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Q1. Read the given poem carefully and answer the questions that follow :

A lot of things that I have said,

For which I have regret,
I've hurt people for no reason at all,
I took out anger on big and small.
My words were like arrows piercing their hearts,
Hitting them hard, tearing them apart.

My anger was out of control,

Every one's happiness it stole.
But truthfully, I didn't mean to hurt,
The words just came out,
My anger caused me to scream and shout,
People thought I was a spoilt brat.

Now I think, "Oh! Why did I say that?"

So take my advice, think before you speak.
Shouting only makes others weep,
Don't make fun of people because they are thin and fat.
You will only end up saying,
"Oh! Why did I say that?"

2.1 Choose the option you consider the most appropriate.

a) The poet feels sorry for having -

i) spoken too often iii) hurt others with arrows
ii) advised others in vain iv) hurt others with his angry and rude speech .
b) The expression "my words were like arrows"(line-5) means-
i) the poet used arrows to hurt others iii) the poet hurt anyone who hurt him
ii) the poet's speech was hurtful iv) the poet was a good marksman

c) The poet advises readers to-

i) regret what they say iii) let their anger go out of control
ii) use words as weapons iv) be careful in their speech
d) The tone of the poet in the poem is-
i) cheerful iii) regretful ii) angry iv) surprised

e) A ‘brat’ is a child who is very –

i) loud iii) well- behaved
ii) courteous iv) badly behaved

Q2 The following passage have not been edited. There is one error in each line.
Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank number.
One of a key figures in the tourist industry is a) …..…… ….……
a waiter. His jobs is not merely to b) …..…… …..……
wait at table and serve food and c) …..…… ….……
beverages too customers. The service d) …..…… …..……
provided for the hotel industry is rather e) …..…… ….……
complex; hence an waiter has to be trained f) …..…… …..……
to acquire the knowledge and skills with the g) …..…… …..……
industry. He have to be courteous and h) …..…… …..……
cheerful so have the ability to smile. i) …..…… …..……
A waiter must appeared smart and well groomed. j) …..…… ....
He must been able to speak clearly with a modulated k) …..…… …..……
tone; he should have a understanding of human l) …..…… …..…….
Q2 Complete the sentences with the specified forms of the verbs as per the tense
given in the brackets.
a) Last year she ……………………. (work) half of her vacation time. (Past Perfect
b) It ……………………..…. (negative form – has stopped) raining since yesterday.
c) They ……………….…… (live) in this street for twenty years. (Present Perfect)
d) I ……………………………… (meet) Susie on Monday. (Present Continuous)
e) ……..….. you ……….. (visit) Delhi before you left the country? (Past Perfect)
f) The baby ………..… (sleep-past continuous) soundly when someone ……….….
(knock-simple past) at the door loudly.

Q4 Rewrite the following sentences using so……..that and a negative word.

a) The news is too good to be true.
b) The thief ran too fast for the police to catch.
c) The bag was too heavy for me to lift.
d) He is too proud to beg.

e) The tea was too hot to drink.


You are Raavi/ Ravi Batra, the President of the Cultural Club of Mother Mary
Convent, Nagpur. Write a notice in not more than 50 words informing the club
members of Classes VIII to XII about a paid WORKSHOP ON INDIAN FOLK
MUSIC to be held in school on 16 September 2023. Give all the necessary details of
the workshop like date, time , cost, etc. Also, inform the members to carry their
headphones and audio devices along with them, as well as to be seated well before the
arrival of the dignitaries.


1. On the basis of the clues given below, write a speech in about 180 words on the
topic- Fireworks- should they be banned?
• Fireworks- brilliant display, made from harmful chemicals
• Cause pollution- sound and colour affect wildlife
• Human health affected- breathing ailments
• Great risk for those making them, mostly children
• Money wasted- could be put to better use

2. As Rima/Rohan Chopra, write a speech in about 180 words on the topic ‘Fat or
Fit – It is Your Choice’ using the hints given below.
[ Hints : 70% of youth in urban India food consumption .....western advertisements......obesity leads to diabetes, hypertension ....
balanced diet required......regular for need not greed ........will power
.......regular exercise/ sport... ..... indulge only occasionally]

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