Year 9 Term 1 Revision Topics 2022-23

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Newton International Academy

Secondary school
An International community of learners striving for excellence and celebrating success

Newton International Academy

Doha, Barwa

Term 1 Examination
Revision Topics
Year 9
Newton International Academy
Secondary school
An International community of learners striving for excellence and celebrating success

Term 1

Year 9

2022 – 2023

Guidelines for Revision Term 1

The course has been developed for learners who want to study:

 English as a First Language / Literature at KS4

 English as a Second Language at IGCSE.

Speaking, reading, writing, grammar and spelling is taught. Skills covered in Year 7 (and KS3) are as

 Individual, paired and group speaking

 Reading for explicit and inferred meaning, extracting information by using skimming and
scanning techniques
 Reading and commenting on the structure and organisation of texts
 Reading and responding to authorial viewpoints, ideas, themes, context and language;
using quotations to support discursive writing
 Writing for a variety of purposes, using a variety of formats e.g. persuasive letters,
informative articles.
 Improving grammar at paragraph, sentence and word level; improving spelling.

1. PIRA or Age Appropriate Comprehensions: All students (90 Minutes) age appropriate
comprehensions, testing skills of gathering explicit ideas; interpreting ideas; understanding
the purpose and audience of writing; understanding language and structure; critically
evaluating texts; making connections within texts and personal response to texts.

2. Writing examination testing the skills of writing for a particular purpose, a set audience and
a format.

 Sets 2 – 4 – ‘Great Achievers’ Writing a talk about achievement – for example about
a famous person, role model or an autobiographical talk ‘My Greatest Achievement’.
 Set 1 – Writing an extended analytical response to an extract from set text ‘Of Mice
and Men’ by John Steinbeck.

Teachers will conduct revision in class and set it for homework.

Text Book / Work Book - All students are equipped with a text book and workbook that cover the
skills needed and are useful as a starting point for independent further revision.

 Set 2 - 4 – Chapters 1,2,7 and 9 (English as a Second Language)

 Set 1 - Chapters 1 and 7, 8 (English First Language)

PIRA (if set by the school) or COMPREHENSIONS

Teachers will work with students on these tests regularly. They will give students past papers to
work with. Also useful are the UK SATs papers for KS3 which have a similar format. Students should
regularly practice comprehensions.

All sets should practice comprehensions regularly as part of revision.

Parents can regularly give students comprehensions at home and there are many online; including
past IGCSE papers

Set 1 students should be able to do short answer comprehensions, read stories and longer form
novels, be able to show understanding of narrative structure and right about an extract from the
studied novel in long form. They will comment on ideas, themes, characters and linguistic devices
used by the writer in order to present these to the reader. Analysis should be supported by close
reference to the text / quotations.

Set 2 – 4 students – should practise answering comprehension questions, be able to put the ideas of
a text into their own words and write a talk that is organised, uses correct spelling, grammar and
punctuation, has a good vocabulary and is presented well.

Parents can regularly give students comprehensions at home and there are many online, include
past IGCSE papers

The class teacher will provide appropriate revision materials on Google Classroom

Google Classroom also has extensive useful resources and can be used for revision. It shows topics
covered and has past lessons organised in an accessible way.

Another good place to look is in your learner’s exercise book

On the next page are links to the many websites that can support our learners.
Sites that cover basic skills and are useful for EAL Learners:

Name Address / Link

English Worksheets
Using English
ESL Flow Comprehension
Live Worksheets


Name Address / Link

English 4 Everyone
British Council
Cambridge Past Papers
PIRA Examples

Writing Articles, Reviews, Letters, Talks

Name Address / Link

BBC on Articles
BBC Formal v Informal
BBC Letter Writing
BBC Review
BBC speech writing

Other Resources:
General Advice

Paragraphs – learn how to develop topic sentences or your main points by explaining and describing
and then giving examples of what you have explained or described. Practise planning your writing so
that your ideas are linked and in the appropriate sequence.

Writing – learn discourse markers and connectives. Practise joining different kinds of sentences
together and use them to structure paragraphs and writing as a whole. Practise using rhetorical

Language – practise using tenses, punctuation and sentence construction.

Spelling – go through your English book/glossary/spelling books and practise words. Compile a list of
20-30 impressive or more unusual words which you can use in your writing.

Buy a thesaurus and dictionary to improve your spelling and to increase your vocabulary.

