User Story

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Приклад UserStory 1

As a registered User I want log in in the system so that I can provide activities
within it.


In case of authorization, the email account of potential is mandatory.


Every potential user (that is predicted) can log in to their account in the system.

Acceptance criteria

1) Notes about what the story must do in order for the product owner to accept it as

2) Given authorized User:

WHEN [input login] AND [input password] AND [press LOG IN BTN] THEN
[log in to your account]

Additional context
Приклад UserStory 2

As an Owner I want change/add/delete new user and their permissions so that

I can manage system availability.


I must have a user who needs to change rights.


Each owner can administer system availability.

Acceptance criteria

1) Owner wants to give certain permission to user:

WHEN [select the needed user] AND [press button Edit] AND [select permission]
AND [press button Update] THEN [send request to the server] AND [permission
is changed]

2) Owner wants to change certain permission to user:

WHEN [select the needed user] AND [press button Edit] AND [select permission]
AND [press button Update] THEN [send request to the server] AND [permission
is changed]

3) Owner wants to delete certain permission to user:

WHEN [select the needed user] AND [press button Edit] AND [select permission]
AND [press button Update] THEN [send request to the server] AND [permission
is changed]

4) Owner wants to create new user with permission:

WHEN [press button Create] AND [fill all fields] AND [press button Create]
THEN [send request to the server] AND [user is created]
5) Owner wants to delete user:
WHEN [select the needed user] AND [press button Delete] THEN [send request
to the server] AND [user is deleted]

Additional context
Приклад UserStory 3

As an Owner I want change user login data so that I can manage system

I must have reason to change user login data.


Each owner can administer system availability.

Acceptance criteria

1) Owner wants to change user login data:

WHEN [select the needed user] AND [press button Edit] AND [change fields
Login/Password] AND [press button Update] THEN [send request to the server]
AND [login data is updated]

Additional context
Приклад UserStory 4

As an Owner/Administrator/Operator I want create/delete a new record in

table so that I can manage system data.

I must have reason to add/delete record. E.g., new driver in company.


Each owner/administrator/operator can manage data in system.

Acceptance criteria

1) Owner/Administrator wants to create new record:

WHEN [press button Create] AND [fill all fields] AND [press button Create]
THEN [send request to the server] AND [new record in table is created]
2) Owner/Administrator wants to delete record:
WHEN [select the needed user] AND [press button Delete] THEN [send request
to the server] AND [record is deleted]

Additional context
Приклад UserStory 5

As an Owner/Administrator/Operator I want change a record in table so that I

can manage system data.


I must have reason to change record. E.g., new driver changes his/her name.


Each owner/administrator can manage data in system.

Acceptance criteria

1) Owner/Administrator wants to change record:

WHEN [select the needed user] AND [press button Edit] AND [change data in all
needed field] AND [press button Update] THEN [send request to the server] AND
[record is changed]

Additional context

Приклад UserStory 6

As each role I want log out from system.

Every user can log out from their account in the system.

Acceptance criteria

1) User wants to change record:

WHEN [press button Log out] THEN [log out from your account]

Additional context

Приклад UserStory 7

As each role I want see all passengers of flight so that I can activity within it.


Every user can see all passengers of every flight.

Acceptance criteria

1) User wants to see all passengers of flight:

WHEN [select needed flight] AND [put cursor on its id] AND [press button
Passengers] THEN [send request to server] AND [new tab with data opens]
Additional context

Приклад UserStory 8

As each role I want see autobus that serving certain flight so that I can activity
within it.


Every user can see all passengers of every flight.

Acceptance criteria

1) User wants to autobus that serving certain flight:

WHEN [select table of flight] THEN [new tab opens] AND [this information will
be in column Transport]

Additional context
Приклад UserStory 9

As each role I want find all booked tickets by person last name/full name so
that I can activity within it.


Every user can find all booked tickets by person last name/full name.

Acceptance criteria

1) User wants to find all booked tickets by person last name:

WHEN [select table of booked tickets] AND [put cursor on column Passenger in
needed record] AND [press button Find by last name] THEN [send request to
server] AND [new tab with data opens]
2) User wants to find all booked tickets by person full name:
WHEN [select table of booked tickets] AND [put cursor on column Passenger in
needed record] AND [press button Find by name] THEN [send request to server]
AND [new tab with data opens]

Additional context
Приклад UserStory 10

As each role I want see booked and free places of autobus on certain flight so
that I can activity within it.


Every user can see booked and free places of autobus on certain flight.

Acceptance criteria

1) User wants to see booked and free places of autobus on certain flight:
WHEN [select table of flight] AND [press on column Transport in needed record]
THEN [new tab opens] AND [there will be information about places in column
Number of booked places]

Additional context
Приклад UserStory 11

As each role I want see all flights and number of booked tickets by flight
status so that I can activity within it.


Every user can see all flights and number of booked tickets by flight status.

Acceptance criteria

1) User wants to see all flights and number of booked tickets by flight status:
WHEN [select table of flight] AND [press on needed flight status in the bottom of
page] THEN [new tab opens] AND [there will be information about booked
places and all flight with picked status]

Additional context
Приклад UserStory 12

As each role I want see number of booked tickets to certain route with certain
flight status so that I can activity within it.


Every user can see number of booked tickets to certain route with certain flight status.

Acceptance criteria

1) User wants to see number of booked tickets to certain route with certain flight
WHEN [select table of flight] AND [put cursor on column Route in needed flight]
AND [press button with needed flight status] THEN [new tab opens] AND [there
will be information about number booked places and all flight where these tickets
were booked]

Additional context
Приклад UserStory 13

As each role I want see general and average number of booked tickets for
certain period of time so that I can activity within it.


Every user can see general and average number of booked tickets for certain period
of time.

Acceptance criteria

1) User wants to see general and average number of booked tickets for certain period
of time:
WHEN [select table of booked places] AND [fill inputs Start day, End day] AND
[press button Search] THEN [new tab opens] AND [there will be information
about general and average number of booked tickets for certain period of time]

Additional context

Приклад UserStory 14
As an Owner/Administrator I want calc flight’s profitability for certain period
of time so that I can manage system data.


Every user can calc flight’s profitability for certain period of time.

Acceptance criteria

1) User wants to calc flight’s profitability for certain period of time:

WHEN [select table of booked profitability] AND [and press button Create] AND
[fill all needed fields] AND [press button Create] THEN [send request to server]
AND [new record in table is created] AND [it has information about number of
booked tickets and general profitability]

Additional context
Приклад UserStory 15

As each role I want see tables so that I can activity within it.


Every user can see tables.

Acceptance criteria

1) User wants to see tables:

WHEN [start page is opened] AND [press on needed table button] THEN [needed
table is opens in new tab]

Additional context
Приклад UserStory 16

As each role I want return to start page so that I can activity within it.


Every user can return to start page.

Acceptance criteria

1) User wants to return to start page:

WHEN [table page is opened] AND [press button Home] THEN [start page

Additional context

Приклад UserStory 17

As an Owner/Administrator I want see only certain information from table so

that I can manage system data.

Every user can see only certain information from table.

Acceptance criteria

1) Owner/Administrator wants to see only certain information from table:

WHEN [table page is opened] AND [select only needed information flags] THEN
[table will show only selected information]

Additional context

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