ /ˈs æ ləd/

6. mate 12. transfer 18. animal 24. plant 30. attack

/m eɪ t/ /tr æ n sˈfɜːr/ /ˈæ nɪ ml/ /pl æ nt/ /əˈ t æ k/

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REVIEW /ɪ/ VS / iː / SOUND

Real riches are the riches possessed inside.

 The /ɪ/ sound is easy to identify because it is almost always spelled with the letter i as in big.
 The / iː / sound is most commonly spelled with two vowels such as ee and ea, as in meet, or team.

 Remember to relax you toungue and lips for the /ɪ/ sound and to make them tense for the / iː / sound.

Confusing /ɪ/ and / iː / may cause embarrassment and can even be offensive:

Do you mean?
/ɪ/ / iː /
shit sheet
bitch beach
piss piece
sit seat
his he’s
it eat
slip sleep
lick leak
mill meal
pick peak
sick seek
sin seen
tin teen
skim scheme
slit sleet

Challenge 1: From all of these phonetic symbols, write all complete sentences

1. /iː/ /kæn/ /siː/ /ðə/ /ɡriːn/ /triː/. ………………………………………………

2. /ɑːr/ /ðə/ /ˈpiːpl/ /spiːkɪŋ/ /ˌvjetnəˈmiːz/? ……………………………………

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3. /kæn/ /wiː/ /pliːz/ /iːt/ /ˈaɪs kriːm/? …………………………………………

4. /drɪŋk/ /səm/ /ɡriːn/ /tiː/. ……………………………………………………

5. /pliːz/ /miːt/ /mi/ /fɔː(r)/ /ˈdɪnər/.……………………………………………

6. /ðɪs/ /ɪz/ /kəmˈpliːtli/ /ˈdɪfrənt/.………………………………………………

7. /aɪ/ /wɪl/ /bi/ /ðer/ /æt/ /sɪks/.………………………………………………..

8. /ɪt/ /ɪz/ /ˈɪntrestɪŋ/, /ˈɪznt/ /ɪt/? ……………………………………………….

9. /ɪtz/ /ˈriːəli/ /tʃiːp/.……………………………………………………………

10. /hiːz/ /dʒʌst/ /ˈfiːlɪŋ/ /ə/ /ˈlɪtl/ /wiːk/.………………………………………...

Challenge 2: Underline /I/ sound and /iː/ sound in the paragraph

Let’s be realistic. It’s not that difficult to see that he’s guilty. He steals, drinks, and

cheats. He has cheated his victims, and he needs to be in prison. He did these terrible

things, yet he insists that he’s innocent. Who is he kidding? In the beginning, many

people did believe that he was innocent. But now we have the evidence that we need.

Even though he won’t admit his guilt, I foresee him being in prison for at least fifteen

years. Don’t you agree with me?

When you leave phone messages for people, there’s often the option of listening to

your message before you send it. I always listen to the message and if I think my accent

is too strong, I record the message again, sometimes several times, until I am satisfied

with the way my speech sounds.

Challenge 3: Words & Listening for speaking

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1. friendly (adj.) /ˈfrendli/ – warm , welcoming, hospitable, nice, approachable (=

easy to talk to)

 overly friendly (= too friendly)

 a friendly smile/voice/ atmosphere/ welcome/ manner/ place/ city/ ...

E.g. The café has a friendly atmosphere.

Talk to the dog with a calm friendly voice.

We received a friendly welcome when we arrived.

2. informal (adj.) /ɪnˈfɔːrml/ – relaxed and friendly, rather than following strict rules
of correct behavior. OPP - FORMAL
 relatively/ fairly/ pretty informal
 an informal discussion/ chat/ talks/ conversation/ meeting/ atmosphere/ …
E.g. This is an informal meeting where parents can chat to teachers about

how their children are getting on.

We have informal talks.

The meeting was usually relatively informal.

3. Customer (noun) /ˈkʌstəmər/ – someone who buys goods or services = client,

shopper, guest, patron
 regular customer
 major/ big/ large customer
 loyal customer
 potential/ prospective customer
 satisfied/ happy customer ≠ unsatisfied/ unhappy customer
 business/ corporate customer
 current customer
 serve a customer
 deal with a customer
 attract customers = bring in customers
 keep/ retain customers
 lose a customer

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 customer relations
 customer complaints
 customer loyalty
 customer demand/ needs/ requirements
4. Much better - used to praise somebody who has made an effort to improve
E.g. A: Thank you for calling the Net Café. This is Aaron. How may I help you?
B: Much better!
5. available (adj.) /əˈveɪləbl/ = free, vacant
 available opportunity/ chance
 freely available = easy to get
 universally available = available to everyone
 become available/ have available
 available to s.o
 available for use/ rent
 in the time available
E.g. Answer as many questions as you can in the time available.
This information is universally available.
You should practice speaking the language at every available opportunity.






English Department Evaluate – Understand – Inspire

Pronuncation is prominent Phone Number (Ms. Han): 0901 85 85 88

English Department Evaluate – Understand – Inspire

Pronuncation is prominent Phone Number (Ms. Han): 0901 85 85 88

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