The Family Physician As An Educator and Counselor - Understanding Family Dynamics, Family Assessment Tools and Level of Interventions

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9/15/21, 10:06 PM The Family Physician as an Educator and Counselor: Understanding Family Dynamics, Family Assessment Tools and

s and Level…

The Family Physician as an Educator and

Counselor: Understanding Family
Dynamics, Family Assessment Tools and
Level of Interventions
Total points 12/15

INSTRUCTIONS: This is a 15-item practice quiz. Choose the BEST answer.

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Name [Surname, First Name, MI] *

9/15/21, 10:06 PM The Family Physician as an Educator and Counselor: Understanding Family Dynamics, Family Assessment Tools and Level…

For the next 4 questions, refer to this scenario. Ethan Del Rosario is a 26- 1/1
year-old male, single, bartender, the eldest brother in the brood of three.
Edward, his younger brother, works in a local restaurant. Their mother
passed away ten years ago, and their father, Mario had been bedridden
since he had a stroke 4 years ago. The youngest sibling, Eric, lives in the
Philippines with their paternal grandparents. Ethan, Edward and Mario
had been living in Hongkong for the past 15 years. Four years ago, Ethan
used to work in a theme park, together with his father and brother. He
took care of most of the household finances. However, he decided to
follow his girlfriend to the United States, leaving both Mario and his
Edward behind. When Mario had a stroke, Edward had to take care of
both the family’s finances in addition to being the primary caregiver. This
is a description of the family system according to which of the following?


Transactional patterns



When Ethan returned to Hongkong, he met Joy and realized that he 0/1
needed to take control of his life. They eventually entered a relationship
and part of their routine would be to take Mario on visits to the park
every Saturdays. Joy would also join Ethan, Edward and Mario for lunch
on Sundays. This is an example of which of the following family systems
element? *


Homeostasis… 2/8
9/15/21, 10:06 PM The Family Physician as an Educator and Counselor: Understanding Family Dynamics, Family Assessment Tools and Level…



When Ethan married Joy. He was told that in her home, they are 1/1
expected to stop whatever they’re doing and say the Angelus at 6:00 in
the evening. Joy also told him that first Sundays of the month are
reserved for family brunches. These practices refer to which of the
following? *

Established boundaries

Covert rules

Overt rules

Rigid rules

Power structures in the family are important in medical interventions 0/1

because they influence the course of treatment. To determine who the
decision-maker of the family is, you can ask family members circular
questions such as: *

“Who in your family disagrees with you the most?”

“When someone gets sick, whom do you turn to for help?”

“Who are you closer to, your dad or your mom?”

“Where will you get money to buy medicines for 6 months?”… 3/8
9/15/21, 10:06 PM The Family Physician as an Educator and Counselor: Understanding Family Dynamics, Family Assessment Tools and Level…

For the next 7 items. Refer to this Genogram. What stage of the family 1/1
life cycle is Marco and Emerald in? *

Newly married couple

Family with young children

Family in later years

Launching family

Critical tasks during this stage include____________. * 1/1

Renewing marriage commitment

Adjusting to career demands… 4/8
9/15/21, 10:06 PM The Family Physician as an Educator and Counselor: Understanding Family Dynamics, Family Assessment Tools and Level…
j g

Renegotiating relationships

Balancing separateness and togetherness

Which of the following emotional processes of transition is encountered 1/1

by the Marco and Emerald’s family during this time? *

Accepting parent offspring separation

Realignment of relationships with extended family

Accepting a multitude of entries and exits into the family system

Commitment to the new system

Which of the following is the structure of this family? * 1/1


Bilaterally extended

Unilaterally extended


The family APGAR was taken with the following scores: Ana = 8, Emerald 1/1
= 8, Jewel = 9. Jewel perceives her family to be ____________. *

Highly functional

Moderately dysfunctional

Severely dysfunctional

Functional… 5/8
9/15/21, 10:06 PM The Family Physician as an Educator and Counselor: Understanding Family Dynamics, Family Assessment Tools and Level…

When Ana was rushed to the emergency room and eventually 1/1
hospitalized for Hypertensive urgency, the family had to mobilize its
members to cope with her financial expenditures. What stage in the
illness trajectory is this? *

Onset of illness

Impact phase

Major therapeutic efforts

Early adjustment to outcome

The responsibilities of the physician at this stage of the illness trajectory 1/1
include which of the following? *

Facilitate healthy response or acceptance of diagnosis

Deal with immediate effects of trauma

Explore several aspects of pre-diagnostic phase

Coordinate all aspects of therapy.

Which of the following is an example of a Level 1 Family Intervention? * 1/1

Interventions limited to medico-legal consent issues

Structural family therapy

Family CEA… 6/8
9/15/21, 10:06 PM The Family Physician as an Educator and Counselor: Understanding Family Dynamics, Family Assessment Tools and Level…

Intentional marital counselling

Which of the following statements are true about the Family Life Cycle? * 1/1

The renegotiation of the marital system as a dyad takes place in the stage of the
family in later life/years.

A second order change is a change in the degree of an existing skill.

In the stage of the family with adolescents, midlife changes are issues.

In the stage of the family in later years, a critical second order change is the
development of adult to adult relationships between grown children and their parent.

When education is considered a pathology in the SCREEM, it is usually 0/1

based on the assessment that: *

There is poor communication within the family

There is inability to comprehend the nature of illness and its treatment

There is inability to identify and utilize available health resources in the community

Poor treatment compliance is due to adherence of health beliefs

Which of the following best describes first order changes in the family 1/1
life cycle? *

It involves changes in the main structure of the family.

It involves change in an individual’s identity and self-image

It is a “need to be” something new.… 7/8
9/15/21, 10:06 PM The Family Physician as an Educator and Counselor: Understanding Family Dynamics, Family Assessment Tools and Level…

It involves increments of mastery and adaptation.

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Forms… 8/8

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