Reading – read a range of fiction and non-fiction texts to improve your vocabulary, sentence
construction, punctuation and imagination. Jarir Bookstore on Salwa Road has a good selection of
English fiction and non-fiction for KS3.
Newton International Academy
Secondary school
An International community of learners striving for excellence and celebrating success

Term 1

Year 9
EAL: YEAR 9 2022

Guidelines for Revision

The course has been developed for learners who want to study EAL at KS3 and KS4 .

Speaking, reading, writing, grammar and spelling is taught. Skills covered in Year 9 (and KS3) are as

 Reading for explicit and inferred meaning, extracting information by using skimming and
scanning techniques
 Reading and commenting on the structure and organisation of texts
 Reading and responding to authorial viewpoints, ideas, themes, context and language;
using quotations to support discursive writing
 Writing for a variety of purposes, improving grammar, paragraphs, sentences and word
level; improving spelling.

End of year examinations for Year 8 will include:

1. Reading examination testing students’ comprehension skills by analysing an article, locating

information, inference, deduction, vocabulary and responding in an extended way to the
viewpoints, purposes and language of writing. The ability to use and explain advantages and
disadvantages will be useful.
2. Writing examination testing the skills of writing for a particular purpose, a set audience and
a format. This term students will be writing a letter to a prospective employer.

In the first instance, teachers will conduct revision in class and set it for homework.

The school’s own ‘Doddle’ package has extensive useful resources and can be used.

Another good place to look is in your learner’s exercise book which shows topics covered in any
given teaching sequence.

Below are links to the many websites that can support our learners.

Learners with grammar and spelling weaknesses should practise on EAL websites such as:

Learners who are strong in English, need to be challenged and they should use websites such as:

Paragraphs – learn how to develop topic sentences or your main points by explaining and describing
and formal writing. Practise planning your writing so that your ideas are linked and in the
appropriate sequence.

– learn discourse markers and connectives. Practise joining different kinds of sentences together and
use them to structure paragraphs and writing as a whole. Practise using rhetorical techniques.

Language – practise using tenses, punctuation and sentence construction.

Spelling – go through your EAL book/glossary/spelling books and practise words. Compile a list of 20-
30 impressive or more unusual words which you can use in your writing.

Buy a thesaurus and dictionary to improve your spelling and to increase your vocabulary.

Writing task will be a front cover letter for a job

Students should revise and understand the following:

 Formal writing
 Paragraphs
 Grammar & Punctuation
 Structure
 Spelling
 Persuasive language.

Good luck !
Newton International Academy
Secondary school
An International community of learners striving for excellence and celebrating success

Term 1

Year 9
Year 9 Term 1 Progress Check Revision Guide for Math
Topic Objectives
Geometry  Understand and use Pythagoras Theorem to find missing sides in right-angled triangles.
 Solve practical problems using Pythagoras theorem
 Calculate the distance between two points
Geometry  Label an angle made by the points A, B and C.
 Label the sides, vertices, parallel and equal sides of a polygon using mathematical
 To be able to solve angle problems in special triangles and quadrilaterals.
 Calculate and use: the sums of the interior and exterior angles of polygons
Algebra  Change the subject of a formula
 Solve linear equations with brackets, fractions and unknowns on both sides
 Solve inequalities and represent them on a number line
Algebra  Generate and plot pairs of co-ordinates that satisfy a simple linear relationship
 Plot the graphs of linear functions
 Find the equation of a straight line in the form y=mx+c
 Use the formula for finding the gradient between two points
 Solve problems with parallel and perpendicular lines
 Be able to construct linear functions from real life situations and plot their graphs (such
as distance-time graphs).
Statistics  Calculate range, mean, median, mode from discrete data – including stem and leaf
 Calculate quartiles for discrete data
Statistics  Construct , interpret and use box plots
 To calculate outliers using the formulae ; Small outlier is < LQ – 1.5 × IQR Large outlier is
> UQ + 1.5 × IQR Or outlier is outside µ ± 3σ
 To show outliers on box plots and comment with reference to the original data
Newton International Academy
Secondary school
An International community of learners striving for excellence and celebrating success

Term 1

Year 9

Exploring Science: Working Scientifically Year 9

Topic Science Skills Textbook
9A Genetics & Biology  Environmental variation Pg. 5 – 20
Evolution  Inherited variation Notes
 Genes and extinction
 Natural selection
 Adaptations
 Effects of and on the environment
8K Energy Physics  Temperature changes Notes
Transfer  Transferring and controlling transfers
 Power and efficiency
 Paying for energy

8E Combustion Chemistry  Engines Notes

 Oxidation
 Fire safety
Newton International Academy
Secondary school
An International community of learners striving for excellence and celebrating success

Term 1

Year 9
Year 9 Geography Revision List
 What is development?


