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Irregular verbs

Level 4
Movers irregular verbs 1 page 1

bring brought …………

buy bought …………

think thought …………

catch caught …………

write wrote …………

ride rode …………

drive drove …………

wake up woke up …………

choose chose …………

Materiały wyłącznie do użytku wewnętrznego Szkoły St. Patrick’s

Movers irregular verbs 1 page 2

hit hit …………

hurt hurt …………

put put …………

put on put on …………

1 Complete the table with the correct form of the verbs.

Infinitive Past Simple Polish
put on
………………………… …………………………
………………………… …………………………
………………………… …………………………
………………………… …………………………
………………………… …………………………
………………………… …………………………
………………………… …………………………
………………………… …………………………
………………………… …………………………

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Movers irregular verbs 1 page 3

…………………. …………………….
woke up
………………………. ……………………….
prowadzić (np.
………………………. ………………………
………………………. …………………….

2 Complete the crossword with the Past Simple form of the verbs.

1 2 3

4 5 6 7


11 12

Across Down
4. HURT 1. PUT
12. HIT

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Movers irregular verbs 1 page 4
3 Write. Uzupełnij zdania używając form czasu przeszłego.

Example: Xawery rides a bike. Jędrek rode a horse.

1. Xawery buys computer games. Jędrek ………..…..……................ horses.

2. Xawery writes with a pen. Jędrek …......……………............. with a quill.
3. Xawery wakes up at seven. Jędrek …….……….................. at five.
4. Xawery catches butterflies. Jędrek ……………..…….……. dragons.
5. Xawery puts on T-shirts and jeans. Jędrek ….……….…………. his helmet.

4 Read and write. Uzupełnij historyjkę czasownikami w czasie przeszłym.

One day Joker (0) ….....… brought ................... (bring) home an egg. He (1) ……………………..
(think) it was a nice present for his friend Batman. Joker (2) ……………………………….. (put)
the egg in the garage. Batman (3) ……….…………………….. (drive) home in his Batmobile.
He (4) …………...……………… (choose) his favourite Batmobile – the black one. In the garage
he (5) ……………………………… (hit) the egg. There was a dragon in the egg!

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Movers irregular verbs 2 page 5

draw drew ……………

fly flew ……………

know knew ……………

throw threw ……………

stand stood ……………

understand understood ……………

mean meant ……………

learn learnt / learned ……………

sleep slept ……………

dream dreamt/dreamed ……………

b-e-e spell spelt/spelled ……………

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Movers irregular verbs 2 page 6
1 Complete the table with the correct form of the verbs.
Infinitive Past Simple Polish
………………………… …………………………

………………………… stood …………………………

………………………… ………………………… znaczyć

………………………… flew …………………………

understand ………………………… …………………………

………………………… learnt …………………………

………………………… ………………………… wiedzieć

………………………… threw …………………………

sleep ………………………… …………………………

………………………… dreamt …………………………

………………………… ………………………… literować

2 How many words can you find in the word snake? Write the infinitive.


infinitive Past Simple infinitive Past Simple

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Movers irregular verbs 2 page 7
3 Match.

1. dream meant
2. know dreamt/dreamed
3. understand drew
4. sleep knew
5. draw understood
6. fly slept
7. spell flew
8. mean spelt/spelled

4 Complete the missing letters.

dr_w dr_w
spe_l sp_l_
thr_w thr_w
st_nd st_ _ d
le_rn le_rn_
sl_ _p sl_pt
fl_ fl_w
kn_w kn_w
und_rst_nd und_rst_od

Materiały wyłącznie do użytku wewnętrznego Szkoły St. Patrick’s

Movers irregular verbs 2 page 8
5 Write. Uzupełnij zdania formami czasu przeszłego.

Yesterday I … had … (have) a busy day.

1. I …................................... (wake up) at 6 a.m.

2. I …................................... (choose) my mask.
3. I …................................... (put) the mask on my face.
4. I ….................................... (catch) a robber.
5. I …..................................... (buy) some food.
6. I …..................................... (drive) home.
7. I …..................................... (write) an email.
8. I …..................................... (go) to bed.

