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Daily Teacher Mrs. Geraldine N. Onteng

Lesson Content Focus Ang Aking Kakayahan
Log Most Essential Learning 1. Nasasakilos ang sariling kakayahan sa iba’t ibang paraan, hal. pag-awit, pagsaya
Competencies 2. Naisasagawa ang mga sumusunod na kilos sa pagtugon sa ritmong mabagal at m
paglukso) (KPKGM-le-2)
3. Identify letter, number or word that is different from the group (LLKVPD-00-6)

BLOCKS OF (September 19,
(September 18, 2023) (September 20, 2023) (September 21, 2023)
TIME 2023)

Arrival Time

National Anthem National Anthem National Anthem

Opening Prayer Opening Prayer Opening Prayer
Routine Exercise Exercise Exercise
Activities Kumustahan Kumustahan Kumustahan
Attendance Attendance Attendance
Balitaan Balitaan Balitaan

Meeting Time 1

Messages Ang bawat bata ay may Ang iba’t ibang Ang mga letra sa alpabeto Ang mga bilang ay
mga kakayahan. Maaari bahagi ng ating ay magkakaiba o hindi magkakaiba o hindi
mong maipakita ang katawan ay maaari pare-pareho. Ang bawat pare-pareho. Ang
mga kakayahang ito sa nating igalaw sa letra ay may kanya- kakayahan mong
iba’t ibang paraan tulad ritmong ating nais, kanyang pangalan at makilala at masabi
ng pagsayaw, pagkanta, mabilis man o tunog. ang pagkakaiba-iba
pagtula at iba pa. mabagal. ng bawat bilang ay
makakatulong sa iyo
na mapaunlad pa ang
kakayahan mong
● Ano ang iyong ● Ano ano ang mga ● Anong mga letra ang ● Gamit ang ating
kakayahan na maaari bahagi ng ating bumubuo sa iyong mga daliri, sabay-
mong maipakita at katawan na maaari pangalan? Nakikilala sabay tayong
maipagmalaki sa nating igalaw sa mo ba ang pangalan at magbilang mula isa
iyong mga kaklase? ritmo ng sayaw? tunog ng mga ito? hanggang sampu.

● Alin sa mga letra ang ● Alin sa mga bilang

naiiba? ang naiiba?

● Nasasakilos ang sariling kakayahan sa iba’t ibang paraan, hal. pag-awit, pagsayaw, at iba pa (KPKG
● Naisasagawa ang mga sumusunod na kilos sa pagtugon sa ritmong mabagal at mabilis (paglakad, pag
● Identify letter, number or word that is different from the group (LLKVPD-00-6)
Transition to Work The teacher gives instructions on how to do the independent activities, answers any questions, and tells th
Period 1
Work Period 1

Teacher- Poster: I Can Movement Story Name Necklace What Number is

Supervised (KTG, p. 39-40) Different?
Activity (KTG, p. 38) (KTG, p. 54)
● Naipakikita ang tiwala ● Nakagagalaw ● Naisasagawa ang mga ● Recognize and
sa sarili na tugunan (martsa, palakpak, sumusunod na identify numerals 0
ang sariling tapik, padyak, kasanayan: pagbakat, to 10
pangangailangan lakad, lundag at pagkopya ng larawan, (MKC-00-2)
nang mag-isa. Hal. iba pa) nang hugis, at titik (KPKFM-
● Read and write
maghugas ng kamay, angkop sa ritmo at 00-1.4)
kumain, magbihis, indayog bilang numerals 0 to 10
● Nakikilala ang sarili (MKC-00-3)
magligpit, tapusin ang tugon sa himig na
gawaing nasimulan napapakinggan/aw (SEKPSE-00-1)
● Identify letter,
(SEKPSE-Ie-5) it na kinakanta - pangalan at apelyido
(SEKPSE-Ia-1.1) number or word
● Nakagagawa nang that is different
● Naisasagawa ang ● Recognize one’s given from the group
nag-iisa (KAKPS-00-
3) mga sumusunod na name by sight (LLKVPD-00-6)
kilos lokomotor sa (LLKAK-Ia-6)
● Naisasagawa ang
pagtugon sa ● Identify the letters of
simpleng gawain nang ritmong mabagal
maluwag sa kalooban one’s given name
at mabilis
Nakapagsesipilyo) (LLKAK-Ic-1)
Competencies (KAKPS-00-4) pagtakbo, ● Write one’s given name
● Nakalilikha ng iba’t pagkandirit, (LLKH-00-5)
ibang bagay sa n, paglukso)
pamamagitan ng (KPKGM-Ie-2)
malayang pagguhit
(SKMP-00-1) ● Nagagamit ang
● Express simple ideas mga kilos
lokomotor at di-
through symbols (e.g.,
lokomotor sa
drawings, invented paglalaro, pag-
spelling) (LLKC-00-1) eehersisyo,
● Demonstrate
movements using
different body
parts (PNEKBS-

