WORK Grade 8

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The work done by a force is the product of the force and the displacement acting in the same direction
as the force.
𝑊 = Σ𝐹. 𝑑
𝑊 = work (joule)
Σ𝐹 = the force acting on a body (N)
𝑑 = the displacement acting in the same direction as the force (m)

Positive work : if the component of force is the same direction as the displacement.
Negative work : if the component of force is the opposite direction as the displacement.
Zero work : if the component of force is perpendicular to the displacement.


1. A wooden box in the floor pushed by the 6. A box with mass of 10kg had been
force of 40 N. The box move in 2 meters. accelerated 4 m/s2 for 5m. How much the
Find the work done by that force? magnitude of work that had be done to the
2. Indra and Ratno are pulling the rope. Indra
pull to the left by the force of 300 N and 7. A box had been pushed by force of 100 N
Ratno pull to the right by the force of 250 N. and be pulled by force of 80 N in the same
If they moved for 4 meters, find the work direction, so that the box moved 2 m. If
done! there is a friction force between the box and
the floor as it is 5N, how much the
3. Find the work! magnitude of work that had be done to the

8. There are two force F1 and F2, each of them

are 40 N and 20 N. If the object move for 5
meters, find the work if the force
a. in the same direction
b. opposite direction
4. Mr. Banu push the table by the force of 100
9. A kid is moving a book from the floor to the
N. If the work to push the table is 600 Joule
table. The mass of the book is 300 grams,
and the floor is slippery, the table move as
and the height of the table is 80 cm. Find the
far as
work of the kid! (g = 10 m/s2)

5. A housekeeper pushes a cupboard on the

10. Budi push a wagon with force of 80 N. The
floor with force of 350 N, while the floor
wagon not moving at all. Find the work of
gave the friction force as it is 70 N. How
much the magnitude of work that had be
done to the box so that is moved 6 m?
Ari and Sari ride their bike to their school. Ari needs 1 hour to reach the school, but Sari only needs 0.5
hour to reach the same distance. It means that Sari is faster than Ari, and her output power is two times
larger than Ari. What is the definition of power?

Power is the rate of doing work.

P : power (watt)
W : work (joule)
t : time interval (s)

Power shows how quickly the work is done or how fast is the rate of change of energy from one form of
energy to others.

Example :
A weightlifter lifts 100 kg of barbell from the floor to his chest for 1.5 m. If he needs 3 seconds to do his
work, what is power output of the weightlifter? (g= 10 m/s2)

Known: Unknown: Solution

m = 100 kg P=? 𝑊 𝐹𝑑
𝑃= =
d = 1.5 m 𝑡 𝑡
t =3s the force exerted on the barbell against gravity is Fg = w = mg
𝑚𝑔 𝑑
!"".!" .!.!
𝑃= !
= 500 watts

1. Complete the following table with appropiate values.
Force Displacement Work Time Power
5N 0.3 m a 5s b
10 N c 20 J d 2W
e 2.5 m 50 J 20 s f
0.1 N 20 cm g h 0.2 W
500 N i j 25 s 28 W

2. An object move for 10 meters cause a work 4. A student who weight 450 N up the stairs
of 12 joule. Find the force! that have height of 3 meters. The student
need 6 seconds to to get to over. Find the
3. A desk having an unknown mass is pushed power of the student!
by a boy with force of 40N. If the desk
moves for 6 m in 1 minute, then what is the 5. A farmer use tractor to plow up by force of
output power of the boy? 100 N. He can plow for 5 meters in 500
sekon. Find the power of the farmer!

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