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Global Transitions Proceedings 2 (2021) 355–361

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The future of continuous learning–Digital badge and microcredential

system using blockchain
Varshinee Chukowry a, Geeaneswari Nanuck a, Roopesh Kevin Sungkur a,∗
Faculty of Information Communication and Digital Technologies, University of Mauritius, Reduit, Mauritius

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Continuous Learning is seen as the key to remain competitive and effective at work. Very often, this also takes
Blockchain place outside the walls of a classroom. Nowadays Digital Badges and microcredentials are pathways to acknowl-
Continuous learning edge and recognize achievements and specific skills of a learner. In this research, the different techniques used
Digital badge
in existing blockchain-based educational systems have been reviewed and in the end, a novel web-based digital
badge and microcredentials system which helps the learners to acquire the desired skills is proposed. For the
Blockchain, Ethereum has been used and to develop the front end ReactJS has been used. A digital badging and
micro-credential system consisting of quizzes and digital badges was built with Ethereum blockchain together
with ipfs to store the badge image and firebase for examination, registration, and storing courses. The proposed
system proved to be very much beneficial and addressed the inherent limitations of traditional learning content
management systems (LCMS).

1. Introduction to develop a micro credential system which proves to be the alternative

of the traditional upskilling of professionals. The aim is to offer courses
Continuous Learning has become an important part of a person’s life that can overcome the financial barriers of students. Moreover, it aims to
nowadays to have a secured future. In addition, with the rapidly grow- make learning flexible whereby a person can learn at his own timeframe
ing industries, continuous learning is a must to keep up with the lat- from anywhere and at his own pace [12]. On top of that, micro creden-
est trends. To satisfy the need of people, micro-credential has been in- tials system promotes career-focused learning where one can learn new
troduced allowing people to take short career-oriented courses at their skills as well as upgrade one’s skills to keep up with the rapidly growing
own time and pace. However, since micro-credentials are short dura- industries nowadays. Another important point is that, the durability of
tion, rewards such as digital badges are generated frequently thus is- a typical micro credential course last for 10 weeks to a year which does
suing and verifying the micro-credential in a short period can be chal- not bound a person to be time and cost committed. Another aspect of
lenging moreover digital badges can be falsified by users making them the proposed system is to provide a digital badge as recognition upon
trustless. To help people keeping up with the trend and improving their course completion [13].
skills, a micro-credential and digitila badging application that will pro- To upgrade their skill, an individual can attend a short course which
vide users access to career-oriented courses, appears to be the perfect is provided by many institutions and after completion, they get a man-
solution. To tackle the problem of security, blockchain will be intro- ual certificate. However manual certificates can be a disadvantage since
duced in our system. The popularity of blockchain keeps on increasing details of the skill acquired are not present due to space limitation. Be-
and application other than in the finance field is being developed [11]. sides, if someone attends many short courses this will increase the num-
For example, blockchain is used in education to provide tamperproof ber of certificates which will be an inconvenience to present during a
certificates. Furthermore, blockchain is well known for its immutability job interview, and also a manual certificate can be lost or damaged and
and decentralized making it an ideal technology to implement with our a lot of time and money is required to obtain it again [14-16]. With the
micro-credential system, consisting of short courses, quizzes, and digital advance of technology, short courses are also hosted online but people
badges as rewards. may not trust unknown organization due to common security issue that
Blockchain technology demonstrate the quality of security and trans- is encounter online. Besides, the user will not be the owner of the digital
parency that guarantees that data cannot be altered as well as keep its certificate if the system uses a database to store them as the database
records intact. This is the reason why this technology fits perfectly well need a third party. So, if the organization stop hosting the course on-

Corresponding author at: University of Mauritius, Faculty of Information Communication and Digital Technologies, Mauritius
E-mail address: (R.K. Sungkur).
Received 30 June 2021; Accepted 7 July 2021
Available online 12 August 2021
2666-285X/© 2021 The Authors. Publishing Services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
V. Chukowry, G. Nanuck and R.K. Sungkur Global Transitions Proceedings 2 (2021) 355–361

