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M 9) QUARTERLY EXAMINATION - 2022 Standard - X oa to EE U= SOCIAL SCIENCE Marks: #9 PART - I (Marks : 14) Note; 1) Answerall the 14 questions. Il) Choose the most suitable answer fom the given four -alternatives and write the option code with the corresponding answer: 14x1=14 + What is the Battle of Marne remembered for? a) air warfare. b) trench warfare c} submarine warfare d) Ship warfare 2. With whom of the following was the Lateran Treaty signed by Italy? a)Germany —_b) Russia c) Pope ¢) Spain 3. Who were mainly persented by Hitler? a) Russians b) Arabs c) Turks d) Jews 4. When was the Warsaw Port dissolved? a) 1979 b)1989 ¢) 1990 d) 1991 5. Choose the correct statement: i} Raja Rammohan Roy Preached monotheism. li) He encouraged idalatry. iii) He published trats condemning social evils. iv) Raja Ram Mahan Roy was supported by Governor General Willaim Bentinck. a) i) is correet b) i) and ii} are correct ¢) 1), ti), fii) are correct d) i),it) and iv) are correct 6. A landmass bounded by sea on three sides Is referred to as a) Coast byIstand 43 Peninsula a) Strait 7. is a line Joinining the places of equal rainfall a) Isohytes b) Isobar c) Isotherm 6) latitudes, ~._8. The Most abundant source of energy is ; a)Biomass b) Sun ¢) Coal 4) Oi 9. The scientific study of different aspects of Population is called a) Cartography b) Demography —c) Anthropology —_d) Epigraphy 10. Find the odd oné out. a) Right to Equality b) Right aganist Exploitation ¥ ¢) Right to Property 4) Cultural and Educational Rights 11, The chief Justice and other Judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by e a) The President b) The Attorney General ¢) The Governor d) The Prime Minister 12. Which one of the following states does not possess a bicameral tegislature? @) Andhra pradesh b) Telangana c) Tamil nadu d) Uttar Pradesh 13. Primary Sector consist of a) Agriculture b) Automobiles —_c) Trade. d) Banking 14. GATT's first round held in os a) ‘Tokyo b) Uruguay ¢) Torquay d) Geneva e . PART - IE (Marks : 20) Answer any 10 questlons, Question No.28 is compulsory. 10x2=20 tg, 15. How do you assess the importance of sino - japandse War?. «+! 16. Define “Dollar Imperialism"? 17. Who were the three prominent dictators of the Post World War 1? 18. What was Marshall Plan? ——s . 2 X “SOCIAL SCIENCE 49, Ligt the soeial evils ereadicated by Brahmo samaj. 20. Name the neighbouring countries of India. « What is burst of Monsoon? 22, Name the seasons of agriculture In India? 23. Name the different types of coal with their carbon content. 24. Write a noteon pipeline network transport in India, 25. List out the three heads of the relations between the Centre and the states. “t 26, Write short note on Multinational corporation, . 27. What are the basic three components of food and nutrition security? 28. Write short note Money Bill. PART - IIT ( Marks; 50) Answer any 10quesitons. Question No.42 Is compulsory. 29. Fill in the blanks: i) was known as the “Father of Modern China”. ii) Oru Paisa Tamilan was started by.__ iii) ___ is the oldest fold mountain range in India. iv) is the Guardian of the Constitution. v) In the year. National Food Security Act was passed by the Indian Parliament, -€ Estimate the work done by the League of Nations. 2. 10x5=50 . Analyse the effects of the World War IT. . Evaluate the Contributions of Ramakrishna Parahmachamsa and Swami Vivekananda regenerate Indian soclety. 33. What is Multipurpose projects and write aboutany two Multipurpose projects of __— India. \ . 34. Distinguish between i) Weather and Climate ii) Agro based industry and mineral based industry. ili) Give Reason ; Mountains are Cooler than the plains. 35. Write about the distribution of cotton textile industries in India. 36. What is Urbanization?Explin its problem. A +-37,Explain the sailent features of the constitution of India. soe 38, What are the powers and functions of the Chief Minsiter?. —\, ¢ 39. Write about the Compostion of GDP in India. oe 40. Elucidate why the Green Revolutionwas born, ’ 1. Draw a time line for the following: “ Writeany five important events in world history between 1920- 1940. 6.42. Mark the following places on the World map: ~ i) Great Britain — ii) Italy iii) Japan Wv) India v)Turkey PART - IV (Marks : 16) Answer both questions. = 43. Discuss the main causes of the First world War. (OR) Trace the Circumstances that led to the rise of Hitler in Germany. F 44, Mark the following Places on the given Outline map of India: os i) Aravalli ranges di) Ganga iii) Malwa iv) Areas of heavy rainfall @ v) Paddy growing area : » Alluvial soil 7 vil) Iron ore production centres ii) Vishakapatnam (OR) Mark the following places on the given outline map of India: § i) Western ghats ii) Kaveri ill) Deccan lv) Thar desert ? vit) Mumbai high wa a -. v) Tea growing Area vi) Black soil vill) Railway route between chennal to Delhi.

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