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Daily Learning Plan

Learning Area Physical Education and Health

Learning Delivery Modality Face to Face Learning Modality

School Mamatid SHS Grade Level 12

Learning Area Physical Education and Health
Teaching Date Quarter 1st
Teaching Time No. of Days 2
(see PIVOT 4A BOW for the number of days)

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

a. Define dance
b. Undertake physical activity and physical fitness
c. Determine the risk factors related to dance injuries
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of dance in
optimizing one‘s health; as requisite for physical activity
assessment performance, and as a career opportunity
B. Performance Standards The learner Leads dance events with proficiency and
confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in
influencing others positively.

C.Most Essential Learning Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to

Competencies (MELC) physical activity assessment participation and one‘s diet).
D. Enabling Competencies (If
available, write the attached
enabling competencies)
II.CONTENT Dance and its Benefits
A. References
a. Teacher’s K to 12 Senior High School Core Curriculum –
Guide Pages Physical Education and Health May 2016
PIVOT 4A Budget of Work for Senior High School –Core
subject p.326

b. Learner’s Material HOPE 3: Module 2 p4-10 retrieved from SDO Negros Orriental
c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials
from Learning
B. List of Learning Resources Physical Education 1 Movement Enhancement
for Development and HOPE 3: Module 2- Dance ad Its Benefits
Engagement Activities pp4-10 retrieved from SDO Negros Orriental


Teacher’s Hint Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

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A. Introduction Activity 1  Student‘s answer
 The teacher will ask the learners a. It will improve our strength
to give at least 2 benefits of the and endurance specially the
dance in terms of the different cardiovascular component.
aspects. It will help our body to not
feel tired easily
Directions: Based on your b. It gives us happy hormones
experience and observation. Give because we are physically
at least two benefits of dance active.
based on the following: c. Dancing can help us to
a. Physical release our stress. It help us
b. Emotional to regulate the blood into
c. Mental our mind so it make us relax
d. Social d. It helps us to communicate
e. Cultural with others. Allows us to
socialize, make friends, and
improve our confidence to
talk to others.
e. It preserves our culture.
Filipinos are known that we
love dancing so it is one way
to tell our identity.

B. Development
 The teacher will ask the learners
to give common factors among 1. It's important to be aware of how
dancers who have injury. you can avoid dance related
Processing Questions: injuries and maintain great dance
1. Why is it important for the health. This allows you to remain in
dancers to know the common great health throughout the
injuries they may have? dance season.
2. How can these injuries 2. Develop a fitness plan that
be avoided? Explain. includes cardiovascular exercise,
strength training, and flexibility. This
will help decrease your chance of
injury. Alternate exercising different
muscle groups and exercise every
practice and performance.
Activity 2: Lets do some stretching!

 The teacher will re-introduce the

learners to the basic warm-up  Student‘s will lesson to the
exercises that they have already teachers instruction first
learned during their PE class in
junior years.
 They will be tasked to recall and
do them before performing any
physical activity.

―Everyone, since we will start our ― Yes Ma‘am‖

lesson about dance, it is important
to do warm-up exercises first to
condition our body and to prevent
―Yes ma‘am the warm-up exercises are

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―Do you still remember the warm- marching, hign knees, butt kicks,
up exercises?‖ shuffles, back pedals, and many more‖
Warm-up: Dynamic Stretching
1. A March
2. High Knees
3. Butt Kicks
4. Shuffles
5. Back Pedals
― I feel good ma‘am, I would say my
“How was your performance? Can performance is letter I- I can perform
you assess your self through the the exercises by myself‖
rating scale?”
I – I can perform the exercises by
myself ― I have seen that I can do it by my self
O – I can perform the exercises with so I will rate my self as an I- I can do it
other‘s help by my self‖
W – I will do it next time
So, which of the three reflects your
performance a while ago?

Processing questions:
―To condition the body and avoid
1. Why do you need to warm-up
properly before performing any
dance activities?
―Being aware of our heart rate
2. How can knowledge in
during exercise means that we'll look
determining your HR help in
to targeted zones to reach our
improving one‘s fitness?
3. What is dance?
― Dance is a physical activity that
means ‗to stretch‘ or to ‗drag‘‖
 The teacher will ask the learners
about dancing and the factors
that increase the risk of the injurie
―There are two types of
among dancers.
musculoskeletal injuries: acute and
chronic. Acute injuries occur when
The following questions will also
the mechanical force that is
appear to reiterate the
absorbed by the musculoskeletal
importance of strategies that
structure is more than what it is
could reduce injury risk.
accustomed to. Chronic injuries
1. What are the common types of
occur due to repetitive trauma and
dance related injuries?
the body is not given enough time to
recover. ―
2. What are the strategies that
― The strategies that we can do is
could reduce injury risk?
to create programs like programmed
exercise and training, having an
adequate recovery, dancing in
appropriate environment, wearing
proper footwear, having proper
warm-up and technique, and early
recognition of pain‖

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Activity 3
C. Engagement
 The teacher will facilitate
the learners to engage with
the following activities:
a. Stretching routines (5 min)
b. Jog in place (16x)
c. Jumping jacks (16x)
d. Walking uphill (16x)
―Yes ma‘am, to check the pulse at
―Class you need to get your heart
our wrist, we should place two
rate before and after the exercises, so
fingers between the bone and the
before doing the following exercises,
tendon over your radial artery —
make sure you get your resting heart
which is located on the thumb side
of your wrist. When we feel the
― Do you know how to get your heart
pulse, count the number of beats in
15 seconds and multiply by four.‖
 The learners will accomplish the HR
 The learners will get one hald
crosswise to copy the matrix of
Directions: Here is an HR log, a
the HR log the answer it before
template that allows you to self-
and after doing the activity
assess and report your heart rate
before and after you perform
each physical activity, the time
you spent, and your Rate of
Perceived Exertion (RPE) of the
physical activities you do in a daily
basis. Copy and accomplish this
log sheet in your activity


at ity e R (PO P URE
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―Again, to get your HR, lightly press

your index and middle fingers on your
wrist then count the number of beats
in 15 seconds and multiply by four.‖
D. Assimilation What I have learned?
 The teacher will ask someone to ―We have talked about the dance;
summarize the topic. it is an art of rhythmic bodily
 The teacher will give the learners movements that projects an ordered
a short quiz to know if they sequence of moving visual patterns
understand the topic. of line, solid shape, and color.‖

―We also learned about the benefits

of the dance and what are the
good things it can give to our body if
we are physically active.‖

― We also learned about the factors

that increase the risk of injury among
dancers as well as the strategies to
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avoid injuries or accident in

 Student‘s answer to the quiz

1. T 6. F
2. T 7. T
3. F 8. T
4. T 9. T
5. F 10. T

V. REFLECTION *This part will be completed by

the teacher after the lesson

Prepared by:

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