line, the certificate may become invalid or the user can even lose all the consensus, this value must be equal or smaller than a particularly given
certificate if the database crash. Furthermore, the user can falsify the value. Once a node gets the target value, he will send it to the other
certificate since it is digital [17-19]. nodes, who will confirm if the hash value is correct. If every node in the
blockchain confirms that the block is valid, they will add the new block
2. Related Works in their blockchain. Since blockchain is a decentralized network, mul-
tiple nodes might found the suitable nonce at approximately the same
2.1. Overview of Blockchain time, resulting in the formation of valid blocks simultaneously. In this
case, branches will be formed as shown below. To solve this, the longer
Blockchain can look on as a public ledger where information such as branch is taken as the valid one [1].
transactions, contracts, or anything in its digital form is stored in blocks
and shared by a group of people in a decentralized peer-to-peer network.
Each new block is added at the end of the chain and all the blocks are 2.3.2. Proof of stake (PoS)
cryptographically hash to their neighbor. Cryptography together with In PoW, miners waste a lot of resources as they have a lot of computer
consensus algorithms is used to provide security and consistency in the calculations to do. An alternative consensus algorithm is Proof of stake
blockchain. Furthermore, blockchain is well known for its immutable which saves more energy. In PoS, the miner needs to provide evidence
which makes it ideal for businesses that need high reliability and truth- of the ownership of the amount of currency. It is believed that people
fulness as data once store in a blockchain cannot be altered or deleted who have more currencies have less chance to attack the network [1].

2.2. Block
2.3.3. Smart contract
[1] describe the structure of block in the blockchain as consisting of Smart contract is a program that is stored in the blockchain. It con-
2 parts namely the header and the body. sists of a set of pre-defined conditions normally in the form of if-then-else
rules. When these rules are satisfied a pre-defined action is executed ac-
1 The block header consists of: cordingly. Ethereum smart contract uses the Ethereum Virtual Machine
○ Block version: consists of the rule to validate a block to run and the code is written in a stack-based bytecode language. So-
○ Merkle tree root hash [2] lidity and serpent can be used as high-level languages to write a smart
Merkle tree is a tree where the value of the parent node is hashes contract. Since a smart contract is used in a decentralized network, there
of the child nodes and it uses a bottom-up approach for hashing. should be an agreement among the party about the details of the con-
Merkle roots are used to verify a set of transactions because if tract and the terms and conditions. When all the parties agree and signed
there are any changes in the transaction the Merkle root will also the contract, it is added to the blockchain as a program code and it is ex-
change. Merkle root also provides proof of the present and order ecuted automatically without the need of a third party hence providing
of a transaction. trust and anonymity among nodes [4].
○ Timestamp: The time when a new block is created is recorded
in the header as seconds in the universal time since January 1,
2.4. Micro credential and digital badges
○ nBits: refer to the target entry of a valid block hash.
○ Nonce: a four-byte field that normally begins with zero and for
A micro-credential program helps students to build skills outside
each hash calculation increases
the classroom by providing courses that cover specified skills. It is usu-
○ Parent block hash: SHA-256 is used to obtain the hash value that
ally more than a single course but shorter than a full degree. A micro-
points to the neighboring block.
credential is also a “visual representation of your capability” and is
2 The block body
awarded using a digital badge [5]. Digital badges can be described as
The transaction and the transaction counter are stored in the body of an image file that contains information that provides evidence about the
the block in the blockchain. The maximum number of transactions that skill, experience, and knowledge a person has acquired after complete
can be found in a block will depend on the size of the block and the size a course or some activities online [6]. The main key factor of badges is
of each transaction. motivation as badges can be used as a way to motivate people to com-
plete tasks, so before creating badges the basic principle of how and why
2.3. Consensus algorithms people are motivated with badges should be studied [7].
A digital badge consists of 3 components
Being distributed, the user may not trust all the nodes in the
blockchain as there can be a malicious node. There should be an agree- i Signifier: it is the visual part of the badge that is the image that
ment among the node about the contents of the blockchain and how represents the badge. It includes a unique name, a description of the
to store information in the block. To achieve trust in the blockchain a badge and it can also include a hint on how to obtain the badges.
consensus algorithm is used. Examples are: ii Completion logic: that is the requirement to obtain the badge.
It consists of
2.3.1. Proof of work (PoW) a Trigger: indicate what the person must do to obtain the badge
Since blockchain is a decentralized network, a node is selected ran- b Pre-requirement: the requirement that must be satisfied before
domly to add new blocks to the blockchain. However, there is the risk of activating the trigger.
attack in the network due to the presence of malicious nodes. To make c Conditions to earn the badge.
sure that the node is an honest one, the node will have to do a lot of d Multiplier: how many times the person has to meet the require-
work to prove it [1]. The work that must be done by the node is to ment to obtain the badge.
find the solution for a special mathematical problem using specialize iii Reward: what the user will get after getting the badge. Digital badge
hardware together with electricity which acts as power [3]. Each node also contains a clickable hyperlink to view more information that
has to calculate a hash value of the block in PoW, these nodes are also is metadata. Metadata consists of the date the badge was awarded,
referred to as miner. Miner would change the nonce which is present the issuer, or any other relevant data. Metadata can be added using
in the block header often to obtain a different hash value. To meet a JavaScript object notation for linked data (JSON-LD).

