B.ing Punya Fera.

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Hi everyone!, good morning!. I’m right here to introduce myself. My full name is Putu Windy
Mas Ferayanti, you can call me Windy or Fera. Currently I live in Kartini street, number 5 Gang
V, North Denpasar, Bali. I am currently studying at SMAN 7 Denpasar, which is located on
Kamboja street. Which is to the left of the road after Polda. school usually starts at half past eight
in the morning. The gate will close in 5 minutes before the class bell rings. If there are students
who are late, sanctions will be imposed on BK. I'm Fera, I'm a class device. Where my current
position is secretary 12 ips 4. Where my job is to do data on the attendance of my friends in
class. It's not easy, but I'll just do it. If there are students who are absent without explanation,
they will be marked 'alpha'. I'm Fera, I have a boyfriend, his name is Galih. His class is next to
mine. Galih is a student of class 12 social studies 3. I'm fera, I'm sometimes insecure about
everything, especially 'beautiful'. Sometimes I look ungrateful but sometimes I also feel grateful,
because what woman doesn't envy the beauty of other women? there must be a sense of
insecurity in everyone. When the hours are empty in class I spend my time resting or lying down
in class, because I'm so tired of all my problems, hihihi.

Procedure text
a. How to make Fried Rice and Omellet
- Fried Rice
Ingredients :
• 2 cloves of Garlic.
• 2 onions cut into small pieces.
• 1 table spoon of vegetable oil.
• A plate of rice.
• Some salt.
Utensils :
• Stove
• Spatula
• Frying pan
• Table spoon
• Plate
Steps how to make it :
• First, pound garlic and 2 pinches of salt.
• Second, heat vegetable oil.
• Third, put the pounded garlic and salt, and onions into the hit vegetable oil. Fry them a
• Fourth, put one plate of rice. Fry and mix them around 3 minutes.
• Fifth, add two pinches of salt. Continue frying until the rice is hot enough.
• Finally, put the fried rice on a plate. Serve with a sunny side up.
- Omellet
Ingredients :
• Two eggs
• Onions
• Garlic
• Chilli
• Salt
• Vegetable oil
Untensils :
• Stove
• Spatula
• Frying pan
• Table spoon
• Plate
• Bowl
Steps how to make it :
• Firstly, cut into pieces the garlic, onions, and chili.
• Then, break the egg into bowl.
• The next step, put the garlics, onions, chili, and salt into the bowl.
• The next step, heat a frying pan.
• After that, pour the dough into the frying pan, wait until it looks yellowish.
• Next, lift using soatula and put in a plate.
• Finally, omellets is ready to serve.

b. How to Operate the Air Conditioner

• Take the AC remote, Go to the room where the AC is.
• Point the AC remote at the AC machine.
• Click the On button to turn on the AC.
• Click the Set button for 3 seconds or until the remote screen flashes.
• Press the TEMP button and adjust the temperature by increasing or decreasing the
• If it is appropriate, click OK.

c. How to operate the Washing Machine

• First of whites separated, so as not to fade.
• Then, put clothes in the washing machine and given some water
• Third you do not forget, pour some detergent. Because This detergent is very important in
the process of washing clothes , and for cleaning and perfuming the clothes.
• If heavy clothing then use heavy regulation
• Set the time washing clothes , the turn the as you wish time in the wash time. there is
usually a time setting, there are 5 minutes 10 minutes and other
• Washing machine itself will stop , then turn to the button so water out. if you want to
quickly dry put in drying machine so turn as you wish time in a dryer setting.
• When drying machine stop , so the process of washing clothes is completed. / so the
process is complete.

d. Ways to to Have A Good Relationship with a Friend

• Get to know each other better. When strengthening a friendship, self-disclosure is key to
making it a deep friendship. It’s that vulnerability that allows you to get to know them,
and for them to know you. Any lasting friendship with your best friend should include
some of this. It’s okay to have boundaries, but being vulnerable deepens friendships.
• Never make assumptions about your best friend. They are always growing, as are you.
And however similar the two of you are, it is important to remember that they are
different from you. Supporting those differences is as important as reveling in the things
you share. As you grow, the dynamics of the friendship may change. If you are open to
those changes, you are well on your way to making the friendship last.
• Spend quality time together. Quality time is very important for maintaining a friendship.
Whether it’s online or in person (or on the phone), it’s very important to check in with
your best friend regularly. Whether you talk about your day, your work, or your love life,
meaningful conversation on a regular basis between you two will strengthen the
• Build trust. Trust is one of the most important aspects of any relationship. Trust is built
on more than simply telling the truth. It is about being there when your friend needs you,
keeping secrets, and respecting your friend’s identity.
• Find things you both love to share. By sharing things you love, you will find new ways to
interact with each other. And you will also deepen the friendship. Shared interests are key
to lasting friendships. Sharing more important the interests is more likely to deepen the
friendship. For instance, sharing similar world views will be more important than having
the same taste in clothing or coffee.
• Support your best friend. Whether it's a community ball game in which they are
participating or a huge project at work, it's important to support your best friend in their
accomplishments, as well as in their trials. Even good things, like winning a huge award,
can be stressful. It's important to recognize that you both might not handle the situation
the same. Listening to them during a crisis can be the most important thing.

a. Offering help : memberi bantuan
One day, there was a girl who was confused to find a lost wallet, she had searched
everywhere but could not find her wallet. At a bus stop, there was a man waiting for the
bus to stop to take him to a place, he waited and soon the girl asked the man. The
conversation started.
Alexa : hello, sorry to disturb. before I want to ask, did you see my wallet that fell around
Chiko: Hello, by the way, what are the characteristics of your wallet?.
Alexa : the wallet is pink, decorated with purple flowers, in the wallet there are important
things and I have to get them.
Chiko : I don't see it, can I help you find your wallet?.
Alexa : can i?.
Chico: Why not?.
Alexa : thank you very much, by the way what's your name?.
Chiko : just call me Chiko.
Alexa: OK.

after some time they were looking for a wallet, finally Chika's wallet was found, and
together with the bus that Chiko was waiting for it arrived.

