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LESSON 1: Fundamentals of Fluid Flow

Tuesday, 15 August 2023 12:54 pm

Fundamentals of fluid flow
Fluid flow equation

Fundamentals of fluid flow

Fluids- are substances capable of flowing which easily move and change their relative position
without a separation of the mass: Compressible and Incompressible

Steady vs. Unsteady Flow

Steady flow occurs when the velocity, pressure, density and volume do not change with
time at a certain point. Unsteady flow occurs when the velocity, pressure, density and volume
vary with time.

Uniform vs. Non-uniform Flow

Uniform flow is a flow when the mean velocity is the same at every section in a reach.
Non-uniform flow exists when the mean velocity varies at every section in a reach.

Rotational vs. Irrotational Flow

Rotational Flow exists when the fluid particles in motion rotates about its axis while
irrotational flow does not rotate on its axis.
Fluid flow equation

A. Continuity Equation
It is derived from the principle of conservation of mass which stated: “the mass of fluid
passing any section per unit time is constant”
For compressible:
𝜌1A1v1 =𝜌2A2v2

For Incompressible: (𝜌1 =𝜌2)

A 1v 1 = A 2v 2 = Q
Av = Q = constant

Sample Problems
1. Compute the discharge of water through a 3-in pipe if the mean velocity is 8.5 ft/sec.
2. A pipeline consists of successive diameters of 15-in., 12-in., and 10-in. Pipe. With a
continuous flow through the line of 9 cfs of water compute the mean velocity in each
size of pipe.
3. A circular stack has a diameter of 16 m at its base and converges uniformly to a
diameter of 12 m at a height of 40 m. Coal gas, having a specific weight of 4 N/m3,
enters the stack at the bottom. Its specific weight increases uniformly until at the top
where it has a value of 6 N/m3. Calculate the velocity in m/s and the discharge in m3/s
for every 10 m up the stack if the velocity at the bottom is 4.6 m/s.

B. Energy Equation
- Energy is defined as the ability to do work. The law of conservation of energy is used to
understand the characteristics of fluid at rest or in motion.

1. Kinetic Energy
- is the energy possessed by a mass by virtue of its motion or velocity.

2. Potential Energy
i. Elevation Energy
- is the energy possessed by the fluid by virtue of its position or elevation with respect to
a datum plane.

ii. Pressure Energy

- It is the energy possessed by a mass by virtue of the pressure maintained within the

Total Energy, E
The law of conservation of energy states that “considering no losses, the energy
possessed by a mass of fluid is the same at any section”
E = Kinetic Energy + Potential Energies

Power is defined as the rate of doing work. The dimension of power in SI units is newton-
meter per second (N-m/s) or joule per second (J/s) or simply watt (W). Power can be
solved by
P = QγE
Q – Rate of flow (m3/s, ft3/s)
γ – Unit weight of the fluid flow (N/m3, lb/ft3)
E – Total head (m,ft)

1 Horsepower = 746 Watts = 550 ft-lb/sec

1 Watt = 1 Joule/sec = 1 N-m/sec

Sample Problems
A liquid of specific gravity 1.75 flows in a 6 cm pipe. The total energy at a point in the
flowing liquid is 80 J/N. The elevation of the pipe above a fixed datum is 2.60 m and the
pressure in the pipe is 75 kPa. Determine the velocity of flow and the power available at
that point. s

Bernoulli’s theorem proved that any fluid motion where friction is neglected, the total
energy possessed by a given mass of the fluid is the same at every point along the path of
flow. This theorem is accordance in the law of conservation of energy which explains that if
there is one loss of energy in any of the form of energy (kinetic, potential, pressure
energies) there must be a corresponding gain of energy in the other two forms.

For frictionless flow:

Flow considering friction:

p = Pressure, N/m2, lb/ft2
𝛾 = Unit Weight, N/m3, lbs/ft3
z = elevation, m, ft
v = Mean Velocity of Flow, m2/s, ft2/s
g = Gravitational acceleration, m2/s, ft2/s
HG = Head gain (such as from pump-HA), m, ft
HL = Combined head losses (friction, medium properties), m, ft

Sample Problems
1. The inclined pipe in the figure below is of uniform diameter. The pressure at A is 20 psi
and at B, 30 psi. In which direction is the flow, and what is the friction loss of the liquid,
if the liquid has specific weight 100 lb/ft3?

2. A pump draws water from reservoir A and lifts it to reservoir B. The loss of head from
A to section 1 is 3 times the velocity head in the 15 cm pipe and the loss of head from
section 2 to B is 20 times the velocity head in the 10 cm pipe. Compute the power
input of the pump assuming it operates at 80 percent efficiency. The discharge in the
system is 15 L/s.
C. Momentum Equation
The momentum equation is a statement of Newton’s Second Law and relates the sum of
the forces acting on an element of fluid to its acceleration or rate of change of momentum.

Sample Problem
A jet of a horizontal nozzle strikes a vertical plate with a force equal to 7000 N. If the
discharge flowing at the nozzle is 0.12 m3/s. Compute the diameter of the jet.

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