6 Look, read and write.

…………. threw
dream ………….
draw ……………
………... meant
spell ………….
…………. slept
fly …………..
………….. knew
learn …………….
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Movers irregular verbs 3 page 9

drink drank ……………

sing sang ……………

swim swam ……………

run ran ……………

get got ……………

get dressed got dressed ……………

get undressed got undressed ……………

get up got up ……………

go went …………

be was / were …………

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Movers irregular verbs 3 page 10

do did ……………

give gave ……………

have had ……………

have to had to ……………

can could ……………

1 Complete the table with the correct form of the verbs.

Infinitive Past Simple Polish

………………………… …………………………

………………………… got …………………………

………………………… ………………………… iść

………………………… gave …………………………

sing ………………………… …………………………

………………………… got dressed …………………………

………………………… ………………………… być

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Movers irregular verbs 3 page 11

………………………… had …………………………

swim ………………………… …………………………

………………………… did …………………………

………………………… ………………………… musieć

………………………… ran …………………………

get undressed ………………………… …………………………

………………………… got up …………………………

………………………… ………………………… móc, potrafić, umieć

2 Complete the text. Use one of the verbs in the Past Simple form.

drink get up get dressed run go get undressed have to be can give

Yesterday Bob ……………………… at 8 o’clock. Oh no! He ……………………… late for school!

He ……………………… and ……………………… downstairs. He quickly ……………………… some
food to his dog. He ……………………… to hurry! He quickly ……………………… some tea and
then… He remembered. It was Saturday! He ……………………… sleep all day!
He ……………………… upstairs, ……………………… and jumped into his bed.

Materiały wyłącznie do użytku wewnętrznego Szkoły St. Patrick’s

Movers irregular verbs 3 page 12
3 Find Past Simple forms of eleven verbs in the wordsearch. Write them next to the verbs.

g o t r q a z w

s x s a e d c o

d r a n k r g f

w e n t v h a d

s t g o b e v u

w a s w e r e d

a y h n u j m i

m k l c o u l d

1 drink - …………………… 2 sing - …………………… 3 swim - ……………………

4 run - …………………… 5 get - …………………… 6 go - ……………………
7 do - …………………… 8 give - …………………… 9 have - ……………………
10 can - …………………… 11 be - …………………… / ……………………

4 Complete the sentences. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki w czasie przeszłym.

a. My baby brother ......................................... six bottles of milk yesterday.

b. Jane ............................. a cat when she was five.
c. I ....................................... many presents for Christmas. drink
d. My friends ............................. to the cinema at the weekend. get
get up
e. Charlie .................................... his homework last week. What a surprise!
f. Yesterday I ........................... at five o’clock and I was tired at school. have

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Movers irregular verbs 3 page 13
5 Decode the words. Write them in the past. Rozkoduj czasowniki i dopisz ich formy
czasu przeszłego.

a b c d e f g h i
        

j k l m n o p q r
        

s t u v w x y z
       

code word past form

1. 
2. 
3. 
5. 
6. 
7. 
8. 
9. 
10. 

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Movers irregular verbs 3 page 14

Materiały wyłącznie do użytku wewnętrznego Szkoły St. Patrick’s

Movers irregular verbs 4 page 15

make made ……………

come came ……………

eat ate ……………

find found ……………

hold held ……………

read read ……………

say said ……………

lose lost ……………

see saw ……………

wear wore ……………

sit sat ……………

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Movers irregular verbs 4 page 16

take took ……………

take off took off ……………

1 Complete the table with the correct form of the verbs.

Infinitive Past Simple Polish

take off ………………………… …………………………

………………………… made …………………………

………………………… ………………………… przychodzić

eat ………………………… …………………………

………………………… took …………………………

………………………… ………………………… siedzieć

find ………………………… …………………………

………………………… wore …………………………

………………………… ………………………… widzieć

hold ………………………… …………………………

………………………… lost …………………………

………………………… ………………………… czytać

say ………………………… …………………………

Materiały wyłącznie do użytku wewnętrznego Szkoły St. Patrick’s

Movers irregular verbs 4 page 17
2 Unjumble the letters to make verbs. Then, write the Past Simple form. Ułóż litery w kolejności
tak, aby utworzyć czasowniki. Następnie dopisz do każdego z nich formę czasu przeszłego.

