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Language Test A

Name: ________________________________________________________ Class: _________


1 [AUDIO 1] You will hear a radio interview with Serena talking about how her family and friends use
technology. Listen and complete the sentences using words that you hear. Use max. 3 words in each

1 Serena likes ___________________ her friends to plan when to meet.

2 Serena keeps in touch with her friends from other towns because they ______________________ with

3 Katrina, Serena’s friend, is in ___________________ at the moment

4 Serena’s dad works on a ___________________ in his office.

5 Serena’s grandmother contacts people she knows by ___________________.

______ / 5

2 Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letter is there to help you.

0 I take my t a b l e t everywhere now – it’s lighter than my laptop.

1 I’ve got to u _ _ _ _ _ my homework onto the school website.

2 Ben’s so f _ _ _ _ – he always makes us laugh!

3 We go jogging t _ _ _ _ a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays.

4 My phone b _ _ _ _ _ _ is dead, so I can’t use it.

5 Can I borrow your e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to listen to my music?

______ / 5
3 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

0 My new laptop can do all kinds of fantastic things. It’s awesome / all right.

1 Where’s the cable / charger to connect my laptop to the printer?

2 I should text / chat my mum to tell her I’ll be late.

3 My brother plays his music so loudly that I can’t do my homework. It’s very ugly / noisy!

4 Everyone said the TV programme was interesting, but I thought it was really cool / boring.

5 Matt gets hundreds of instant messages / e-books every week.

______ / 5

English Class B1 © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Language Test A

Name: ________________________________________________________ Class: _________


4 Complete the sentences, using the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

0 Harry goes (go) to school at 8.00 every morning.

1 What ___________________________________________________ (you / do) at the moment?

2 Jack ______________________________________________ (not / know) anyone at this party.

3 Tom’s dad is a reporter. He _____________________________________ (work) for a TV channel.

4 Maria ____________________________________________ (not / study) today. She’s on holiday.

5 Sara’s mum _________________________________________ (travel) a lot for her job these days.
______ / 5
5 Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.

0 Do you want to go (want / go) to the cinema later?

1 I don’t ___________________________________________ (mind / help) you with your homework.

2 My dog _____________________________________________________ (enjoy / go) for long walks.

3 I’d ___________________________________________________ (love / have) a swim. It’s so hot!

4 Let’s _______________________________________________ (ask / Mum / drive) us into town.

5 We _______________________________________________ (need / decide) what time to meet.

______ / 5

6 Choose the correct options to complete the dialogue. There is one option you don’t need to use.

Mandy: Hi, George! How’s it going?

George: 0 C

Mandy: I’m OK. I’m trying to make a video with my new camera, but I don’t know what to film.

George: 1 ___

Mandy: Playing their instruments? Yes, great idea! They’d like that!

George: 2 ___

Mandy: Mm, I’m not sure. What music could I play?

George: 3 ___

Mandy: Thanks, George – that’s a nice thing to say! Hey, I know – let’s sing a song together!

George: 4 ___

Mandy: Why don’t you want to? You’ve got an awesome singing voice!

English Class B1 © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

Language Test A

Name: ________________________________________________________ Class: _________

George: 5 ___

Mandy: Oh, George! Well, maybe you can perform in my next video!

A Well, thanks! But ... could I just hold the camera? I’d prefer that.

B And you could be in the video, too – on your guitar!

C Fine thanks, Mandy. How are you?

D OK, let’s practise something.

E What about one of your songs? You’re brilliant at writing them!

F Well, why don’t you record your brother’s band?

G What, you and me? Hmm – I’d rather not, thanks!

______ / 5

7 Read the passage about a boy called Jack Mayhew. Decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F).

1 There is a competition taking place in Jack’s English class. _______

2 The winner of the competition can get some money. _______
3 Jack’s Checkit! App will remind you to have something to eat before leaving home. _______
4 People who can’t sleep shouldn’t use MusicMind. _______
5 Jack is already thinking about how to make his app. _______

App Competition

Hi everyone! My name’s Jack Mayhew, and I’d like to tell you about an exciting competition at my
school, in all the English classes – including mine! Everyone needs to send in an idea for a new app
to the school’s website. And the prize for the best idea is a mini tablet, worth £100!
So I’m busy trying to get some ideas. One of my ideas is called Checkit! It’s an app that checks you
don’t forget anything in the mornings. It wakes you up and tells you everything you need to do
before you go to school – you know, have a shower, get dressed, have your breakfast. Then it tells
you when it’s time to leave for school. That way, you’re never late!
Another of my ideas is for an app called MusicMind that chooses just the right music for you to
listen to. So, for example, when you feel sad, it plays sad music. And when you learn a new
skateboard trick, it plays happy music! And what about the times when you just can’t sleep at night?
Then the app finds some music to make you feel sleepy. My friends all think this app sounds
We don’t actually have to build the app. Our teacher just wants us to write about one, and why we
think it can be useful. Anyway, the truth is, I’d really like an app that can take our dog for a walk
instead of me – especially when it’s raining!

______ / 5

English Class B1 © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

Language Test A

Name: ________________________________________________________ Class: _________


8 Your family have moved to another town. In an email to a friend from England:

• describe the new house or flat where you live,

• write about changes in your daily routine,

• express your opinion about the neighbourhood.

Write your email in 110–130 words.











______ / 10

Total: ______ / 45

English Class B1 © Pearson Central Europe 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

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