 Brandt line

 Development factors

 Human Development Index (HDI)

 Human and physical factors that

affect development

 Case study: Ghana and Malawi

 Different types of aid

 Trade

 Fair trade
Newton International Academy
Secondary school
An International community of learners striving for excellence and celebrating success

Term 1

Year 9
Year 9 History Revision List
 The long term causes of WW1: KEY WORDS:

 Militarism

 Alliances

 Imperialism

 Nationalism

 The short term causes of WW1: The

assassination of Franz Ferdinand

 Life in Trenches

 The Schlieffen Plan

 The Battle of Somme

 The Battle of Jutland

Newton International Academy
Secondary school
An International community of learners striving for excellence and celebrating success

Term 1

Year 9
Year 9 ICT Revision Guide (0417 IGCSE ICT)

What do I need to study?

You need to study Unit 1-4 for your ICT exam. The slides in the weekly presentations have
enough explanation about each concept. Read the summary that the link is given below.

Students need to be able to understand the following:

● Database
● Unit 1
● Unit 2
● Unit 3

Where to study from?

To prepare for your exams, students should return to the work carried out in the lesson
presentations and resources such as website links and video tutorials.

Check useful resources section Google Classroom:

Summarized notes for Unit 1-10 (only look at the units that will be coming up in the exam as
mentioned above 1-3).
- Look at the links below for some useful resources to help with your learning journey.

Past Papers
Click here to see past papers

Summary Notes
Click here to see Unit 1-3 summary notes
Newton International Academy
Secondary school
An International community of learners striving for excellence and celebrating success

Term 1

Year 9
French – Year9 (SET1) (MDE&FBE) Revision Guide - Term One


Learn the vocabulary words about

Module 1: Everyday life at home and at school
1A.1: La ou j’habite
1A.2 : C’est comment chez-toi ?
1A.3: Chez moi, j’ai…..
1A.4: Ma pièce préférée, c’est…..
1B.1:A dix heures j’ai maths
1B.2: Ma journée à l’école
1B.3: Mon école

Grammaire: Grammar
Les articles indéfinis: un, une et des
Les articles définis: le, la et les ; les accords des adjectifs
Les pronoms personnels et le présent des verbes réguliers (-re, -ir et –re),
être, aller, avoir et faire
Les propositions de lieu
Les verbes irréguliers au présent : les verbes –ir et –re réguliers.
Les adjectifs irréguliers
Students need to write two paragraphs in French of 120 words minimum for
each task using three tenses and complex sentences.

1- Ecris un paragraphe en français pour dire ou tu habites (ton logement,

appartement, ta chambre).
Write a paragraph in French to say where you live (your apartment, your
apartment, your room).

2- Ecris un paragraphe en français pour ton école, ton emploi du temps, ta vie
dans ton collège.
Write a paragraph in French about your school, your timetable, your life in
your school.

• Answer all the questions in an interesting way.

• Use a variety of vocabulary and structures linked to the topic– don’t
repeat words/information……………etc
• Include longer sentences or descriptions with opinions and reasons as
well as extra details using adjectives, time phrases, prepositions…
• Correct spelling, verb formation, agreement…..
French - Year 9 (SET3) (MEI) Revision Guide - Term One Examination