1. y a s - __ __ __ past simple:__________________
2. k a e m - __ __ __ __ past simple:__________________
3. d e a r - __ __ __ past simple:__________________
4. d i n f - __ __ __ __ past simple:__________________
5. d o l h - __ __ __ __ past simple:__________________
6. r e a w - __ __ __ __ past simple:__________________
7. e m o c - __ __ __ __ past simple:__________________
8. t i s - __ __ __ past simple:__________________
9. k a t e - __ __ __ __ past simple:__________________
10. e s o l - __ __ __ __ past simple:__________________

3 Circle the correct word. Zakreśl słowo, które najlepiej uzupełnia zdanie.

1. Can I hold / read the ball now?

2. Children! Come / Wear inside the house! It’s starting to rain.
3. What a beautiful rainbow! Can you lose / see it?
4. My dad is a cook. He can take off / make the best pizza in the world!
5. Sam, take off / say your jacket. It’s a hot and sunny day.
6. My parents say/ take that I can’t cross the street.
7. My brother can drive/ eat ten hot dogs in thirty seconds.
8. Everybody, sit / find down and open your books at page 44.

4 Complete each sentence with the Past Simple form of the verbs. Uzupełnij zdania wstawiając
czasowniki w formie czasu przeszłego.

1. I …………………… (lose) the key to the house yesterday. I had to wait for mum to let me in.
2. Somebody ……………………… (take) my pen! I had to write with a pencil.
3. The dog …………………… (eat) all its food yesterday so we went shopping to buy some more.
4. Sam ……………………… (find) treasure two years ago.
5. Susan ……………………… (make) a big birthday cake for Sarah last year.

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Movers irregular verbs 4 page 18
6. It was very cold last week. All the children …………………… (wear) hats, scarves and gloves.
7. Mark and May ……………………… (see) my brother last week but he didn’t see them.
8. I …………………… (read) the whole book last night. It was very interesting.

5 Match. Połącz w pary formy czasu teraźniejszego i przeszłego.

1. see ate
2. wear saw read
4. find wore
5. take held
6. hold found
7. read lost
8. come took
9. lose sat
10. sit came

6 Complete the sentences. Uzupełnij zdania. Wpisz czasowniki wyraz podane w nawiasach w formie·

1. Last month Helen ..................................... (read) a book about pirates. It was very interesting.
2. My grandpartens .................................... (come) to our house last Sunday.
3. I .................................. (see) you in the shopping centre last weekend.
4. Kim .................................. (go) to the cinema last Monday.
5. My brother ................................... (make) his bed yesterday. He never does it, so it was a surprise.
6. My friend ................................. (find) €10 on the street. Lucky him!
7. My hamster .................................. (eat) a worm yesterday. Yuck!
8. I ........................................ (can) do the split when I was a baby.
9. My cat .............................. (sleep) for twelve hours straight last night.
10. My grandma ............................... (lose) her glasses yesterday. Now, she can’t see a thing.

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Movers irregular verbs 4 page 19
7 How many verbs can you find in the work-snake? Write them and complete their past form.
Ile wyrazów uda Ci się znaleźć w wężu wyrazowym? Wpisz je poniżej, a następnie do każdego dopisz
formę czasu przeszłego.

....................................... past simple:__________________
....................................... past simple:__________________
....................................... past simple:__________________
....................................... past simple:__________________
....................................... past simple:__________________
....................................... past simple:__________________
....................................... past simple:__________________
. ...................................... past simple:__________________

8 Complete the missing letters. Uzupełnij brakujące litery.

ma_e ma_e
c_ me c _ me
__t _t_
h _ ld h _ ld
s__ s__
los_ los_
t_ke off t_ _k off
s_ y s__d

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Movers irregular verbs 4 page 20

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Movers irregular verbs 4 page 21

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