V. Chukowry, G. Nanuck and R.K. Sungkur Global Transitions Proceedings 2 (2021) 355–361

This network is fully decentralized peer to peer and it consists of ed-

ucation authority nodes. There is an Education certification (EC) pub-
lic blockchain corresponding to each ECN which is managed by every
node in ECN. When a new digital certificate is issued, the certificate is
sent to all the nodes in ECN for verification using the consensus mecha-
nism. Once the digital certificate is verified its corresponding authority
encrypted it as a digital signature and store it permanently in the EC
public blockchain.
iii) Learning Assessment Local network (LALN)
LALN is constructed by an education authority as the center node
and it consists of its real-time learning node who can obtain notes and
information from them. For each LALN there is a corresponding learning
assessment (LA) private blockchain which contains the smart contract
for the course credit. Furthermore, the learning users can allow their
employer to verify their digital certificate when applying for a job, by
inviting them to temporarily have access to the EC public blockchain.
This system has 3 detailed design schemes for smart contracts:
i) To achieve the e-learning assessment and credit exchange
ii) To issue the digital certificate and store in securely
iii) To allocate e-learning voucher

2.5.2. Online quiz implementation using blockchain technology for result

tampering prevention
This system is used to create and solve quizzes and prevent results to
be tampered which is part of our system [9]. Technology used includes
Fig. 1. Structure of the proposed system for E-Learning Assessment and Certi-
fication 1) Angular 6.0 framework which uses HTML, CSS, and Typescript
is used for the front end. Angular is chosen instead of JavaScript
frameworks such as Vue.js and React as third parties’ libraries are
2.5. Existing educational systems making use of microcredentials and not needed in angular. However angular have a long migration
blockchain process and lacks documentation details.
2) Firebase for back-end is used as a real-time database to store login
2.5.1. A blockchain system for E-learning assessment and certification details and quiz. Firebase is chosen as it allows data to be store in
This system aims to solve the weaknesses of e-learning by decreas- a cloud easily and also allows real-time connection for all devices.
ing the complexity of online assessment, making e-learning assessment
standards uniform, and improve the security of digital certificates [8]. To prevent result tampering blockchain is used. Once a quiz is sub-
There are 2 types of users in this network shown above: mitted, the quiz grade is stored in the database then a new block is added
Learning user: Anyone who wants to take a course will have to to the blockchain.
apply for a personal account to connect to the network. Under their ac- The block structure consists of:
count, there is a certificate wallet and a minimum of one-course credit • Data: user details of the person who take the quiz, quiz grade, and
wallet which is used to store the credits obtained by the user when doing the date.
online activities. After completing a course, the user can exchange the • A hash of the previous block is obtained from the database.
course credits with the digital certificates of the course, and the achieve- • The hash is obtained by using the SHA256 algorithm with the block’s
ment score of that certificate is stored in the certificate wallet which can data and the hash of the neighboring block.
be exchanged to obtain the corresponding voucher reward. • Nounce is used to calculate the proof of work. The calculation is
Education Authorities: Any education institutions that want to pro- done in the client browser using Typescript.
vide an online course or exam in the system have to join as an education
authority. Before a course is officially launched, the education author- 2.5.3. EduCTX: a blockchain-based higher education credit platform
ity node has to write the rule of the assessment of their course in a EduCTX is a credit and grading system for higher education that uses
smart contract to calculate the course credit. Once the education au- blockchain to create trust in the system [10]. EduCTX is based on the
thority submits the smart contract and the learner users accept it, the idea of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).
smart contract is placed in the blockchain and the education authority Every student in the distributed peer-to-peer network process a wallet
is not the owner of the contract to make the system autonomous. Fur- where their respective tokens are stored after completing a course. The
thermore, only the education authority can provide a digital certificate design structure of EduCTX is shown in Fig. 2 below.
of their courses. EduCTX is based on the Dpos consensus protocol which means that
As shown in Fig. 1 the structure consists of 3 kinds of network and no computing power is required. ARK blockchain is used to implement
2 types of blockchain namely public and private. EduCTX as the code base for ARK is flexible and open source. Also,
the client API implementation can be access easily and it can be imple-
i) Learning user network (LUN) mented by more than 12 types of programming language thus allowing
nodes to join the platform using their desire language.
Show as the biggest red area, this network is a fully decentralized
peer to peer network which consists of learning users’ nodes. Learning 2.6. Blockchain-based e-learning systems v/s traditional e-learning systems
users can communicate with each other by sending messages anony-
mously with their account identities. Table 1 highlights the advantage of using blockchain for e-learning
instead of database which is used by nearly all traditional e-learning
ii) Education certification network (ECN) platform.