✔ Identify the activities ✔ Do movements ✔ Identify the letters in a ✔ Identify the

Learning they can do by using their body given name different numbers
Checkpoints themselves in a group

● Sorting: Blue/Green Colors

Independent ● Memory Game (Things I Can Do in School) (KTG, p. 41)

● What’s Different (Worksheet)

● Naming Activities (Worksheet)

● Sort and classify objects according to one attribute/property (shape, color, size, function/use) (MKSC
● Tell which objects/pictures are the same based on color, shape, size, direction, and other details (T-s
● Naisasagawa ang mga sumusunod na kasanayan: pagpilas/paggupit/pagdikit ng papel (KPKFM-00-
● Identify letter, number, or word that is different from the group (LLKVPD-00-6)

✔ Sort and classify according to color

Learning ✔ Match the same pictures

✔ Identify the different letters, numbers, and words in a group
✔ Name classroom activities
Transition to The teacher reminds the learners about the time left in Work Period Time 1 around 15 minutes before Me
Meeting Time 2 ready for Meeting Time 2. A transition song or a countdown may be used.
Meeting Time 2
Questions/Activity Let the learners present Let learners Let the learners present Song: Alin Ang
their output. enumerate the things their output. Naiba?
they can do by

Transition to The teacher commends the learners for the work they did in Work Period Time 1 and tells them to prepar
Health Break/
Quiet Time After their health break, the teacher reminds the children to pack away the things they used during recess
Health Break/Quiet Time

While singing a transition song, the teacher “wakes” the learners up and tells them that it’s time to listen
Transition to Story learners are listening attentively.

Story Time

● Theme: Any age and ● Theme: Any age ● Theme: Any age and a ● Theme: Any age
a culturally and culturally culturally appropriate and a culturally
appropriate story appropriate story story about words with appropriate story
about their talents about the things different letters. about numbers.
that they can we can do with our
showcase to their body.
classmates. ● Define difficult words.

● Define difficult ● Motivation question: ● Define difficult

● Define difficult words. words. What letters make up words.
your name?
● Motivation
● Motivation question: ● Motivation
question: What
What talent or skill do can you do using ● Motive question: Why question: Can we
you have? your body? do we have different count 1 to 10?
● Motive question: ● Motive question:
● Motive question: In
What do you think Where can we use
what way, we can are the numbers?
share our talent with movements done
other people? in the story?
During Reading Ask comprehension questions.

Post Reading
● What makes the ● What did the ● Who are the characters ● What are the
character special? characters do with in the story? names of the
their bodies? characters in the
● What did you learn ● Why do the characters
from the story? ● What words rhyme have different names?
with the different ● What did you learn
parts of the body? from the story?
Transition to Work After the post-reading activities, the teacher gives instructions regarding the teacher-supervised and inde
Period 2
Work Period 2
Teacher- Writing Number (1) It’s a Match Count and Write Hand Game
Supervised (Worksheet) (KTG, p. 73-74)
● Recognize and ● Match object, ● Count objects with ● Count objects
identify numerals 0 to pictures based on one-to-one with one-to-one
10 properties correspondence up to correspondence
(MKC-00-2) /attributes in one- quantities of 10 up to quantities of
to-one (MKC-00-7) 10
● Read and write
correspondence (MKC-00-7)
numerals 0 to 10 ● Read and write
- object to object
(MKC-00-3) numerals 0 to 10 ● Tell that the
- object to picture
- picture to (MKC-00-3) quantity of a set
picture of objects does
● Identify the sounds of
(MKAT-00-1) not change even
letters orally given though the
● Describe objects (LLKAPD-Id-6) arrangement has
based on ● Identify the letters of changed (i.e., the
attributes/properti child should be
the alphabet (mother
es (shapes, size, able to tell that
tongue, orthography)
its use and one set of
functions) counters placed
(MKSC-00-4) in one-to-one
● Recognizes
and then
symmetry (own rearranged still
body, basic has the same
shapes) (MKSC- quantity) (MKSC-
00-11) 00-23)
● Add quantities up
to 10 using
concrete objects

