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Level 02 Listening Skill


I consider myself very social and have a proclivity/ tendency for talking to people.
As a result/ So, there are certain conversations that I have etched in my mind. This
specific conversation I will talk about today happened roughly four to five months
ago, and that too with a stranger.

I was travelling by bus to Lucknow for an exam. This person boarded the bus at the
later stop. He sat next to me, and we casually started talking. The conversation
began with everyday things like the increasing traffic jams and the sweltering
summer heat. After a while, he started telling me about his profession. He
communicated that he was in the merchant navy.

As soon as he told me about his vocation, I flooded him with my questions. He told
me about the challenges and also about the fun part of being in that profession.
Some things were exciting. He told me that he works for about eight months a year
and the rest of the four months he spends with his family. He plays cricket, goes on
vacations and does whatever he wants during those four months. I remember that
he was a bit sad, though, as it was that year’s last day of those four months.

After this discussion, all I could think about was the merchant navy. Like other
childhood fantasies, the passion disappeared as I was not prepared to sacrifice the
time I spent with my family. Nevertheless, this conversation will always be a part
of my memories.

Level 02 Listening Skill

S + V + so + adj/ adv + that + S + V: ( quá... đến nỗi mà... )

e.g. This box is so heavy that I cannot take it. (Chiếc hộp này quá nặ ng đến nỗi tôi
không thể mang nó lên đượ c)
e.g. He speaks so soft that we can’t hear anything. (Anh ấy nói quá nhỏ đến nỗi
chúng tôi không thể nghe đượ c gì)

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