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Name Markos Sitotaw

Mobile +251 930991327, +251 942432704
To: _________________________________
Addis Ababa,
Position: _____________________________

Dear sir /Madam

This position particularly caught my eye, and as I appear to be perfect match for this. I have an
ability to grow with a job, under a responsibility and build positive relationships with work
colleagues at all level.
I am graduated from Wollo University, Kombolcha Institute of Technology in BSc in Mechanical
Engineering (Design engineering) on January 03, 2021 G.C. I am highly interested to apply at your
company to fully serve and accomplish all duties required by your company with my professional
knowledge and practical skill that I have gained.
I have been looking for a job in a successful organization and this job seems to be exactly what I
am looking for. It matches the skills, experience, and knowledge I have and I know I could fit in
and contribute to the team.
For any future information you may require I can avail myself at any time of your convenience.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

Sincerely yours
Markos Sitotaw
I. Personal information
Name………………. Markos Sitotaw Gedefe
Date of birth ………. June 12, 1997GC
Place of birth………...Assosa,
Current location……..Addis Ababa,
Marital status ………. Single
Address ……………. Mobile 0930991327
II. Educational background
Higher education: - Wollo University, Kombolcha Institute of Technology with BSc degree in
Mechanical Engineering (design stream), From 2008-2012 EC.
Preparatory school: - Assosa senior secondary and preparatory school from 2006-2007 EC.
Secondary school: - Assosa senior secondary and preparatory school 2004-2005 EC.
III. Skill
a. Language skill
Listening Reading Speaking Writing
Amharic Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
English Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
b. Computer skill
 Excellent in computer application skill (Microsoft office in detail)
 Excellent in Mechanical design software (AutoCAD and Solid work 2018)
 Basic skill of Matlab
IV. Professional experience
 Internship in: -
 Tractor assembly and maintenance
 Pump assembly and maintenance
 Manufacturing of agricultural component in Adama Agricultural Machinery
Industry, Adama
 Laboratory experiment on fluid mechanics and turbo machinery, Woldiya university
V. Qualification
 BSc degree in Mechanical engineering (design stream). CGPA=3.03
 Final year project thesis on” Design of gold screener machine” new invention for our
VI. Hobbies(Interest)
 Reading technological books and presses
 Visiting spiritual and historical place
 Browsing internet for getting news, presses, scientific and technological reading.
 Attending technological competition and exhibition.
VII. Reference
 Jemal Mohammed, department senior lecturer and head department of mechanical
engineering, Wollo university. E-mail:-
 Adama agricultural machinery industry, E-mail:-
 Mengesha Alemu, MSc in Mechanical engineering, My final year project advisor,
Phone: -0912716408

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