How To Submit An Event in RL

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Reliability Learning tool: How to Submit an Event

To log into the Reliability Learning tool (RL), go to THR intranet and select Reliability Learning tool in Quick Links.

Login Procedure
1. Go to the Texas Health intranet. Select Reliability Learning tool link. You
will be directed to the THR Confidentiality Notice. Once you accept, you
will see a landing page. Click on the first box marked “RL” . You will then
be directed to the RL login screen. Select Texas Health or your facility.
(THPG and wholly owned THR facilities will use Texas Health. Other options are for Texas
Health Partners/Joint Venture facilities.)
2. Enter your user-name and password (user-name and password are the same one used to
login to other computers and systems at THR)
3. Click the Login button
4. A pop-up box will show the date, time and event with the file number that you last
worked. This is an easy way to get the File ID if you forget it later.

Submit a Report
Tip: If you can’t re-
1. The Icon Wall will open, if not, click the New File button on the Navigation member which icon to
use or what is under
Toolbar (below the house on the left side). Select the icon that best fits each icon, use the
your situation. search window. Type
in a keyword to narrow
2. Click on an icon/picture to begin a new report form. down what Icon will
need to be used.
3. Once you’ve selected the icon for the event, you’ll be presented with the event submission form.
Each type of safety
report has a picture/
icon and the name
underneath to help you
Please Note – Icon for ‘Employee Safety’ will be used for any type of employee injury or report of find the type of report
threat of violence against employees, and the ‘Feedback’ icon, will be used for complaints, grievances, you need. Use the
or compliments. scroll bar to view all
the icons for reports.
Throughout the form while entering the event you will notice the green star * next to certain fields. This
means that field is mandatory and must be completed.
You will also see blue links listed as “Add or “Add/Modify”. These links will allow you to select information
related to the event.

“When and Where Event Occurred”.

1. Enter the date the event took place.

2. Enter the time the event occurred. (Please remember time is entered in military time).

Tip: To find date, simply click in the field and choose the date the event occurred. If
the date was several months back you can click the scroll button at the top of the calendar
to find the month event occurred. You can also click on the year to choose a previous year.
3. Using the dropdowns, enter your facility/location where event took place:
Location Level 1: Facility/Company/Group Name
Location Level 2: Department/Clinic Name Note: Locations must be
Location Level 3: Area where event actually occurred entered in order … 1,2,3

“General Information and Details”

For each field, select the appropriate response from each dropdown.

Please note if you select ‘Yes’ for question that reads “As a result of the event did the
patient die or suffer severe harm”, this will trigger a notification to the entity Triad (CMO,
CNO, President and Risk Manager) as applicable.

In the “Brief Factual Description” field, enter what happened in your own words. The
important thing is to stick to the facts: who, what, when, where, why and how.

Note: Free text boxes will hold up to 4000 characters. Also, by double-clicking in the text
box it will allow you to change font, give word count, and perform spell check.

The “Immediate Actions” field provides a list of actions performed at the time of the event. Click the blue link “Add/Modify” and
make the appropriate selections. If an action is not listed, scroll down to the blue link “Add Other” and enter action performed.

1 Updated: 1/11/2019
Reliability Learning tool: How to
2 Submit an Event

“Medication Involved”
• Click the ‘Add” link to enter medication involved, if a medication contributed to the event.
• Select the medication involved by clicking on the circle next to the
name of the correct medication. You can click “View Detail” to see A magnifying glass next to
the field represents a search
lookup field. Click on it to
• Click “Accept”. perform a search.

Medication lookup is by
• Document the dose and unit administered. brand and generic name.

“Person Affected Details”

• Enter the information in this section manually or by using the magnifying glass.
• If the person affected is a patient, click on the magnifying glass to look up the patient
by first or last name, MRN (Medical Record Number), or account number. For a more
accurate search, use the account number field.

• Select the patient by clicking on the circle next to the patient name and click ‘view
detail’. This will list the patient demographics to ensure the correct patient is selected.
Once you have finished reviewing demographics and have the correct patient, click

• All the demographic information will auto-fill based upon what patient was selected.

“Injury details”

This section will only appear if you answered yes to the “Injury incurred” question.

• Enter all information related to the injury.

• Any field that has the blue link “Add” or “Add/Modify” will need to be addressed.

Note: There are many options to select from in the drop down boxes. Do not feel
that you have to double document or repeat what is already there.

“Equipment Involved/ Malfunctioned”

If Equipment Involved/ Malfunctioned is answered “Yes”, a related ‘Equipment Details’
section appears towards the bottom of the event form.

To list the equipment involved in the event, click “Add”. A pop-up box will appear for you to
enter the equipment details.

“Parties Involved/Notified/Witnesses”
This section is used to capture anyone associated with the event.
This helps during the review process and helps the system notify
the appropriate parties based upon who is involved with the event.
Click the blue link “Add” to enter identified parties.
List should include individuals who are or should be interviewed.

Click the blue link “Add” to add any documents related to the event.

To finalize and submit the event form, click ‘Submit’.

Once the file is submitted, you will receive a popup with the event ID. At
this point notifications will be sent out notifying the event reviewers
based upon the type of event and where it occurred. Everyone associat-
ed with the event, including the submitter, will receive an e-mail notification for the event.

2 Created:
Updated 12/30/2016

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