Learning ✔ Trace and write ✔ Match two ✔ Count objects whose ✔ Add quantities up
Checkpoints number 1 identical body names have the same to 3 using
movements beginning letter concrete objects
● Block Play (KTG, p. 44)

Independent ● Tracing Numbers

● Number Coverall (KTG, p. 45)

● Number Cross Out

● Nakikipaglaro sa dalawa o tatlong bata gamit ang isang laruan (SEKPKN-Ig-2)

● Naisasagawa ang mga sumusunod na kasanayan: paglikha ng mga modelo pangkaraniwang bagay sa
Competencies ● Recognize and identify numerals 0 to 10 (MKC-00-2)

● Match numerals to a set of concrete objects from 0 to 10 (MKC-00-4)

● Tell which two letters, numbers, or words in a group are the same (LLKVPD-Ie-4)

✔ Use the blocks to build structures or models

✔ Use the construction toys to build structures or models
Checkpoints ✔ Trace numerals
✔ Understand the number concept of 1-3
✔ Identify which number in a given set is different
Transition to The teacher reminds the learners about the time left in Work Period Time 2 around 15 minutes before Ind
Indoor/ Light they used and be ready for Indoor/Light Physical Activity. A transition song or countdown may be used.
Physical Activity
Indoor Activity/ Light Physical Activity
Paint Me A Picture (Act Unstructured Free Letter Train Number Game
Activities Out) Play
(KTG, p. 62)

● Nagagamit ang mga ● Naisasagawa ang ● Nakapaghihintay ng ● Nagagamit ang
kilos lokomotor at di- mga sumusunod kanyang pagkakataon mga kilos
lokomotor sa na kilos (KAKPS-00-12) lokomotor at di-
paglalaro, pag- lokomotor sa lokomotor sa
● Natatawag ang mga
eehersisyo, pagtugon sa paglalaro, pag-
pagsasayaw kalaro at ibang tao sa eehersiyo,
ritmong mabagal
(KPKGM-Ig-3) kanilang pangalan pagsasayaw
at mabilis
(KAKPS-00-13) (KPKGM-Ig-3)
● Demonstrate (paglakad,
pagtakbo, ● Nakapagbubuo ng ● Recognize and
movements using
different body parts pagkandirit, pagkakaibigan identify numerals 0
(PNEKBS-Ic-3) paglundag/pagtal (KMKPAra-00-5) to 10
on, paglukso) ● Identify the letters of (MKC-00-2)
(KPKGM-Ie-2) one’s given name
● Nagagamit ang ● Identify the letters of
mga kilos the alphabet (mother
lokomotor at di- tongue, orthography)
lokomotor sa (LLKAK-Ih-3)
paglalaro, pag-

✔ Demonstrate movements using different body parts

Learning ✔ Follow instruction

✔ Arrange themselves accordingly

✔ Participate in the game actively

Transition to The teacher tells the learners to help pack away the materials they used in the Indoor Activity/Light Phys
Meeting Time 3 used.
Meeting Time 3
● Learners showcase ● Learners ● Learners identify the ● Learners identify
Activities their talents in demonstrate different letters in a the different
different ways. movements using group. numbers in a
their body parts. group.
●The teacher acknowledges the learners’ sharing and encourages them to come back so they can still le

Dismissal Routine The teacher reminds the learners to sanitize their hands and to always follow the health protocols.


REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think abou
needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your i
meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for


C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who

have caught up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why
did this work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked: by:


Teacher 1

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