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On Post-Feminist Women

1. What is the message that the writer wants to communicate through Failure of Feminism? D
o you agree with the writer’s opinion? Why or why not? What is your perspective on the issu
e of “the biological thing”? About marriage and motherhood? What is your understanding an
d evaluation of “feminism”? What have women gained or lost from such liberation and equali
ty? what have men gained or lost from such changes in women’s life and way of thinking? H
ow has this influenced or affected the Korean society? Read aloud How to be a Man with yo
ur group members, taking turns. What is the article saying? Do you agree with the analysis o
f today’s men? Why or why not?

2. What is the image of women described in Female Chauvinist Pigs? How does it relate to t
he image of women in Failure of Feminism? What might be the reason behind the difference
s in the images? What would be the message behind such an image? How does this image/
message appeal to you? Would this be a true image of women today? Why or why not? Ho
w does this image relate to the image of men in How to be a Man? What do both images i
ndicate about the future gender roles/ images?

3. Read aloud On Language: Choice. What is the main point of the article? How do you inter
pret and understand the term, “choice,” as represented in this article? How would you analyze
today’s women in relation to “choice”? How would it apply to you: do you have a choice in
life? If you had a choice, would your life till now and your life from this point on be differen
t from how it had been or will be? Why do you want your life to be the way you are pursui
ng now? Is it from your “choice” or from social expectation? Why or why not?

5. Read aloud Domestic Arrangements. What do you think is the main message? Do you agre
e with the message? Would this argument relate to the message found in On Language Choi
ce? Why or why not? How does it relate to the message in Female Chauvinist Pigs?

6. Try to connect the images of women portrayed in the articles. What does this group of im
ages say about today’s women? Do you agree with such an analysis? Have women outgrown
the traditional role prior to feminism? How far have women achieved in independence and id
entity? What does it mean to be a ”woman” in today’s world? What should it mean for you?
For the future generations? What is your evaluation of the post- feminist woman? Share your
group’s ideas with the class.

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