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A. This examination is composed of two parts. Part I is fill-in-the-blank type and Part II is essay.
B. For Part I, you have to write your answer on the blanks provided. For Part II, you have to provide your
answers on the essay-type questions where each is worth 10 points. The scoring rubric is in our
Learning Management System (Google Classroom).
C. You may encode your answers in this MS Word Template and submit in our Learning Management
System (Google Classroom).
D. You may also print this MS Word Template. Write your answers. Take a photo of the answers and
submit in our Learning Management System (Google Classroom).
E. If your internet signal is unstable or weak, you may submit your answers at SLSU-Calauag Office.

Part I

Myth__________1. It is a body of tales describing the gods and demigods of a people of race. It is also a prose
narrative which explains how the world and people came to in their form usually involving
supernatural elements.
Legends________2. It is a form of prose the common theme of which is about the origin of a thing, place,
location, or name. It is imaginary, devoid of truth, and unbelievable.
Folktales_______3. According to Enriquez (2014), it refers to a prose narrative told for amusement and
instructional value, dealing with events set in an indefinite time and place.
Father Modesto de Castro 4. He is the author of the tale “Urbana and Felisa” which is mostly about faith and
Writer__________5. asent a stit is the vantage point from which an author priory.
Thinking for Ourselves__ 6. The title of the first book or collection of essays published by Vicente Hilario and
Fables_________7. It is a fictitious story of which the characters are animals with human attributes.
Dagli__________8. It is the earliest fictional piece of literary form in ‘Tagalog’ short story.
Action_________9. It is a dominant mode in short stories which explains that good action is not an end in itself
but a means of suggestion or expression for a deeper idea.
Plot and Conflict_10. It is the basic tension, predicament, or challenge that propels a story’s plot.

Part II - Essay

1. Short story in English is a concrete and convincing manifestation of the influence of America exerted over
Filipino writers. They are divided into three periods. What are those periods? Discuss each.
1. Period of Imitation
 The pioneers in short story writing were mostly college students motivated and inspired by their
American teachers.
 Thee Period of Imitation produced an output that rather small considering that the writers were
still busy learning the English language. The quality of pioneering stories was low and most of the
stories lacked artistic discipline and had the lendency to wordiness and sentimentalism.
2. Period of Experimentation and Self-assertion
 The second period in the development of short stories in English was characterized by the
appearance of young and promising writers who helped in the cultivation of writing short story as
an art.
 The Period of Experimentation and Self-assertion saw a shift from romantic idealism to romantic
realism and it was also characterized by the emergence of different significant trends.
3. The Period of Greater Self Assertion
 The Third period in the developing short story in English saw the Filipino writers with greater facility in
the use of English language.
 They have acquired a wider knowledge of technique as a result of their sensitivity to literary fashions
here and abroad.
.2. Discuss the guidelines for reading narrative prose.
A. Preview the story
 It is possible to learn several important things about a story before you even read the first sentence.
Begin with a close consideration of the title. You should of course reconsider the significance of the
titles after you read the story to see how accurate your impression may have been.
B. Read the Story Actively
 There is a difference between passively absorbing words on a page and seriously engaging the
situation and ideas that those words convey. If you find that you are not always an active reader, the
following techniques will help you. Always read with a pen or pencils in your hand and underline the
things in a story that you seem to you important; clues to a character’s motivation, for instance, or a
generalization that may serve as a statement of theme; a description of setting that helps you to
establish a particular tone , or a choice of words that gives us a sense of the narrator’s voice.
C. Respond Promptly to the story
 Write out, preferably in complete sentences, a few initial responses as soon as you finish the story
responses may take the form of questions or statements or both, but they should reflect your
strongest immediate impressions.

3. Discuss and explain the contents of a written analysis for narrative prose according to Queddeng

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