V. Chukowry, G. Nanuck and R.K. Sungkur Global Transitions Proceedings 2 (2021) 355–361

Table 1
Comparison between blockchain and database

Blockchain Database

1. There is trust among unknown user in blockchain as every node have the same The administrator is the one who controls the data so there is no trust in the system.
priority and any node can verify transactions that are added.
2 Data added in a blockchain is immutable as all the data are connected using a hash Data can be changed by people having access to the database or people can hack the
which will change if the data is changed. database to change data and the changes will be unnoticeable as there is no
3 All users have a copy of the blockchain hence the blockchain will still exist even if All data can be lost if the database crash.
some nodes are left.
4 The student will be the owner of all their achievement received online (digital The digital certificate/digital badges will exist as long as the database exists that is if
badge/digital certificate). the organization stops hosting the e-learning platform the student will lose their
data store in the database.
5 An employer can verify a digital certificate/badge in the blockchain system without If any classification is needed the administrator needs to be contacted.
anyone’s intervention.

Fig. 3. System Architecture

can also delete a course and can view the courses he has added.
After successful authentication of the learner, he/she will be able to
view courses added by an academic.
Fig. 2. Design structure of EduCTX 3 Examination on Blockchain
The next step would be the creation of an examination. To do so,
the academic need to enter the contract address generated by Truffle.
3. Methods
Then, he/she needs to connect to metamask by importing his private
key. He/She can then add the examination topic, the entrance Fee,
In the proposed system, Ethereum blockchain technology will be in-
the number of marks, the question, 1 correct answer and 3 other
corporated in the digital badge and in the examination app. The tech-
wrong answers. He/She can then confirm the transaction of adding
nology is traceable, tamper-proof and encrypted and its main purpose
his examination question in metamask.
is to eradicate the problem of fake certificates/recognitions. Blockchain
will also be used to achieve a secure peer-to-peer communication and To take an examination, the learner must first import his private
for decentralization. key in the metamask account. The learner will then able to view the
exam questions entered by the academic. He/She will select the first
3.1. Main components of proposed system question. The system will then prompt the user whether he wants to
pay the entrance fee or not to answer the question. The user can then
The system will consist of 4 main parts and a system architecture confirm/reject the transaction to pay. After successful payment, the user
is shown in Fig. 3. A flowchart for academics to create examinations is will be able to view and attempt the question. A good answer will enable
shown in Fig. 4. him to apply for a badge.
1 Authentication 1 Badge Allocation
This process is done with the help of Firebase Realtime Database The digital badge will contain an image and the metadata that is all
with components including Sign-up, Sign In and Logout. Both the courses that the learner has completed and the skills required. This
users namely learner and academic will login by providing correct badge can afterwards be accessed by an employer of a company.
credentials. Being in possession of digital badges encourage students to spend
2 Course Management more time to explore more courses and aim to get more badges. Just
After successful authentication of academic, he will be able to add like in sports, medals are given value, receiving a digital badge for
courses. The academic can also edit the details of the courses, he an achievement feels more rewarding.

V. Chukowry, G. Nanuck and R.K. Sungkur Global Transitions Proceedings 2 (2021) 355–361

Fig. 5. Smart Contract Implementation

deploy and migrate the smart contract to any Ethereum network

using the command ‘truffle compile’ and ‘truffle migrate’ respec-

4. Metamask Ethereum wallet

To convert the web browser to a blockchain one Metamask extension

for firefox has been installed.

