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Gatsby Tom Daisy

Mysterious: rumors, elusive, Manipulative: with Daisy, Materialistic: stays with Tom, is
his family background forces her to leave Gatsby, drawn by Gatsby
Ambitious: Getting Daisy back, same with Myrtle
works hard to change his social Risk taker (to a certain point
class Violent: racist theories, looks point): Cheats on Tom, enjoys
Arrogant: lavish parties down on people, violent with her safety so she goes back to
Myrtle Tom
Theme: The American Dream,
he is ambitious, self-made Insecure: because of Gatsby Hollowness
man, dreams of money, and Daisy,
Hope is the essence of the Theme: Hollowness of the
character, symbolized by the Theme: Upper class upper class, superficiality
green light he is really wealthy and proud, Gatsby’s funeral
part of the aristocracy, uses his
status to get everything he “I hope she’ll be a fool – that’s
« by 7 o’clock the orchestra has wants the best thing a girl can be in
arrived” this world, a beautiful little
“but the 2 or 3 people of Now he was a sturdy straw- fool” chapter 1
whom I asked his whereabouts haired man of thirty, with a
stared at me in such an rather hard mouth and a
amazed way and denied so supercilious manner. Two
vehemently any knowledge of shining arrogant eyes had
his movement” established dominance over
“Gatsby believed in the green his face and gave him the
light” appearance of always leaning
aggressively forward. Not even
the effeminate swank of his
riding clothes could hide the
enormous power of that body-
he seemed to fill those
glistening boots until he
strained the top lacing, and
you could see a great pack of
muscle shifting when his
shoulder moved under his thin
coat. It was a body capable of
enormous leverage – a cruel

Nick Jordan George Myrtle

“He was a blond, Dishonest
Omnipresent : he is Modern woman: spiritless man, anemic
the narrator of every independent, earns and faintly handsome. Double-face character,
event, all the money on her own, When he saw us a she is like Batman,
characters confide to unmarried, no damp gleam of hope lives with Tom during
him children sprang into his light the day and with
Realistic: wise woman, blue eyes.” George at night,
Quiet: never has opposed to the
strong opinions, stays dreaming Daisy, Desperate: his life is Unfulfilled: loveless
in the back while most nothing serious with hopeless, he loves a marriage  wrong
of the action unfolds Nick, no false hopes woman who cheats on expectations, her
for him him, he forces her to hopes with Tom fail as
Theme: superficiality, stay, eventually kills well, Desperate as
Ambitious: not as rich she cheats, she enjoys Gatsby. George
as the other Daisy’s status, enjoys
characters, looks for a going to parties, Unlucky: Everything in
better job, in a better making contacts his life is not going Theme: The
city, also has hopes for well, he cannot inaccessibility of the
his friend “Jordan clever overcome his American Dream
intentionally avoided situation, he lives in
Theme: American clever men” the valley of ashes, he Quote: chapter 7;
Dream, inspired by married the wrong “beat me! He heard
Gatsby, moved to woman, … her cry. Throw me
West Egg, wants to fit Down and beat me,
in. Devastated: his you dirty little coward!
demise is tragic, in the A moment later she
Quote: “Everybody I end kills Gatsby and
rushed out into the
knew was in the bond himself
business, so I dusk (…) business was
supposed it could
support one more Theme: Lower Class
single man.” Chapter 1
He is the most
unfortunate character
of the novel, he dies
while all the rich
characters survive, he
is the only truly poor
character and yet
manages to lose

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