Learn the vocabulary words about

Module 1 ; Ma vie sociale d’ado
1- Tu es comment?: What do you look like ?
Student copybook or text book page 28.
2- Mon caractère: My personality
Student copybook or text book page 28.
3- Qu’est-ce que tu fais sur Facebook?: What do you do on Facebook?
Student copybook or text book page 28.
4- La fréquence: Frequency
Student copybook or text book page 28.
5- Ou vas-tu le weekend?: Where do you go on the weekend?
Student copybook or text book page 28.
6- Les invitations et les réactions: Invitations and reactions
Student copybook or text book page 28.
7- Qu’est-ce que tu as fait samedi?: What did you do on Saturday?
Student copybook or text book page 29.
8- Au festival de musique: At the music festival
Student copybook or text book page 29.
9- Les mots essentiels: High-frequency words
Student copybook or text book page 29.
Module 2: Bien dans sa peau
1- Les parties du corps: Parts of the body
Student copybook or text book page 50.
2- On joue au paintball: We go paintballing
Student copybook or text book page 50.
3- Le sport et le fitness: Sport and fitness
Student copybook or text book page 50.
4- Tu aimes le sport?: Do you like sport ?
Student copybook or text book page 50.
5- Les opinions: Opinions
Student copybook or text book page 50.
6- La routine: Routine
Student copybook or text book page 50.
7- Manger sain: Healthy eating
Student copybook or text book page 51.
8- Je vais changer ma vie: I am going to change my life
Student copybook or text book page 51.
9- La forme: Fitness
Student copybook or text book page 51.
10 - Les mots essentiels: High-frequency words
Student copybook or text book page 51.
Grammaire: Grammar
(Studio grammaire) Student text book page 26-27 AND page 48-49
 Adjectives
 The present tense (-er verbs, aller, avoir, etre and faire)
 The perfect tenses (with avoir and etre)
 a + definite article
 The partitive article
 Il faut
 Negatives
 The near future
 Je fais or je vais faire
Writing tasks
Students need to write two paragraphs in French of 80 words for set 3 for each task using
three tenses and complex sentences.
Task 1

 Describe yourself (physically and personality);

 Say what you do on Facebook;
 Explain what you normally do at the weekends;
 Say where you went last weekend, with who and what you did;
 Say you went to a music festival, describe it and say how it was like.
Task 2

 What you like to do generally;

 What you normally eat and drink;
 Say that you are going to change your life;
 Say what are you going to eat and drink in future in order to be fit;
 What you are going to do in the future to get fit and stay fit.
Students tips

• Answer all the questions in an interesting way.

• Use a variety of vocabulary and structures linked to the topic– don’t repeat
• Include longer sentences or descriptions with opinions and reasons as well as extra
details using adjectives, time phrases, prepositions…
• Correct spelling, verb formation, agreement…..
Newton International Academy
Secondary school
An International community of learners striving for excellence and celebrating success

Term 1

Year 9
Newton International Academy
“An International community of learners striving for excellence and
celebrating success”

Citizenship - Year 9 Revision Guide - Term One Examination

Please could you focus on the topics below:

A. Rights and Responsibilities

B. Children’s Rights
C. Human Rights
D. United Nations
E. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
F. United Nations Bodies
G. The EU Convention and Charter
H. British Law and the Human Rights Act 1998
I. Legal Rights
J. Consumer Rights
K. Political and Civil Rights
L. Direct Democracy

M. Representative Democracy

N. Sovereignty

O. Referendums

NB: Please use your books and all the lesson PowerPoints and the resources
within them that are on google classroom to help you.

I encourage wider reading, please email me if you need help finding

relevant wider reading material.

We would like to encourage to watch YouTube videos on the above topics

to enhance understanding.
Newton International Academy
Secondary school
An International community of learners striving for excellence and celebrating success

Term 1

Year 9
This exam will test your understanding of the design process. Using all the information over
the past term.

Revise topics:

Can you explain the importance of packaging?
Can you explain different key words used in packaging design?
Can you list reasons for using packaging?

Can you show your understanding of designing packaging?
Can you think creatively to design an idea to match a task given?
Can you include colour so that your work is well presented?
Can you design a range of branding items which match a given task?
Can you use notes to explain your ideas if it is not clear?
Can you include as much detail as possible in your design ideas?


The below equipment is recommended to complete the exam to the best standard possible.

 Pen
 Pencil
 Sharpener
 Eraser
 Ruler
 Compass
 Isometric set square
 Fine liner (thin black pen)
 Colouring pencils (Between 3- 12)
Newton International Academy
Secondary school
An International community of learners striving for excellence and celebrating success

Term 1

Qatar History - English

Year 9
Year 9 Qatar History- English

 Creating a Culture of Peace and Qatar’s efforts in creating

a culture of peace.
(Page 9-21)

 Dialogue among Civilizations

(Page 21-31)

 The State of Qatar’s Efforts in the Field of International

(Page 31-43)

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