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VB COMMON QUARTERLY EXAM-2022 Standard X Time: 3.00 hrs SOCIAL SCIENCE Marks : 100 PART -1 Answer all the questions. Choose the correct Answer. 14x 1=14 Who said imperialism is the highest stage of Capitalism. a) Lenin b) Marx c) Sun - yat- sen d) Mao Tsetung Which part of the world disliked Doller Imperialism a) Europe b) Latin America c) India d) China Where did the US drop its first atomic bomb a) Kavashaki b) Innoshima c) Hiroshima d) Nagasagi When was warsa paet dissolved? a) 1979 b) 1989 c) 1990 d) 1991 5. Choose the correct Statement (i) Rajaram mohan Ray preached monotheism (ii) He encouraged idolatory (iii) He published tracts condemning social evils. (iv) He was supported by Governor Geneal william Bentinck en * a) (i) is correct b) (i) and (ii) are correct c) (i) (ii) (il) are correct ) (i) (ili) and (iv) are correct 6. plains are formed by the older Alluviums a) Bhabar b)Tarai~ c) Bhangar d) Khadar 7. Seshachalam hills, a Biosphere reserve is situatedin a) Tamil nadu b)Andhra pradesh —_c) Madhya pradesh d) Karnataka 8. Black soils are also called as a) Arid soil b) Saline soil c) Regur soil d) Mountain soil 9. The anthracite caal has. @) 80 to 95% carbon b) Above 70% carbon c)60to70% carbon —d) Below 50% carbon 10. The transport useful in the in accessable area is a) Roadways b) Railways. c) Airways d) waterways 11, Find the odd one out a) Right to equality b) Right against exploitation ¢) Right to property ) Cultural and Educational Right 12. Which of the following states have a common high court? a) Tamilnadu and Andhrapradesh | b) kerala and Telangana c) Punjab and Haryana d) maharashtra and Gujarat ~ 13. Indian Economy is a) Developing economy b) Emerging economy c) Duel economy - d)All the above 14. GATT’s first round ret 3 a) Te jruguay ¢) Torquay ee PART - I Answer any Ten questions. Question No. 28 is Compulsory 15. Whatdo you know of Trench warfare? ~ 16. Define “Dollar imperialism” ~ 17. Name the Bretton woods Twins. 18. Write a note on Third world Countries.~ 19. 21 22 24. 25 27. 28. 29. 30. 3 33. 35, . Critically examine the powers and functions of parliament. 37. 38, 39, 40, 41. 42, 43. (2) X SOCIAL SCIENCE Write note on reforms of Ramalinga Adigal Name the neighboring countries of India. What is meant by Normal Lapse Rate? - Name the types of soll found in India. - Defind resource and state its types. - What are the classical languages in india. — Write a note on Money Bill, — Define the value added approach with example. What is globalisation? Define 'Sex Ratio’ PART - Ili Answer any 10 Questions . 10x5=50 Question No. 42 is Compulsory. Fill in the blanks. {i) One paisa Tamilan was started by (ii) The soil which is rich in iron oxide Is bi (iii) Fanks first in the country with a literacy rate of 93.9% "- (iv) is the EX - officio chair person of the Rajya sabha. (v) The term globalisation invented by Discuss the main causes of the first world war Analyse the effects of world war II Distinguish between (i) Weather and climate, _ (ii) Rabi and kharif crop season Give reason Agriculture is the backbone of India, Explain the divisions of Northern mountains and its importance to India. What is multi purpose projects and write about any two multi purpose projects of India. Explain the salient features of constitution of India What are the powers and functions of the Chief Minister. 2 What are the methods of calculating Gross Domestic product? Explain. Elucidate why the Green Revolution was born, Write the challenges of globalisation. Draw the Time Line for the following. 1920 - 1940 any Five important events. Mark the following places on the world map. 1) Great Britain 2) Italy 3) Morocco 4) Germany 5) Hawat Island. PART - IV Answer the following Questions. 2x8=16 a) (i) Estimate the work done by the League of Nations (ii) Trace the Circumstances that led to the rise of Hitler in Germany : [Or] é b) Write an essay on the role played by the 19th century reformers towards the cause of women. . Mark the following on the outline map of India *) pair knot a).1) Palk straight 2) Ganga 3) western Ghats —_4) Alluvial soil 6) Direction of south - west monsoon _7)/Paddy growing area 8) Chotta Nagpur plateau. [01] b) 1)AravalliRange 2)AreaofHeavy rainfall 3) Tea growing area 5) Mount Everest 6) Densely populated state 7) Andaman 8) Gulf of khambhat : ates G

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