This One Isn

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This one isn't a famous one, but the one that touched everyone's heart.

So in my office, there is this couple who were about to get married about 4 years ago.
But a few months before the wedding, the guy met with an accident when he was on his
way home from work. It was a brutal accident - guy is now partly paralytic and the
doctors don't assure any recovery in near future.

The girl stood by him, she still goes to hospital with him everyday and supports him

Her family of course suggested that she move on and get married to someone else. But
she refused, and defied everyone else to be with the man she loves... Despite all odds.

He is said to recover as much because of her consistent support. She continues to be

with him each day....

This is a story that touched us all and showed us that true love remains intact regardless
of what the situation is! :-)

Which is the most complicated relationship or love story you have come across?

Long Story !!

In 2013

I rejected a boy who is a great friend of mine. that time I was also single.But I rejected
him for my caste and parents.I offered him a lifetime friendship ... and I was seriously
mean it. He agreed to my condition and we started hanging out with no expectation. But
suddenly one day He confronted me about his feelings once again .. and his insecurities
towards me. He thought I might like someone else.I explained him that there is no one in
my life.. and i have very few friends whom I can trust blindly. But he quit. He told me that
it's totally uncomfortable situation for him. He wants to move on with his life.Being a
Computer Graduate he can only understand either 0 or 1.Yeah, I said 0. Then we
disconnected the call. Within few minutes I called him once to not share our talks to our
mutual friends. He agreed n said I will not share don't worry !!!

I knew that for him also it is impossible to live without me. But I was hurt that day.. I had
decided to not give shit about him anymore. I will live my life on my own way.He
deactivated all his social platform and vanishes like never exist !! He tried to contact me
but every time I bashed him with my silent as I was hurt....After 3 months he returns to
social media.I was alone. He never disturbed me nor he tries to contact me. This time
before he make a move I blocked him in all the platform.Because I don't want to faded
the good moments/memories which i spend with him over arguments.
After 3 Years.

In 2017

My elder sister got married. Everyone in my home was really happy. Now elder sister
happily explained about her hubby that how childish her hubby was and how he respect
and taking care of her during wedding pre meeting session.After wedding I was sitting
on roof around 1 AM in the night.I could not resist myself to think about his personality
and all. That day I realized that he didn't take me granted rather than I took him for
granted. I gave him all the pain which I can give him with my silence. Where my
happiness is his ultimate destiny but I gave insane hatred. I feel sorry for him. I cried too
much on that day. Next day while taking a sip of my tea I decided to meet him at-least
once. May be he moved on with another girl or might be he forgot me but I need to
relieve my heart with this sorrow by hugging him at-last.

I opened a fake account on FaceBook and send him a fiend request. Then I initialized the
chat as I want a referral in a MNC. No disrespect or creepy to unknown girl...That time I
feel how much innocent he is. After getting few details from him like work place and city,
I booked ticket to his city. I bought some flowers and chocolates for him too. Yes I was
on thrilling situation i.e how is he going to react ?? He might ignore me like I did to him
in 4 years or he might happy !! Is he single or committed to someone ??

D -Day

I remembered i.e 8th Aug 2017:-

8.30 AM:- While taking off flight I asked my heart "Am I crazy ??" then a sudden answer
come "Lets do it !!" If this guy kept your secret for 4 years ...He will keep this secret for
sure !!

10.30 AM:- I reached at his office. Unblock his ph number from true caller.I thought if he
shows me attitude I will eat all my chocolates and keep flowers with me then roam
around the city after that I will go back to airport at earliest. As my return flight is
scheduled on same day 8.30 PM. I dialed his number after 4.5 years.heart beat 82 to
84 :P
He:- Hello ?? How are You ??

Me:- You didn't delete my contacts in these years.. I thought You might not recognize

He:-Some numbers are not save in Mobile rather than heart forever. ######### and $$
$$$$$$$ isn't your number :) By the way what brings you to think about me today.?

Me:- I feel to say sorry for my behavior towards you in past years.

He:- That is okay. You didn't fell same way for me.. That’s not the problem. N I had to
move on with my life. Because friendship with you gives me always a little hope inside n
for that i will always be like prisoner of my self. Neither I will be a true friend nor a true
lover. & your ignorance help me to move on quickly. This heartbreak was necessary to
bring focus on myself. That time I was also immature where My only ambition was you..
Now I changed myself good enough for my parents,jobs and personal life.

Me:-So tell me how is your Girlfriend is ?

He:- I didn't make any girlfriend till now !!

Me:- Why ?? Still you are not moved on ??

He:-Deep inside I am not !! But seriously I am comfortable with my life. I love you
sincerely and always hope for your best... You reply with me with silent !! I loved you with
silent. By the way Did you make any Boyfriend or not ? Or Called me to invite me for
your weddings.?

Me:- Yeah I decided to make a boyfriend !! But still I am fearing that if my parents will
reject my proposal.

He:- Be confident !! Go to the boy and told about this first !! Any boy will lucky to have
you. Then Planned together for your future too.

Me:- I am waiting for you @your office base garden.Please come

He:- Oh my god !! Are you crazy ?? Really ??? I cant believe ... I am coming within 2

He brought some foods,juice, chocolates from his office canteen and came there to meet

He has changed now !!! He looks awesome in blazer.

That was awesome moments for me also.. I ran towards him ... He just pulled me over n
gave me tight hug..with his tears.. All I listened is that I missed you so much...

He is unstoppable ... surprised with my madness... I calmed down him..We sit

together..He offered me all the foods that he brought for me....and started feeding me
with his hand.. All I can see the affectionate and love !!! Which I missed those
years.Suddenly I kneel downed and asked him Can you become my life partner in this
life. He again surprised with this gesture and pulled me and hug me tightly by
saying ..your place is within my you belongs to here and he called his sister to
inform about me , to my surprise his sister was also surprised and cried with my she also knew about me.

This way I met my true love !! I like the most about him is that neither he disturbed me
nor being creepy towards me.Honestly he told his feelings and accept the fact and move
on with his life. Neither he back bitching about me to any of his friends nor he said a
single word about me to our mutual friends.He just love me with his heart from
distance.he didn't play with any girl's emotion in these year.Yeah You might be thinking
its a foolish decision by him by not moving on from so many years...But that is our
destiny.You cant ignore that fact also.

so dear if any one reject your love just move on and focus with your
study/personality/jobs,neither wasting your life in drinking alcohol and smoking.Just
respect girls decisions and move on.

Edit1:- Thanks guys all of your wish.

He was one of my close friend and that time I was immature too. Easily I can’t trust
people so that I can go that further. I saw how my friends were happy at initial stage of
relation then shattered into pieces at next level. So I decided to direct marry a person
with my choice and enjoying at fullest with my hubby is not bad at all…

I am an introvert person you can guess with my answer !!

Even my Marriage is going to be another struggle story ! I will share once my marriage is
over. A lot of drama had happened and still going on :) But he was strong about his
decision and still stands with me…

Happy reading

Edit 2:-

Really I don’t deserve him. A guy like him is so precious. He is so Intelligent,Childish

inside Matured outside and moreover opposite of my nature. Where I am an angry bird
and he is cool like angry bird player. A player who never give up without finishing the
level. But its my time to never give up on him either.

Thanks all for your kind wishes :)


OMG !! Thank you guys all of your good response, I will surely update my answer about
my marriage :) Once again thanks you all.. I will surely share this quora answer to him.let
him know that I am not alone :)

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