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A. How it Begun

B. Where it Begun

C. The Tools

1. Books

2. The God Man

D. Vision 2030

1. Pass- though” population

2. School distributions

3. Connecting with GMRC

E. Goal

F. OneHope In The Philippines

A. Networking

B. Training

C. Distributing

D. Following-Up



OneHope, in cooperation with the Philippine Department of Education, recently conducted a

quantitative survey involving more than 4000 Filipino students. The study provided much information on
the _________ of today’s youth. One point of concern was the struggle teens face in responding well to
life challenges.

The fact that 15 % (600 out of 4000) said they had considered __________ within 90 days prior to the
survey highlights the need to offer biblical solutions and hope to this generation.
Our enemy, the devil, does not want this plan to be fulfilled. He sees the potential of this generation to
bring _____ to God through the influence and contribution of their lives, and he will not stop at nothing
to ______ it. But he is no match for the authority of the Word of God and the Name of Jesus.

Truth, Lies, and the One Who Got Away


Hebrews 13: 5-6 (CEV) – “… The Lord has promised that he will not leave us or desert us. That should
make you feel like saying, ‘The Lord helps me! Why should I be afraid of what people can do to me?’’’

Jeremiah 29:11 (CEV) – “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “ plans to prosper
you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Satan’s schemes are easily recognized: steal, kill and ___________ (John 10:10This attack against today’s
youth is no different than the order to destroy the first born of the Israelites in Egypt. The enemy
targeted an entire ______________ in an attempt to destroy their potential for shaping God’s destiny
for a nation.

But it only took ______– the one that got away – to make a ___________ in his generation. Moses
became the Prince of Egypt and later the deliverer of Israel.

Then, Satan tried it again through the life of King Herod at the birth of _______.

Being outwitted, Herod flew into a murderous rage and ordered the slaughter of the innocents who
were put to the sword and ____________ in cold blood!

Another generation was lost. But _______ was watching over His Son. Jesus not only survive, He grew in
wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man - and went on to ________ his destiny as the Savior
of the world!

In both cases it was the ______ that got away that did the greatest damage to Satan’s kingdom. Through
this OneHope outreach you will have the opportunity to offer hope and challenge students to be the
difference in their generation.

The challenge is:

Will _____ BE THE ONE?

Will you BE THE ONE to fulfill God’s purpose in this generation?

Be the difference on your campus! In your home! And in your community!

With God’s help, YOU can Be THE ______!


Let me be the change I want to see.

With the strength and wisdom,
become the hope that I can be.
Free from fears and hesitations,
grant me strength and humility.
Filled with your Spirit to face the
challenged and start the change I long to see.

Adopted from a Lasallian Prayer


Instructions for Classroom Distribution

A. Books are to be distributed in the classrooms in _________ 2 or 3.

B. Team members are to take _______ in either introducing the Book of Hope or sharing the Gum and
Money skit in each class.

C. When it is your time to______.

1.Project your voice so that you may be heard all the way to the _____of the classroom.

2.Make eye contact with the students as you speak to help keep their attention and make your
presentation as ________ as possible.

D. When it is your partners turn to speak:

1. Be attentive and keep your ________ in their direction. This will help others in the class to focus as

well on what is being ______.

2.Support your partner by remaining in an attitude of silent ________.

E. When you give out the Book of Hope:

1. Make sure that the front cover is right side up and ________ the students.

2. Hand the books to one student one at a time.

3. Look the students in the eye and _______ as you hand them their Book of Hope. Let them see
________ in you.

F. As the books are being distributed, ______ the students to your local follow-up event.
“Hello, my name is ___________________. And this is my friend, __________________.

We want to thank Teacher ___________________ for allowing us this time to present to you a gift
that comes from friends in the Philippines and in America. Our gift is called the Book of Hope. This is
being distributed free of charge and given on a voluntary basis.

“The Book of Hope contains excellent insight into the 9 greatest felt needs as identified by youth in the
Philippines and around the world (Point out some of the topics and quizzes found inside the book. ). The
answers presented here are all found in the life and teachings of Jesus.

“I’d like to call my friend and help me give you each with your own…” CUT AWAY TO SKIT



Jesus challenged as to _____ into all the world and make disciples. This is the ______ of evangelism! To
accomplish the Great Commission, we must both __________ for Christ, and be willing to become
___________ in helping the new Christians _______ in their______.


A. It is important for the new Christian to understand:

1. What took place in their life at ___________ .

2. How to live a consistent Christian life under the gracious control of the _______ ________ .

B. The New Testament pattern in (see the book of Acts), let us know that it is _____ responsibility to
help these new Christians grow. Paul told Timothy in II Tim. 2:2,

“You have often heard me teach. Now I want you to tell these same things to followers who can be
trusted to tell others. “ (CEV)

C. Personal follow-up is the ______ effective way of producing disciples.


A. The Maturity Level of the New Believer

1. The New Believer in a Spiritual sense is like a new born _______.

2. Because of their limited knowledge of God’s Word, they can be easily deceive and attacked with
_________ regarding their salvation.
B. The Potential for Growth of the New Believer

1. For the first time, the New Christian has the potential for real change in their life.

(II Corinthians 5:17)

2.The ___________ and ____________ offered through personal follow-up greatly increases the
opportunity for spiritual growth in the new believer.

3.Personal follow-up can help the new believer form ____ ________ based on God’s Word.

4.Personal follow-up can help prevent the new believer from ___________ wrong life patterns.


A.“A Living Hope” has been designed to _________ you in beginning the discipleship ____________with
those who come to Christ through a Book oh Hope distribution.

1. A Living Hope consists of three lessons, each taking about one hour to complete. These lessons
should be taught in separate sessions over the course of 3 weeks.

2. The fill-in- the blank style makes it easy to ________ and allows the new disciple to more easily
_______________ and remember the truths you are sharing with them.

3. It is important that Bibles are available for the students to use in looking up scriptures during the

4. Each lesson ends with a scripture to _____________. This helps the new believer establish the
important spiritual discipline of hiding God’s Word in their heart.


1. There is Hope!

This lesson helps the new believer better understand what took place at ____________ and the ______
they have receive in Jesus.

2. Your New Hope!

This lesson introduces the new believer to the ___________ and desires that are necessary for
victorious Christian living.

3. Growing in Hope!

This lesson challenges the new believer to make a commitment to a _________ of discipleship where
Jesus is Lord.

A. Once again the goal of great commission is ________________ !

B. What kind of people do we want to see new Christians become?

C. Fill in the answer blanks of your copy of a “ Living Hope “.


One who _________ Jesus and keep His _____________.

One who is ___________ like Jesus.

One who is ___________ and available to the Holy Spirit.

One who is _________ others find Christ, too.



II Peter 3; 9 says:

“God… wants everyone to turn from sin and no one to be lost.”

The Book of Hope 5-Friend Focus is designed to help you _______ the Great Commission by __________
for five of your friends to receive Christ as Savior. You can also be _____________ involved in seeing
them receive their own copy of the Book oh Hope.

. Identify 5 friends that you want to receive the Book of Hope.

. Pray daily for these friends to receive Christ.

. Invite them to attend you’re your / campus fellowship.

. Invite them to attend a local follow-up event.

. Encourage them to join “A Living Hope” discipleship group.


Because I believe the promise of God that He “ … wants everyone to turn from sin and no one to be lost,
“ I want to do all I can do to introduce my friends to Jesus Christ , the Savior.

Therefore, I commit myself to: (Refer to 5-Friend Focus Commitment Card)

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