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Requirements of English Language Courses for Engineering Students in Bangladesh:

Teaching and Learning Perspectives (2019)
Mohammad Shahazahan Seraj Bhuiyan

Bhuiyan (2019) conducted a research that employed a survey to assess engineering

students' English ability in four areas (speaking, reading, listening, and writing). The survey
included 92 students from various engineering universities in Bangladesh, with English language
skills ranging from elementary to higher intermediate. The study discovered that children who
attended vernacular medium schools lacked needed skills, whereas kids who attended English
version or medium schools fared better than their vernacular medium counterparts. The research
discovered that the level of proficiency of engineering students at the entry-level to engineering
courses is lower than the required competency for academic success and basic interpersonal
interactions, particularly for students who speak in vernacular. The survey also discovered that
pupils who attend English version or medium schools had higher English language competency
than their counterparts who attend vernacular medium schools. According to the survey,
engineering students in Bangladesh should take English language classes as part of their
academic program to improve their English language skills.

The research suggested that Basic English skills be considered while enrolling in
engineering fields at the entry-level. The study also suggested that placement exams be held
following acceptance to identify deficits in specific areas. According to the study, engineering
students' lectures should be modified in order for them to learn English effectively, and more
focus should be placed on practical sessions on four abilities: reading, writing, speaking, and
listening. The study also advised that the usage of English be increased, although students chose
the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) over traditional learning and teaching methods.

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