4.2. Smart contract implementation

All the logic for the system is written in the smart contract using the
solidity programming language. Code snippets of Smart contract imple-
mentation is shown in Fig. 5.
Mapping is used to store data using a key-value pair.
For our smart contract 3 mapping was created:

• lecturerProfiles and studentProfiles are used to store details of lec-

turer and student respectively.
• For the badges mapping a nested mapping is used. The Ethereum
address is used as the key which will map the 2nd mapping as value,
Fig. 4. Flowchart for academic to create examination the 2nd mapping has a key of uint type that will map a struct name

Badge Creation: For a student who has completed his examination Events for badge created, student added, and lecturer added were
and who has applied for a badge, the lecturer can create a digital badge created. This allows the application to know the current state of the
for the student. The title of the badge, description, criteria and the ad- smart contract.
dress for the student are entered by the academic and he must confirm Function to add the lecturer.
the transaction of adding a badge in metamask. The variable Lecturer is assigned msg.sender which means the cur-
View Badge: The student needs to use his metamask account to view rent Ethereum address. So the current address that the user will use to
his badge and the in the student profile, the student need to enter his create profit will be set to a lecturer to be able to distinguish it from
name and email. other addresses. Count is the id for the lecturer and it is used as the key
Search Badge: Any user including student and lecturer can search for for mapping the lecturer profile. This function will emit the lecturerAdd
a badge allocated to a student to recognize the skills of the student by event.
inserting the student ID and the address of the student. Function to register student: The function AddStudent is similar to
the AddLecturer function but here no variable is assigned to msg.sender.
4. Results Function to add badges: ‘Require’ is used to ensure that the user
enters all the fields when creating the badge. The msg.sender is also
4.1. Environment for implementation required to be Lecturer, which has been assigned when the lecturer is
registered. The nested mapping map the student address with their re-
1. Ganache: Ganache is installed to have a private local network spective badge and ‘now’ is used to get the timestamp when the badge
which is used to develop the application, deploy smart contract, is created.
and also 10 accounts with 100 ether each are provided to test the
application before deploying it in a mainnet. 4.3. Front end
2. Nodejs: To configure the environment to develop a smart con-
tract, NPM is needed which is obtained by installing node js. Once 1. Web3j is used to convert the client-side application to a blockchain
nodejs has successfully installed, webjs is the next dependency application. This is shown in Fig. 6.
required. Web3js is a set of libraries that are needed to allow in- 2. Then the data for the blockchain is loaded.
teraction between the Ethereum blockchain and the front end. Web3.eth.getAccounts() is used to get the current metamask ac-
Web3js has been install using NPM by executing the following count.
command in Powershell, ‘npm install web3’. After that, the smart contract is converted to a javascript version.
3. Truffle framework: Truffle is installed to enable the development
of Ethereum smart contacts using the programming language The badge, studentProfile, and the lecturerProfile mapping are called
solidity and it compiles them to bytecode which is run on the in this function and a for loop is used to iterate through the mapping.
Ethereum virtual machine. Truffle can compile a smart contract, The code to load blockchain data is shown in Fig. 7.

V. Chukowry, G. Nanuck and R.K. Sungkur Global Transitions Proceedings 2 (2021) 355–361

Fig.6. code to load web3js

Fig. 8. Student Profile

Fig. 7. Code to load blockchain data

4.4. Graphical user interfaces

This section shows some of the GUI of the system. Fig. 8 shows stu-
dent profile whereas Fig. 9 shows the interface available for an academic
to create an exam. Fig. 10 shows a learner’s digital badge.

5. Discussion Fig. 9. Create Exam Interface for Academic

Our system overcomes the weakness present in the traditional e-

learning platform.
• The system provides trust among the node as Ethereum uses proof
of stake.
• The digital badge is tamperproof which means that any employer
can trust the badge that was awarded to the student without much
• In addition, the student will be the owner of their badges and they
can be guaranteed that they will be lost their badge due to the ab-
sence of a single point of failure.
• The course and examination system are not dependent on each other,
so the system not only provides a complete platform to host micro-
credential but can also be used as an examination or digital badge
system individually.
• One principle of blockchain is that data can only be added or re-
trieve, so once data is inputted it cannot be deleted, which introduce
a strength in the badge system as when the issuer registration details
are added to the blockchain, it will stay as long as the blockchain ex-
ist hence the student can trust and keep track of their issuer.
• The proposed system enables the student to trust their issuer and on
the other hand, the employer can trust the student badge. In addi-
tion, with the covid-19 pandemic, e-learning is favored so our sys-
Fig. 10. Student Badge
tem will be a great tool to provide secure examinations, and also

V. Chukowry, G. Nanuck and R.K. Sungkur Global Transitions Proceedings 2 (2021) 355–361

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