Alexa : thank you very much!, chiko!.

Chiko : no need thank you, I also don't mind that problem. ok my bus has come, I'll go
first okay.
Alexa : ok chiko, thank you very much for your help, I hope your journey goes smoothly
until you reach your destination, bye.
Chiko : bye.

b. Asking information = menanyakan informasi

One day in a Pancasila SMA school, students were reading a book in the library. a
student wants to find social knowledge books. she did not know where the location of the
book he was looking for, he finally asked a man there. the conversation started.
Aldara : excuse me, I'm Aldara from class 10 ips 4, I want to ask please.
Azka : hello Aldara, what do you want to ask?
Aldara : I have a social science lesson today, I have an assignment and I want to find a
reference book for the source of my assignment, do you know where the location of
books related to social science is?
Azka : Wow, I just read that book. You can look for it on shelf number 7, in the very
middle. well that's a collection of books on social science.
Aldara : wow thanks. Can I get to know you?
Azka : of course, i’m Azka from 10 ips 3.
Aldara : ok Azka. Nice to know you. btw thanks a lot for the information you provided
and willing to help.
Azka : of course, happy to help.
Aldara : alright. Bye, azka.
Azka : bye, Aldara.

c. Asking opinion = menanyakan pendapat

At a school event. there was a woman and a man talking. the woman was confused
because she was afraid that something was missing in her current appearance. the
conversation started.
Alleta : Hey Alister, are you ready for the show?
Alister : Of course. I'm just a little nervous. How about you, alleta?
Alleta : I still look bad today, I'm not sure about everything. what do you think is lacking
with me at the moment?
Alister : You are so perfect in terms of your appearance, alleta. so pretty.
Alleta : What else is missing, Alister? I'm still unsure about my appearance
Alister : In my opinion, there is nothing lacking in terms of appearance, maybe you need
a lot of self-confidence, alleta. you already look perfect today. Beautiful. pray more alleta
so you don't feel inferior.
Alleta : thank you for your opinion about me, alister.
Alister : you’re very welcome, alleta.

Application Letter
[ For front office ]
Putu Wndy Mas Ferayanti
Kartini No.5 Gang V, Denpasar Utara
0986 0279 6811

March 7th, 2023

Mrs. Eugina Clarissa
Human Resources Departemen
PT. Labil Girl
Insecurity street, North Denpasar
Dear Mrs. Eugina Clarissa
I am thrilled to be applying for the open Front Desk position at Mallard's Technology
Incorporated. I am a highly motivated worker with two years of experience handling secretarial
duties at Fantasy Labs, a software startup company in San Francisco. In addition, I graduated
from the University of San Francisco with a degree in Business Administration, earning a 3.5
GPA. My skills and academic experience make me the perfect fit for the role.

During my two years as a secretary, I developed many skills to assist with the rapid growth of
Fantasy Labs. I was tasked with scheduling appointments, handling weekly breakfast orders,
restocking office supplies and snacks, developing surveys, and purchasing technology for new
employees. In Q4 of 2015, I was able to save the company over $5,000 by finding another
technology vendor with a more generous warranty policy. During company 360 evaluations, I
was consistently rated in the top 95th percentile by my peers and bosses for my competence and
positive attitude at work.

Having studied your job description, I am aware that Mallard's Technology is looking for a Front
Desk operator that can handle more than the occasional visitor and phone call. Given the wide
range of my responsibilities at my previous job, I believe I have the requisite skills and abilities
to handle any tasks that you require.

I would love to have the opportunity to further explain my qualifications for the role. You can
contact me by email at nimadeanggramarina@gmail.com or by phone at 0896 0279 6811. I am
ready to make myself available at your convenience.


Putu Windy Mas Ferayanti

[ for house keeping ]

Putu Wndy Mas Ferayanti
Kartini No.5 Gang V, Denpasar Utara
0986 0279 6811

March 7th, 2023

Mr. Alaska Venuszaka
Human Resources Departemen
PT. Labil Boy
Overthinking street, North Denpasar

I’m writing to you in reference to the recent job opening for Housekeeping Manager on your
website. I’m a methodical and friendly professional with years of experience in the housekeeping
industry, and I’m excited to be applying for this position. I think that I’m a perfect match for this
position, as your job description tracks perfectly with my abilities, and the 6+ years of
experience I’ve gained in this industry.
Currently, I’m employed at The Venetian Hotel as a housekeeper, where I’ve familiarized myself
with and used all of the cleaning materials and tools. I’ve also been tasked with training,
assisting, and supervising a team of 7 staff members, where I demonstrated strong leadership and
organizational skills, along with a solid work ethic.
I’ve become expert at managing staff and delegating work effectively, and possess superb
communication skills that allow me to quickly fit into any existing team. I also previously
worked at Boston Court Yard Hotel where I learned the basics of general housekeeping duties
like dusting, polishing, vacuuming carpets, removing marks from walls, cleaning furnishings,
straightening desk items and performing other floor care duties.
Right now I’m interested in elevating my professional prospects by working for a company like
yours that values hard work, effort and loyalty in a management role. I’ve attached my resume
for your review and would very much welcome a personal meeting with you to discuss your
needs, and my ability to meet them.


Putu Windy Mas Ferayanti

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